Warcraft: The Gurubashi Restoration

My American History teacher once taught me an important lesson about defense.

The side fighting on the defensive doesn't have to beat the offense to win, they just have to make it so that conquering their territory simply isn't worth the bloodshed and unrest.

See; Vietnam, American Revolution, etc.

So what you're saying is, we need to start a hippie movement in the bloodscalps.
But seriously, the Bloodscalps are too crazy to decide "not worth it."

I was talking about the Horde and Alliance.

The easiest way to do this is to simply make it too profitable to risk alienating us through trying to settle the land. Which is why taking control of Booty Bay is incredibly important, especially since it controls practically all shipping around the Cape of Stranglethorn.

Seriously, if we want to have something to hold off both the Alliance and the Horde, just quit doing anything about the ridiculous amount of pirate groups that raid along the coastline, and the sheer chunk of profits that will go missing will hurt both sides. Maybe not enough to get them to play ball, but their rivalry will prevent either from throwing away resources that could weaken them on other fronts.

Essentially, we have to play the Horde and Alliance against each other.
The easiest way to do this is to simply make it too profitable to risk alienating us through trying to settle the land. Which is why taking control of Booty Bay is incredibly important, especially since it controls practically all shipping around the Cape of Stranglethorn.

Seriously, if we want to have something to hold off both the Alliance and the Horde, just quit doing anything about the ridiculous amount of pirate groups that raid along the coastline, and the sheer chunk of profits that will go missing will hurt both sides. Maybe not enough to get them to play ball, but their rivalry will prevent either from throwing away resources that could weaken them on other fronts.

Essentially, we have to play the Horde and Alliance against each other.

The horde doesn't start out caring much about trade though... And they are the primary problem to keep out, the humans would have shown up already if they wanted too, but they don't and will want too invade even less after being invaded themselves.
Just had a thought earlier today. Since Crethekk's hearts glow lighter and darker depending if she's attending at someone's death or birth does that mean she is the loa of the Life Cycle then. I mean we have evidence that it grew darker after Jo Jo gave her the tiger's heart during the invasion, and now it has grown lighter with the birth of our son....

Maybe she is the Loa of Life and Sacrifice. That would be pretty cool and could work with the crocodile motif we have going on with her. Apparently there is a crocodile God, Sobk, whose power extends to all of creation. So when Hakkar went on his blood rampage she was probably tainted by his power or something and so the other loa had to put her down for a good while before retiring to regain the spent energy they used.
it has grown lighter with the birth of our daughter....
Glorious healing energies fill the area as you thankfully slam a healing ward onto the ground, and Zuli's breath returns to her. All the pain, all the suffering, all of the issue of you doing what you can as a cripple, and then you finally see...her face.

A little tiny baby troll, her tusks not more than nubs, who giggles happily even as she begins feeding. Zuli breathes out, in wonderment this time, and then looks over to you. Her eyes catch on your shattered pulpy hand, and she looks horrified.
Turn 13
8832 AS

Turn 13

So, your father's message which he so rudely interrupted your daughter's birth to tell you. It isn't very good news. In fact, it's pretty bad news.

All hell has broken loose across Zul'Gurub. The Bloodscalps are coming, and they are coming in hard. You are vastly outnumbered, and if you're honest, out battle-lusted by the mad former arm of the Gurubashi Empire. How he figured out his sons died you don't know, it might have had to do with the various talismans they possessed. It wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility for that to be the reason. Some have suggested that your efforts in preventing any messages at all aroused his suspicions, while others say that there might have been some connection between their special wards and blood-related efforts and tattoos. You aren't sure which is the more likely.

So; the bad news. In between your discovery of them last year and the beginning of this one, some of their Witch Doctors have fully awakened their senses and connections with the Loa. You are somewhat directly responsible for the return of the Loa's interest in the jungle trolls – at least in Stranglethorn Vale – and now you are kind of suffering for it. They have never been the most benevolent entities on average at least, but you were sort of hoping they would stay working alongside you solely. Still, you are a pious troll, and know what this most likely is.

It's a test. You have the Loa, but now others do as well. Are the Gurubashi truly worthy? You can open the door but can you walk the walk as well?

