
might as well scrap my Bretonnia Quest notes now :V

Anyway, I like the idea of how you're going about Learning in this quest. Thas pretty neat man :)
Hrmmm, maybe we can get some of those Ogre Mounts for our Knights?
Motorcycles. The answer is always motorcycles.

It should be legal, provided our knights continue to use melee weapons.


might as well scrap my Bretonnia Quest notes now :V

Anyway, I like the idea of how you're going about Learning in this quest. Thas pretty neat man :)
Questers seem to love interacting with Kislev, but the few times they've taken the opportunity to play there promptly died within the first five turns. Maybe if you do a quest where the three starting options are Kislev / Erengrad / Praag and nowhere else, Kislevite Quest might actually get off the ground.
Questers seem to love interacting with Kislev, but the few times they've taken the opportunity to play there promptly died within the first five turns. Maybe if you do a quest where the three starting options are Kislev / Erengrad / Praag and nowhere else, Kislevite Quest might actually get off the ground.

But there already is a Kislev Quest. @Nervos Belli is already doing it. They're in Erengrad I believe.

There was a Praag quest way back when too.

....and technically I am doing a Kislev Quest too, except I'm the only well as the well as the world trying to destroy Kislev...

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But there already is a Kislev Quest. @Nervos Belli is already doing it. They're in Erengrad I believe.

There was a Praag quest way back when too.
I know about the Erengrad one. It's in the "Failed to get off the ground" category. I have similar expectations about the Praag one.

I think that's a reference to the hundreds of background NPCs that he spawns and rolls for in Ostland Quest.
I think that's a reference to the hundreds of background NPCs that he spawns and rolls for in Ostland Quest.

Slight exaggeration there bhay, S'only a few dozen at most. The 4th Generation numbered only 20 at creation even.

In the background I'm running Kattarin as her own PC, in what is basically a Dynasty Quest all on its own in my notes. Her own Military/Diplomacy/Stewardship/Piety/Intrigue/Learning/Personal Actions, with her own council of advisers, traits, children, and issues. It comes with rolls, crits/crit fails that can improve or make things go badly, just like in a regular one of my Dynasty Quests.

I'm also running the world against her, much like how I'm running the world against Ostland in Dynamic Alcoholism. That includes Kislev-specific foes of many a variety.

A one man game...against myself. Basically. And she responds to Ostland and the rest of the world doing stuff as if she - Kattarin - was the main POV PC of a game and Ostland was/is a particularly active and involved NPC faction/group.
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Oh, yeah. True.

Still, vast, vast majority don't make it past their first roll. It's a very Darwinian sort of process. Only after you've made it past the first few rolls do you get a name and actual words. Normally it's just a bare bones concept.

Anyhow, dis ain't mah quest, so....

How 'bout getting us some o' them monstrous cav!?!

Rhinoxen, Demigryphs, Hippogryphs, Wolves, Bulls....yeh.
Oh, yeah. True.

Still, vast, vast majority don't make it past their first roll. It's a very Darwinian sort of process. Only after you've made it past the first few rolls do you get a name and actual words. Normally it's just a bare bones concept.

Anyhow, dis ain't mah quest, so....

How 'bout getting us some o' them monstrous cav!?!

Rhinoxen, Demigryphs, Hippogryphs, Wolves, Bulls....yeh.

Forest Dragon capstone?

It is a little odd that Brets don't get dragons as top end mounts in tabletop. What with their emphasis on solo heroics.
They seem to kill them far more than not, though.

Besides which, the Forest Dragons are Wood Elf aligned. I doubt they'd be willing to part with them save for under some pretty extreme circumstances.
They seem to kill them far more than not, though.

Besides which, the Forest Dragons are Wood Elf aligned. I doubt they'd be willing to part with them save for under some pretty extreme circumstances.
Ehh, Bret + Asrai combined arms can produce some incredible results, if their relations ever warm up enough to allow it. All we need, theoretically, are Sufficient Diplomacy and for Parravon to get out of the way.
Ehh, Bret + Asrai combined arms can produce some incredible results, if their relations ever warm up enough to allow it. All we need, theoretically, are Sufficient Diplomacy and for Parravon to get out of the way.
Tentative GM Ruling:

While thawing relations with the Arsai and the Fay, even a true alliance or pact to deal with the truly foul things, is possible, as is learning from one another, riding dragons and such is too likely too draw too much ire. Too much knightly blood has been shed, too many dragon hearts pierced, for the two to form a bond truly fitting of Steed and Knight.
Dynastic post has been updated with Morgyan's character sheet, along with a trait to represent her being beautiful but terrifying. Also added prestige and Bretonnian Knight trait to your sheet.
Ooh, Knight's an excellent trait! Especially with Grail Acolyte :cool:
Battle Of Willbrook
The Battle Of Willbrook

A month passes in married bliss. It is not often you are far from your wife, and never is she far from your thoughts, or you from hers; indeed for two weeks after your wedding the two of you are not seen outside your chambers but for quick moments, to grab food after being...busy for too long. It's just not making like married couples will make, either; hours are spent simply...talking, or luxuriating in each others presence.


