Age: 18
Time of death: May 23rd of 2018, just days away from high-school graduation all due to the hands of his tormentors.
Appearance: Jackson's new body is that of a gray colored, lanky corpse with limbs as thin sticks and a bloated stomach. He lacks eyes and instead as two pinprick sized burning dots inside of his eye sockets. His head is close to blad with only a handfull of hair strands with the texture of dried wax and would lit themselves on fire whenever Jackson became highly emotional.
- The Weird Kid: they were obsessed with the supernatural and unknown, leaving you with little friends to hang out with. ( +10 to occult and -10 to diplomacy.)
- A Bookworm: They loved to read and study about a multitude of different topics leading to them getting all A in their school, expect for gym class. (+10 for learning and - 10 for martial.)
- Jackson would cover and hide his pain Misery through eating and drinking; Hoping to forget.( Jackson has gained the sin:Gluttony. He must roll every turn reults to see if he lets his additions take over in the form of a roll check; If he does not pass, then one action will automatically fail.)
- Jackson never grew jealous or callous towards others, For their success would drive him to be better. (Jackson has gained the virtue of kindness: When Ever a hero unit Rolls a critical, Jackson's roll will gain a +40 in response.)
- Jackson never backdown when faced with a failure, he doubled down on it. (Jackson has gained the virtue of Diligence: When ever Jackson fails a roll for an action, the Dc for that roll will decease when he tries again.)
- Virginity: Because of Jackson's lack of any anysort of "intimacy" before death, Succubuses and incubuses can smell the Virginity radiating off of him, and their addicted to it. (+30 to all diplomatic interactions with incubuses and succubuses/They will be more nice and flirty to you than they normally would be, but be careful: Not all of then can control themselves.)
- twelve pairs of sweat and dirt covered wife-beaters and gray sweat pants.
- Living inside of a dirty apartment building head togeather with duck tape and gum, with it being filled with crack heads and murders.
Fun facts:
- his favorite band is Linkin Park, with his favorite being their song "New Divide"
- Lived in Cabrini-Green Chicago before his death.
His voice
- enjoys a session or two of DnD
- Likes to study religions and their interesting texts
Current Stats:
MARTIAL: +8 (Jackson Mcgril has finially done the impossible: He has a normal physique . . . For a living human, as a sinner he's still pretty pathetic.)
- Health: 100/100
- Base damage output: d20
- Demonic Transformation: +30/Two turns (You feel indescribable strength when you enter this form, but you as though there's more; Like further power awaits you.)
DIPLOMACY: +0 (you're a stuttering, awkward mess, but ,now that you look halfway normal, most people can tolerate you.)
STEWARDSHIP: +2 (you have a basic understand of money management and budgeting, but you still new to this whole thing abd have a lot left to learn.)
INTRIGUE: +8 (Despite your lack of people skills, you're passable as a lier and trickster; But you still have a lot to learn; Luckily you got Ash to show you the ropes.)
- Acting: +2 (The acting skill will be used when Jackson is lieing or trying to deceive others. This skill will not be used in other intrigue actions like stealing, spying, sabotaging, and other actions like that.)
PRESTIGE: - 25 (you're pretty unknown to pretty much anyone one who isn't a friend, but those who do know you say that there's something special about you)
LEARNING: +15 (While no super genius of any sort, you're a cut above the average when it comes your knowledge on a number of topics.)
OCCULT: : -5 /nearly able to perform magical spells. (Nail's teachings and your daily meditation has led you to the closest you have ever been to unlocking the magical potential laden within you.)