Warhammer: Perseverance and Grudges

Oh, Mad0slayer, what is, if the Khazad Kor has any, this version of slayerdoom. Do they for instance fight in armor like ungrim ironfist, or do they use different weapons or what?
oh, then they must have a new tradition than for something like it. Especially if the quest uses mayto's version of the shame system. Which again leads to a fascinating idea of what there version of suicidal berserk warriors are then.
Hey, Mad0Slayer is the quest going to be like snorri's where we age but don't die. Or we do age and die and our successor takes over(Successor taking over and death in battle is absolutely going to happen, so im not asking about that.
Oh, Mad0slayer, what is, if the Khazad Kor has any, this version of slayerdoom. Do they for instance fight in armor like ungrim ironfist, or do they use different weapons or what?

There would be no slayers.

They never learned of Grimnir's fate.

Hey, Mad0Slayer is the quest going to be like snorri's where we age but don't die. Or we do age and die and our successor takes over(Successor taking over and death in battle is absolutely going to happen, so im not asking about that.
First of all, aye there is Slayerdom

However it is a very different path that they take as Slayers, partially due to the fact they don't know Grimnirs fate; but also because of their circumstances. This will be elaborated on later and I will say no more on the topic till MadSlayer reveals it.

Second thing…

You may have noticed we are a not.Runesmith (we left the guild as an apprentice) By all means there is a strong chance we may end up like Snorri living for a very long time. We however also live in a very dangerous location so have a high chance of dying no matter how frequent the enemy invasions. For normal quests however our age should go up to 400-500 before we start looking into whether or not we start fading (unless we have a stubbornness or hate trait that keeps us going)
Oh, thats good thank you for answering that. And hey, maybe we really will be like snorri. I would love to put that in Kragg's face
Oh, that reminds me of another question: Just how complete was/is the underway? The one to connect with the world edge mountains and the ones here that aren't broken by the greenskins. In the Khazad kor, I mean.
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For normal quests however our age should go up to 400-500 before we start looking into whether or not we start fading (unless we have a stubbornness or hate trait that keeps us going)
Honestly, I hope we follow soulcake's version: what with them living twice the length of ancients(living ancestors) so-800-900 odd years. But, I'm fine with how Mad0slayer handles it either way.
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Oh, that reminds me of another question: Just how complete was/is the underway? The one to connect with the world edge mountains and the ones here that aren't broken by the greenskins.
Thats up to MadSlayer - I had thought our's was near to completion. But it since ended up he was talking about to the southern holds in the mountains.
Just how complete was/is the underway? The one to connect with the world edge mountains

Nearly done, the tunnels to the entrance of it were collapsed and the hold has fallen so it will have to be reclaimed, but it is close enough that maybe ten years of work will finish it, especially as it heading to one of the earlier underway tunnels, of course, you don't know where that pops up but I do, The main issue is that it's so far away from your holds that your gonna need to restore the old surface forts and observatories that were made to both see where you're going and holding the resources you need.

See I missed this sorry.

how much did you plan for use if we sticked with the expidition instead of the golden age hold?

I had a fair bit planed for that route though nowhere near as much for the Golden Age start, their would have been slightly more holds but many of them would have been heavily depopulated with a fair number of smaller holds from the expediton. (The Overall population having been much lower and would have focused on you trying to keep the holds afloat long enough for you to find ancient artifacts to turn the tide while you slowly grew. WOuld have been set around 1350 Ic so quite far ahead.
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Say once we get some food and ale, will we be able to hire some ogres to do some merc work for us?
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Possibly, ogres will work for anyone, if they pay them with a enough food, and a tyrant leading them that is okay with the idea.
It was even mentioned if we chose the central mountains of Mourn we would get a tyrant leading a largish tribe with him that would be allied to us.
Hej i am happy that we have the sky titans instead of that ogre tribe as we can bribe a ogre tribe to work for us while we could never get the sky titans if we pick the tribe
Same here, just answering a question. And also is the voting going to end? I feel like it should at some point either today or tomorrow.
The Vote is Closed!
Scheduled vote count started by Mad0Slayer on Nov 1, 2021 at 7:29 AM, finished with 67 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan Retake (parts of) the Hold
    -[X]Settle Disputes as they come
    -[X]Retake a portion of the hold:
    -[X]Expand your Ale fields
    -[X] Assassinate Grobi Commanders 5 Squads
    -[X]Secure a Minor Hall
    -[X] Request the engineers to design some New Warrior armour
    -[X] Request the engineers to investigate designs of the Bolt Thrower
    -[X] Attach yourself to a regiment for the year (if it works, Feast / Audience Hall)
    -[X] Move around your throng and look for an advisor (Intrigue)
    -[X]Learn ways of Running a hold and building
    -[X] Give them nothing, the hold has better use for those resources, and you would rather not stretch your supply, you're sure that none of your kin will mind a little bit of hoarding.
Hey, Mad0slayer, just how different is the Khazad Kor from the Karaz ankor in well everything. And what would happen if both saw the other? Something like with Kraka Drak? Or something else? Anyway, Hope the dice Gods bless us with Good luck.
For those that do actually care about the timeline and where we are at. Considering the timeline for the dwarfs mark the year 1778 as when the big maw hit the ogres and the time when the quest strated at 4322. The difference would atmost be 2,544. Meaning as of the timeline of the imperial calendar we are in the imperial year -205 IC. And since we are mostly 2 years since then everything else will be easier, especially if the slave uprising by the black orcs occurs within the exact same year of -100 IC as of Canon. So, Basically, everything year after the year -205 IC is where we are on the timeline.

Nv, I went through reading the rest of the age of desolation, and it reads like 400 odd years have passed since then. With a few centuries hear, a couple decades there, and a solid 100 years of confirmed time since the fall of Karak Vengryn to the east. Whelp, there goes my plan's.
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Damn, I missed the vote. Oh well.

For those that do actually care about the timeline and where we are at. Considering the timeline for the dwarfs mark the year 1778 as when the big maw hit the ogres and the time when the quest strated at 4322. The difference would atmost be 2,544. Meaning as of the timeline of the imperial calendar we are in the imperial year -205 IC. And since we are mostly 2 years since then everything else will be easier, especially if the slave uprising by the black orcs occurs within the exact same year of -100 IC as of Canon. So, Basically, everything year after the year -205 IC is where we are on the timeline.
Meaning if things go well, we could influence the Empire of Man, though that's a long way away, of course.
i mean we could but Cathay is right next to the dwaf kingdom so better do something with them, it would befit both the dwarf and Cathay to clear out the ogres out