Your youngest daughter, and a firebrand. Where other Dukes have daughters of a polite, demure- or at least respectful- nature, your daughter seems bound and determined to give you an aneurysm. She has trained with General Alfred of Leicheberg, and has picked up a few tricks from him.
Strong: She has the same strength as her brothers. (+3 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Young: She has not reached the age of maturity, and as such does not have even that slight maturity. (-2 All stats for every year under age of majority)
Brave: Cowards die a thousand times, the brave but once. (+2 Martial)
Strategist: She has a calm, cool, calculated approach to war. (+2 Martial, +1 Stewardship)
Stubborn: She will break before she bends. (+1 Stewardship, -1 Diplomacy)
Martial: 17+3+2+2-4=20- She has already earned some renown putting to sword various vampiric halls; none too impressive, but every journey must start somewhere.
Piety: 14-4=10- She has much respect for any goddess that calls for adventure, and doing.
Diplomacy: 18+1-4-1=14- Like you said, she'll break before she bends.
Intrigue: 17-4=13- All you're saying is, there's a reason her siblings ran to her when they needed something pilfered.
Learning: 5-4=1- She's not particularly book-y.
Stewardship: 9-4+1=6- Whatever in skill she lacks, she makes up for in sheer determination.
Please note that, being as she hasn't actually finished fully her education, the bonuses to her base stats haven't been applied yet.