Virtual Quest [ON HIATUS]

You disagree that Zen asked for details?

Oh my, I must have made a bad impression upon you if you think I'm that stupid. Of course I'm not disagreeing with facts. I'm disagreeing with the decision by committee thing watering down character development and how it is relevant to the point I made.

I don't know if I have to hope you thought I was actually that stupid, or if you actually used a very bad, very annoying goalpost shifiting technique. Either way, you managed to annoy me a little. And I also said that I wouldn't argue anymore! You shouldn't make me argue when I'm just about to sleep, I tend to be worse than usual.
[X] Nero200

If we don't at least have a cousin kumiho who occasionally calls us to go bowling cause terror, I'll be sad. Because there legends are pretty fun. Instead of trickery they just murder you and eat your liver. Quick and efficient, and probably laughing manically as they do so.
Pic drawn just on time! Hopefully...
Does the link work?

Well, I'm going for no gender, for the change gender to be opposite of the player and for asexual but willing to fake it for the lulz, the cash, player favoritism, and to get people wondering if we're a guy or girl. I'm also going for a sociopathic mentality which is willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish zir goals, to amass enough influence and popularity so the company can't remove/erase us without a massive uproar from the fanbase and so we'll have the freedom to do whatever we want which is to TAKE OVER THE WORLDS MUAHAHAHA!
Or something. Like tom riddle but we stay pretty and don't hack off our tails for immortality. Or something.

Yes let us call this fox Zen. And zhe should totally act dotty or otherwise harmless to get folks from figuring out how creepy we might act if we let something slip. About our goals. That I don't know about.

Ah, in case you can't tell, in the picture, gurl is on the left, guy right, and the Fox's wearing a fox mask tied to its face. It's not xir actual face.
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Pic drawn just on time! Hopefully...
Does the link work? Well, I'm going for no gender, for the change gender to be opposite of the player and for asexual but willing to fake it for the lulz, the cash, player favoritism, and to get people wondering if we're a guy or girl. I'm going for sociopathic mentality which is willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish zir goals, to amass enough influence and popularity so the company can't remove/erase us without a massive uproar from the fanbase and so we'll have the freedom to do whatever we want which is to TAKE OVER THE WORLDS MUAHAHAHA!
Or something. Like tom riddle but we stay pretty and don't hack off our tails for immortality or something. I'm calling for a gender neutral name for this reason or an overly symbolic one like the azure flame that gently licks across the shining lake to look into one's eyes and devour one's self. Which we then shorten to a less threatening version like Azula. Which is not gender neutral despite the avatar reference so maybe something else instead. And zhe should totally act ditx

Have a wdango assist for your pleasure.
Vote tally:
##### 3.17
[X] Tamamo
[X] A mischievous trickster. Enjoys watching others flounder about as they try to determine truth from lies. Always polite and genial, doesn't wear her heart on her (metaphorical) sleeve. No matter how agitated internally, always keeps her calm. Pretends to be clumsy, emotional, and not too bright in order to lull others into complacency and a false sense of trust.

No. of votes: 1
A Nation's Virtue

[X] Dances-among-willow-branches-as-the-sun-sets-and-a-cool-breeze-comes-in-off-the-ocean-while-the-cicadas-chirp-in-the-background
-[X] Dan for short
[X] Male
[X] Layers upon layers of deception, fun-loving whimsical prankster is useful for concealing the cold inhuman merciless scheming underneath. Which doesn't mean the prankster is a mask or otherwise fake, but rather that there are stronger deeper motivations than for the lulz laying beneath. Besides, a fool can get away with things no one else can and can conceal ulterior motives with ease.
-[X] Ultimately desires to rule, the world. Being the open ruler or the shadow ruler is acceptable, but optimally would supplant the game-engine AI.
-[X]Is addicted to ferreting out secrets and enjoys acting as an information broker.
-[X] on the other hand enjoys being a story teller and coming up with long detailed yarns and rumors
-[X] a perfectionist, constantly stretching the bounds of what illusions can accomplish. Particularly in this virtual world where the boundary between reality and the perception of reality is already naturally worn thin. Not just I fooled you illusions but also things like an intelligent illusion is a nigh unstoppable spy, communication illusions, and various AR effects, and the ultimate illusion: tricking the game-engine AI itself.
-[X] a hoarder of things that might eventually prove useful, sellable, or useful for pranks. Like that unusually shiny rock. Or unobtrusively collecting a little drop of blood from others whenever circumstances permit in the hope that it will be useful for magic.
-[X] likes looking the ocean, hates beaches and swimming in saltwater. Fluffy tails have their downsides
-[X] vain about looks, including the skill of disguises.
-[X] favorite food is fox liver. Not kitsune, real fox force-fed spirit-wine for days until it dies of alcohol poisoning.
-[X] Asexual by nature but willing to fake it for pranks or schemes
No. of votes: 4
mastigos, Indrik, Neo-Chan, Quest

