What Fresh Hell (Naruto SI)

Plan Lightning Again
[X]Attribute Development - Agility
[X]Chakra Control
[X]Nature Manipulation - Lightning
[X] Nature Manipulation - Lightning
We should have 500 for this month, enough to set us up for two weeks worth of high energy food. We should buy those and stack the bonuses for strength and stamina for those two weeks and focus on Chakra Control and Lightning manipulation of the other ones. We should be getting a chance to learn how to use chakra at some point, we should stack CC then.
I think we should take advantage of the weights. 500 for high energy foods and strength and stamina boost.

EDIT: Should work on our taijutsu too. Changing my vote around.

Plan Grounded
[X] Goal: Try to increase your social influence and get an in with the kids. Also attempt to discreetly gain information on their various clans, with AKiyama, Yamaguchi and Wakahisa having greater priority.
[X]Attribute Development - Strength
[X]Attribute Development - Stamina
-[X]Buy high energy food for first two weeks
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I think we should take advantage of the weights. 500 for high energy foods and strength and stamina boost.

EDIT: Should work on our taijutsu too.
Plan Grounded
[X] Goal: Try to increase your social influence and get an in with the kids. Also attempt to discreetly gain information on their various clans, with AKiyama, Yamaguchi and Wakahisa having greater priority.
[X]Attribute Development - Strength
[X]Attribute Development - Stamina
-[X]Buy high energy food for first two weeks


Plan Not-so Grounded
[X]Attribute Development - Strength
[X]Attribute Development - Stamina
[X]Chakra Control
[X]Nature Manipulation - Lightning
-[X]Buy high energy food for first two weeks
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Switched to plan grounded.

I think we should find out about the notable clans :Akiyama, Yamaguchi, and Wakahisa.
After that we should look up the Tsukino clan ,Mizushima clan, two Koziumi kids, the Hisakawa, the Fukui, the Oshiro, the Tachibana, the Mori and the Moto.

Using the goals option.
[X] Plan Grounded

I think our focus should be on Taijutsu and the Lightning element. Chakra control must be near-perfect before we touch iryojutsu.
[X] Plan Grounded

Wouldn't they have info on clans in the library?

I guess? Not sure how GM handles trainee access to the library. I suppose we'd get very general info tough.

Would you vote for something like this?

[ ] Go to the library and find out about the various clans you came across in class.

EDIT: I think GM will see its implied. Going with quest's vote.
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Library access as an academy student is pretty minimal, a few textbooks general to the point of uselessness, some material for teaching primary/secondary school stuff you already know, and some propaganda heavy history books.

If you want any detail on clans that's something you'd really have to investigate with a free time action. You can gather what you can during your time at academy, but it'll be pretty bare bones and sketchy. You're still welcome to come up with details for the kids/clans if you like.
Library access as an academy student is pretty minimal, a few textbooks general to the point of uselessness, some material for teaching primary/secondary school stuff you already know, and some propaganda heavy history books.

If you want any detail on clans that's something you'd really have to investigate with a free time action. You can gather what you can during your time at academy, but it'll be pretty bare bones and sketchy. You're still welcome to come up with details for the kids/clans if you like.

Thanks for the heads up.
I guess we'll just make due with the bare-bones stuff this turn.

Objections anybody?
Votes locked.
deadcrystal threw 7 40-faced dice. Reason: Academy - Taijutsu Total: 93
4 4 4 4 31 31 16 16 6 6 31 31 1 1
deadcrystal threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: Strength Total: 52
2 2 10 10 6 6 10 10 6 6 9 9 9 9
deadcrystal threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: Stamina Total: 21
6 6 8 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1
deadcrystal threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: Taijutsu - Week 3 Total: 55
7 7 10 10 9 9 4 4 9 9 10 10 6 6
deadcrystal threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: Taijutsu - Week 4 Total: 44
5 5 10 10 4 4 9 9 3 3 5 5 8 8
Update 12: I guess punching is an essential skill
The month is spent in hard training, so to speak. They're trying to make absolutely certain the basics are imprinted on you all. The Cloud taijutsu style seems to be an aggressive hard style, in as much as you can judge. It unsurprisingly has a focus on speed and seems to be based on the principle of overwhelming with force. The instructors explain that whilst heavy strikes certainly take more energy and carry more risk than a defensive style, you ultimately save on both by aiming to end a conflict as soon as possible. For all of you they're mainly focused on correcting stances and balance, and adjusting the angle of strikes. Some of the clan kids have quite obviously different styles but the instructors seem satisfied with what they're seeing at least, rather than trying to get them all to adhere to the same style. Practising it on your own you won't have the advantage of direct tutoring but getting used to the movements you can still do at least.

