Oh, Mad0slayer, what is, if the Khazad Kor has any, this version of slayerdoom. Do they for instance fight in armor like ungrim ironfist, or do they use different weapons or what?
Oh, Mad0slayer, what is, if the Khazad Kor has any, this version of slayerdoom. Do they for instance fight in armor like ungrim ironfist, or do they use different weapons or what?
There would be no slayers.
They never learned of Grimnir's fate.
First of all, aye there is SlayerdomHey, Mad0Slayer is the quest going to be like snorri's where we age but don't die. Or we do age and die and our successor takes over(Successor taking over and death in battle is absolutely going to happen, so im not asking about that.
Honestly, I hope we follow soulcake's version: what with them living twice the length of ancients(living ancestors) so-800-900 odd years. But, I'm fine with how Mad0slayer handles it either way.For normal quests however our age should go up to 400-500 before we start looking into whether or not we start fading (unless we have a stubbornness or hate trait that keeps us going)
Thats up to MadSlayer - I had thought our's was near to completion. But it since ended up he was talking about to the southern holds in the mountains.Oh, that reminds me of another question: Just how complete was/is the underway? The one to connect with the world edge mountains and the ones here that aren't broken by the greenskins.
Just how complete was/is the underway? The one to connect with the world edge mountains
how much did you plan for use if we sticked with the expidition instead of the golden age hold?
Because there are none of the former in our territory. And the latter is kept under control.Say how is that the chaos dwarf are able to our Hold without fighting ogres and greenskins?
Meaning if things go well, we could influence the Empire of Man, though that's a long way away, of course.For those that do actually care about the timeline and where we are at. Considering the timeline for the dwarfs mark the year 1778 as when the big maw hit the ogres and the time when the quest strated at 4322. The difference would atmost be 2,544. Meaning as of the timeline of the imperial calendar we are in the imperial year -205 IC. And since we are mostly 2 years since then everything else will be easier, especially if the slave uprising by the black orcs occurs within the exact same year of -100 IC as of Canon. So, Basically, everything year after the year -205 IC is where we are on the timeline.