Virtual Quest [ON HIATUS]

A-another 650 XP... whhhhyyyyyyy...
@Zen I have a suggestion so you don't drown in bonus xp: new bxp gets tallied up at the end of a story post and can be spent then, instead of constantly having to adjust things
Good plan. I like this plan. Okay, no more spending XP until AFTER the next post. Only exception is the 650 XP Camellia just gained, since this was before rule change. I hereby command it!

Oh, and 10 XP to your level for Mastigos' idea. Which I really should have thought of, so let's pretend I did.
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A-another 650 XP... whhhhyyyyyyy...

Good plan. I like this plan. Okay, no more spending XP until AFTER the next post. Only exception is the 650 XP Camellia just gained, since this was before rule change. I hereby command it!
All right bon capitan

Pirates Song.
(Warning may be offensive for some readers)
(It's a pirate song of course it will toe the line)
(Third line should have the last sylable held on a high note)​

So come ye hearty's, yo ho,yo ho
And sing with me for a night and more.
With tats in our belts and a goblet or two.
With coins of silver and more to use.

Look at our ships so fine and grand,
Look at our pole standing tall and proud
And a Kitchen well stock with meaty stews
For anyone in our lovable crew.

We sleep in our cots, rocked by waves.
Not taking a bath again and again.
And We have have our weapons and we have our clothes.
That worryingly break down more than most.

On the high seven seas, far from land
Where water is scarce and our food grows damp
But so long as we have our caskets of rum
We don't care if you get stuck and die in a drum
Breaking the system

The day was a beautiful day. With blue sky and sunshine. And then Etna came along. And her sidekick

"You know sidekick" <My name's Dorian> "Side kick is sidekick and no more side seating commentary"

"All of my hate, Etna. All of it"

"Hush you! I'm you're wonderful senpai so don't sass me"

"Sometimes I wonder why you still follow me?"

"Do you want the short list, or the long one?"

Etna jumped and bonked sidekick

"Don't talk back to me" Beat "And stop pouting, Only the magnificent cuddly can pout."

And she smiled as sidekick slumped his head in defeat. Eito forty. Sidekick three.

"By the way Etna I have a question"

"I'm not answering it"

Side- I mean Dorian decided to bring out the big guns

"I have cookies."

"You had a question"

"Ya. I mean some... most of the time you just get stronger for no reason and I was wondering if you knew what was going on"

"Hmm" Etna had to think for a moment. "Toffee."

"Toffee" He said incredulous

"Yup Toffee and bubbly and apples. Also stomach pains"

"That's not an answer."

"it is " Etna disagreed "It's just not a logical answer. Now give me cookiess"

And as Dorian handled the cookies over he had to wonder just what was he doing with his life
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Etna the blunt
PS: working on trying to get a Facebook Template for this

Etna I think Princces Zen is getting pregnant.
Nero Really. Who did you trick to do that?
P.Zen Sigh
P.Zen I'm not pregnant Etna
Etna Oh!
All right Zen I'v talked to the head chef and he pro,ise to fix ur problem
Wat did you do?
I'm helping you lose weight
You're fat you know
Has Logged off
Etna Well I got to leave fb for a while, Someone is trying to chop down my door
Etna And screaming Bloody Murder
Also @Zen. What's the name of the Guy's/company/people who is making this game. I have something planned for it
When did we get cooking?
Anyways, done coloring and damn that looks badass if I do say so myself.
Wanted to make the circle black to get foxy to stand out more, but that could be a waste of ink and it looks nice anyways~
...Gmail's soooo slooow~
When did we get cooking?
Anyways, done coloring and damn that looks badass if I do say so myself.
Wanted to make the circle black to get foxy to stand out more, but that could be a waste of ink and it looks nice anyways~
...Gmail's soooo slooow~
Imgur is a nice site since direct upload is comparatively fast. As is their automatic forum tag adding thing
BTW Camelia, if you go to {Open image in new tab} and insert the address between

you get this

Camelia's art
Hey, lets do rat quest and sell the leather to buy a night at the inn. With Zen being the way she is, I wouldn't be surprised that there's an enforced curfew.
Also, I was poking around on Zens profile and it mentioned trapped players ala SAO could be a thing.
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If you want to prevent Rihaku, introduce training times. SV/SB can generate contents like crazy if properly motivated, like what you've done at this moment.
Also, I was poking around on Zens profile and it mentioned trapped players ala SAO could be a thing.
If you mean this '... Although knowing SV, the MC will probably end up pretending to be a player and start adventuring instead, or trying to trap everyone in-game like it's SAO. OTL', I'm lamenting my players' insistence on breaking my games in every way they possibly can. You will NOT be able to trap people in game. Promise. OR give people magic/skills outside the game. If you try, I will eat you.
You know, we should probably slow down. Since we appear to be going full Rihaku.
I don't mind full Rihaku. Gets me through boring training time faster, heheh - ahem.
We don't have air yet though. Not until we level to 10, and then I'm pushing for water in case of accidents or earth to assist our illusions.
Winning vote was to unlock Fire, level it to 10, then unlock Air. You levelled Fire to ten through bonus XP, so you've now unlocked Air, and have to get that to 10 before you can get Water or Earth.

Will tally/link art/omake stuff later, finishing update.
Flight WILL BE ACHIEVED! Even if I have to draw 20 more pictures to get us there.
Speaking of, two more being colored.