I am not sure about the plan that won. I really don't really see it as good. But I will roll with it.
Well, my plan almost won, too bad, but I guess the winning one isn't bad, let's see where this goes
Turn 1 - Let's Get Cracking!
[x] 40k Hawaii
-[x] Adeptus Of The Adeptus Administratum
-[x] Lord Haku
-[x] Breathtaking World - (-2 Points)
-[x] Xeno Pets - (Looks like hybrid of shark and dog, acts more like dog thankfully) - (-1 Point)
-[x] Abundant Growth - (-3 Points)
-[x] Modular Fortifications - (-1 Point)
-[x] Abhuman Settlers - (+1 Point)
-[x] Atoll Planet - (+2 Points)
-[x] (PLANET NAME) Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo
-[x] (NAMING THEME) Nature Themed
-[x] (SEGMENTUM) Ultima Segmentum
-[x] QM Choice - (+2 Points)

Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo.

The Green Pearl.

A world of azure seas, green and verdant isles, pleasant weather and air, and absolutely no pollution in sight. Lord Haku softly chuckled on his way to the bridge, thinking back on those days when he was still young, and all his friends boasted about being the one to retire to a paradise world while he would be trapped on Calus II. 'Well, who's laughing now, you withered old bags?' he thinks, chuckling at the faces they had made when he presented them the location of his retirement. Then, walking onwards, he skirts around a puddle of coolant leaking to the floor, a "Warning, Wet!" sign standing watch. Looking closer, he can see that the sign had rusted to the spot it had been placed in, probably decades ago. Annoyance bubbles up in his mind before being squashed down with well-trained reflexes. He was the one who had bought the ship to transport him and the colonists to the planet, mainly for the Lance and the reactor, who were cheaper if purchased with the vessel than separately, and not his superiors. Also, most civilian shipping was currently jacking up their prices by a few thousand thrones due to the ongoing campaign against the arachnoid Ski'tz-I, making this purchase economically viable.

A ping from his implants interrupts his musings on what to do with the saved expenses, a few formulas needed to finalize the primary landing site, where the ship would settle for the last time on a planet.

[ ] Lau Lau Keʻokeʻo Beach
A nestled beach on the main continent, more than enough room for a city of a few million, and a genuinely spectacular view.

[ ] Emerald Archipelago
A dozen islands scattered around active but harmless volcanoes, offering limited space and fantastic naval ventures opportunities.

Having sent back the confirmed paperwork, Lord Haku enters the bridge, the indistinct murmur within growing into a loud screaming of a furious adept knife-handing an Abhuman. At the same time, two priests glared death at each other near them. "AND WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE THAT YOU WALK AROUND HERE MUTANT?!" The woman screams, spittle flying into the face of the female Beastwoman, as one of the priests, one of the Literalists, Haku thinks, twitches at the last word.

The Literalists' tenets revolved around following the literal orders of the God-Emperor, no matter how they might conflict with the established order, which wasn't much of a problem until an Inquisitor discovered a lost colony of Abhuman Beastmen in possession of an official decree from the Emperor.

Which declared them Abhumans in perpetuity due to their greater intelligence and an service only alluded to.

So, when the Purists tried to have them killed as was rapidly becoming practice, both sects flung accusations of heresy at another like it was going out of style.

One thing led to another, politicks happened, and now he, Lord Haku, Adeptus Of The Adeptus Administratum, was saddled with re-settling nearly a million Abhumans which couldn't be killed until absolute proof of taint had been found, with two sects breathing down his neck.

Shaking his head at the absolute clusterfuck, he looks closer at the Beastwoman, taking in her appearance, noting the:

[ ] Collar and dirt adorning her.

[ ] Relatively clean clothes, with the identifying stitching.
(3rd-Class Citizens, -2 Morale for 1 Turn, +1 to Abhuman bonus.)

[ ] Clean clothes and fur.
(2nd-Class Citizens, -2 Morale for 3 Turns, +2 to Abhuman bonus.)

Her eyes flicker to him and open in shock, opening her mouth, only to be interrupted by the Adept once more. "DID I PERMIT YOU TO SPEAK? DID I?" She screams, daring the Beastwoman to speak up again, the Purist behind her gripping his chain-sword.

