[] Apart of the Great Expedition: (Founding of the Empire Era Dawi Tech and runes but this one has some later options to determine how far along you are in tech)
The clan you were born to be not one of great renown only been one of the many that dwelled within the greater Karaz-Ankor. Their deeds were remembered by a few but while your clan turned out great works of art and equipment for the Karaz Ankor it did not match that of others and so your clan toiled away improving their lot in life.
Though as time passed and the Karaz-Ankor was torn asunder and beset on all sides from those that would see good and honourable dawi blood spilt across the land, your clan endured and stood against the threats. Though your ancestors were ground down by the unending tide they pushed forward and endured the High-king of the time recognising your clan's dedication commanded that your Ancestors along with a multitude of other clans were to gather and set out on an expedition with the goal of establishing new holds so that they may aid in the bringing of a new golden age. But all clans have a beginning and yours was no different and the dawi of Clan (Insert clan name Here) originally came from…
(Point list bonuses)
-Population options are cheaper
-Cheaper clans so possibly more diversity in skill
-Starting resource options cost less
-More varied list of things to choose from though its runes are weaker
-Have a higher general Tech base to use
-More clans so you have an extra specialisation for the hold but they are overall smaller
-Average Clan appeasement and unity
-More accepting of new tech and will have more options for dealing with threats.
-Runecraft while not as advanced or vast will be quicker to produce and in slightly more numbers
-Larger number of Dawi in the local area with which you can ally.
Clan Creation
Expedition the Clans origins:
[] Karak Eight Peaks: A Guide to Brewing and Growing
Your clan has longed to see the lost city of the peaks even after thousands of years, Your clan only enduring by both cherishing the few relics yet remaining to your clan and that of your undying hatred for your enemies the grudges levelled against them many of them levelled at those that had dared to take your home.
Still, while much was lost your honoured ancestors saved a few things that were of great value during the exodus. The most treasured of the relics was a book containing the secrets to special brewing techniques that produced the finest of ales though the passage of time has not been kind, the book not only fading with time but the skill and knowledge to brew such fine ale lost to time as masters were cut short and things forgotten during the expedition, all that remains are a few hints to what could possibly be a great work.
[The Clan Gain's a Brewer Specialty which can affect a few things from your trade options and also other internal options while other more Special brews will have an effect on the Throng while also giving your clan a boost to your growing halls related to crops that are required for ale.]
[] Karak Varn: Gromril Runic Ring
Karak Varn was the greatest source of Gromril in the Karaz-Ankor and its loss is still felt by all dawi and your clan suffers this far more than others. The pain of losing your home has driven your clan forwards in the hopes that one day it may help at least restore it one day. Though your clan has lost much since its fall much has been saved as a single Runic ring of Gromril Adorned your finger its Sapphire shining brightly as it thrums with power. While within your clan's vaults lay forgotten texts of runes that may one day aid in restoring the art, even if your clan lacks the affinity for it.
[Powerful runic Item: Firey Ring of Jokul - capable of unleashing a firestorm in a large area. (Only once per battle but takes 4 years to recharge a charge for future use the ring holds 3(This item can be a rather large equalizer in battle) while also getting a slight boost to successful runic research.]
[] Karag Agilwutraz/Mount Silverspear
Your clan was once wealthy and numerous among the Karaz Ankor known for its stonework and its ability to create works of art from stone, the loss of your home only forcing you to adapt so that your clan could thrive. Now your Clan now feels a bitter rage at the urk for taking their home and the killing of your ancestors. Though much has been lost since the departure of your old home your skills of working stone have never been stronger. Your clans hands having turned from crafting great halls filled with art to turning stone into stout and strong defences filled with traps.
[The Clan gain's a Stonemasons Specialty which will affect the success chance of your actions when working with stone. There will also be a few unique defensive options in stewardship and Intrigue options to reflect your speciality.]
What Does your Clan Specialise in?