[x] Female
[x] Personality: A lazy drunkard who seems to attract bullying, despite her prodigious capabilities.
[x] NPC Name: Dangerous Soul Collect
No. of votes: 1

[X] Etna no Fluffy My name is Etna. Call me what you just did again, Fufufufu, and I will rip out your liver and make you eat it!
[X] Not sure about this, I'll have a looksee.
[X] A playful type, fond of making fun of any and all situations, even when she probably shouldn't, is very much an opportunist (Loot and EXP warm the soul) and is rather fond of overblown hammy-ness. The type to declare someone their arch enemy and plot their demise, only to later grade them on how well they escaped the death trap, and sorrowfully tell them that she had to deduct points for a lack of style. Capable of dropping the fun when the shit hits the fan, and would be the one that people go to great lengths to avoid pushing into the 'Get Serious' mode.
-[X] Goal is to become the head of the Kitsune, the trickiest of the tricky.
-[X] Hoarding things is a good trait for everyone, not just dragons, and this inventory thing is so damn useful~ Loot everything that isn't both nailed down and on fire.
-[X] Over the top nonsense is our forte, but when we need to, we can prove why exactly we are a Boss.
No. of votes: 12
Nero200, Koden, megrisvernin, Dutch, MHLord, Blaze121o, MacroDaemon, theweepingman, khoa36, pressea, MiracleGrow, plotvitalnpc

[X] Justine
No. of votes: 1

[X] Usagi
[X] Male
[X] Silver fur, Red eyes
[X] Kitsune Starting Area, Spirit Realm
[X] Usagi is an EVIL OVERLORD! With a nice terrifying laugh to boot! He is the evillest person ever! His worst deed was - uuuh! Nothing! But that is just because he has just spawned! Going all evil from the beginning is, after all, in quite bad taste. From his experience - which was none at all - no evil overlord just began doing his evil deeds from the beginning. Right, and he's helping the other Kitsune just because the betrayal will be worse later on - there's no other reason, really! It's not like he likes to help others - that would be preposterous. But if one more person comment on his name being cute, he'll blast them to bits! MAYBE!
No. of votes: 1

[X] Zen
[X] Male
[X] Silver fur, Red eyes
[X] Kitsune Starting Area, Spirit Realm
[X] Zen is an EVIL OVERLORD! With a nice terrifying laugh to boot! He is the evillest person ever! His worst deed was - uuuh! Nothing! But that is just because he has just spawned! Going all evil from the beginning is, after all, in quite bad taste. From his experience - which was none at all - no evil overlord just began doing his evil deeds from the beginning. Right, and he's helping the other Kitsune just because the betrayal will be worse later on - there's no other reason, really! It's not like he likes to help others - that would be preposterous. But if one more person comment on his name being cute, he'll blast them to bits! MAYBE!
No. of votes: 1