You don't know…but you are sure as hell going to try. Based on your scouts and your father's reckoning, the mobile mass of the Bloodscalps will reach the Gate by next year, due to the fact that Skullsplitters have decided to take advantage of the migration by assaulting the flanks of the Bloodscalps. It surely isn't for you, but for themselves. All they know is that the Bloodscalps are heading into Zul'Gurub, which they both probably want, and that if the Bloodscalps get all of themselves into your home then it will be nigh impossible to dislodge them. Slowed as they are by the Skullsplitters and the Bloodscalps own efforts to lash together catapults and other such devices, you have a little bit of time to prepare.

The drums of war are beating again…but you are trolls. Your people became masters of war before the rest of the world. You fought the largest and grandest wars this world has ever seen, you fought wars long enough to see the mountains rise and fall. Against each other, against the bugs, against the elves, against the humans, against everyone and everything. Survival is the never ending war that the trolls have always been winning. So sure, the Bloodscalps are coming.

But the Gurubashi are waiting. You'll see who is who, and what is what. Let the Loa watch their true followers prove themselves.

Due to the soon arrival of the Bloodscalp Tribe, Personal Actions and Learning Actions Have Decreased By One/Military Actions and Intrigue Actions Boosted By One Until Either You Or The Bloodscalps Are Dead/Surrendered/Etc.

Zul'Jo is a good friend of yours, and he is one of the best fighters you have. He's led raid after raid out from the back ways of the ruined city where your tribe currently resides, but he's been itching to get out there and start taking it back instead of just breaking faces. (Pick 2)

Oh Captain, Need Captains: Zul'Jo has come about with an interesting idea. Normally trolls attack in large mobs, with the better and simply more well-warriors taking the lead. There is no rigid system to determine whose orders should be followed, or of any major discipline. The utter dearth in fighting while your foes run about in terror has led his mind to these thoughts. He is a Captain, as is Zulgo'longo, but what does that really mean? He leads all of your warriors, and Zulgo'longo follows him. But that means two captains? But he wants to examine the process, just a tad, to see if the whole warrior management concept can't be refined. Time: 3 Years. Reward: Development of rudimentary Officer system. Better discipline for forces. Will Complete This Turn.

(Siege) Weapons of War: One of the more simple weapons in existence, the catapult, is known to you. Lashing together wood and stone and bone in order to produce a ranged weapon is not the most difficult thing ever, and if the Bloodscalps manage to get any of their own you need a counter point beyond your regular magic. Besides which, being able to lob stones over the walls or from atop them is going to be far better than trying to use catapults against Zul'Gurub. All you have to do is give the order and have it put to use. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: 20 Gurubashi Catapults.

Stationing Drudges: Drudges are not normally used in open combat, considering that it is a term for less martially inclined trolls in that they are young or old or other such things but damn it you will need the numbers. Shifting the drudges will take some actual effort however, as will equipping them and moving them closer to 'The Front' as it were, as in the western half of Zul'Gurub fully. Going through the effort will take some time, but it's worth it, right? At the least, having them running supplies and triage tents can only increase efficiency in the oncoming battlefield. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Drudges join 'ranks' for upcoming battle, able to be moved and operated, slight bonus to supply and medical treatment rolls if needed.

Never Gonna Give It Up: Zul'Gurub is yours again, and you have no intention on losing if ever. Not to invaders from any corner, it doesn't matter if they are human, goblin, or troll. Especially if they are troll, because now that you have your capital back you don't doubt that jealous trolls across Stranglethorn that don't want the Gurubashi back in power are going to be coming after you now. As such, you need to start really rebuilding defenses, starting with the Gate of Zul'Gurub, the main entryway to your city. Rebuilding the wood and metal and stone of the Gate will be a good start. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Gate of Zul'Gurub fully rebuilt, defenses of Gate of Zul'Gurub rebuilt.

Diplomacy: Your tribe built the Gurubashi Empire up out of bloody conquest, strong words, and overwhelming influence. It was made from the bonds between numerous tribes, all working together albeit under one unifying group i.e. the Gurubashi. It's time to see what else you can do in this area. (Choose 1):

Searching For Cat's Paws: You remember the old scouting reports of your father, and what the loa showed you through visions. One of the things that the Bloodscalps have you so beat at in is numbers, so you rather need some warm bodies for yourself. The gnolls are not particularly a noteworthy race for anything more than sacrifice or eating, but if you could potentially goad them into…doing, well, anything beyond being smelly dog things that take up valuable space, would be worth the effort, you think. Sending your mind and scrying abilities to go look, then using your command over the loa to scare them into doing what you need, that's the kind of thing you could never have done before now. Well, you're missing a leg, you might as well do some rituals considering you can't go much places without hopping around awkwardly. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Using spooky spells, scare the gnolls of the Snarlclaw Tribe to run into the Bloodscalp rear, flanks…just distract them in general.

