Why Are Certain Female Marketed Franchises So Disliked?

I distinctly remember reading about a thread in some obscure sonic forum where some guy or gal wanted to taste Sonic's sperm or something... *shudder*
Let's assume for a minute (and this isn't the biggest leap I'll ever take) that there's a big bunch of people who don't like Twilight movies, as many of you don't. There's also a big bunch of people who don't like the staggeringly successful Rush Hour trilogy. But look at how the tone of the comments both franchises attract differs. You get vilified for liking one, and nobody seems to mind either way if you like the other.

Also, the fact that the actual quality of the franchise/band/whatever doesn't seem to matter. One Direction is by almost any measure not even close to being Justin Bieber, but the hate still exists, at least to some extent, for One Direction.
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Also, the fact that the actual quality of the franchise/band/whatever doesn't seem to matter. One Direction is by almost any measure not even close to being Justin Bieber, but the hate still exists, at least to some extent, for One Direction.
I cant seem to recall if its real but I do seem to remember that the guy who brought them together(the producer or something) said that One Direction was essentially a carbon copy boy band designed to do one thing and one thing only.

Make Money.

If it manages to launch their solo careers when they inevitably break up? All the better
I think the reason for this is that most of the target demographic of thing like Beiber and Twilight don't move in the same internet circles as the haters. It's easy to call out the issues of Twilight when you don't need to worry about someone defending them. The lack of defence means their opinion will be supported and it make the person seem right. So someone else does it to get the same support. It's a cycle. It's why MLP seems to be more liked. People will defend it and it dilutes the hate.
I honestly think a better question would be why male oriented media of the same quality (shit) and popularity (Bubonic Plague in the 14th century) isn't so reviled. Hell, what is there that fulfills those criteria?
Call of Duty isn't anywhere close to the level of cultural entwinement as Twilight or Bieber, and it definitely has a general negative image in pop culture as "bad."

I'd argue that MW and MW2 were actually solid games and massively changed the genre though, even if the storylines were out Clancying Clancy. A lot of the hate for Twilight and Bieber or One Direction comes from the fact that they're just retreads of garbage we already went through, be it boy bands, purity fiction, or generic pretty boy singers. There's a lot of "we enjoyed this as kids and now see it as stupid, therefore you kids shouldn't enjoy it."
I can't recall a good sonic the hedgehog fanwork in the past five years that isn't porn of some sort.
Could that mostly be due to waning interest in general? I've no idea how popular the character or any Sonic specific fandom conventions are, but Google Search Trends show a dip in interest. Sonic hasn't had a good game, the main driver of interest in him, for awhile. An entire generation of children likely doesn't know about him too well. I've heard Sonic Colors was good but I haven't played it and I don't know how well it did critically or commercially, or if the game was enough to reinvigorate the franchise.
There is a Sonic Comic Book series I see occasionally at a local comic store written by Archie Comics. It seems decently written from the issues I've seen but I don't think that it is enough to support, maintain, or cause interest in a large and wide fandom.

Fandoms and franchises come and go, maybe Sonic will be reinvigorated by some spin off, maybe the franchise will fade further, or maybe it'll maintain the current status.

The video seems badly made to me, but it doesn't seem repulsive and there are plenty of fan works made by enthusiastic but less talented fans that are seen online. Sturgeon's Law.

That video seems a bit amusing but it seems to instead be a parody of Sonic instead of supporting it. Especially since it seems to poke fun at the Shadow the Hedgehog game and 'edgy and badass anti-hero' concept that came with the character. While it did amuse me, it might be insulting to certain hardcore and dedicated fans of the franchise.


That is all.
Never heard of this one. Searching claims it is an OC creation of a troll victim who published a fanfiction work, with the work itself seen as trolling. The summary of the comic appears to be heavy escapism and wish fulfillment wishing violence onto people as well as performing sexual acts. Is this really representative of Sonic fans?

