Warcraft: The Gurubashi Restoration

Actually before the Old Gods came and enslaved them primal Azeroth belongs to Elemental Lords and their courts keeping it in a constant state of chaos which they thrived in. Kinda like the Breakers vs Primals conflict on old Draenor.

Without the Old Gods and later Titan actions there wouldn't have been that grace period to let the trolls raise up like they did, or at least not the same way.
Sure, but that doesn't mean that the Trolls remember it that way. ;)
The Zezra war: Part II - maximilian
The Zezra war: Part II

Zandalar is the crown of Azeroth.
In awesome riches and divine splendour, in dread majesty and merciless dignity, in sheer power and glory, no land in creation is it's equal. So it was in aeons past, and so it will be till the end of time.
But in yonder times, long before the Spirits, the Elements and the Loa crowned the victorious Zandalari lords over all of Zandalar; many a tribe had carved their kingdoms in the high mountains and bountiful valleys of this mystical land.
In the days of our tale, three great kingdoms vied for supremacy amongst the trolls: The Zanmanki of Zuldazar who cast the bronze and carved the stone, the Zaqitlaki of Zul'Qitlak who tamed the beasts and bound the spirits, and the Nazmiri of Zul'Nazman who built the dams and commanded the elements.

In Zuldazar a great palace was carved into the mountain, its many-pillared halls adorned with tapestries and ornaments from the skins and bones of the conquered.
There Zan'lakar II sat upon a throne of bejewelled bronze, each gemstone glowing with the soul of a chief or rival that he and his ancestors slew.
Upon receiving word of the murder of his appointed governor, his countenance darkened, and he called forth his viziers and high priests:

"Da unwashed savages dared lay hands upon our servant, dey had da temerity to defy our will and plunder our wealth!
It seems dat our leniency made dem forget da fate of dose dat defy da kings of Zandalar! An example I will make of dem!
Go to da Kings of Zul'Nazman and Zul'Qitlak, give dem my greetings and tell dem dat I shall assemble a great host to forever put da primitives in deir place! Tell dem dat it would warm my heart if dey would send their own warriors for dis war, so dat all will know dat to lay hand on da meanest servants of kings, is to invite da wrath of all of Zandalar!"

Now, some amongst you will think that that was that. But the clever trolls know that the world works differently from the wishes of its people.
For you see, kings are greatly concerned with the maintenance of their stature and majesty, but they are more concerned with reducing that of their rivals. So it was that the King of the Zaqitlaki sent assurances of aid to Dazralkhan, whilst his armies encamped on the borders of Zuldazar.
As for the old king of the Nazmiri, he did not even deign to respond, for he was Naztrakhan the first, greatest of the kings of the age. To this day his tomb bears the inscription :

Of the blood of Nazmir I am Naztrakhan----Creation we ruled in desolate and shrouded time.
Armies rode with chains weaved like yarn----Against the elements, Sethraks amongst them you find
The land submitted and to us was born-------Raptors the like unseen in the age of primes.
The south, east and west to us did turn------------And their sacred places we marked for shrines.
Every high and fortified hold we did burn------------All the wealth to us was moved without stymie.
The birthland of the sun we upturned-----------------On trophies of dead and unnamed gods we dined.
Such victory did our persons adorn -------------------On every rider the souls of dozens slain did cry.
Races whose face the sun scorned---------------Rivers of tears flowed and washed the battle grime.
Their pride and honour we had shorn----------------Fair they were and their gods wailed at the crime.
Atop direhorns in shackles they mourned---------Without ceremony their dignity we did deny.
All amongst them live in despair forlorn------------For none are people not of our blood sublime.
Strength and power exist for all to learn---------Glory and splendour will in our halls forever shine.

In the days before the emperors, no troll was as mighty and feared as Naztrakhan of Zul'Nazman! He had bound lords amongst the elements, he struck from the annals of time a thousand tribes and made slave twice as many! Ten thousand spirits were by his will alone bowed into servitude, and the Loa of the sun gifted him the Stone of Itza'Alai which graced his brow with the favour of the dawn star.

But he was old, very old, he had ruled the Nazmiri for a hundred years and fought for them long before his coronation. When he heard of what befell the vassal of the Zanmanki, curiosity grew within him: who are those primitives that defied Zan'lakar? who are they that the king of Zuldazar cannot handle them on his own?
He called for his courtiers to find more about these people, for they have earned his interest.