While your Ancestral hold may have fallen your clan left without a hold they survived, your clan's ancestors making do with what they could, staying within other holds and offering their skill the clan splitting at times to ease the burden but always coming back together so that your clan never strayed, though whilst your clan was once great smiths it could not remain, the requirements too hard to maintain and the skill expected lacklustre from the loss of proper masters and tome's of knowledge.
But while the clan may have lost much of its ancestral profession it evolved and lead to your clans learning a few arts but amongst all of them, your clan eventually became…
(Choose 1)
[] Miners and workers of the deep earth: 250/300 Dawi on the default option
(Throng is made up of Miners and Thunderers/Quarrellers (Depends on your tech level chosen))
Miners, your ancestors slowly learning and perfecting the art of digging through the earth and while and served proudly amongst the various clans, often been given the chance to guide the Throng through what was your clans realm.
1: Warriors of the deep: Your Clan are tunnel fighters and miners. You can fight below the earth as if it were the surface, there are few who can match your skill in the depths, and those that can are a rare bread and those that fight you in the depths are your enemy. (The Throng of your clan gain +15 to attack rolls in Subterranean environments and +5 in Mountainous terrain (this means in the passes or on areas that are uneven in the mountains, if you fight in a valley then it does not apply.)
2: GOLD AND GEMS!: Your Clan consists of excellent miners, and they love what they do. If you could, you would level all the mountains for all their wealth that you could take. Though you will have to start somewhere. (Improved Mining Capacity and Production of Mines)
3: Explosives, Explosives everywhere!: Sometimes the pickax is not enough thankfully you know how to make a half-decent explosive charge. Though your fellow kin seems to be wary of you for your rather odd love of them.
(Explosives Charges pack an extra punch and your clan carries a little more than other clans. This does not mean you prefer gunpowder or)
4: Mining Engineering: If a Dawi made something for digging into the earth your clan knows of it they are masters of building efficient mines and know what is needed to get the most out of the earth.
(Unlocks Steam tech related to Mining which can be turned into machines of war though don't expect them to build a Gyro as that is too far for them though tanks are more their thing. They are firmly tunnel Dawi and this tech group requires Expedition based history)
(gets a few unique runic options if you choose the golden age hold)
1: Too deep and greedily: Your clan just doesn't know to stop digging. Your clan just can't stop digging deeper, no matter what kind of horrors you find. The moment you've cleared the tunnels, you go right back to work. No matter how many times things go wrong. (No Problem can not be solved with a little bit of Force and Ingenuity though expect your clan to keep digging even if it is risky and could cause more problems like cave-ins. Your clan also happen to like gold more than other Dawi)
2: It Burns!!!: Your Dawi's eyes rarely if ever see the sun and when they do it burns their eyes leaving them uncomfortable on the surface Will suffer a -10 to perception rolls on the surface and -5 if you're fighting in the sun but this only occurs in the opening round of combat.
[] Hardy survivalists(Growers and Rangers): 250/300 Dawi on default option(80 per cent of the clan's population will be the clans total throng.) (Clans Throng is purely made out of Rangers)
Growers who would learn the ways of the simple Dawi farmer, your ancestors working within the growing halls of the hold and that of the farms on the surface, though while many of your clan learned the honourable profession few ever took to the shield wall, many of your clan taking to the art of the ranger so that it could hunt and gather animals for the hold and act as it's protectors and scouts when was needed.
Rangers all: Your Clan discards traditional Dawi warfare for the way of the ranger. You fight with axes, crossbows, bombs, poison, and whenever you get your hands on it. Some call you unconventional, but you are alive.
(Instead of using axes and fighting in a shield wall, the warriors of your clan are trained to fight a guerrilla war with crossbows and hand axes.)
(Rangers are the standard infantry of the clan and you gain a +20 In Ambush Rolls and sneaking rolls)
Respect the Old Ways: While your clan will use any honest Dawi engineering it can get its hand on, you have been forced by necessity to rely upon technology that is compact and not reliant upon supply lines. The crossbows and axes made by your clan are a byword for quality, and any engineering made by your clan will be tough and portable. (The Crossbow is your Weapon of Choice alongside a good old axe though you won't say no to a few gunpowder weapons)
Farmers: Your clan values self-sufficiency and has learned to excel at producing its own food. Your clan lives off of hunting, hidden fields, insect farms, and underground blindfish reservoirs.