Where Ya Don Gone Greyvines: The Bloodscalps fought, the Gurubashi ruled, and the Greyvine forged and crafted. As it is however, you've lost any and all sight of them, and at this point you are reasonably sure that you will need their help in the future. Sending out the spirits to search for them in the mountains will take time, but locating them can't really hurt you unless they've gone to a place filled with insanity causing phenomena that would crack your mind and soul simply from looking at it. But what are the chances of that happening, right? Cost: 500. Time: Until They Are Found.

Stewardship: No one else is going to help you restore your once glorious city. Your people are going to have to pick themselves up by the bone anklets. One day, one day Zul'Gurub will be the vibrant place of life it once was, your walls won't be crumbling piles of shale, and your homes won't be hovels. One day… (Pick 1):

Dismantle The Old: Now that you can inhabit the greater Zul'Gurub, you should probably get rid of the random stuff you'd build up over the generations over in the Great Pens. Housing, barracks, towers, stuff that is no longer needed for you. Now that you have the whole city back, you can restore the Great Pens to their original purpose and gain back a small amount of supplies and resources in turn. Perhaps some are nostalgic for the Great Pens after generations hiding in there, but you certainly aren't. You have Zul'Gurub back, and deserve far more than a simple little hut. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Great Pens cleared for further refurbishing. +500 Gold.

Needing Food: Fighting is hungry work. Fighting against Bloodscalps is going to be extra hungry work. Zul'Gurub back in the old days had tribute coming from all over Stranglethorne and the rest of your lands, but it also had farms of its own. It's time that you got a few more refurbished and going again. Now that some of Zul'Gurub has been rebuilt, and areas cleared, you can get back to that. Simple stuff, to start with, tubers and stuff like that, but that will be just the start, going forward. Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: +250 Farming Income.

The Grand Rebuilding of Zul'Gurub: This will be hard, long work. To refurbish the canals, the houses, the walls, the markets, the temples, all that and more. To start up the old mines and quarries located deep within your city-state, your realm within a realm. Not only that, but it will take a lot of supplies. But this is simply what you have to do. This act will simultaneously provide some good employment for everyone who seems rather startled at your success and don't know what else to do with themselves, while also performing one of the actions you swore to yourself you would succeed in, the rebuilding of Zul'Gurub to its former glory. Cost: 8,500 Time: 5 Years. Reward: Zul'Gurub fully rebuilt, defenses restored, housing restored, canals refurbished, mines and quarries restarted, etc. Spirits pleased. Temples rebuilt, can begin proper worship again. Will Complete In Three Turns.

As your attentions become more and more widespread, that troll Helga'aka seems to have found herself in this position by way of chance. (LOCKED):

Little Boom: Your alchemists can make small healing potions and elixirs. Not much, but better than none at all. But that's fine, it's a process, not an instant success button. Next you think that you want your alchemists to begin working on things that are more useful in the offensive sense. Concoctions that explode when they hit the ground, and no you don't mean the usual alcohol and glass plus rag maneuver. You want actual explosions. How hard can it be? Cost: 500. Time: 3 Years. Reward: Throwables, small explosions. Chance of Success: 85%

Piety: The spirits speak once more to the Gurubashi! Many are extremely upset with you, with all jungle trolls it seems, for the past few centuries of silence. You've got some work ahead of you. (Pick 1)

Reconnecting With The Loa – Hethiss: Hethiss the Snake Loa is powerful. Well, all the major Loa are powerful. His attentions are on the Vicious Poison, the Swarming Scales. He appreciates the strong strike, the ruthless domination of your foes through overwhelming firepower and overwhelming numbers. Based on your recovered scraps and fragments found within the city, his personality is quite vindictive indeed, but he always had an affection for those who were able to prove themselves. To his favored his is warm and comforting, to everyone else…he is quite cold. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Audience with Hethiss. Chance of Success: 85%