Naz'jin, lord of the palace in service to the king, had amongst his acquaintances a merchant of some renown, Winjo Splittooth who often took caravans to trade with the northern tribes. And so the lord of the palace brought him before the king to better tell him of these trolls who slew a governor.

"Your glorious majesty, dis humble servant is awed by your royal presence, I beg of you excuse my meagerness and hear da tales I have of dese trolls.
Dey are of da tribes born of Chilleye, nomads for da most part, who range by da seasons to care for deir herds of rhinos and mammoths. Dey live a hard and harsh life, hunting and raiding to stave off starvation, what settlements dey have are often temporary, inhabited for a few years and den abandoned as nature's bounty is exhausted.

Da one who killed Zak'Anlor was Ku'laibi chieftan of da Coldblood tribe, he is a great warrior, so skilled is he dat no less dan forty riders can offer him challenge. He is possed of great mojo, with a spear dat brings da very chill of da north and a skull helm blessed by da Loa Rhunok! He is known amongst da sons of Chilleye and all da tribes of da north as troll of great honour and pride, indeed no troll of our time is as proud as Ku'laibi!"

"Fool! I am da proudest troll to ever live! I subdued da elements and made slaves of peoples without count! I am da Sun King, champion of Itza'Alai! on what pretence do others claim renown whilst I live? what do these savages have to be so proud of? what great deeds have dey dat da very gods sing of dem to da end of days?
Nay, I will see deir vaunted pride broken, dat is my will, and so it shall be"

"Your great majesty! You misunderstand! I did not mean to besmirch your splendour, I only retold what the bards and poets sing of. If you wish to wage war against these savages, you have every right to do so. But if dey are dead, who will sing of your greatness ?"

"Deir spirits I will shackle and have dem tell my tale over da graves of deir people, I have no need for dem to live"

"Such is your might your majesty, But why not strike two birds with one dart? These savages, much like our own people, place great importance on ties of blood. Should you take a wife from their chieftains, you will have gained deir loyalty without da hassle of war"

"I do not fight for loyalty, I fight for supremacy! how will dis Ku'laibi know disgrace if I do not break him?"

"Ah, dis is da brilliance of marriage your majesty! chief Ku'laibi is known to be madly in love with Zhannola daughta of da Frostblood tribe, so if you ask for her to be your wife her tribe cannot possibly refuse, and Ku'laibi will have his love denied by you! thus you shame him and gain da services of his kin."

"Dere is logic in your proposal o merchant, but who is dis Zhannola dat I should marry her? what makes her worthy of becoming Queen of da Nazmiri? are my own people so bereft of worthy women dat I have to marry into savages?"

"Ofcourse not your majesty! But dis Zhannola is no ordinary troll. Songs are sung of her beauty and grace: dey say she fair as the snowy plains, da blue of her eyes and hair puts to shame da finest sapphires, her voice sweet as da pure waters of da high springs, lithe as da leopard and cunning as da fox, her eloquence and repertoire puts to shame da bards of Zul'Qitlak, and her charm is such dat she is a favoured of the Loa Sseratus.
No your majesty, your people are great and mighty, but no less dan da best of trollkind is fit for a seat by your side and no worthier troll is dere dan Zhannola"

"You are making great effort in dis sales pitch, but your words have left an impression."

After dissmissing the merchant, the great king summoned his lord of the palce, and gave him a command:
"Naz'jin, take a thousand of my chosen with you to da north, find da Frostbloods and tell dem dat Naztrakhan of Zul'Nazman wants dere daughta for a wife. Eradicate dem if dey refuse"
"You wish to marry into da savages your majesty ?"
"Nay, if she is as great a woman as da merchant said, then I will wed her, if not she will be another slave in my collection"

And so Naz'jin began to prepare for the journey to the north, and Winjo Splittooth raced with all speed towards the tribes of Chilleye.
There was a great opportunity to be had, and he will see himself placed in a favourable position.
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Honestly I admit my headcanon had always been that in Zandali Trolls sound 'normal'. It's when they speak Common/Orcish, 'troll speak' is an artifact of Zandali having a rather different lexicon etc resulting in some interesting grammar choices and accents unless they really practice the fine details of foreign languages.

Of course the savvier trolls know this and intentionally keep using 'troll speak' so as keep up the appearance of backwater savages. Nothing like being underestimated/dismissed by potential opponents.
Honestly I admit my headcanon had always been that in Zandali Trolls sound 'normal'. It's when they speak Common/Orcish, 'troll speak' is an artifact of Zandali having a rather different lexicon etc resulting in some interesting grammar choices and accents unless they really practice the fine details of foreign languages.