(Your ability to find supplies and sustenance borders on the uncanny, You also happen to know how to get the most out of the earth.)
Ranger Engineer Tech Tree Unlocked: Focuses on ambush's and different types of explosives and unique traps. This also comes with unique artillery pieces that focus more on speed than hard-hitting attacks like others. (You're pretty much researching things that will help you control the Battlefield. Though your focus will also be affected)
Weak Front Line Infantry: Your Clan takes to Shield walls like dawi take to sprinting, poorly and will find themselves fighting a losing battle though what they lack is decent heavy troops they make up for in cunning and ambush skill and in a pinch decent rear line ranged infantry.
Special Variants of certain Advanced War machines are locked off. (Until your clan grows larger)
[]Warriors and metalworkers: 250/300 Dawi on default option(Majority of the clan's Throng is made up of Warriors)
Metalworkers, your ancestors learning to purify and improve the minerals taken from the earth and while your clan produced a few smiths both for armour and weapons, your clan focused on working the metal that would be shaped by others and also that
Craftsman: Your Clan has lived off what they can and while they are no masters, they have the skills to mould steel into both weapons and tools but also art, something that has proven valuable to your allies and trade partners. (Gain a specialised craftsman Hall upgraded)
Better artillery: Your clan works the metal of the hold that is used in cannons, your clans forge will allow for slightly better artillery. (+5 to any rolls made with artillery that is made within your clans hold.)
Skilled Defenders: Your clan has long held the line within the Throng your ancestors having learnt many tricks and methods of fighting in melee be it against the smallest of grobi or even the monsters that roam the land. (When fighting atop fortifications your clan gains +10 to combat rolls your Thane also has a higher starting skill with melee weapons.)
Lack of ranged troops: (Your Throng and clan lack any dedicated formations of ranged troops.)
Fighting from the front: (As a clan that values its warriors its thane is expected to fight in the front line.
Secondary minor specialisation: The expedition saw many Dawi fall to the dangers of the road and while it was a tragedy your clan grew as it absorbed a smaller clan so that they may survive their skills becoming your clans, though when your clan also diminished when the expedition broke apart your ancestors managed to keep them and your clan safe their skill as: (Choose 1)
[] Brewers: A clan of brewers and while many of their elders and masters having fallen but a few still lived, though they never quite recovered from their losses they have proved themselves as your clan.
(Open up the path for your clan to grow into a Brewer clan also allows for the research of the Brewers tree but it will be harder to accomplish and cut's off a few unique options in the tree.)
[] Goldsmiths: A clan of Goldsmiths their skilled crafters having worked hard both to provide good Dawi coin and artistic pieces, but above all their work has allowed fellow runesmiths clans to provide more runes than others.
(Gives access to an extra hall for your clan but also is related to the Runesmith guild and will have a few bonuses.)
[] Armourers: A clan of armour smiths whose masters knowledge was preserved within a tome and their clan's elite elders joined your throng, their steel plate armour proving itself in battle. (Offers up options to improve your holds Armor and gives your clan a unique unit like that of Iron breakers.)
[] Weaponsmiths: A clan of weapons smiths whose great-axe warriors have proven themselves in the throng, their blades cleaving through the toughest of armour. (Improves your forges output of weapons and opens up a few research projects into unique weapons, also allows your clan a new unique unit but only in small numbers,)
[] Miners: A clan of miners their advanced machines and elders lost before their assimilation into the clan, though their knowledge was preserved they have few who had access to all of their clan's knowledge. They could still help guide your clans through their short time within the mines. (Opens up the more basic mining expansion options (Or improves the chance of early options) and also expands your total mine capacity along with unlocking a few of the more common mining tech.)
