Our goal is to make this colony a pleasant place to live instead of a bog-standard WH40K shithole so we should probably pick this for permanent infrastructure:

[] Novel Design Concepts (Stage 1) - (0/250)
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Well, at least what's likely to be the local apex predator's rather tame?

Also I want to take the Novel or Open choices but I have a very important question that needs answering first: How defensive are the designs @HeroCooky ? I know this is a peaceful planet, but this is 40k damnit! Sure, we shouldn't have to worry about attacks now but I want to ensure that we don't choose a healthy and beautiful design now, only for massive defensive liabilities to be discovered when we get an Ork attack or something during the epilogue...
All options have an equal eye for defensive ability, though the majority of your defensive capability will come from fortifications.

Currently, you could hold off ~10.000 Standard Orks with your (minimal) guard forces and milita. (You have 500 Guardsmen.)
Invisi text found:


[X] Open Arkologies (Stage 1) - (0/500)
An exciting idea has been thrown into the mix of proposals made. Instead of creating a Hive or building conventional cities, we could integrate the surrounding nature into our very city, with artificial waterways, forests reshaped into parks, plants on the houses and near the streets, the whole works! Though this would be the most costly proposal in terms of money, metal, and power, it would boost morale and food once we find safe sources. We'll need about 3(three) stages to give everyone a home, including those projected to be born.

[X] Agriculture Focus (Gain +1/0/2/0 Dice)

[x] Infrastructure Focus (Gain +2/0/1/0 Dice)
Solarpunk option? Solarpunk option!

[X] Open Arkologies (Stage 1) - (0/500)
[X] Infrastructure Focus (Gain +2/0/1/0 Dice)

then infrastructure because shelter comes before water or food.
[X] Open Arkologies (Stage 1) - (0/500)
you had me at solar punk.

[X] Infrastructure Focus (Gain +2/0/1/0 Dice)'
Since we are going with the expensive option let's get the ability to throw more dice at it.
[X] Open Arkologies (Stage 1) - (0/500)
[X] Infrastructure Focus (Gain +2/0/1/0 Dice)

It doesn't look like the plants are that dangerous, so it should be mostly safe to incorporate.
I'd go for novel designs because that seems to be far more defensible than open and this is 40k. That and from what the utterly bizarre and surprisingly powerful Psykers said the Emperors likely to die soon. In other news the Physker somewhow isn't dead despite clearly being batshit insane on a colony made up of 70% purists. This is especially unusual considering unstable Psykers are shot very quickly (something very weird is going on here).
That and from what the utterly bizarre and surprisingly powerful Psykers said the Emperors likely to die soon.
The psyker said a chair, not a throne. That to me says a seat of the High Lords of Terra. If big E dies we will be fucked regardles of what we do.

I'd go for novel designs because that seems to be far more defensible than open and this is 40k.
Garden and Paradise worlds do exist in 40k so the arcolgies wouldn't be out of place. Also we will probably have an option to weave defences into our cities at a later date.
[X] Open Arkologies (Stage 1) - (0/500)

[X] Infrastructure Focus (Gain +2/0/1/0 Dice)'

Oh good lord, I couldn't visualize it before I saw the art, but juvenile sharkhounds are indeed adorable. I want one.

And also: we've got a friendly native species with the potential to be cavalry that can take on enemy armour? I think this planet just became one of the empire's more important strategic assets.
And also: we've got a friendly native species with the potential to be cavalry that can take on enemy armour? I think this planet just became one of the empire's more important strategic assets.

That actually depends on how fast Sharkhound reproduces, how they fare in diffrent climate/atmosphere and similiar stuff.
Overall good turn! Need to

[X] Open Arkologies (Stage 1) - (0/500)

[X] Infrastructure Focus (Gain +2/0/1/0 Dice)'

might as well lean into the paradise world vibe, maybe try to lure in some high rollers to setup compound later?
In other news the Physker somewhow isn't dead despite clearly being batshit insane on a colony made up of 70% purists. This is especially unusual considering unstable Psykers are shot very quickly (something very weird is going on here).
Well, she normally is within the acceptable range of psyker-weirdness, but for some reason she got weird for a few hours after ringing up the neighborhood, she got hyped up with that good 'ol "Emperor-Juice™."

Also, even if you are a fanatic, you think twice before fucking with a Gamma Psyker.
Also we will probably have an option to weave defences into our cities at a later date.
Stage 3 for Defenses.
I see everyone seems to want the gold plated option instead of the silver plated one ...

[X] Novel Design Concepts (Stage 1) - (0/250)
[X] Infrastructure Focus (Gain +2/0/1/0 Dice)
[X] Open Arkologies (Stage 1) - (0/500)
[X] Infrastructure Focus (Gain +2/0/1/0 Dice)

We are planning on turning this world into a pleasure world right? If so Arkologies would do wonders if we're planing on making that a reality. Also if I remember right pleasure worlds don't have to pay an imperial tide, they just have to be nice places to visit and be able to have their doors open to anyone important in the imperium at all times.
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