Go to DeviantArt. Type in "(your name) the hedgehog." See what happens.

Is this where the 'Sanic Original Character Doughnut Donut Steel' comes from? What's so bad about lots of OCs or Self Insert doodles?

I cant seem to recall if its real but I do seem to remember that the guy who brought them together(the producer or something) said that One Direction was essentially a carbon copy boy band designed to do one thing and one thing only.

Make Money.

If it manages to launch their solo careers when they inevitably break up? All the better
To be fair, Make enough money to live comfortably is the goal of most people in life.
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Sonic fandom is terrible. You know why MLP fandom is disliked? Sonic fandom is like that, but way, way worse.
It's mostly I remember there being strong bad feelings around the Internet that KyoAni was working on that rather than <some series that targets MY demographic, and that KyoAni has always traditionally targetted>.

Just a general "keep making what I want you to make damn it" kind of thing. Some people would not shut up about it for weeks.

There was a vocal population of male anime fans that were angry because they saw free! as being made for women, and that therefore their hobby was going to be ruined forever by women and things made with women in mind.

It was incredibly pathetic.

Though, really, anything that is seen as for women gets derided and demeaned. Stereotypical female pursuits and interests are always mocked and belittled as nothing of substance, and will ruin "good manly things." And then those guys get defensive, shockingly so in some cases, and aim their ire at female fans as the source of their perceived woes.

Half of it is shoring up masculinity, and the other half is old boys club "this is mine, your cooties will ruin it and make it no longer only mine."
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There was a vocal population of male anime fans that were angry because they saw free! as being made for women, and that therefore their hobby was going to be ruined forever by women and things made with women in mind.

It was incredibly pathetic.
Normally I'd hope they'd be neutered so they couldn't ruin the human race, but no way they're getting laid.
Normally I'd hope they'd be neutered so they couldn't ruin the human race, but no way they're getting laid.
We should probably avoid remarks like that might be seen as directly attacking.
You can complain about perceived problems with fandom with reasons or if you give explanations, but please try not to make any attacks and stay calm, even if you think they deserve it.
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There was a vocal population of male anime fans that were angry because they saw free! as being made for women, and that therefore their hobby was going to be ruined forever by women and things made with women in mind.

It was incredibly pathetic.

Doesn't make any sense, because there has always been anime made for women, which they can't possibly have been ignorant of if they're real anime fans. What's different about Free! ? (I'm honestly curious, since I somehow missed this whole 'controversy' when it happened).
I think the reason for this is that most of the target demographic of thing like Beiber and Twilight don't move in the same internet circles as the haters. It's easy to call out the issues of Twilight when you don't need to worry about someone defending them. The lack of defence means their opinion will be supported and it make the person seem right. So someone else does it to get the same support. It's a cycle. It's why MLP seems to be more liked. People will defend it and it dilutes the hate.

This may surprise you, but the internet is not the whole of the world. I honestly think I've seen more mockery of Twilight offline than on. Granted, most of it comes from my wife. :D
Doesn't make any sense, because there has always been anime made for women, which they can't possibly have been ignorant of if they're real anime fans. What's different about Free! ? (I'm honestly curious, since I somehow missed this whole 'controversy' when it happened).

It has hot dudes that are drawn to be hot to look at by people who are attracted to hot dudes rather than necessarily male power fantasies.

Also, these people are fairly, well, insular and disregard things that don't fit their view. They lash out at new things they perceive as threats to their space while disregarding how things have always been in the first place. It's like male gamers who think women haven't been a big part of the hobby just as long as they have.

People were mad. There were a few tumblrs that just collected mad posts from various sites. :p
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I can't recall a good sonic the hedgehog fanwork in the past five years that isn't porn of some sort.

Oh, it's really not hard to find good, not-sexual stuff. It's a big fandom after all. (Here, here's a gallery of an artist who likes Tikal. Just Tikal and occasionally other characters, drawn well)

And Exterminatus Now isn't porn.... though it does happen to currently be on the strip that least-supports my thesis.