Of course the savvier trolls know this and intentionally keep using 'troll speak' so as keep up the appearance of backwater savages. Nothing like being underestimated/dismissed by potential opponents.
Haha, yeah, we actually dabbled with the idea that from the POV of a troll they talk/sound completely normal - everyone else just hears them talk with the accent. As funny as the idea was, we ultimately felt it'd be too big of a 4th-Wall meta break, as well as conflict with some other stuff we'd written previously.
I mean. I'm not going to lie. How thick the accent is per post depends on my energy levels and simple whim, because doing it completely consistently constantly would be just...awful, to have to keep forcibly concentrating on. It's why certain words are used and then not per sentence, just...yeah. I try to relax just a bit when writing this quest, because, you know, trying to retain a bit of light-heartedness.

It is what it is.

As for technological limits, if we do hit gnome/human/dwarf levels, it will be with voodoo/spirit/spell based equivalents, not exact copies for the greater Gurubashi military/civilian applications. I will, however, allow for individual trolls a la PC's in WoW learning engineering and taking it to a certain level, more likely than not. Cause I'm the GM of the quest so I say so :p

But for a greater example...let's look at airships, huge examples of technological prowess and sophistication in Warcraft's universe. Big, flying, crazy weaponry, tactical use for transport or offense is considerable. Not just zepplins, but the sorts of airships we first saw in Wrath of the Lich King.

A hypothetical troll airship of equivalent size to those we saw there, in the confines of it being Gurubashi Empire-based many, many generations from now, would be something like a massive carved thing of shaped stone and wood, with massive reinforced gold and steel plating on it in general troll aesthetic. Its 'engines' would be twin ziggurats of enchanted stone towards the rear of the ship, each block inscribed with runes of blood-based magical tinctures created by Witch Doctors, while within the ziggurats are spirits of air and fire channeled to communicate their being and power throughout the rest of the ship. I imagine thick stone 'piping' which act almost like veins of this great machine-beast, its prow shaped into the snarling maw of the Greater Loa who blessed it's creation as an literal flying temple to their being and name. Probably Hir'eek, as he is the primary...winged...flying sorta fella for the Gurubashi. And out of the mouth is a cannon whichfires either large tree trunks sharpened into a giant ballista-bolt sort of thing, itself channeled with spells/energies to create a massive explosion, or just like...concentrated angry spirits shoved into a sort of magical exploding sphere. While on the sides would be 'turret emplacements' of spirit and sacrifice-based launchers. Specially forged arrow heads, launched farther than is normally possible for trolls...something like that maybe.

Probably huge drums beating as if to be the ship-beast's beating heart, to keep pace with the pulsing of the spirits, all the while the ship's Pilot-Priest does a continual ritual dance and chant which communicates itself as directing the ship and its weaponry. No 'captain's wheel', but a magic circle of inscribed blood. Almost a Dance Dance Revolution sort of control system, but also involving the singing and praying with the dancing to give more sophistication.

Or maybe it would be a thing of getting close, launching boarders or something. Maybe a carrier-type thing with a huge flock of giant bats and their riders who are in a literally flying cave, launching from beneath like fighters in Babylon 5.

Eh, idle thoughts for now.

We'll see what happens later on.
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I now have the image of a passenger on one of the gnome/human/dwarf having a conversation that goes something like this.

Passenger: Am I seeing things or is that mountain floating in the sky?
Captian: Nay, it just looks that way when mountains pock through the cloud cover.
Passenger: Then where are the clouds?
Captian: Oh shit!
A hypothetical troll airship, in the confines of it being Gurubashi Empire-based many, many generations from now, would be something like a massive carved thing of shaped stone and wood, with massive reinforced gold and steel plating on it in general troll aesthetic. Its 'engines' would be twin ziggurats of enchanted stone towards the rear of the ship, each block inscribed with runes of blood-based magical tinctures created by Witch Doctors, while within the ziggurats are spirits of air and fire channeled to communicate their being and power throughout the rest of the ship. I imagine thick stone 'piping' which act almost like veins of this great machine-beast, its prow shaped into the snarling maw of the Greater Loa who blessed it's creation as an literal flying temple to their being and name. Probably Hir'eek, as he is the primary...winged...flying sorta fella for the Gurubashi. And out of the mouth is a cannon whichfires either large tree trunks sharpened into a giant ballista-bolt sort of thing, itself channeled with spells/energies to create a massive explosion, or just like...concentrated angry spirits shoved into a sort of magical exploding sphere. While on the sides would be 'turret emplacements' of spirit and sacrifice-based launchers. Specially forged arrow heads, launched farther than is normally possible for trolls...something like that maybe.

