Warcraft: Fallen Kingdoms (Old)

Wow, look at that bandwagon, isn´t it beautiful?

Anyway I have a question, do you want some audience participation? Basically, I will sometimes ask for a random number of rolls, could just be one, could be several and I won´t do it all the time, just now and then, of course, I won´t tell you what the rolls are for and they could be for both you and the enemy. Oh, and you would have to use the SV roll system.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Mages
No. of votes: 22
Derek58, jwolfe_beta, Chimeraguard, Kelenas, MacroDaemon, Ando Owen, Varano, Yun, Chief18753, TheHappyVampire, Cyanios, Vanguard_D, Qeqre, afterthought53, Tonaris, al103, staplesdex2, cast2007, Theunderbolt, veekie, Restalaan, Koden
It doesn't matter who roll the dice as long as the dice is rolled. And it will slow down the quest if we do it this way.
Right, so... This might be a little premature since we haven't won yet but for the next turn I propose this:
Military: we rebuild the Eastwall Tower and the Crown Guard Tower while expanding our patrols to the Thorondil river.

This would give us defensive strongpoints against Scourge counterattacks and save more refugees.

If an option comes to rebuild/expand our forces, I propose we take that in lieu of rebuilding a tower. We'll want to save as many refugees as we can so they won't be added to the scourge forces.

Now, Rebuilding Eastwall will discourage the Trolls from raiding us, which keeps them busy fighting the Scourge of Stratholme. In addition, we have Light's Hope Chapel to help watch the North from attack.

On the other hand, Rebuilding Crown Guard tower will allow for better force projection to the west, which should synergize quite well with expanding our patrols to the Thorondil river.

Personally I'll probably prioritize Eastwall tower since that's where the caravan was headed(which to me implies the next attack will come from there).

To summarize:
[] Rebuild Eastwall Tower
[] Expand Patrols Thondroril River

And either:
[] Rebuild Crown Guard Tower
[] Recruit new soldiers

Meanwhile for diplomacy, with refugee housing finishing this turn we'll have our diplomacy slot open again. I'll probably go for Light's hope Chapel since they are grateful to us for raiding the Undercroft and we've lost a fair amount of troops. Plus coordinating with them would help us defend our northern border better.

[] Light´s Hope Chapel

For stewardship, with integration office being Locked in we'll only have one option. Since we have no supply of ore and despreately need more troops I'll probably vote for whatever option sets up an actual mine unless we find some supplies in Corin's Crossing.

If we find enough Ore supplies in Corin's Crossing I'll probably delay the mine for one turn in favour of capturing lifestock the increased capability to move supplies should help us better rebuild/resupply the towers we should be rebuilding and give us marginally better food supplies(still at a slight deficit, still drawing in refugees).

So either:
[] Mine option
[] Capture the Livestock

For Intrigue I want to expand the network, being able to launch covert attacks against our enemies should allow us to reduce their numbers without costing us much lives(which is a good thing given how outnumbered we are).

Although we should probably also find out what Noxious Glade is up to now that they(presumably) have the caravan. We'd need to know if they are planning to assault the Scarlet enclave or retake Corin's Crossing, though I personally prefer to expand the network so we can whittle their numbers down sooner.

[] Expand the Network

Learning is locked.

Piety is locked. If it isn't, I propose we research the soil again, we need to find a way to make the soil fertile again/counteract the blight.

For personal, I'd advocate either learning about the Silver Glow(since I'd expect it to have some very good combat stats) or improving our Intrigue(with Invar) since I'm not liking how slow we are to notice assassins.

A third/fourth option is/are more religion with Isillien/studying the book, the former would let us hamperthe rate at which fanaticism spreads further while the latter might actually let us cast holy magic.

[] Silver Glow
[]Learn from Invar

All in all pretty basic. Deny enemy movement, prepare to be attacked, prevent them from "recruiting" refugees to outnumber us further with and either enable to continuously arm more men or increase our logistical capabilities.

We still desperately need a diplomacy advisor though...

Sounds good, but I kinda want to poke that internal civil war among the scourge.

IC it sounds like something we can exploit, but might also be a trap: but either way we must know what is going on. Spending some intrigue there might be good, with an later diplomacy action if possible later where we can shift the Forsaken from attacking everyone to merely attacking the scourge.
Sounds good, but I kinda want to poke that internal civil war among the scourge.

IC it sounds like something we can exploit, but might also be a trap: but either way we must know what is going on. Spending some intrigue there might be good, with an later diplomacy action if possible later where we can shift the Forsaken from attacking everyone to merely attacking the scourge.

The rebel scourge(forsaken) are probably operating mainly in Tirisfal Glades, which might be outside our operational range for now(I think repairing Crown Guard tower will enable us limited operational range in the Western Plaguelands)...

Aside from which, something of note:
different factions of undead fighting, one being the Scourge and the other under an unknown flag, though apparently they were both seen killing soldiers and refugees.

At the end of the meeting you stated that you would look into their issues, but you weren´t promising anything.
Reward: Information on the Refugee situation, Easier Integration, Rumors, New Faction - Unknown Undead: Hated.

They are Undead, hated, killing soldiers and refugees(making them little better than the Scourge really). I consider them a problem for later, something to keep the Scourge distracted. I don't think we'll be able to do much diplomacy with them.