That said, yes, there is a lot of Sonic porn.

Could that mostly be due to waning interest in general? I've no idea how popular the character or any Sonic specific fandom conventions are, but Google Search Trends show a dip in interest.

I think a lot of it is timing.

The first game was in '91, and SonicSatAM which really helped the US fandom grow was in '93-95.

Meaning, most of the original fans are adults, and so are a good number of later generation fans.

This also coincides with both the rise of the internet and furry fandom. It was popular when people were really moving to the internet, so that makes it a relatively early fandom, and it's lasting popularity has meant it's a long-lasting fandom. When furry fandom was getting it's start, it was one of the few series where almost all the characters were anthros.

Throw in that it's got a fairly simple style so it's darned easy to make a reasonable looking OC, and lots of people do so, hence the ubiquity of 'Original Character Donut Steel'. A lot of people made characters, and really there's nothing wrong with that, it's fun and it's art practice. But as it's one of the early fandoms, in a world that has a setting where new characters can be added, and thus it's one of the big original character generators of the net, so the problems associated with OCs were sometimes identified in Sonic fandom first (Super-edgy or super powerful character? Yet-another member of a species or group that's very rare in canon? Someone really protective of their OC idea even though it's similar to a hundred others? That sort of thing).
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I honestly dont care about one direction one way or the other.

Bieber well you can advoid bieber its not like when I was a kid you can ignore artists you dont want to hear. Its not like god damned nickle back where their songs are god damned every where and you cant advoid the maddness.


The movies showed that you can have great actors, great cinamatography excellent music but if the writting sucks it sucks.
Beyound the sparkle thing the movie had the wrong people as protaganists.

The head vampire is a vampire doctor who spends eternity healing the sick and has started a succesful coven of vegitarian vampires dispite his urge to eat people. Thats a great story I want to hear about that. In stead we hear about his loser 100 year old virgin son being conned by a psycopath.
I do feel boybands get an awful lot of flak. Lyrics wise, there tends to be nothing particularly bad about their light poppy stuff. Less so than a number of other romance songs out there.

And in the retro show thing, girls shows like G1 MLP tend to get discounted... even though the plots tend to be a fair bit more sane than, say, Transformers.
My two cents:

Twilight and associated fandoms get a lot of hate for a lot of very good reasons, and a lot of hate for bad reasons.

It Is NOT a literary masterpiece, so this is expected. I don't think it has much to do with sexism, or too much to do with the fact that the books are aimed at girls.

its just bad literature. I suspect that more of the hate is caused by people who can't accept other people liking terrible books. Gender feels irrelevant in that case.
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It has hot dudes that are drawn to be hot to look at by people who are attracted to hot dudes rather than necessarily male power fantasies.

Also, these people are fairly, well, insular and disregard things that don't fit their view. They lash out at new things they perceive as threats to their space while disregarding how things have always been in the first place. It's like male gamers who think women haven't been a big part of the hobby just as long as they have.

People were mad. There were a few tumblrs that just collected mad posts from various sites. :p
No... that is in fact a power fantasy, the dude is powerful, the dude is buff, strong, muscular....wet...hot...dri-:oops:I'll be in my bunk.
Nerds don't like it when they stare into the abyss and realize that escapist fantasy written for teenage girls isn't all that fundamentally different than escapism written for guys.

Bella Swan is one end of the spectrum and Kvothe is on the other. But aside from Rothfuss being a better writer the fantasy isn't all that more mature one way or the other.
It's like how people are 'oh no not gay fanfiction' but nobody cares about lesbian fanfiction.
... I don't really think there actually are that many lesbian fanfics compared to the shear volume of male homosexual fics out there, but that is likely to be more the result of a lack of other female characters to pair them with than it actually being less likely to be made.