"May I inquire," Lord Haku asks, causing the Adept to freeze in the middle of a knife-hand, "as to why you are screaming? Or why a Beastwoman is on the bridge?" He looks around with a raised eyebrow, though everyone on the bridge seemed to have found some spot or machine which suddenly required their undivided attention. The priests continue their staring match. "Adept Jalia, please enlighten me as to why a member of my administration is seconds away from a physical altercation with an Abhuman?"

Slowly, the woman turns around, her mouth opening and closing as sweat begins to trickle down her brow. "Mutant?" She half-answers, half questions, pointing somewhat awkwardly at the Beastwoman behind her.

"Abhuman," the Literalist hisses, leaning forwards with one hand on his las-pistol. "The God-Emperor declared their species Abhumans, and you will treat them as such. Or are you saying that the God-Emperor is wrong?" He continues, rage radiating from his form, as the Beastwoman stepped to the left to get out of a potential firefight. The other begins to draw his sword slowly.

"Honored Priests, this is not a place to discuss the finer points of faith. However, deck 23-c has a fully functional sparring ring, which I suggest you use before things get ugly," Lord Haku interjects, putting more malice and held-back violence in one sentence than some Generals could. Both of the priests stare at each other before slowly walking out of the room. Of all the things he had to deal with, a potential heresy wasn't one thing he had ever envisioned. "Now, you were about to tell me why you were yelling?" He asked, turning to the Adept again with a pleasant smile.

"Sir! Are you seriously defending," she began, looking at the Abhuman with a shudder of disgust, "it?"

"No," he replies, which relaxes her somewhat. "I am merely trying to figure out if you are going against the Inquisitorial Orders we had received."

Silence followed my statement as all blood drains from her face. "N-no, of course, no, my Lord!" She practically screams, panic creeping into her voice as she realizes the graveness of her mistake.

"Good, you are dismissed," Haku says, dismissively waving a hand in her direction, even as he already turned to the Abhuman. "Now, who might you be?"

"This one greets her superior, Lord Haku," the Beastwoman deferentially announces, grasping with both her hands her forearms before bowing deeply. Her sophisticated speech causes more than one person on the bridge to stop scowling and start gawking. "This unworthy one's name is Grey Lily, chosen speaker for my people. I have been selected to act as a speaker to my people for you if you accept this one's service." She finishes, holding herself in the bow.

[ ] No.
(Nothing happens.)

[ ] I accept.
(More information on Abhuman happenings/mood.)


It takes several months after that encounter on the bridge, before the ship leaves the Warp, realizing in the outer edge, only a week's journey away from your new permanent home.

After that, only landfall awaits, and the endless toil of carving out another bastion of human supremacy.


Free dice to allocate: 2 Dice.

Infrastructure 2 Dice
[] Pioneer Settlements

The first step to turn this ball of isles into a colony is figuring out how to live here. We will send out scouts and pioneers to various promising sites and see what they can find. (0/25)

[] Deploy Fortifications
You have been granted an allotment of turrets, bunkers, sandbags (sand not included), mines, a Lance Turret (due to the ship), tech-priests, and a complementary Krieger. Setting them up won't be a challenge and will defend you from any minor threat in the region. (1 Dice)

Industry 3 Dice
[] Promethium Prospecting

Promethium is vital to everything, from civilian life over to industrial processes ending with the Guard. You need to see where the various deposits on this planet are and how to access them efficiently. (0/75)

[] Metal Prospecting
Without Metals of any kind, nothing will work, and your colony will revert to a feral world. While the allure of no paperwork is potent for many of your lessers, you know that that way lies death and damnation! Seek where deposits lay and how to exploit them. Although the dense vegetation and wildlife make this challenging, your prospectors will prevail. (0/100)

[] Colony Ship Dissasembly
With the ship now grounded, you should start turning all that metal into something useable. (+12 Metal (0/150))

[] Colony Ship Power Generator Conversion
With the colony ship landed, you can now start the disassembly of its components for your use. Getting the (extremely old and unreliable) Plasma Ioniser out will ensure that your light stays on for the moment- (+2 Power (0/50))

[] Plasma Ioniser (Stage 1)
Although you already have one, the ship's Ioniser is extremely old and will likely fail within the decade and must be scrapped in two. This first stage is focused on creating the necessary space and the manufactory for construction and use. (-6 Metal, -2 People (0/250))