The Ghosts of Zul'Gurub: You remember the sensation, the fury of the ghostly spirits of Zul'Gurub when you discovered the blasphemy of the Bloodscalps and brought back the Loa. They have largely gone to rest, most of them, but when you are about to get your collective tribe's behinds kicked in by the Bloodscalps it might be worth searching for any of the more...awake…ones to aid you in the fight. There must be some, right? Even if there aren't that many, you are willing to look into almost anything to help you beat this. You refuse to lose to these trumped up fools who think themselves worthy of inheriting the Gurubashi Empire. So, to the ghosts you shall go… Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: ??? Ghostly aid? Chance of Success: 45%

Fury Wards: An idea that your mate came up with, and an interesting one. You've got Healing Wards that channel healing loa that are also intrinsically linked to Crethekk. But there are other spells that can be done that might also be transferrable into Voodoo Ward form, as with the healing kind. She suggests, in this trying times, trying to connect with Shirvallah, and bring the fury and full frontal confrontation of his nature against the enemy with some kind of Ward that would summon spirits of rage, bloodlust, and strength to induce a berserking state amongst the trolls of the Gurubashi. To be fair, your race has perfectly good berserkers which are born naturally, in situations where you are so badly outnumbered as you currently are it's not the worst idea. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Rage Wards – channel the Bloodlust Buff to nearby Gurubashi trolls regularly during a battle. Chance of Success: 50%

Intrigue: You've never been one for sneaking about, but that's ok. You've got spirits for that. For instance, your father. Considering that you're one of the most gifted Witch Doctors around, and none of the others seem able to channel the power of the spirits just at the moment, that gives you a…unique opportunity. (Choose 2)

No Solicitors: Now that Zul'Gurub is yours, you need to make sure that it stays that way. The Guardians can't protect everything, and neither can your warriors, but you know what can? The spirits. Spirits don't sleep, spirits don't need to go on break, though sometimes they'd like to. But the mass sacrifice of all the disloyal trolls in the city a short while ago has attracted a bevy of carrion spirits, wild little biters who flense and consume anything that they can. They can be directed, corralled, sent out and such, and that is exactly what you are going to do here. The secret ways in and out of Zul'Gurub, the places where patrols might miss, essentially weaknesses in your defenses that sneaks, thieves, rogues, people like that might come by…it's time to lay down a few Spirit Traps filled with carrion spirits, to punish anyone who thinks themselves clever. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Bonuses against infiltration of Zul'Gurub.

Spirit Sabotage: One of the things that is going to make life extra difficult for you is that enemy shamans have once more found Loa willing to come to their call. You can't actually tell the Loa to up and stop doing that, they're your gods after all and free willed besides, but you can leverage your own not-inconsiderable spiritual strength against them on the way to Zul'Gurub. By focusing your rituals and sacrifices on preventing them from summoning rituals against you, hopefully your own shamans will therefore have a far greater advantage due to the lack of magical support of the Blooodscalps. It will require a hefty amount of work, and should you fail the backlash could damage you yourself! But hey, no one said Voodoo was the safest thing ever, right? Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Sabotage enemy shaman/witch doctor based efforts if successful in case they have something cooking up. If lose, they get to hurt you. Chance of Success: 65% [may be dangerous]

Scouting The Enemy: You need numbers, and you need answers. What, if any, siege weapons do the Bloodscalps have? What are their supplies looking like? Unfortunately you cannot just rely on sending the littler loa to look for you because now the enemy has shamans on their own and they no doubt have set up their own warding rituals. That's all well and fine, but you need to know, and that means you will be pitting yourself against the enemy witch doctors, which was going to happen eventually on its own but you still have no actual idea of the strength of connection they have with the loa. Besides, some of the more powerful witch doctors with the most powerful voodoo serve the darker nameless loa, the ones that have names that are whispered out of fear rather than called out in pride. Ones you have contacts with too, but they've shied away from you after your association with 'brighter' loa, even if there isn't actually a good and evil divide amongst the spirits, except in extremely rare cases. Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Information on Bloodscalps. Chance of Success: 65%

Personal Actions: You can't be making concoctions or performing ritual sacrifices all the time. (LOCKED):

New Voodoo: You have no idea how this little golem works. But you could probably figure it out. It is still recognizable, not a pile of rocks. Now, just to restore it, power it, and then figure out how to make more someday maybe? Cost: 500. Time: 3 Years. Reward: Repaired Helper Golem. Knowledge of how to make more little Helper Golems.