[] Warriors: A clan of dedicated warriors their Dawi having trained extensively in the art of battle and war, their warriors joining the revered orders of the ancestor gods and the regiment which protects the hold. (Your Thane will have slightly higher skills and the clan has a dedicated regiment of Hearth Guard and Valkyrinn)
[] Herders: A clan of herders who brought many beasts along for the expedition, their herds having been butchered in the collapse of the expedition and while they lost their animals they did not lose their knowledge.(Opens up a few of the basic options related to animal farms and improves your output if you have another grower clan and allows you to farm the larger animals depending on location (There is a limit depending on their side))
[] Toolmakers: In recent years before the expedition, your clan saw a number of its fellow members join one of the youngest guilds around and while it is often looked at warily it has proven valuable as it helps churn out ever more tools for the holds use.
(Improves your output of tools from the forge and also reduces the cost of a few halls in the hold and offers a few research options both into mining and farming.)
[] Stone Masons: A clan of stone masons their skill at moulding the earth only matched by fellow clans of their focus, though many were lost their elders and apprentices have proven adept at leading the various Dawi to build even greater halls than what would have been capable without them. (Reduces the cost of certain construction options and will even increase the speed of a few options related to hold expansion.)
Clans Historical Enemy
Though while your clan had learnt skills to survive and provide services for their fellow kin, they were not left alone to prosper but were constantly under threat. The enemies of the Karaz-Ankor constantly hounding them, but above all else your clan despised one enemy above all as they hounded your ancestors the most, teaching them valuable lessons on how to face them in battle at the cost of your clan's blood and they were the:
(Will have a few minor Grudges related to who you pick)
(Choose 1)
[] Urk: The greenskins endless tide constantly causing your clan's sanctuaries to shake under their endless numbers as they pushed forwards, their aim to slaughter your people unending, but your clan endured as it stood against the green tide and learnt to face them even when they covered the horizon.
(No Debuff when facing an army that is only 8 times the time's size of the Throng)
[] Thaggoraki: Their thieving paws and endless strikes from the shadows showing your people that they were never safe, their assassins constantly striking out at the clan from the shadows, many of your ancestors falling to a poisoned blade, but your clan endured and learned to be ever vigilant for such things well aware that no place was ever truly secure.
(+15 to Perception Rolls and Higher save chance from assassination attempts.)
[] Bretonians: The Elgi loving umgi having arrogantly struck out against your kin and killing your clan or even stealing from them, your clan learned that even if some umgi were your allies not all of them had the honour of the empire, your clan having met upon the fields countless times to the point that even your people's short stature was no disadvantage.
(Debuff against Cavalry is removed) (Cannot be selected with Ancient hold start)
[] Beastmen and their monsters: The beasts having constantly struck out against your clan's convoys from as long back as when the empire was formed, the beasts having constantly harassed your clan and unleashing their beasts against your ancestors. Though a threat your clan learnt to fight them and overcome them on even footing even if it cost your clan rivers of blood both that spilt from your enemies and that of the clan.
(Removes debuff when facing fodder infantry and other monsteras type units.)
Location of where your Hold is
Though throughout your clan's history it could do little to prepare your clan for the perils of the expedition as it was met with set back after set back on its journey, while it was beset on all sides by the new lands threats, the expedition pushed through as it's losses mounted but your ancestors managed but it mattered little for it was a tragedy that you ended up settling within the lands of:
[] The Southern Ogre kingdoms within the Mountains of Mourn: There is little a single dawi can do against the threats that lay within the mountains of Mourn and while your Ancestors were stubborn and pushed forward avoiding the dawi-Zharr, they could only go so far without issue with all that lurked around the expedition, their attacks were small but powerful rarely causing an issue before the expedition was scattered from an attacking ogre force the warlord slaying many of your ancestral kin, the losses only exaggerated further as the beasts of the mountains forced the expedition to scatter to avoid been trampled under fought or crushed from the warlord's ogre force, the clans that survived alongside yours having been separated from the expedition.
[] The Southwest of the Ogre kingdoms bordering the Plains of Zharr: Whilst pushing forwards under constant threat your kin lost their way, straying far from the path but the small break from constant ogre assaults saw a far worse fate for the expedition when a scouting party of Dawi-Zharr came upon them, this would mark the end for the expedition as it was beset and pursued by your traitorous kin, the predators of the mountain feasting on the expeditions fallen by the time that your clan had a small respite only a few clans remained with you trapped close to the traitor's lands.