Agriculture 2 Dice
[] Flora Exploration (Stage 1)

It is imperative that you better understand the native flora than 'Not Toxic, Not Psychic' as done by the Explorator who had found this world. What plants are edible, which have medicinal properties, and more questions needing answers to start serious agriculture. (0/50)

[] Fauna Exploration (Stage 1)
It is imperative that you better understand the native fauna than 'Not Toxic, Not Psychic' as done by the Explorator who had found this world. Which could hunt humans, what beast could be used for tasks, are there any grox? (0/75)

[] Sharkhound Investigation
The very moment your scouts touched down, they were beset by wild beasts. Or cuddly, adorable 'Sharkhounds,' as your scouts described them. The pictures and videos captured by them have proven to be a surprisingly effective morale booster, with a few people sending requests to be allowed to seek these Xenos out themselves. Better leave that to the professionals. (0/150)

Services 1 Dice
[] Labor Corps (Stage 1)

While the Administratum runs the entire Empire of Man, their orders are carried out on the backs of workers endlessly toiling away. They are the vital blood that keeps the Empire running, buildings built on schedule and to specification. (-3 People, gain Dice allocations (0/75))

[] Emergency Medical Responders
With this being a new world, without any infrastructure for people to access, injuries and death will be all too common. Using a few landers and building some small clinics will reduce mortality by a small margin and see a great increase in Morale. (+1 Morale, -2 Money (0/125))

[] Arbite Recruitment (Stage 1)
Law and Order are the cornerstones of all civilizations. Without them, you would be killed by either your neighbor or the nearest Xenos. Look for promising and interested people and start training them as a make-shift class of law enforcers. (-1 Money (0/100)

Name: Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo
Capital: N/A
Traits: Efficient Administrators. +5 to all Rolls.

(The word of the Emperor is law, without any debate as to what it means.)
Purists: 65%
(We need to ensure the purity of our souls by any means necessary.)

Money: 8
Metal: 6
Promethium: 4
Food: 12 (-2 Per Turn)
Power: 2
People: 5 (+1 Per Turn) (Abhuman Settlers, +2 to all rolls)
Morale: 4/10 (-5 to all rolls)
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I think that food can wait for now and also let's build first some homes before we start scrapping our ship.
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[X] Lau Lau Keʻokeʻo Beach
need the room to build up first

[X] Clean clothes and fur.
Temporary loss, long term gain

[X] I accept.
no reason not to

[X] Plan Little bit of Everything
-[X] Pioneer Settlements
The first step to turn this ball of isles into a colony is figuring out how to live here. We will send out scouts and pioneers to various promising sites and see what they can find. (0/25) (1 Dice)
-[X] Deploy Fortifications
You have been granted an allotment of turrets, bunkers, sandbags (sand not included), mines, a Lance Turret (due to the ship), tech-priests, and a complementary Krieger. Setting them up won't be a challenge and will defend you from any minor threat in the region. (1 Dice)
-[X] Promethium Prospecting
Promethium is vital to everything, from civilian life over to industrial processes ending with the Guard. You need to see where the various deposits on this planet are and how to access them efficiently. (0/75) (1Dice)
-[X] Metal Prospecting
Without Metals of any kind, nothing will work, and your colony will revert to a feral world. While the allure of no paperwork is potent for many of your lessers, you know that that way lies death and damnation! Seek where deposits lay and how to exploit them. Although the dense vegetation and wildlife make this challenging, your prospectors will prevail. (0/100) (2 Dice)
-[X] Colony Ship Power Generator Conversion
With the colony ship landed, you can now start the disassembly of its components for your use. Getting the (extremely old and unreliable) Plasma Ioniser out will ensure that your light stays on for the moment- (+2 Power (0/50)) (1 Free Dice)
-[X] Fauna Exploration (Stage 1)
It is imperative that you better understand the native fauna than 'Not Toxic, Not Psychic' as done by the Explorator who had found this world. What plants are edible, which have medicinal properties, and more questions needing answers to start serious agriculture. (0/50) (1 Dice)
-[X] Flora Exploration (Stage 1)
It is imperative that you better understand the native fauna than 'Not Toxic, Not Psychic' as done by the Explorator who had found this world. Which could hunt humans, what beast could be used for tasks, are there any grox? (0/75) (1 Dice)
-[X] Labor Corps (Stage 1)
While the Administratum runs the entire Empire of Man, their orders are carried out on the backs of workers endlessly toiling away. They are the vital blood that keeps the Empire running, buildings built on schedule and to specification. (-3 People, gain Dice allocations (0/75)) (1 Dice, 1 Free Dice)
[X] Lau Lau Keʻokeʻo Beach
[X] Relatively clean clothes, with the identifying stitching.
[X] I accept.