Probably huge drums beating as if to be the ship-beast's beating heart, to keep pace with the pulsing of the spirits, all the while the ship's Pilot Priest does a continual ritual dance and chant which communicates itself as directing the ship and its weaponry.

Or maybe it would be a thing of getting close, launching boarders or something. Maybe a carrier-type thing with a huge flock of giant bats and their riders who are in a literally flying cave, launching from beneath like fighters in Babylon 5.

Eh, idle thoughts for now.

We'll see what happens later on.
For some reason I was expecting Mayanesque pyramids with shrines to keep the gravity Loa appeased/dormant/contained.
Possibly with on-board chambers/floors that had have excess of gravity Loa. And/or containers/bait to get them away from the ship.
its prow shaped into the snarling maw of the Greater Loa who blessed it's creation as an literal flying temple to their being and name. Probably Hir'eek, as he is the primary...winged...flying sorta fella for the Gurubashi.And out of the mouth is a cannon whichfires either large tree trunks sharpened into a giant ballista-bolt sort of thing, itself channeled with spells/energies to create a massive explosion, or just like...concentrated angry spirits shoved into a sort of magical exploding sphere.

Now I have this image in my head of stone mouth opening and letting out a roar composed of a torrent of angry wailing spirits.
You know, assuming we even consider trade with other races I'm sure they would love potions based on troll blood that speeds up natural healing since they don't have ridiculous troll natural healing factor.

Pretty sure alchemical goods would be a major export in general.
We should at least build smaller temples to the other Loa, Rezan and Bwonsamdi especially. If we're going to fully restore the Empire, best to have the favor of the Loa of Kings. As for the Loa of Death, well... self explanatory, really.

Also, Zaz'ke must have learned how to make that anti-regen poison somewhere or from someone...
The one issue with continuos dancing to direct the airship is how tiring that gets. But thats really easy to get around as well
Yanno, on the notion of various 'troll takes on tech' makes me think of some of the animal-vehicle sheng-gon-wu from Shaolin Showdown.
But what I'm still wondering about admittedly is trying to think of issues we might run into going forward.
Internal strife from boredom is a one, possibly Zandalari poking around could do things, but they seem like the biggest thing they'd do that'd be problematic is 'request' Jojo hang out and Zandalari and explain how he got the Loa back/make sure he's on the up and up. (Cue spirit journey shenanigans to pull him there sometime when he's in the middle of feeding his golem his fingers maybe?)
Hakkari can always crop up to give us something to punch...
I guess there's also always a good old fashioned plague/natural disaster to shake things up!
Hmmm so aesthetically we will have more things in common with the flying necropolis like Naxxramas than with human/elf/gnome/goblin/dwarf engeneering?

That sounds kinda interesting to be honest.
I mean. I'm not going to lie. How thick the accent is per post depends on my energy levels and simple whim, because doing it completely consistently constantly would be just...awful, to have to keep forcibly concentrating on. It's why certain words are used and then not per sentence, just...yeah. I try to relax just a bit when writing this quest, because, you know, trying to retain a bit of light-heartedness.
Heh, same for me when Writing Troll... I have the advantage however... Troll speak is basically a bastardized variation of multiple Caribbean accents... which is super easy for me to slip into by just sounding things out and speaking the words I want directly before writing them down fully.

Tiring yes... but easy enough once I start 'acting' out the words to myself.
Hmm... Maybe rather than a dance-circle as the ship's wheel equivalent, it is instead a main drum-set? Like a drum arcade game!

This looks like a pretty neat drum design btw. Actually... almost looks like it could be something from Pandaria. The simple red and white thing. The curves. The neatly shaped and colored drumsticks... Really cool.
While on the sides would be 'turret emplacements' of spirit and sacrifice-based launchers. Specially forged arrow heads, launched farther than is normally possible for trolls...something like that maybe.
Floating, large Tiki masks that hover just over the floor and chant and banter with each other (and their Troll crewmates!) like they're Statler and Waldorf as they shoot LASERS or FIRE at the enemy. Or perhaps vomit burning oil. Or a swarm of bugs or locusts. Or something.