[] Bretonia within the Irrana Mountain: The land of the umgi lovers having sapped your strength over their arrogance. The expedition had set out with the goal of establishing a set of bastions that would strike against the Thaggoraki within their accursed tunnels only for the umgi to have struck against you and for your hated enemies to take advantage and scatter the expedition to the winds, your clan's ancestors having been pushed into the mountains alongside a few others.
[] Northern Lustria: Your Ancestors set out for the continent of Lustria both to discover what had happened to those before but also establish a bastion with which the Karaz-Ankor could use to strike against its enemies, only for the expedition to be halted by the hostile jungle land, the humidity a constant bother while the forests predators struck from the shadows or trampled your kin underfoot, the Expedition only breaking when falling under a vicious assault from the
Skofzani and scattered into the mountains by the lizards, your clan leading it's sister clans through the ordeal until the pursuit was over. Though the cost was great and entire clans were wiped away, a few remained.
[] Southern Lustria: When the expedition set out for lustria it was met with a monstrous storm, many of the expedition's vessels damaged, the captains of the time decided to make landfall so that the ships could be repaired. Only when they landed they were met with hoards of Thaggoraki, their vile machinery sinking many of the already damaged ships, with no other choice the expedition pushed forward only to be ambushed at every corner as clans were separated and wiped out, your clan nearly suffering the same fate were it not for one of your line gathering a small group of elite and winning the day, but sadly even you're your ancestor's victory was a bitter one. Their path to the expedition cut off the few clans amongst you pushed forward until they reached the mountain range and they discussed their path.
[] Middle Mountains: Your clan joined a Minor expedition if it could be called that but debt was owed, the goal of the expedition was to ensure that the umgi could grow with the aid of your people and while your ancestors intended to honour the sacrifice the umgi made they were not prepared for the urk waagh that assaulted them. Your ancestors fought a battle that would see their fellow clans decimated, but they endured and won the day but it would prove the end of their noble goal. As when the dust settled and the expedition reach the intended location they had to make a choice.
The point list starts here: You have 75 points
Secondary clan selection: The clans that follow you, can have different or the same skills as yours, their warriors are determined by who you select there is a limit but to reach it will cost you a lot to reach the cap, Also the clans get smaller the more of them you have.
Also, just because you don't have the speciality does not mean that your clan can not do the job, they will just have a harder time doing it and it will cost more to accomplish and sometimes yield less. This of course is an exception for rune crafting as you do need the guild and blood to accomplish this. (Each clan has its own special projects if you have them, also there will be no clunky system for the runes this time and a different one for engineering research. (Did it once and the system I had was terrible hopefully this one is better and the engineering one is more in line with proper Dawi thinking and expectations though still a bit quicker than what it is in cannon as I am sure everyone wants some progress not something that occurs 80 turns down the line unless you guys feel like that kind of grind?)
Without the strength of the greater expedition, your clan and those that survived were forced to choose, establish a hold with fewer Dawi than planned, or push forward in hopes of regrouping or rallying with Dawi of the expedition. Knowing the odds and staying true to your clans' oaths the Ancestors of your clan choose to establish their own hold to at least try and accomplish the goal set out by the high-king your ancestors managing to convince a few clans to remain their skill as… (Maximum of 5 additional clans for the expedition and the cost of each clan stack across the whole section. So if you have three different clans go with the third cost for each clan. Your clan is not included in the cost so you can have an additional 4 clans in total beside your clan)
[] Runesmiths: A clan of Runesmiths, their guild having managed to preserve throughout the expedition alongside their clan, though they are far from numerous their clan's runesmiths have proven themselves over the struggle since the fall of the expedition.