[X] Kon-Kon
[X] Yes
[X] Kon-Kon is a Trickster Spirit and likes to make people wonder. Kon-Kon often hides Kon-Kon's identity to maximise confusion and surprise amongst victims. Unauthorised touching of Kon-Kon gets answered with immediate lasers attacks, a remnant of growing up with even more tricksy siblings where that was the best response. Kon-Kon likes simple foods like fried tofu and fresh livers. Getting wet is not nice, which is why Kon-Kon only bathes when neccesary such as right before trickery is needed.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Aded Verli
[X] Aded does not care what other people think and feel about her. She looks like the quiet and cool type whenever she isn't doing something but she wears her emotions on her sleeves once she gets moving. In both states she completely disregards other people's emotions. She is unnecessarily blunt and completely honest even in the most inopportunate times and does not pay attention to the world around her once she focuses on doing one specific task. At first glance this would seem to be done out of malice but further examination will reveal that Aded isn't really malicious, she's just clueless. Her social ineptitude has lead to her being unable to pickup vocal and visual cues thus ensuring that she never knows when telling the truth isn't advisable and when someone is obviously being sarcastic. She tries her best to understand the people around her and that includes sincerely helping all walks of life that needs it but they usually do a full 180 whenever she opens her mouth. It doesn't bother her of course, it's just another step to greater understanding.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Seiko
[X] None
[X] Blue eyes and Blond hair or fur
[X] Seiko has Multiple Personality Disorder, this could make him/her/it, confuse, because they can't tell if they're individual or just one fox with other soul/mind/connection to something.
[X] We can be happy in the face of danger, sad because we ran out of targets, bored because WE ARE BORED, emotionless because we feel like it, acting as weird to unnerve people and random choices to pick something else. Like we feel the need to taunt, because your a sadistic person.
[X] We have Sadistic Personality which means:
[X] We can be conflicted by our choice that so obviously the right choice. Wait, why i'm covered in bloo-OH CAKE!!! Hmm, oh right the blood, okay whose is this? Hey, i'm talking to one of you guys.
[X] We are naive? Wait, oh its my turn to play, Yay! ~hour later~ Thanks for money. Idiot lucky i'm more forgiving than the others.
[X] We aren't lying, look sir we'll-LOOK OUT Later sucker!
[X] We don't know? ~shrugs~
No. of votes: 1
False Xteeler

[X] Weed
[X] Outwardly a charming, helpful young-man. Inwardly a scheming manipulator bent on reaching the top. So basically Yu Narukami.

No. of votes: 1
Ridiculously Average Guy
Thanks for the tally! It looks like:

Etna, Female
Kitsune starting area Little Bark Town (by one vote! I can count. ... I can't count.)
Appearance: Sleek and flowing fox form, pure white coloring with red at the tips of both tails and ears. (And red eyes, due to specification in human form.)
Personality: A playful type, fond of making fun of any and all situations, even when she probably shouldn't, is very much an opportunist (Loot and EXP warm the soul) and is rather fond of overblown hammy-ness. The type to declare someone their arch enemy and plot their demise, only to later grade them on how well they escaped the death trap, and sorrowfully tell them that she had to deduct points for a lack of style. Capable of dropping the fun when the shit hits the fan, and would be the one that people go to great lengths to avoid pushing into the 'Get Serious' mode.
Goal is to become the head of the Kitsune, the trickiest of the tricky.
Hoarding things is a good trait for everyone, not just dragons, and this inventory thing is so damn useful~ Loot everything that isn't both nailed down and on fire.
Over the top nonsense is our forte, but when we need to, we can prove why exactly we are a Boss.

wins. Update will be later, I have to pop into town.

@Nanimani you still have a bonus stat point yet to place! Please decide which stat to put it in.
@Camellia you make pretty artwork of PRETTINESS! Please decide between a bonus 75 XP to levelling, or 1000 XP to Skill/Magic. If you pick a Skill or Magic to level, you can select from the ones already on the character sheet, or something you could reasonably expect a kitsune to have, such as a Stealth skill.

(For levelling your actual Level or for Skills or Magic, by the way, it's 100 XP to get from lvl 1 to 2, then 200 XP to lvl 3, 300 XP to lvl 4, etc.)
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Update will be later, I have to pop into town. Well, here we are again.
It's always such a pleasure.

Also: Remember when you tried to kill me twice?
@Nanimani you still have a bonus stat point yet to place! Please decide which stat to put it in. Oh how we laughed and laughed.
@Camellia you make pretty artwork of PRETTINESS! Please decide between a bonus 75 XP to levelling, or 1000 XP to Skill/Magic. If you pick a Skill or Magic to level, you can select from the ones already on the character sheet, or something you could reasonably expect a kitsune to have, such as a Stealth skill.
Except I wasn't laughing.
(For levelling your actual Level or for Skills or Magic, by the way, it's 100 XP to get from lvl 1 to 2, then 200 XP to lvl 3, 300 XP to lvl 4, etc.)
Under the circumstances, I've been shockingly nice.
You want your freedom?

