Virtual Quest [ON HIATUS]

Little Bark Town 3
I've stuck Assana's Air XP in, will tally rest of art and omakes tomorrow, sorry. My brain's gone numb.


You're interrupted throughout the day by a few more mentions of levelling up your magic, for no apparent reason, but you pay them little heed. Practically the instant you learn Fire magic, it pings up to level 10, so you get to learn Air magic anyway...

Which completely fails to immediately level up as it should. You're almost repulsed by this utterly shameful lack of respect for your majestic self.

Still! You have far more important things to concern yourself with, such as completing quests so that you can level up your paltry stats thus far. The first you accept is making a sandwich, which turns out not - shockingly enough - to involve sand at all. A strange Human invention, it involves placing the slices of bread the chef NPC provides you with, either side of some vegetables and (yummy) meat. Mmm. Meat.

With all the natural grace of your kind, you manage to only fumble the ingredients slightly under the blank gaze of that stupid NPC, following his annoying instructions and managing to refrain from scratching his ankles.
[MALICIOUS WEBSITE]/roller/view/4627054/ = 48
... It turns out messy. And you have butter all over your muzzle. And you might have licked the delcious chicken before putting it between the bread (but you didn't actually eat it!). Plus, you stick an illusion on it to make it taste better, although the NPC doesn't actually eat it. Oh, well.
Quest Complete! You have made a tolerable chicken sandwich!
Gained 1 XP!
Gained Cooking Skill (Basic Meals) Lvl 1 (048/100)!
Fufufufu~! Just as planned!

... You don't get to keep the sandwich, though.

The second task to complete is to sketch a portrait of the owner of the local art supply shop. This is stupid, because what kind of idiot gets a complete unknown (no matter how talented) to sketch them? Fool. Still, the ridiculous Human NPC provides the materials necessary, so you gracefully oblige his inane pleadings.
[MALICIOUS WEBSITE]/roller/view/4627066/ = 89
It comes out beautifully, naturally, or at least as beautiful as one can make a sketch of a two-legged animal that has a horrifically low level of fur. It probably turns out so well because you draw him petting your head, and any picture with you in it is undoubtedly a work of art. In fact, because you're the one who drew it, it's probably a double work of art! Hoho~!

Yet, no matter how much glance pointedly between your masterpiece and the oblivous NPC, he fails to pet you. Disgusting. You gnaw vengefully on his shoe until you grow bored and saunter off. Fine. It's not like you wanted your head scritched anyway. Fool.
Quest Complete! You've made a good portrait!
Gained 10 XP!
Increased Drawing Skill, +250 XP, Lvl 6 (250/600)!
Gained Set of Sketching Pencils! Gained Sketchpad!
[MALICIOUS WEBSITE]/roller/view/4627080/ = 28. Still no toy.
With no interest in wasting time with any Skill tutors - as if one such as you needs tutoring! - you accept some stall-owner's request to fetch fruit for him, and a whiny idiot's challenge to kill rabbits. Rabbits are delicious! You haven't ever eaten any, but evidence isn't needed for such an obvious fact.

Passing by the useless guards at the town (more like a village) entrance, you exit into Little Bark Plains (+5 XP for entering a new area), a boring countryside area filled with wide-eyed, meaty rabbits. tempting as it is, you're on a schedule - a few miutes of running in the direction given takes you to Miledown Orchard (+5 XP), where you spend a little time gathering up stock for Stupid Fruit-Seller NPC (and eating one of the odd berry-like fruits yourself, which apparently heals 5 HP. You promptly steal as many as you can).

After that little delivery is complete, for 30 XP and a pair of boots you can't actually wear (ACCURSED HUMAN FEET!), you smugly wriggle back outside to Little Bark Plains, where little Lvl 1 bunny rabbits hippity-hop around and AHAHAHAHA YOU'RE SETTING THEM ON FIRE AHAHAHAHA

Yes. So.

It doesn't take long before you're prancing between rabbit corpses (delicious!), having leveled up both Bite and Scratch (they're awfully weak) and gained some more XP in Fire magic. You really need more MP. Perhaps you should be focusing on minimising your spell-costs, rather than increasing your overall skill level...?

In any case, you gain 5 XP from each of the ten rabbits, helping you to Level 2. Ha! You can leave that stat point for now - there's a quest to complete!