(Provide Warriors and Quarrellers but favours warriors (3 Warriors to 1 quarreller) (Note certain clans within the hold will determine which runes groups are better known to them) (+2 Master Runesmith and +20 Runesmiths, +50 Cultists of Thungni (runesmiths and Masters have runic equipment)
(Costs: 4 Points if this is the only clan, 6 if their a second and 8 for three clans and 12 if you have four clans selected and if for some reason you have 5 selected it will cost you 16 points)
[] Engineers: Engineers their skill allowing them to maintain the works of their ancestors and ensure your small group of clans held the edge against the threats of the land. Though much of their more unique clan knowledge has been damaged some of their more unique machine needing to be relearned to build them.
(Gives a bonus to the Engineering Hall and allows the production of more advanced cannons) (Provides ranged infantry which doubles as crew for any siege weapons you have) Provides ranged infantry who doubles as crew for any siege weapons you have) (+1 Siege maintenance Wagon, +4 Master Engineers, +40 Engineers and +80 Cultists of Morgrim)
(Costs 4 Points if this is the only clan, 6 if there is a second and 8 for three clans and 12 if you have four clans selected and if for some reason you have 5 selected it will cost you 16 points)
[] Warriors and Metalsmiths: Their clan having fought hard to ensure the safety of the expedition while reworking damaged and shoddy armour so that it could be used by the various clans around them, despite the breaking of the expedition their clan remained intact enough to be of service.
(Gives a bonus to Iron and copper mines along with special research projects related to their skills.) (Provides melee-focused infantry) (+1 mobile Forge Wagon, +20 Hearth Guard, +25 Valkyrinn, +50 Cultists of Smednir and +80 Cultists of Grimnir)
(Cost: 2 Points if this is the only clan, 4 if their a second and 6 for three clans and 10 if you have four clans selected and if for some reason you have 5 selected it will cost you 12 points)
[] Armourers and weaponsmiths: Their clan having forged much of the Throngs weapons and armour and repaired what could be under the constant assault of enemies along the expedition, their clan having survived intact thanks to their fellow metalsmiths.
(Gives a bonus to the forge and siegeworks (Engineering Hall: Provides special munitions for both infantry and siege weapons) while also offering a few learning projects) (Provides Warriors and Quarrellers but favours Quarrellers 3 Quarrellers to 1 Warrior) (+1 Temporary surface forge, +10 Clerics,+30 Hearth Guard, +20 Cultists of Grungni and +60 Cultists of Smednir)
(Cost: 2 Points if this is the only clan, 4 if there is a second and 6 for three clans and 10 if you have four clans selected and if for some reason you have 5 selected it will cost you 12 points)
[] Carpenters: A clan of Carpenters, their clan having set out to make use of their skills in the new holds that were to be, though small they survived the breaking if only barely, their warriors having fought to ensure they were no burden, their bolts having downed many an enemy as their warriors sealed the gaps that would form in the expeditions shield wall.
(Reduces the cost of wooden based artillery and has a few research projects related to siege weapons and crossbow.) (Offers a mix of Warriors and Quarrellers but favours Quarrellers (1 Warrior to 3 quarrellers).) (+ 1 small well-cultivated Wutroth glen and +15 Hearth Guard, +60 Cultists of Grungni)
(Cost: 2 Points if this is the only clan, 4 if their a second and 6 for three clans and 10 if you have four clans selected and if for some reason you have 5 selected it will cost you 12 points)
[] Stonemasons: Their clan having had little to do other than ensure that their supplies were secure while that of their throng formed the rear guard amongst the expedition their clan remaining more intact than others.
(Increases the chance of success with building new halls within the hold and provides unique defence options and offers a mix of Warriors and Quarrellers but favours warriors (3 Warriors to 1 quarreller)) (+12 Tools, +20 Clerics, +50 Cultists of Grungni)
(Cost: 2 Points if this is the only clan, 4 if their a second and 6 for three clans and 10 if you have four clans selected and if for some reason you have 5 selected it will cost you 12 points)
[] Miners: Their clan alongside others of their profession having acted as the reserve of the expedition their warriors fighting hard when it was needed, though more importantly their skills were preserved for what would be the building of new holds.
