Does god exist in this quest because I know vis said she didn't feel comfortable with the idea.
I'd like to think that after disowning Lucifer and making hell, he did the same as his ultra-kill counterpart at some point (probably shortly after Jesus died) and just left since he couldn't handle the grief of losing so many of the people he cared and making his creations suffer.
Well, if we ever befriend a bee demon, we might need to invest in a good fluffy coat.

Edit: That was a joke, but if we are selling candy, it would be good to have honey as a candy base, so it would be a good idea
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Two important updates: first is that the next update may take a little longer than usally both because of real life stuff and because I want to make this next chapter extra good; Maybe an extra day or two at most. Second is that we will now have the offical Jackson voice vote, please vote which character or voice actor will be the voice of Jackson. Remember to only vote once for only one option.

[Write in] -
Foes and enemies
Basic personality description: she takes extreme pleasure from controlling and afflicting pain and misery onto others. She's quick to anger and will take even the smallest perceived slight as an excuse to lash out onto others. She tries to present herself as this cold, calculating genius, but she's a complete dumbass.

Age: 27ish


37 Helluva boss ideas in 2024 | hotel art, boss, vivziepop hazbin ...
- Now fashing an eye patch across her right side.

Hot Head: Toca is a woman that is easy to set off and hard to calm down, which leads her to act like an idiot at times. (If purposely provoked into a fight, a roll of Dc:45 will be checked. If it passes than Toca will get a -15 to her martial for three turns, if it does not pass than she instead gets a +15 for three turns in combat.)

GET 'EM BOYS!: The Imp has a handful of goons to call on in a moment's notice. (Can call up to three goons to help her at a maximum of two times per fight.)

ENOUGH TALKIN'!: Toca only respecta two things in the world: Strengths and action. She sees anyone that uses diplomacy as a solution as a limp dick pussy needing a black eye. (Any actions to try to calm Toca down will have a -50 against it. If it fails, It will cause her Martial to gain a +10 for one turn.)

A pile of gold chains and a old, rusty Pocket Pistol called Betty. Leader of a six, not including her, man strong Gang of Imps that roam around the northern east end of Imp city. Most likely homeless or is living from house to house, constantly on the move.


Mc - KILL. ON. SIGHT: -50/50 (After Jackson left Toca an eye lighter, Toca has gone on a rage-filled campaign to make his life a living hell.)

Gang - Master and slaves: 20/50 (Toca rules her gang with an iron fist, beating and killing any that question her leadership. This leads to the gang not following her out of respect, but out of fear and not having anywhere else to go. Toca's treatment of her men has further soured after THAT faithful run in with jackson, With her blaiming them completely for what happened.)

Current Stats:

MARTIAL: + 40 (while she may not look like it, Toca is Terrifyingly strong and swift; Far more so than you.)
-health: 250/250
-Base damage output: d40
- Pocket Pistol skill: +10 (While she may act like this deadly sharp shooter that can hit a tick from a mile away, she's barely better than the average Joe.)

DIPLOMACY: -10 (Toca is a rough, mean, savage bitch of a woman that would rather punch her away through a problem than talk.)

STEWARDSHIP: -25 (Toca isn't well kown for her financial capability and instead is better known to spend every every hell penny she has on gold and bejeweled chains.)

INTRIGUE: -5 (you really think a loud-mouth, and hot-blooded woman like Toca has the subtlety needed to be deceitful?)

PRESTIGE: +15 (Toca is decently known in her local area, if not her than definitely her gang is, but she's still seen as a small fry compared to the other gangs that call Imp city home.)

LEARNING: -20 (The Imp leader trys to present herself as being this intellectual gaint above anyother imp, but she can barely read a book.)

OCCULT: ??? As far as you know Toca is not capable of producing any kind of magic.
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