The cretinous peasant who complained about the number of rabbit around humbly begs your forgiveness for doubting your might (or somethig like that, you're not really paying attention) and in exchange for you not slaughtering him in punishment, gives you 20 XP and a poor-quality
[X] Spear

[ ] Shortsword
[ ] Broadsword
[ ] Pair of Daggers
[ ] Staff
[ ] Bow
[ ] Warhammer
[ ] Whip

[MALICIOUS WEBSITE]/roller/view/4627102/ = 53. Still no toy.
Hm. You could go and accept the rat-killing quest - easy enough, and they might be more satisfying to pounce on than pathetic rabbits - but you should probably let your MP restore first. It's only a little past noon, after all, and you have the rest of the day waste! No - make use of. That's what you meant. As if one such as you would 'waste' your time, say, by lounging around on a bed of golden coins, wearing a crown of platimun, encrusted with diamonds! The crown, that is. Encrusting yourself with diamonds sounds like an interesting but painful task. Besides, you're beautiful enough without sparkly, glittery, expensive jewels about your noble person.

... Ah. Yes. Quests.

Ha! As if you'd get side-tracked by the thoughts of a magnificent horde of treasure! How petty that would be! More importantly (for now), there's that little girl who was skulking around one of the houses - the one who'd lost her... doll? Spinning top? What do Human children play with?

"S-someone took mah toy crossbow," she wails, when you track her down, rubbing her eyes with programmed regularity. "Mama carved it 'specially feh me!"

... Apparently Human children play with miniature crossbow replicas. How brazenly unsafe of them! You approve! Fufufu~!

"Fear not, mortal spawn!" You flick a sleek paw up at her, tossing your perfectly-formed head. Truly, you are the kindest. "Despite your sheer worthlessness, I'll take some time out of my busy schedule to seek this peasant entertainment you so desire. Praise me!"

She doesn't, but you do get a Quest Accepted! notification, so whatever.
[MALICIOUS WEBSITE]/roller/view/4627297/ = 52.
After an hour of searching up and down the town streets, you have no better idea as to where this work of poverty may be, but you have raised Shapeshifting a little more, and your MP is fully restored by the time you saunter over to the Inn instead. It's not like there's any time-limit for the Human spawn's pleadings.
[MALICIOUS WEBSITE]/roller/view/4627308/
Skipping down to the basement, you're pleased to find plenty of large, delicious rats, which proceed to not die quite as easily as you hoped. They're fast. And Lvl 3. And there's a lot of them, who like to attack you all at once.

You manage to kill several of them with Fireballs, refraining from burning the Inn down, before strolling languidly up the stairs. It isn't running. It's leaving athletically.
Gained Running Skill Lvl 1!

You curl up at the top of the stairs, tail wrapped around you, and lick one of your paws in an entirely non-sulky manner, summoning all of your powerful cunning to plot a successful tactic. With only 40 minutes left to kill perhaps 15 more rats, all of them above your level, you:

(This will choose your combat-style for the near future! So I can figure out what to level you in...)
[ ] Focus on defense and evasion. The priority is speed and avoiding being hit!
[ ] Focus on ATTACKATTACKATTACK! As long as you kill them fast, nothing else matters!
[ ] Focus on duplicity! With what MP remains, it's better to use your Illusions and brains against them!
[ ] Focus on (write-in).

You have 1 Stat point and 2200 XP to spend! Use them?
[ ] Stat point save/spend (how)
[ ] XP save/spend (how?)
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I'm back from brunch and watching Ghostbusters. Zen, as a no-XP drawing, what would you like? I probably won't be able to hammer it out before I go to the gym, but I can sure try. I'll edit this post soon with a scan of a drawing I did that I'll be using for pen and paper games.

As for what I'll do to the drawing I make, I'll scan it, trace it in vectors, color it and then upload it.
I'm back from brunch and watching Ghostbusters. Zen, as a no-XP drawing, what would you like?
Well, I'm half-dead at the moment so my brain isn't working at max, but I can't think of anything specifically! Pictures of Etna (fox or human) are always welcome of course, but we're still basically in 'setting up the character' stage, so nothing's really happened yet... Maybe something you want to see happen in-quest?
Whatever you decide on, you'll get XP for, though. Because I say so. Or maybe I'll award a stat point, or a re-roll, instead. WHO KNOWS? (The Shadow knows.)
[ X] Pair of Daggers
[X ] Focus on we're on the stairs right? Fireball them from above and wait to regen your mana when you run out.
[X] Stat Magic.
[X] Put some EX in fire, there's got to be a better spell in there somewhere.
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[X] Pair of Daggers
[X] Focus on duplicity! With what MP remains, it's better to use your Illusions and brains against them!
[X] Stat point: Magic
[X] Save XP


No Spear available?
Probably a good idea, I wouldn't have been able to resist pushing the Etna angle a bit more.
Does Staff give any magic boost?
[X] Spear
[X] Focus on defense and evasion. The priority is speed and avoiding being hit!
[X] Stat point: Magic
[X] Shove XP into Fireball until its MP cost is 1.