Study The Guardians, Part 1: The Guardians are a very good resource. Anti-magic and scrying barriers is something you are all for. The last thing you need is some enterprising human wizard to spy what's going on and run willy nilly to his King about you getting stronger again. Or a goblin telling their boss. Or another troll telling other trolls before you are ready. But...they are quite broken down. A few more years of their misuse by the Bloodscalps and they'd probably be gone forever. So it'll take some time. But the chance of being able to have a fully protected Zul'Gurub again is worth it, and worth the troll souls that will most certainly be used in this research. Cost: 500. Time: 3 Years. Reward: Stage 1 of New Guardians Complete. Chance of Success: 65% Will Complete Next Turn.
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Military: Zul'Jo is a good friend of yours, and he is one of the best fighters you have. He's led raid after raid out from the back ways of the ruined city where your tribe currently resides, but he's been itching to get out there and start taking it back instead of just breaking faces. (Pick 2)

[X] Stationing Drudges

[X] Never Gonna Give It Up:

Diplomacy: Your tribe built the Gurubashi Empire up out of bloody conquest, strong words, and overwhelming influence. It was made from the bonds between numerous tribes, all working together albeit under one unifying group i.e. the Gurubashi. It's time to see what else you can do in this area. (Choose 1):

[X] Searching For Cat's Paws:

Stewardship: No one else is going to help you restore your once glorious city. You're people are going to have to pick themselves up by the bone anklets. One day, one day Zul'Gurub will be the vibrant place of life it one was, your walls won't be crumbling piles of shale, and your homes won't be hovels. One day… (Pick 1):

[X] Needing Food:

Piety: The spirits speak one more to the Gurubashi! Many are extremely upset with you, with all jungle trolls it seems, for the past few centuries of silence. You've got some work ahead of you. (Pick 1)

[X] The Ghosts of Zul'Gurub:

Intrigue: You've never been one for sneaking about, but that's ok. You've got spirits for that. For instance, your father. Considering that you're one of the most gifted Witch Doctors around, and none of the others seem able to channel the power of the spirits just at the moment, that gives you a…unique opportunity. (Choose 2)

[X] No Solicitors:

[X] Scouting The Enemy:
Right, first things first, we got our city back.


Also we might want to take that Gnoll option, better to have those stupid fucks killing those wannabe city stealing assholes before they get here.
[X] (Siege) Weapons of War
[X]Never Gonna Give It Up
Choosing siege weapons over the solicitor thing because, being able to f up the gurubashi from behind our own walls is amazing.
Also, repairing the gate

[X] Searching For Cat's Paws
Would love to find the greyvine, but we need to stall now.

[X] Dismantle The Old
Get to use things the way they were meant to be used. Might improve gains we get from our buildings.

[X] Reconnecting With The Loa – Hethiss
Thought about Things like Fury ward and the like. Bloodlust is op after all. But ended up choosing hethiss. Connecting with the loa is Pretty important. And should unlock more things we can do to our enemy.

[X] No Solicitors:
[X] Scouting The Enemy:

Thought about sabotage, but not sure we can afford to take damage. Not without more modifiers.
[X] (Siege) Weapons of War
[X]Never Gonna Give It Up

[X] Searching For Cat's Paws

[X] Dismantle The Old

[X] Reconnecting With The Loa – Hethiss

[X] No Solicitors:
[X] Scouting The Enemy

Basically what Avalon said.

Hopefully having the gates repaired and siege weapons up will do a lot against the incoming Troll army.
[X] (Siege) Weapons of War
[X]Never Gonna Give It Up

[X] Searching For Cat's Paws

[X] Dismantle The Old

[X] Reconnecting With The Loa – Hethiss

[X] No Solicitors:
[X] Scouting The Enemy
[X] (Siege) Weapons of War
[X]Never Gonna Give It Up

[X] Searching For Cat's Paws

[X] Dismantle The Old

[X] Reconnecting With The Loa – Hethiss

[X] No Solicitors:
[X] Scouting The Enemy
[X] (Siege) Weapons of War
Need to counter their own if they manage to get them. Otherwise we'll at least be able to lob stuff at them while the gates are closed.

[X] Never Gonna Give It Up
Fully repaired gates will stem the tide much better than drudges will. We need to deny their numerical advantage, not try and fail to match it.

[X] Searching For Cat's Paws
The Greyvines won't arrive in time to be of any help, and the gnolls should at least bleed the Bloodscalps a bit.

[X] Needing Food
If this turns into a siege we need to be able to hold out as long as possible. Even if it doesn't we still get food based income, so it's win-win.