What's AGI give? Take it.
If it's GOTTA GO FAST, then that's my choice. I used to want you dead, but
Some Nobody'll still be faster than us, but at least we won't be slow. Now I only want you gone.
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Under the circumstances, I've been shockingly nice.
You want your freedom?

What's AGI give? Take it.
If it's GOTTA GO FAST, then that's my choice. I used to want you dead, but
Some Nobody'll still be faster than us, but at least we won't be slow. Now I only want you gone.
E-eh...? I'm getting scared...

And because I forgot: @Blaze121o You get a choice between 10 XP for levelling or 50 XP for raising Skills/Magic, your choice. Because I hate tallies.
Can players see our level easily? It makes sense to try to keep that as low as possible while being ridiculously skilled, since seeing NPC skills is probably more difficult.
There should totally be an illusion spell to make you appear as a different level than you really are.

If it doesn't exist, we'll invent it. Somehow.
Can players see our level easily? It makes sense to try to keep that as low as possible while being ridiculously skilled, since seeing NPC skills is probably more difficult.
You'll get an option in-game when you start, that'll allow you to make your own level visible, and allow you to see the levels of other major-NPCS/players who choose to make theirs visible, OR to keep your level invisible, but not be able to see anyone else's.
There should totally be an illusion spell to make you appear as a different level than you really are.
There is, but I was expecting the game to start before you figured that out. That was dumb of me. :oops:
You'll get an option in-game when you start, that'll allow you to make your own level visible, and allow you to see the levels of other major-NPCS/players who choose to make theirs visible, OR to keep your level invisible, but not be able to see anyone else's.

There is, but I was expecting the game to start before you figured that out. That was dumb of me. :oops:
If theres one for Level, then they has got to be one to add a subtitle.
Get thinking on something awesome to add to our name peoples!
And so it begins Zenny, I will have vengeance! ....mostly cause im outta vodka...
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...oh my. Ahhh, I'm so happy! I'm no good with drawing men and the mask was to cop out of drawing a foxy muzzle. To be labeled a pretty picture of prettyness for a measly two hours uncolored unshaded printer paper piece of work, I'm going to refine and color the pic to the new description, with a foxy kid twirling her mustache and everything!

Ah, I suck at painting people. And I'm out of watercolor paper. So you'll just have to settle for sharpie markers and color pencils. And rely on other people to prop up my bad linking. This will not go badly at all. Really.

Um, for distribution of exp, what are the first stages of the transform and illusion skills because what we have now is just pathetic. I'm leaning more towards shoving it all into illusions because a high enough rank in that can be a good sub for transform, but gaming mechanics.

Shame no gender didn't win, but Etna is an okay name. It's still not as good as Zen.
...oh my. Ahhh, I'm so happy! I'm no good with drawing men and the mask was to cop out of drawing a foxy muzzle. To be labeled a pretty picture of prettyness for a measly two hours uncolored unshaded printer paper piece of work, I'm going to refine and color the pic to the new description, with a foxy kid twirling her mustache and everything!

Ah, I suck at painting people. And I'm out of watercolor paper. So you'll just have to settle for sharpie markers and color pencils. And rely on other people to prop up my bad linking. This will not go badly at all. Really.
I AM OKAY WITH ALL OF THIS. ALL OF IT. I might have to start awarding traits instead of XP, heheheh....
Um, for distribution of exp, what are the first stages of the transform and illusion skills because what we have now is just pathetic. I'm leaning more towards shoving it all into illusions because a high enough rank in that can be a good sub for transform, but gaming mechanics.
You can put the points in the specific magic type (Shapeshifting, etc) to level that up and unlock new spells (such as Minor Change, etc), or you can put them into the individual spells to decrease the cost, increase the time they last, etc. Obviously at low magic type levels, the spells are... not great. You could focus on going for more powerful spells sooner by increasing the type level, or boost the effiiciency of less-powerful spells until you can spam them repeatedly with little effort.

You won't actually find out what spells there are until you get them, but it's pretty much common sense that the higher level skill you get, the better (but more MP-costly) it'll be.
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Dawww, no fair! :p That said, I'm leveling illusions up to 5 and damn the shapeshifting.

Tiny Edna, both fox and human have both gained one diabolical mustache each. They may have to be removed in the not so far future for I fear that the mustache are plotting against them.