(+1 Simple mining elevator shaft +50 Clerics, +120 Cultists of Grungni) (Provides Warriors, miners and Quarrellers Equally)
(Cost: 2 Points if this is the only clan, 4 if their a second and 6 for three clans and 10 if you have four clans selected and if for some reason you have 5 selected it will cost you 12 points)
[] Brewers and growers: Their clan having been shuffled into the most secure area of the expedition their skills vital for that of the success of the expedition. Though when the breaking occurred they fought to survive their Valkyrinn guards protecting them as best they could against the onslaught.
(Minor bonuses against Vampiric, chaotic or Hashut corruption, valuable trade resource) (+2 unimproved barley and hop farms, +10 Valkyrinn guards, +25 Cultists of Valaya))
(Cost: 3 Points if this is the only clan, 6 if their a second and 9 for three clans and 12 if you have four clans selected and if for some reason you have 5 selected it will cost you 15 points)
[] Healers: Their clan having served throughout the expedition ensuring that all that were injured survived and when their charges were threatened their warriors and Kvinn took up arms to save all they could and while they fought hard and lost many their clan remained intact despite the harsh onslaught that saw many clan ground to almost nothing.
(Large bonuses against Vampiric, chaotic, or Hashut corruption, reduced mortality, increased hold fertility.) (+ 1D15 to pop growth (split evenly between clans), +30 Valkyrinn guards, +60 Cultists of Valaya and offers a mix of Warriors and Quarrellers but favours warriors (3 Warriors to 1 quarreller))
(Cost: 3 Points if this is the only clan, 6 if their a second and 9 for three clans and 12 if you have four clans selected and if for some reason you have 5 selected it will cost you 15 points)
The population of the hold:
The population of the hold: (Garazi are the dwarf children ranging from ages 0-19)
[] Default Starting population: (500 Dawi and 140 Garazi) (Cost: 0 points)
[] Growing: (600 Dawi and 180 Garazi) (Cost: 10 points)
[] Prosperous: (700 Dawi and 220 Garazi ) (Cost: 15 points)
[] Booming: (850 Dawi and 280 Garazi) (Cost: 30 points)
Starting Equipment and Resources
Food: 12 Units (1 Unit feeds 100 dawi)
Ale: 12 Units (1 Unit sates 50 dawi)
Tools: 20 Units
Steel Weapons: 5 Units (Will be used to replace damaged/old weapons every 100 melee type dawi not using Gromril will use up 1 unit per turn, expect major battles to also drain a bit of this)
Steel Armor: 3 Units (Will be used to replace damaged/ extremely old Armor 1 unit will cover 300 dawi over the years, though expect massive amounts of loss during major battles)
Dwarf Gun and cannon maintenance Tools: 5 Units( 1 Unit is Enough to service the guns of 80 Thunderers or 2 cannons for 1 turn)
Advanced Components: 12 (Used to construct more advanced siege engines)
Black Powder: 8 Units (Which is Enough for 2 Major Battles or 12 Skirmishes)
Additional Resources: You can vote more than once on the same options for those below this just the cost for that amount of resources.
[] 2 Units of Food costs 1 Point
[] 4 Units of Ale costs 2 Points
[] 6 Units of Tools costs 4 Points
[] 2 Units of Steel Weapons costs 2 Points
[] 2 Units of Steel Armor costs 3 Points
[] 2 Units of Dwarf Gun and cannon maintenance Tools costs 4 Points
[] 4 Units of Advanced Components costs 4 Points
[] 4 Units of Black Powder costs 5 Points
[] 2 Units of Lumber costs 2 Points
[] Grudge Thrower costs – 2 Points
[] Bolt Thrower costs – 2 Points
[] Runic Grudge Thrower (Runes will be random) costs – 8 Points
[] Runic Bolt Thrower (Runes will be random) costs - 8 Points
[] Great Cannon costs - 4 Points
[] Organ Gun costs - 5 Points
[] Runic Great Cannon costs - 12 Points
[] Runic Organ Gun costs - 15 Points
[] Gyrocopter costs - 10 Points
[] Gyro bomber costs - 12 Points
Quest Start Type
You stared at over the mountains, your mind troubled as light poked through gaps in the tree cover, your fellow dwarfs mummering around you as you considered the best path forward, the trees in the valley swaying above you. Godri your elder stood surveying the land before your group. Crossing your arms you glanced around you, "It's to quiet here, I thought you said we could trust the ranger who spotted the grobi, yet I have yet to even see a sign of them trampling through here." Your voice carrying over the wind as birds chirped far off in the distance.