[X] The Ghosts of Zul'Gurub
They'll have a hell of a time trying to counter ghosts compared to raging trolls methinks.

[X] Spirit Sabotage
This is going to backfire hilariously. Oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained.

[X] Scouting The Enemy
Should synergize well with Spirit Sabotage. Find their catapults/witch doctors, then knock them down.

[X] Stationing Drudges:
[X] Never Gonna Give It Up:


[X] Searching For Cat's Paws:


[X] Needing Food:


[X] The Ghosts of Zul'Gurub:


[X] No Solicitors:
[X] Scouting The Enemy:
Military: (Siege) Weapons of War, Never Gonna Give It Up
Get the defenses rebuilt ASAP and ensure that the Bloodscalps aren't the only ones with catapults.

Diplomacy: Searching For Cat's Paws
Expendable gnolls are expendable. With any luck they'll slow the Bloodscalps down a bit/kill a few.

Stewardship: Needing Food
Want to be sure that we have plenty of food for the coming siege.

Piety: The Ghosts of Zul'Gurub
Low % but the other two need two yearrs and the enemy will be on us in one.

Intrigue: No Solicitors, Scouting The Enemy
Get at least some defenses up and a better idea as to what the Bloodscalps might be sending our way.
[X](Siege) Weapons of War:
[X]Never Gonna Give It Up:

Siege Weapons to (hopefully) lob boulders onto their siege weapons, see if they manage to get in.

Getting the gate back up so we can keep them out.

[X]Searching For Cat's Paws:

More distractions! Keep our enemies busy fighting other stuff.

[X] Needing Food:

Doesn't give as much money but it amps up our food supply and doesn't demolish our old base of operations.

Getting military use out of the Great Pens sounds like it'll take multiple turns.

[X]The Ghosts of Zul'Gurub:

Other options take 2 years and we may be able to buy time/harass the Bloodscalp more if we have an army of angry ghosts on our side.

[X]Spirit Sabotage:
[X]No Solicitors:

Hurt them, intelligence is nice but I'd be fine with a "lots" if it means many of them are also cursed.

Edit: Forgot we had 2 intrigue options

No Solicitors so we can avoid a Trojan Bloodscalp scenario.
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[X] (Siege) Weapons of War
[X]Never Gonna Give It Up

[X] Searching For Cat's Paws

[X] Dismantle The Old

[X] Reconnecting With The Loa – Hethiss

[X] No Solicitors:
[X] Scouting The Enemy
Military: Zul'Jo is a good friend of yours, and he is one of the best fighters you have. He's led raid after raid out from the back ways of the ruined city where your tribe currently resides, but he's been itching to get out there and start taking it back instead of just breaking faces. (Pick 2)

[X] Stationing Drudges: Drudges are not normally used in open combat, considering that it is a term for less martially inclined trolls in that they are young or old or other such things but damn it you will need the numbers. Shifting the drudges will take some actual effort however, as will equipping them and moving them closer to 'The Front' as it were, as in the western half of Zul'Gurub fully. Going through the effort will take some time, but it's worth it, right? At the least, having them running supplies and triage tents can only increase efficiency in the oncoming battlefield. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Drudges join 'ranks' for upcoming battle, able to be moved and operated, slight bonus to supply and medical treatment rolls if needed.

[X] Never Gonna Give It Up: Zul'Gurub is yours again, and you have no intention on losing if ever. Not to invaders from any corner, it doesn't matter if they are human, goblin, or troll. Especially if they are troll, because now that you have your capital back you don't doubt that jealous trolls across Stranglethorn that don't want the Gurubashi back in power are going to be coming after you now. As such, you need to start really rebuilding defenses, starting with the Gate of Zul'Gurub, the main entryway to your city. Rebuilding the wood and metal and stone of the Gate will be a good start. Cost: 1000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Gate of Zul'Gurub fully rebuilt, defenses of Gate of Zul'Gurub rebuilt.

