Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

According to WoWWiki, you obtain them by reaching Exalted reputation with the Sha'tari Skyguard, who reside in Shattrath City.

Guess where Garrosh is right now.
There should also be Chimerae and Wyverns, at the least.

I mean, hell -- it's a whole WORLD. A shattered world, yes, but still. I think we can assume that there are, indeed, going to be flying animals around somewhere. :p
The main problem isn't whether or not the animal can fly. But if they are big enough AND if they can travel through the Twisting Nether. Since there are parts of Outland that are floating away from the world in the middle of nowhere. Which means you need to travel on nether currents rather than air and stuff that a normal planet would have.
According to WoWWiki, you obtain them by reaching Exalted reputation with the Sha'tari Skyguard, who reside in Shattrath City.

Guess where Garrosh is right now.

So on Garroshs' return he will both be a Paladin and be riding a giant flying stingray. Awesome reveal.

Also turns out there are Chimerae's native to Outland that if we can train them they can be as useful as the ones used by the Night Elves.
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Chimera and Wyvern are native to Azeroth, not Draenor. Specifically, they're native to the forests of Ashenvale and the plains of the Barrens, respectively.

We aren't going to see any until we reconnect with Azeroth.
No really there are Chimaera's native to Outland and it's pervious state check the link and down the page.
Huh, forgot about those things. Okay, so there are mutant chimera on Draenor. The Nether Rays are probably going to remain a mostly Draenei thing, but taming Chimera to ride would be nice. And it'd be good to have some variety, between them an the Nether Flight (if we end up recruiting them).
Huh, forgot about those things. Okay, so there are mutant chimera on Draenor. The Nether Rays are probably going to remain a mostly Draenei thing, but taming Chimera to ride would be nice. And it'd be good to have some variety, between them an the Nether Flight (if we end up recruiting them).

That's the idea and it's good to know we have options for flying troops. For land we have clefthoof and elekk for heavy calvary, wolves average calvary, and talbuks scout/light calvary.
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Ah, well at least they tried to explain the chimera's being present on a wholly different world.

That'd be because of there being these things on Draenor called Rylaks. Apparently they were these big fun creatures that the Thunderlord Clan rode around. Just like the Clefthoof and Talbuk, they mutate a bit.

Ah, well at least they tried to explain the chimera's being present on a wholly different world.

That'd be because of there being these things on Draenor called Rylaks. Apparently they were these big fun creatures that the Thunderlord Clan rode around. Just like the Clefthoof and Talbuk, they mutate a bit.

Can we... can we save the Rylaks? I actually like those quite a bit more than the gaunt, Alien-movie rejects of Outland's future. The former actually look capable of carrying a full-sized, fully equipped Orc across long distances, while the latter look like they'd snap themselves in half trying.
Actually, the trolls had two empires - the Amani and the Gurubashi. They also defeated the Aqir through persistance, since they were unable to achieve a decisive victory for thousands of years.

I'm sorry, but the Trolls Fuck Yeah was just getting too silly.
Eh, even if that was the case. That doesn't really preclude anything else that was brought up though.

Even if it did take 1000 years *actually don't remember how long it took the trolls to win, just that they did*. The Trolls did end up beating the bug's original unified kingdom Azj'Aquir so badly that it shattered into 3 smaller factions.

That just meant that the unified bug kingdom of Azj'Aquir was just that powerful. Which was proven when a combined host of Dragons and Night elves could barely seal away 1 remnant kingdom of that once great empire, the Ahn'Qiraji.

We can also figure that the Trolls are strong when the Trolls and the High elves first fought in the Eastern Kingdoms. Since the remnant of the Troll's kingdom were beating the remnant High Elves' kingdom until the High Elves were able to gain human aide.

Even if the Trolls do sometimes win using attrition like the Scourge do. We can't really say that that means the Scourge or Trolls are weak.

Course, this is all kind of irrelevant in this particular quest.
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True. Though I haven't decided if there aren't any trolls left on Draenor anymore. A good contingent came through alongside the captured Dragons when the Horde retreated through the Dark Portal.
The thing about trolls is that to them, "non-fatal casualty" means "a warrior that will recover within a week".
Trolls don't have such ludicrous pop-growth as the insects. What they had was the ability to bounce back from crippled status, meaner and greener more experienced since their last battle. I can easily see that the unified troll-empire had their recruits survive more often than other races would, thus causing cases of "I am a veteran. You are a veteran! EVERYONE'S A VETERAN!"
Such a thing... you can't underestimate discipline bonuses. Even the games say so :p
With the trolls, it gets worse, for they have 2 things that makes a war between horde-spam and them a stupid proposition: The Loa and their stamina (could be said to be part of their regen).

Loa. They get stronger via sacrifices.
Sacrificial horde-lings + disciplined troops to capture in middle of battles = Old God Be Butthurt.

Really, a war where there are huge quantities of disciplined dudes (who can't be tired out as fast as normal Because Trolls) that could capture large groups of sacrifices insects was the worst strategy to go for. Good Work Old Gods, you literally fed the trolls.
Since the Troll Empire in its prime was extremely large and populous, they must have had enough troops to take the attrition to gather sacrifices to reach critical mass, which was soon followed by Snowballing Humiliation Conga Line of doom as all voodoo priests crossed the Godzilla threshold in unison. The Loa must have had a field day.
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I just realized...
We didn't found Alliance expedition...
We found half of Alliance expedition - the one that disappeared somewhere in canon.

The one with Khadgar, Kurdran and Danath is somewhere else. One with Human, Dwarven and Gnome contingent and not Elven one.
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I just realized...
We didn't found Alliance expedition...
We found half of Alliance expedition - the one that disappeared somewhere in canon.

The one with Khadgar, Kurdran and Danath is somewhere else. One with Human, Dwarven and Gnome contingent and not Elven one.

There are Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula (led by Danath), Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley (Kurdran), and Kirin'Var Village (Archmage Vargoth) in Netherstorm, none of them which are currently accessible. Khadgar's whereabouts are unknown at this moment.
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True. Though I haven't decided if there aren't any trolls left on Draenor anymore. A good contingent came through alongside the captured Dragons when the Horde retreated through the Dark Portal.

Would these be Jungle or Forest Trolls? It's important to know because the overall mindet of the Forest Trolls is on average very hard to deal with and I would rather wipe them out. Jungle Trolls however have a better chance of being dealt with through talking and maybe even get into an alliance with.