Like the shield things on a Viking ship, except Tiki masks!
Quick question but how much does our tribe know of Pandaria and the Mogu, cause checking the lore The Zandalari and the Mogu do have a sort of alliance between each other?
Quick question but how much does our tribe know of Pandaria and the Mogu, cause checking the lore The Zandalari and the Mogu do have a sort of alliance between each other?

Probably not much. Pandaria has been completely cut off from the world since the Sundering. To the point the Pandarians didn't even think there was a rest of the world.

If my understanding of the WoW timeline is correct, then we're still 400 years before anyone in Panadria decides to leave to find out if any of the old world is left out there.
I imagine a troll airship could have 2 different sets of ritual setups. An airship simply flying needs less power than one acting in combat.
A hypothetical troll airship of equivalent size to those we saw there, in the confines of it being Gurubashi Empire-based many, many generations from now, would be something like a massive carved thing of shaped stone and wood, with massive reinforced gold and steel plating on it in general troll aesthetic. Its 'engines' would be twin ziggurats of enchanted stone towards the rear of the ship, each block inscribed with runes of blood-based magical tinctures created by Witch Doctors, while within the ziggurats are spirits of air and fire channeled to communicate their being and power throughout the rest of the ship. I imagine thick stone 'piping' which act almost like veins of this great machine-beast, its prow shaped into the snarling maw of the Greater Loa who blessed it's creation as an literal flying temple to their being and name. Probably Hir'eek, as he is the primary...winged...flying sorta fella for the Gurubashi. And out of the mouth is a cannon whichfires either large tree trunks sharpened into a giant ballista-bolt sort of thing, itself channeled with spells/energies to create a massive explosion, or just like...concentrated angry spirits shoved into a sort of magical exploding sphere. While on the sides would be 'turret emplacements' of spirit and sacrifice-based launchers. Specially forged arrow heads, launched farther than is normally possible for trolls...something like that maybe.

Probably huge drums beating as if to be the ship-beast's beating heart, to keep pace with the pulsing of the spirits, all the while the ship's Pilot-Priest does a continual ritual dance and chant which communicates itself as directing the ship and its weaponry. No 'captain's wheel', but a magic circle of inscribed blood. Almost a Dance Dance Revolution sort of control system, but also involving the singing and praying with the dancing to give more sophistication.

Please, I can only get so erect. Even if we don't get that far in this quest, I will cherish this image.
The Zezra war: Part III - maximilian
The Zezra war: Part III

At the King's behest, Naz'jin assembled a mighty force to venture into the north.
Veterans of the campaigns of Naztrakhan, trolls bearing the blessings of the Loa and armoured in enchanted silk and bone fed with the power of a thousand souls. Weapons of gilded stone they wielded, a beaten elemental bound to each.

As the host left the great city of Zul'Nazman, they passed by the lands of Zuldazar and Naz'jin begged audience of its king to permit him passage through his lands.
At first Zan'lakar II was pleased by the news. At last the old Nazmiri had sent troops to subdue the nomads!
But his cheer quickly left him as he was told the purpose of this force:

"Da barbarians kill a vassal o mine, and ya master wants ta marry dem?! Does he not care for da prestige o Kings? Did old age rob him of 'is pride!?"
"I am but an agent o his majesty, it is not ma place ta question"
"Bah, da Zaqitlaki play at sincerity and now da Nazmiri lust after primitives, what has da world come to.."
"Your concerns are wise your majesty, I am sure dat many share dem"

The hall darkened as Zan'lakar II focused his gaze upon the Lord of the Palace, the souls in his throne wailing as he sucked their power unto himself.

"What are ya playing at?"
"I play at nothing your majesty, I merely inform you dat even in Zul'Nazman your wisdom finds purchase"

The King's hand snapped forward, and a dozen anguished spirits swarmed the envoy, spectral claws digging deep into his flesh.

"I am not an equal for you ta play wordy games wid. Speak clearly or I will have yar soul speak!"
"Your majesty! I mean no ill will! King Naztrakhan is old and age has taken its toll. Dere are many in his palace dat do not agree wid his recent fancies"
"And why tell me dis? Why reveal such weakness ta yar liege's rival?"
"You are a king and rival to a king, as it stands I am too lowly ta be involved in da rivalry of monarchs"
"*snort* As it stands ya say, so ya wish ta make a move against ya master, and ya wish for my aid in making it"
"My only wish is to maintain da dignity of da Nazmiri, but I admit a crown wouldn't hurt"

With a wave of the King's hand, the spirits vanished and the throne shone once more.