[X] Plan Little bit of Everything

It divides our attention, but I think this is a fairly reasonable first step.
[X] Lau Lau Keʻokeʻo Beach

[X] Clean clothes and fur.

[X] I accept.

[X] Plan Little bit of Everything
I suggest using Agriculture Dice on one project instead of spreading it on two.
The Agriculture projects are relatively short. One has a 50/50 chance of finishing with one dice and the other a 25% chance. We can afford to take two turns if nesesary.

[X] Lau Lau Keʻokeʻo Beach
[X] Clean clothes and fur.
[X] I accept.

[X] Plan Little bit of Everything
I think we have a good chance to get one of them with 1 dice, unless we are unlucky, and we have 5-6 turns of food, we can take the time for now

I agree, I just prefer to focus enough Dice on project to give it decent success chance.

But the quest just started, so it isn't that important right now.
Do we want to turn this planet into Paradise World (vacation spot for rich) or Pleasure Planet (tropical Las Vegas) ?
[X] Lau Lau Keʻokeʻo Beach
[X] Clean clothes and fur.
[X] I accept.
[X] Plan Getting Started Safely
-[X] Pioneer Settlements(1 Dice)
The first step to turn this ball of isles into a colony is figuring out how to live here. We will send out scouts and pioneers to various promising sites and see what they can find. (0/25)
-[X] Deploy Fortifications(1 Dice)
You have been granted an allotment of turrets, bunkers, sandbags (sand not included), mines, a Lance Turret (due to the ship), tech-priests, and a complementary Krieger. Setting them up won't be a challenge and will defend you from any minor threat in the region.
-[X] Promethium Prospecting (1Dice)
Promethium is vital to everything, from civilian life over to industrial processes ending with the Guard. You need to see where the various deposits on this planet are and how to access them efficiently. (0/75)
-[X] Metal Prospecting (2 Dice)
Without Metals of any kind, nothing will work, and your colony will revert to a feral world. While the allure of no paperwork is potent for many of your lessers, you know that that way lies death and damnation! Seek where deposits lay and how to exploit them. Although the dense vegetation and wildlife make this challenging, your prospectors will prevail. (0/100)
-[X] Colony Ship Power Generator Conversion (1 Free Dice)
With the colony ship landed, you can now start the disassembly of its components for your use. Getting the (extremely old and unreliable) Plasma Ioniser out will ensure that your light stays on for the moment- (+2 Power (0/50))
-[X] Fauna Exploration (Stage 1) (1 Dice)
It is imperative that you better understand the native fauna than 'Not Toxic, Not Psychic' as done by the Explorator who had found this world. What plants are edible, which have medicinal properties, and more questions needing answers to start serious agriculture. (0/50)
-[X] Flora Exploration (Stage 1) (1 Dice)
It is imperative that you better understand the native fauna than 'Not Toxic, Not Psychic' as done by the Explorator who had found this world. Which could hunt humans, what beast could be used for tasks, are there any grox? (0/75)
-[X] Arbite Recruitment (Stage 1) (1 Dice, 1 Free Dice)
Law and Order are the cornerstones of all civilizations. Without them, you would be killed by either your neighbor or the nearest Xenos. Look for promising and interested people and start training them as a make-shift class of law enforcers. (-1 Money (0/100)

The current plan looks good, but we will need do something about the low moral before it transforms into fighting between the Literalists and Purists or Beastmen hunts. I think our best choice right now is to start the arbite program so we can have some protection and means to stop fighting in the colony. I think the first level will be a good stopgap until will improve moral with food and other luxuries.
[X] Lau Lau Keʻokeʻo Beach
[X] Relatively clean clothes, with the identifying stitching.
[X] I accept.

[X] Plan Little bit of Everything