On the other hand, I think I know what might have been inside the convoy we failed to stop:

the letter on the other hand had some useful information on the plans the Scourge has for the trolls in the north, Hameya is to infiltrate Zul'Mashar and spread the undead plague amongst the trolls and bring them to the Lich Kings side, with this information we will be able to intercept Hameya and stop him, if we want to.

We may want to spend an action on this, just to keep the Trolls of Zul'Mashar in the game(I personally hope this will be either intrigue or diplomacy). If the Trolls fall we'll be facing pressure from Statholme, on the other hand, if we don't reinforce the Eastwall tower we might be facing pressure from the Trolls thinking us an easy target...

In any case, if we get patrols out to the Thondroril river we'll be able to hamper reinforcements between Western and Eastern Plaguelands, letting Andorhal and Scholomance deal with the unknown undead without support from Stratholme. Similar to how Noxious Glade will be isolated from Stratholme by a combination of the Trolls and us if we conquer Corin's Crossing(another reason to keep the Trolls in the running for now).
Attack on Corin´s Crossing - Part 7

Attack on Corin´s Crossing - Part 7

Alexandros POV

Aligning yourself towards the mages, you squeeze your horse to make her go faster, as you get closer you ready yourself for impact.

Charge Rear - Needed: 20 Rolled: 49+15+20=84.

You knock over several mages as you barrel through them, swinging your sword you kill one of the mages you pass, your men following you, wrecking havoc amongst the mages.

Angelicas POV

Blocking another blow with your shield you slash at the skeleton in front of you, hitting its neck you sever the head from the body, causing whatever magic that was holding it together to fail and making the rest of the body to fall apart.

'I really need to work on my endurance, my muscles are burning and I am drenched in sweat, despite the fact that the battle hasn´t gone on for long.' You think to yourself as you defend against another skeleton. 'Or has it gone on for a long time and I just haven´t noticed?'
Mage Frost attack - Needed: 40, Rolled: 58+10=68.
Killing another skeleton you notice a abomination lumbering towards your position, you and the ones close to you prepare to deal with it, but before it can get more than a few meters away from you, a blue bolt hit the abomination on its lower parts, causing thick ice to spread, incasing its leg and causing it to fall down, taking advantage, you sprint forward and loop off its head, looking for where the bolt came from you see several mages casting spells, aiming towards abominations and banshees for most parts, but a few are casting fire spells towards groups of enemies.

Realizing that either the Knights or the returning Paladins are attacking the enemy mages, you return your focus to the battlefield, with the support of the mages against the tougher Scourge troops, it is only a matter of time before you finish of the enemy.

Sometime Later

Without their heavy and ranged troops the rest of the Scourge forces stood little chance, by the time the battle was done you wanted nothing more than to take a bath and sleep for the rest of the day, but duty calls, after being given enough time to freshen yourself up and eat, a meeting was setup to discuss the aftermath of the battle.

The Town

There are several ways to deal with Corin´s Crossing, we can burn it down, taking the risk that anything valuable or dangerous will be destroyed in the process, we can search through the town, taking everything valuable and dangerous, but this has the risk of setting of any traps left behind, then we can burn it down or keep it to repair, we can also just leave it empty, but that course of action is not recommended.

[] Burn it down

[] Search and Destroy

[] Search and Keep

[] Leave it Alone

[] Write in

Undead Corpses

We have a couple of options in how we can deal with the undead corpses, we can simply burn all of them or we can keep all or some of them for research, I would recommend that we keep the corpses of the skeletons, zombies and ghouls, as we don´t have the capabilities to hold the plague filled corpses of the abominations, I would also recommend that we don´t keep what is left of the banshees, we don´t know if the remains of them are dangerous and I would rather have a secure container in place first, before we study them.

[] Keep all Corpses

[] Keep the Skeleton, Zombie and Ghouls corpses
-[] And Abomination
-[] And Banshee

[] Burn all Corpses

[] Write in

Bonuses: +15 Paladins vs Undead, +20 Rear Attack. +10 Surprise Attack

The next part should be the Epilogue of this battle, you will get the list of casualties and some other information. If you feel like I have missed something, tell me and I will look into it.
[X] Search and Keep
[X] Keep the Skeleton, Zombie and Ghouls corpses
-[] And Abomination

What's the issue with containing abomination corpses? Just sheer size?
What's the issue with containing abomination corpses? Just sheer size?
They mention plague filled corpses so it probably a disease issue or something.

[X] Search and Destroy
[X] Keep the Skeleton, Zombie and Ghouls corpses

I don't think we have the resources or man power to hold Corin´s Crossing.
[X] Search and Keep

It's all well and good to crush undead armies, but it doesn't give you anything solid except a more secure sleep. Take everything valuable, it will be that much less for the Scourge. With luck, you will find information and necromantic studies.

[X] Keep the Skeleton, Zombie and Ghouls corpses

You won, and you need to study the Scourge. Take whatever you need. Burn the abominations and the banshees, too much risk hazard for now.
[X] Search and Keep
[X] Keep the Skeleton, Zombie and Ghouls corpses

It's a crossing, if reinforced it'd be a great frontier position.
And yeah, abomination remains will cause plague outbreaks like no tomorrow. Burn that shit.
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[X] Search and Keep
[X] Keep the Skeleton, Zombie and Ghouls corpses

Abominations have Plague Clouds around them, best not to take it.