You aren't able to glean all that much through listening to the way they talk to each other, oddly enough none of them really feel the need to exposit clan history and political status apropos of nothing. You've managed to pick a few pieces up all the same. The Akiyama, Yamaguchi and Wakahisa are definitely the three most prominent clans represented in your class, and seem to have been critical in the formation of Cloud Village. The Akiyama seem to have some economic clout outside the village, or at least unusually widespread reach. The Yamaguchi you've not picked up much about, though the kid in your class in one of those with a different taijutsu style, being a highly defensive one. The Wakahisa kid oddly puts you in mind of the Hyuuga, with the whole reserved affect and impeccable manners schtick. Though it must be said you aren't picking up any of the conceited asshat vibe you'd kind of expect from that.


Academy Taijutsu: 93, 20% Tutor bonus, +18 111/200
Strength: 52, 20% High Altitude Bonus, 30% Improved Regimen, 50% Weight Bonus, + 52 104/200
Stamina: 21, 20% High Altitude Bonus, 30% Improved Regimen, 50% Weight Bonus, + 21 42/500
Taijutsu: 55+44=99, Total 210/200 Taijutsu Rank Up ->2 10/300

Turn 11 13 BN November - December

Monthly Budget
Stipend - 3000 Ryo
Expenses - 2500 Ryo
Holdover - 0 Ryo
Remaining - 500 Ryo

Free time for personal development, four weeks, divide weeks as you please or dedicate to a single thing if you prefer.

[]Attribute Development - Specify
[]Chakra Control
[]Nature Manipulation - Specify, rank cannot exceed chakra control rank
[]Part-time work, make some extra cash

Academy in the advanced class for the fifth month will again cover pure taijutsu.
[X] Plan Grounded
[X] Become more sociable with the Tsukino boy and do little subtle favors for him to get him to warm up to you. Inquire why he seems skittish around you after the two of you develop a rapport.
[X] Ask the Tsukino boy about the other less notable clans you heard of. Inquire about any favors he might want from you in exchange for the information.
[X] Write to Kagome, tell him how your doing and ask him about how he is doing. Ask him for any advice on meditation he'd like to share with you.

[X]Attribute Development - Strength
[X]Attribute Development - Stamina
-[X]Buy high energy food for first two weeks
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[X]Attribute Development - Strength
[X]Attribute Development - Stamina
[X]Chakra Control
-[X]Buy high energy food for first two weeks

I want to keep slowly working on chakra control. I think the best way to do that is to devote one slot each time to working on that. That way we can still effectively level other areas, while also maintaining some momentum. It isn't going to make for fast progress, but in time it will add up.
I would like us to get the practice kunai and start working on kunai throwing and bukijutsu soon. For now though, strength training is fine.

[X]Attribute Development - Strength
[X]Attribute Development - Stamina
[X]Chakra Control
-[X]Buy high energy food for first two weeks

Also are we six or seven years old?
I figure we should overload our taijutsu while the academy tutor bonus is up since we got three taijutsu rolls last turn. No reason not take advantage of our tutor bonus and max it out with our free-time training. Don't know when taijutsu training is gonna end next month or not, so we should use it well.
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I figure we should overload our taijutsu while the academy tutor bonus is up since we got three taijutsu rolls last turn. No reason not take advantage of our tutor bonus and max it out with our free-time training. Don't know when taijutsu training is gonna end next month or not, so we should use it well.

We don't seem to be getting the tutor bonus on our personal taijutsu training just on the in academy stuff. Thus I don't think it matters if we train it now or later.
We don't seem to be getting the tutor bonus on our personal taijutsu training just on the in academy stuff. Thus I don't think it matters if we train it now or later.

Still contributed nicely to our rank up and the bonus helped.

EDIT: Think I'm just gonna try and get it to proficient and then switch back next turn to chakra control.
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Still contributed nicely to our rank up and the bonus helped.

EDIT: Think I'm just gonna try and get it to proficient and then switch back next turn to chakra control.

I would rather see how far the academy alone takes us then if needed cap off with some personal training if needed. I would rather that we generally only free-time train things that have bonuses, but included one week of taijutsu as that seemed like something that other people wanted.