Warcraft: Fallen Kingdoms (Old)

Pray for the Fallen: It has been some time since you prayed for those that fell during the Fall of Lordaeron and you have yet to pray for those that fell during the Battle for Corin´s Crossing, maybe it is time to do so and put your mind to ease.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: ???. Reward: +1 Reroll

-Dressing in more subdued colors you head towards the Church, there were not many people in the church when you walked in, a family and a couple of people sitting alone, there is also the priests and a rather humorous sight of, what you guess to be a priests daughter, trying to hold up her father's staff, not wanting to disturb those already there you quietly took a seat and started to pray.

You started your prayers to those that died when the Scourge overran Lordaeron, hoping that they find peace in the afterlife and that they are not trapped in their rotting bodies. It is your worst nightmare, to be trapped in your own body as it slaughters your people, being aware of everything it does but unable to stop it, if your people are trapped in that hell you hope to bring peace to them. Deciding that you have been sitting in the church for too long you stand up and leave the church, heading towards the graveyard.
Green eyes watches as you leave.
You walk along the gravel path towards the graves of the fallen soldiers, when you arrive you sit down on one of the benches and look over the graves, you take a moment to see just how many graves there are before starting to pray. You can´t help but wonder what they thought in their last moments, did they think of their loved ones, did they think about what they will miss, did they hate you for sending them out to fight and die, but their deaths will not be in vain, for those that died in the past and for those that will die in the future, you will bring peace to this Kingdom again. Done with your prayer you stand up and start to move home.
Dark gray scales littering the ground vanishes.
When you arrive home you move over to the picture of your family, your mother is holding a young you with your fathers arm around her shoulder, your older sister stands in front of your mother wearing a purple dress and your brother stands in front of your father clad in blue suit fitting his status of Crown Prince. You knell and start to pray for them.

You don´t remember much about your mother, she died just a few years after you were born, all you can remember is a warm feeling and brown warm eyes.

You had your father wrapped around your fingers, maybe it was the combination of being the youngest daughter and a last memento of your mother but your father couldn´t say no to you, unless it was dangerous, otherwise you got what you wanted in one form or another.

You got along with your sister as you should get along with sisters, you fought, you made up, you tormented your brother and father, you can only hope that she is alive and safe.

You always had fun teasing your brother about anything really, mostly about Jaina during the time they were together or when you teamed up with Calia or Jaina, or both, and forced your brother to do embarrassing things.

You miss all of them, hoping that those you don´t know the fate of is safe and happy, but you won´t be able to be at peace until He has paid for what he has done.
The clock glows slightly.
You finish your prayers and change your clothing before starting your duties. Reward: ???. Reward: +1 Reroll.
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MYeah. Dark Grey Scales is most likely the Infinite.

Of course, the issue is when the Bronze try to do something about it. They usually send in murderhoboes from the 'canon' timeline to ensure that 'canon' remains 'canon'.

Even when it's stuff that some people might consider better i.e. stopping the opening of the Dark Portal, and the one that always fucked me up - Helping Arthas murder his way through Stratholme. Not because I disagree with what he did, but because I personally could have done without doing that with my char.
MYeah. Dark Grey Scales is most likely the Infinite.

Of course, the issue is when the Bronze try to do something about it. They usually send in murderhoboes from the 'canon' timeline to ensure that 'canon' remains 'canon'.

Even when it's stuff that some people might consider better i.e. stopping the opening of the Dark Portal, and the one that always fucked me up - Helping Arthas murder his way through Stratholme. Not because I disagree with what he did, but because I personally could have done without doing that with my char.
I role played that dungeon as my Death Knight, we got this guy to pretend to be a Bronze dragon explaining why this has to be done and then had our characters go through semi-private scenarios where we decided to go through with it or not.
MYeah. Dark Grey Scales is most likely the Infinite.

Of course, the issue is when the Bronze try to do something about it. They usually send in murderhoboes from the 'canon' timeline to ensure that 'canon' remains 'canon'.

Even when it's stuff that some people might consider better i.e. stopping the opening of the Dark Portal, and the one that always fucked me up - Helping Arthas murder his way through Stratholme. Not because I disagree with what he did, but because I personally could have done without doing that with my char.

It doesn't exactly help that chrono lords Deja and Epoch, the drakonid bosses from the dark portal and stratholme respectively, pretty much go out of their way to say that they believe what they're doing is the right thing. In a sense they're right, and compared to their brethren that are actual dragons who aren't even trying to hide their intentions, these two seem to believe what they're doing is the right thing.

History unfortunately proves them wrong, as without canon the legion probably would have won, but these two are at least making an effort and die believing that they are in the right, no matter how zealous they might be, compared to adventurers, who aren't doing themselves any favors in the sense of making sure all of this happens.

"Congratulations Heroes, you have ensured the safety of the timeline, and the deaths of thousands that will happen because of it. Here's some random loot."

Oh, Hyjal was all right I suppose.

Anyway, in more relevant...ing...ness...I don't want to poke Stratholme until it is assured we can completely swamp it. Last time the Scarlet's tried that and everything went to absolute shit for them.
Ah, I have a question - where we can find maximum number for our troops/priests/mages? So when we approach that number, we'll build necessary buildings.
Ah, I have a question - where we can find maximum number for our troops/priests/mages? So when we approach that number, we'll build necessary buildings.
@Genezz will/should tell us when we get there but otherwise we're good, I think the main problem is finding people who can actually train others in the arts. Mages/Priests likely takes years of service to get anywhere as it's the equivalent to a modern day academic going to university or college.
Maybe we can get Dalaran to act as our cloud to counter necropolises.
Extremely unlikely since Dalaran is in ruins and on the other side of Lordaeron. A better thing would be to have any remaining High elves become a new School of Magic. Become a home for half-elves and such.