Warcraft: The Gurubashi Restoration

So is anyone curious as to what dear old daddy was coming to tell us? Hopefully his skull wasn't broken in a way we can't fix. I'm also curious as to the possible whitening of one of the hearts on Crethekk's heart-stick.
One question before the naming. Is she going to succeed us?

if so i here by name her.. Mojo. and when she grows up and shove our spirit into a floating skull, everyone will hear of the great MOJO-JOJO

Who gets to be Chief is going to be pretty fluid. This ain't no Kingdom what with primo-whatsits or het-athingies.

Basically, the Chief gets to say who gets to be who, and that's the end of it. And in this case? Dying is not necessarily a full roadblock to informing people of what your decision is.
[X] Zul'Joy

If our last name was Jo-jo I would've gone for Mojo, but Mojo Headshrinke doesn't have the same ring to it.