Godri shot you a stern glare before hefting his great axe over his shoulder, "their there, you just aren't used to a good old grobkul, to used to staying in the mountain and mines, should have marched ya out myself, but you did good work, still were not hunting normal goblins." – he pointed off to the side a few bushes trampled and spore hidden well but not enough to escape your elders – "See that, were either dealing with a rather cunning group of grobi, or their is a bunch of their darker kin in the area."
Nodding you took his words to heart, "I'll double the patrols and half the ale rations, it will be a long night if your right." You grunted out as you turned to survey the area further.
Godri let out a huff but nodded a pleased gleam in his eye, "Aye, though I doubt the others will thank you for your choice."
Taking a step forward you just shrugged, "They can live with it, I would rather get back to the rest of the clans before long, we have a long journey before we reach home." You said continuing as your large patrol fell in, their eyes vigilant.
[] Besieged Fortress: At the orders of your uncle you were chosen to lead a number of Dawi to expand the bastion which was now the defence of your old holds first defence, the fortress having been recently built with the purpose of launching more expeditions to reunite with the lost clan from the breaking. (Start with 1 Allied Dwarf hold and a small human city as an ally with a few clues on other holds in the area.)
[] A new hold on the orders of your older brother: As your hold grew and the dangers ever present your elder brother gave you a mission to establish another hold so that your holds clans could expand. Though it was also so that your hold would be able to connect over the dangerous land with which your ancestors had settled. (Start allied with a parent hold and a large Ranger clan that keeps in contact with 3 other distant holds that are under siege.)
[] Allied haven: When your clan set out it was not alone the umgi of the fledgling Empire joined you, their goal to expand their own lands, many of the lords third and fourth sons. Though the breaking saw them scatterd like your fellow clans your ancestors rallied enough of them to establish their own two cites, their religious squabbles having divided them over the years. Though your hold prospered since establishing itself it was not enough to stem the tide of your enemies. Your hold fell and with it many of your fellow kin dead within the mountain. The survivors having fled to your fellow umgi allies and the expatriate Dawi there, many of them turning to you to lead them, either to reclaim your home, or help it prosper once again. (Start allied with 2 Human factions both of them tense allies but supporting you as you start a new hold)
[] A falling Hold: When your ancestors settled the land and began to build a hold they could not have foreseen that they would be attacked so soon. Many of the survivors having been pushed further into the hold until your exit had all but been cut-off, though your clan survived and even built a new way to the surface, one that was to small to escape with in good time but enough to scout out your surrounding land. Your clan learning of fellow survivors who had set up another hold and had their own issues, something your kin found hope in, and while you fought in the shield wall and with the Quarrellers you knew their was little that could be done, that is until an assault would break the grobi within the hold and fragment them giving you a chance at finally winning the battle in the depths. All it cost you was your Father and uncles. (Start allied with another Dwarven hold while your try to reclaim your hold.)
[] An Ancient Hold: Early on in your clans search to establish a hold your Ancestors came across the gates of an ancient hold, looking to have been long and abandoned and while for a time your clan restored some of the halls and began to grow, it had not foreseen the threats from below, the ancestral holds lower levels infested with grobi and while your clans fought valiantly little could be done against the onslaught, your clan having held only the halls near the entrance of the hold while rangers were sent to a few new holds in the area asking for aid. Only it would be to little to late, as when the grobi war chief assaulted your home you slew him in vengeance for your family and while the grobi broke it had cost your clan dearly. (start allied with a small fort of Dawi who are linked to a larger group of holds that are far off. While also having the ability to find some lost knowledge or other things within the depths of a Golden age dawi hold.)