"What was Montfort like, when you were a child?"

"Beautiful. Walking the roads, one felt like a god looking down. I could forget for a moment that I was a fool. No Carole, no tutor, no nobles. Just a boy traveling alone. Father was a kind man, a decent man, and mother, Lady let her rest, was a saint; I am convinced every part of me that is good comes from them."

"Every part of you must come from them, then." She kisses your cheek, then, before getting nearer to you under the covers.

"Same question for you, fairest Lady."

"The land was beautiful, and father and mother tried their best, but it's far harder to be a good parent to ten children than it is to two."

"I can imagine."

"You'll try, and that's part of what I love about you. Let me, though, paint you a picture. Eight snakes, looking for mates. Power grabbers galore, hanging on to them like limpets. Not an honest soul among the bunch except a long gone Questing Knight, an in over his head duke, and a duchess who'd prefer to act as if that was normal."

You hug her in sympathy.

"Don't get me wrong, Love; a bit of ambition's a fine thing for a person to have. But they went above and beyond a bit, to insanity. I don't think I saw a single knight there who lived up to the ideals for their own sake. No simple virtues, no honest souls; just power hungry men and women."

There's silence for a few moments as the two of you simply look up at the ceiling.

There comes a rapping at your door to break the peace. Grabbing a robe from the foot of the bed you hastily throw it on and head for the door. Pulling it open, you see Sir Medrawt looking distinctly uncomfortable. "Yes?"

"Erm, my Lord, the ah, the troops are ready."

"Excellent." You shut the door, head for the dresser, and quickly toss on a tunic and some trousers before heading back out. You begin to open the door, only to stop as your wife's voice ring's out.



"Return to me, whole."


And so it is you step out into the hall, the Knights Unbound forming around you.

Stepping out into the city gates, you find an army waiting for you: Half your Yeomen, all the Wardens, and all the Villeins, to face down darkness. Also with them? 250 Knights Errant, sent by their families as news spread. An excellent force to break the Orcs with.

The plan is simple, especially at the beginning.

Willbrook is highly forested terrain, rocky. Only one area can be forded across, especially by a thousand-and-a-half Orcs marauding about. You are going to build a small camp across the river. Then, you are going to set your Yeomen Wardens to angering them, and drawing them to said camp.

Your Yeomen infantry will form a shieldwall, block them at the ford, and stick them there, whence there is no escape, especially for such brutal, warmongering creatures.

Then, as they are distracted by the Yeomen the Knights Errant, led by Sir Aldric, will charge from the forested sides of the brook, slaughtering the Orcs piece by piece. The Villein will remain safely in the camp, peppering the Orcs with arrows. The Wardens will be held back to protect the Villein.

It's a good, simple plan.

The Yeomen warden are preparing to set off on their duty. Once they've done that, you'll have maybe twelve hours; enough time to do two proper preparations.

(Pick 2)
[] Set up Braziers. That way, the archers will be far deadlier.
[] Set up stakes around the camp. That ought keep the the Archers safe from reprisal.
[] Pray to the Lady. You are about to do battle-- it would not do to have you soul sullied before then.
[] Speak to the men. Raise their morale, remind them that you are there, with them.
[] Celebrate with the Knights Errant. While you can not be as care-free as them, indeed never were so much, they still deserve to celebrate.

Then there is the matter of where you and the Knights Unbound will be.

[] You will fight with the Infantry, as will the Knights Unbound
[] You will fight with the Cavalry, as will the Knights Unbound
[] You will fight with the Infantry, while the Knights Unbound remain with the Cavalry.
[] You will fight with the Cavalry, while the Knights Unbound remain with the Infantry
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Fantasy world.

Always remember that. That said...

[X] Set up stakes around the camp. That ought keep the the Archers safe from reprisal.
[X] Pray to the Lady. You are about to do battle-- it would not do to have you soul sullied before then.

If there's anything I've learned from Bretonnian related quests, it's that one always prays to The Lady before battle.
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[X] Pray to the Lady. You are about to do battle-- it would not do to have you soul sullied before then.
[X] Speak to the men. Raise their morale, remind them that you are there, with them.
[X] You will fight with the Infantry, while the Knights Unbound remain with the Cavalry.