Diplomacy: Your tribe built the Gurubashi Empire up out of bloody conquest, strong words, and overwhelming influence. It was made from the bonds between numerous tribes, all working together albeit under one unifying group i.e. the Gurubashi. It's time to see what else you can do in this area. (Choose 1):

[X] Searching For Cat's Paws: You remember the old scouting reports of your father, and what the loa showed you through visions. One of the things that the Bloodscalps have you so beat at in is numbers, so you rather need some warm bodies for yourself. The gnolls are not particularly a noteworthy race for anything more than sacrifice or eating, but if you could potentially goad them into…doing, well, anything beyond being smelly dog things that take up valuable space, would be worth the effort, you think. Sending your mind and scrying abilities to go look, then using your command over the loa to scare them into doing what you need, that's the kind of thing you could never have done before now. Well, you're missing a leg, you might as well do some rituals considering you can't go much places without hopping around awkwardly. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Using spooky spells, scare the gnolls of the Snarlclaw Tribe to run into the Bloodscalp rear, flanks…just distract them in general.

Stewardship: No one else is going to help you restore your once glorious city. You're people are going to have to pick themselves up by the bone anklets. One day, one day Zul'Gurub will be the vibrant place of life it one was, your walls won't be crumbling piles of shale, and your homes won't be hovels. One day… (Pick 1):

[X] Needing Food: Fighting is hungry work. Fighting against Bloodscalps is going to be extra hungry work. Zul'Gurub back in the old days had tribute coming from all over Stranglethorne and the rest of your lands, but it also had farms of its own. It's time that you got a few more refurbished and going again. Now that some of Zul'Gurub has been rebuilt, and areas cleared, you can get back to that. Simple stuff, to start with, tubers and stuff like that, but that will be just the start, going forward. Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: +250 Farming Income.

Piety: The spirits speak one more to the Gurubashi! Many are extremely upset with you, with all jungle trolls it seems, for the past few centuries of silence. You've got some work ahead of you. (Pick 1)

[X] Reconnecting With The Loa – Hethiss: Hethiss the Snake Loa is powerful. Well, all the major Loa are powerful. His attentions are on the Vicious Poison, the Swarming Scales. He appreciates the strong strike, the ruthless domination of your foes through overwhelming firepower and overwhelming numbers. Based on your recovered scraps and fragments found within the city, his personality is quite vindictive indeed, but he always had an affection for those who were able to prove themselves. To his favored his is warm and comforting, to everyone else…he is quite cold. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Audience with Hethiss. Chance of Success: 85%

Intrigue: You've never been one for sneaking about, but that's ok. You've got spirits for that. For instance, your father. Considering that you're one of the most gifted Witch Doctors around, and none of the others seem able to channel the power of the spirits just at the moment, that gives you a…unique opportunity. (Choose 2)

[X] No Solicitors: Now that Zul'Gurub is yours, you need to make sure that it stays that way. The Guardians can't protect everything, and neither can your warriors, but you know what can? The spirits. Spirits don't sleep, spirits don't need to go on break, though sometimes they'd like to. But the mass sacrifice of all the disloyal trolls in the city a short while ago has attracted a bevy of carrion spirits, wild little biters who flense and consume anything that they can. They can be directed, corralled, sent out and such, and that is exactly what you are going to do here. The secret ways in and out of Zul'Gurub, the places where patrols might miss, essentially weaknesses in your defenses that sneaks, thieves, rogues, people like that might come by…it's time to lay down a few Spirit Traps filled with carrion spirits, to punish anyone who thinks themselves clever. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Bonuses against infiltration of Zul'Gurub.

[X] Scouting The Enemy: You need numbers, and you need answers. What, if any, siege weapons do the Bloodscalps have? What are their supplies looking like? Unfortunately you cannot just rely on sending the littler loa to look for you because now the enemy has shamans on their own and they no doubt have set up their own warding rituals. That's all well and fine, but you need to know, and that means you will be pitting yourself against the enemy witch doctors, which was going to happen eventually on its own but you still have no actual idea of the strength of connection they have with the loa. Besides, some of the more powerful witch doctors with the most powerful voodoo serve the darker nameless loa, the ones that have names that are whispered out of fear rather than called out in pride. Ones you have contacts with too, but they've shied away from you after your association with 'brighter' loa, even if there isn't actually a good and evil divide amongst the spirits, except in extremely rare cases. Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Information on Bloodscalps. Chance of Success: 65%
(Siege) Weapons of War
Never Gonna Give It Up

Siege Engines are always good, and gotta get the Gate rebuilt.

Searching For Cat's Paws

More people hitting the Bloodscalps is always good.

Needing Food

More food in preparation for the expected siege.

Reconnecting With The Loa – Hethiss

Linking up with another major Loa sounds great.

No Solicitors
Scouting The Enemy

Better protection against infiltration, and more info on the Bloodscalps.
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