"Den ya shall have it. Go now and finish ya master's task. On your return a host of my own will accompany ya, dere to bring our gifts and blessings upon Naztrakhans wedding."
"Your grace and generosity knows no bounds your majesty, neider I or my king will soon forget it."

And so the Lord of the Palace of Zul'Nazman left the meeting with a great smile on his face, content in the knowledge that soon he will rise to even greater station.
But in the halls of king Zan'lakar, another audience was taking place:

"Zan'dezar, when da Nazmiri returns, ya will accompany him back to Zul'Nazman wid a great caravan of gifts and five tousand of our best troops."
"Ya wish us to aid dat snake in his plot?"
"Hahaha, of course not! I wish ya to wait till Naztrakhan is dead and den bring his murders to justice and restore order to da city"

As the plots of the high and mighty of Zandalar thickened, an ambitious merchant was making plots of his own.

For Winjo Splittooth had made it to the settlement of the tribes of Chilleye.
And there he stood at the sacred square, and with a booming voice he proclaimed for all to hear:

"O what joy what fortune! Da Loa have blessed ya o tribes of Chilleye! Your kin da Frostbloods have a daughta so fine dat word of her reached da palaces of Zandalar!
King Naztrakhan himself wishes to wed her! Da conqueror of da elements, da master o Zul'Nazman himself seek ta bind his blood ta yours! He has sent an army under his Palace lord to ask for her hand!
What greater honour can a troll aspire to! I weep in joy at yar fortune o Frostbloods!"

As you would expect, the news shocked the assembled trolls. And immediately they erupted into clamourous muttering as the ramifications were considered.
They were at war with the Zanmanki and it was only a matter of time before King Zan'lakar unleashed his armies against them, an alliance with the Nazmiri could very well save them.
However, Zhannola was the beloved of Ku'laibi and her father had already promised her to him. Furthermore, the Nazmiri king wasn't coming himself to ask to wed her, but sending a servant with an army as if to claim a trophy! the ice trolls may be savages, but they still had their pride.

The arguments grew loud and heated until chief Rith'uba of the Chillbreath tribe took the centre, and called for all gathered to quiet down:

"Zhannola is da daughta of Muja'ja, dis affair concerns da Frostbloods alone! so stop chittering and let dem speak!"

With that, chief Muja'ja raised his voice: "Trolls of Chilleye, we are not yet done with da affairs of one king and now anotha is thrust upon us! I know dat Naztrakhan's aid is invaluable and dat his wrath is terrible, but da choice is not my own to make! I promised Zhannola to Ku'laibi, I did not live so long to break my oaths now!"

"So ya will have us face two kings at once? we'll be eradicated!" hollered one of the trolls.
"I told ya I had given an oath! I am bound, so help me with a solution rather dan spouting nonsense!"
At that Kul'laibi did stand and all eyes turned to him. "If it is an oath dat troubles ya cousin, den I relive ya of it"

Cheers and hails erupted, and many gathered called out that Ku'laibi can have any of their daughters, for he is more than worthy!
But the mood quickly turned when they saw the anger in his countenance.
"If you are giving ya daughtas to me, why not give dem to da Nazmiri king? is he not worthier in your eyes? I tell you dis, I relive Muja'ja of his oath, but Naztrakhan will not wed Zhannola until I am dead!"

Winjo paled and quickly proclaimed: "Are you mad?! you're challenging da king of Zul'Nazman! He exterminated tribes far stronger and larger than yours!"
"I already took da head of a king's governor, a crowned head is no different"
And with that, Ku'laibi left them to their discussions.

Now, you all are wondering, how in the world can Ku'laibi defeat Naztrakhan? does he have a death wish? The answer to that is quite simple; where strength fails, cunning may prevail!

At night when all were asleep, he and his sister Ral'tsia met with Zhannola and her brothers So'sital and Jamushi, and there they hatched a clever plan.
They will have Muja'ja declare that he will wed his daughter to the king, and then send the merchant Winjo to Zul'Qitlak to buy wedding gifts worthy of kings. Zhannola herself will be sent to her nieces amongst the Winteraxe, to stay there until the envoy of king Naztrakhan arrives, in order to avoid any incident with Ku'laibi.

When the envoy arrives he will be directed to the Winteraxe, to escort the bride and her belongings from there.
What none would know however, is that Ku'laibi, Ral'tsia, So'sital and Jamushi will be with her, pretending to be her slaves and servants.

What is the end goal of this rather convoluted plan? To kill a king on his wedding day!
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