Rain fire! Never let their dirty mitts touch you! We can get more complex later, this should be enough for now.
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No Spear available?
Probably a good idea, I wouldn't have been able to resist pushing the Etna angle a bit more.
Does Staff give any magic boost?
Hm, I'll allow a spear choice as a write-in, I just didn't want anyone picking a massively atypical starting weapon. Not that whip and warhammer are typical, but still. :tongue:
Staff gives a small magic boost (efficiency-wise), but can also be used for bopping heads in. You can't use the majority of weapons in your fox form anyway (you could maybe wield a dagger?), so this won't be useful until you get a human form.
Can't upload it yet, but I have an idea. There is a change of plans, no gym today so I will have more time to sketch.
Hm, I'll allow a spear choice as a write-in, I just didn't want anyone picking a massively atypical starting weapon. Not that whip and warhammer are typical, but still. :tongue:
Staff gives a small magic boost (efficiency-wise), but can also be used for bopping heads in. You can't use the majority of weapons in your fox form anyway (you could maybe wield a dagger?), so this won't be useful until you get a human form.
Can I ask what Level Fireball unlocked at?
EDIT: Also, can we spend bonus XP on our actual level?
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[X] Pair of Daggers
[X] Focus on duplicity! With what MP remains, it's better to use your Illusions and brains against them!
-[X] Make the stupid rats attack eachother and ignore you with illusions, and finish them off when they have low hp for XP!
Can I ask what Level Fireball unlocked at?
Just kidding, it was lvl 10. You USUALLY get a new spell every 2-3 levels or so, at least while you're still in the low levels. There's some types of magic where you only get a new spell every 5 levels (or more!) but they're worth working your arse off for. And at certain levels of some magic types, you'll get a special non-spell unlock at particular levels (like Shapeshifting at 11, 22, 33, etc).
Just kidding, it was lvl 10. You USUALLY get a new spell every 2-3 levels or so, at least while you're still in the low levels. There's some types of magic where you only get a new spell every 5 levels (or more!) but they're worth working your arse off for. And at certain levels of some magic types, you'll get a special non-spell unlock at particular levels (like Shapeshifting at 11, 22, 33, etc).
Best guess is that Lvl. 10 is needed for an Air attack then, so that seems like a waste.
Also, can we spend bonus XP on our actual level?

[X] Spear
[X] Speed and distance keeping, we don't want to be in the blast range of the spells we will be putting out, to spear will help us with the whole not getting stabbed thing.
-[X] Decoy Illusions and Invisibility will assist in this endeavor. Limb sized X2 means that we can create cats.
-[X] Glass canon? That only matters if they can hit me!
[X] Stat point: Magic
[X] Shapeshift to Lvl. 11, with the right title active.
-[X] Then shove XP into Fireball until its MP cost is 1.
--[X] Change title to < Novice Firestarter > first.
[X] Ask the magic teachers for ways to improve MP regen before heading back in.
-[X] Act like we already knew and were just testing them if we get anything useful.
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Best guess is that Lvl. 10 is needed for an Air attack then, so that seems like a waste.
MAYBE I DUNNO level 2 air unlocks 'HURRICANE OF DEATH' Not really.
Also, can we spend bonus XP on our actual level?
Nope. Only for tallies, and if I specifically say you can spend on your regular level.
You are a horrible monster, and I hope you're ashamed of yourself! :o
[X] Whip

Because we must whip all the things good!

-[X] Decoy Illusions and Invisibility will assist in this endeavor. Limb sized X2 means that we can create cats.
-[X] Glass canon? That only matters if they can hit me!
[X] Stat point: Magic
[X] Shove XP into Fireball until its MP cost is 1.
-[X] Change title to < Novice Firestarter > first.
[X] Ask the magic teachers for ways to improve MP regen before heading back in.
-[X] Act like we already knew and were just testing them if we get anything useful.
I put forth minimal effort before bandwagoning this time

[x] Nero200

Yet, no matter how much glance pointedly between your masterpiece and the oblivous NPC, he fails to pet you. Disgusting. You gnaw vengefully on his shoe until you grow bored and saunter off. Fine. It's not like you wanted your head scritched anyway. Fool.
Best part of many best parts.
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Next up is either Etna, the elegant noble woman, or Etna on a pile of treasure.

Changing vote to
[x] Nero200
@Nero, we can't use any of the weapon's (save for spear) unless we are humans

[X] Staff (MP efficiency ahoy)
[X] Decoy Illusions and Invisibility will assist in this endeavor. Limb sized X2 means that we can create cats.
-[X] Glass canon? That only matters if they can hit me!
[X] Stat point: Magic
[x] Put 170 exp into shape shifting so it's lvl 11 for more bonus
-[X] Shove XP into Fireball until its MP cost is as low as possible.
-[X] Change title to < Novice Firestarter > first.
[X] Ask the magic teachers for ways to improve MP regen before heading back in.
-[X] Act like we already knew and were just testing them if we get anything useful.