Virtual Quest [ON HIATUS]

Holy shit I love it. I nominate this quest most adorable quest ever. Will someone second?
At this level, you gain a fair bit of XP from even low level spells. With your current MP, you could level a spell or magic type up from lvl 1 to lvl 2 or so before depleting it. However, if you decrease a spell's MP cost by levelling that up, you can spam the spell (gaining the same XP from casting it) for a lesser MP cost. It's like strategy, but not! (And of course you get a +50% XP bonus to Illusion and Shapeshifting so that gets added on too.)

Low levels are a pain in the ass. If only there was something that could help increase your MP or regen rate, huh? :wink:

Sure, you can cast it on yourself or thin air if you want to.
Roll for will power save against path to Maximisation
Evillevi threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: WP save Total: 12
12 12
They are there on our character sheet?
I was working off the logic that these are the basics, like with MagAd.
That's magic resistance, which decreases the damage taken from elemental attacks. You can't stick points in those (at the moment...)!

For now, you start off (because you're a Kitsune) with Illusion and Shapeshifting magic only. Remember that this is a starter town though, and even Players have to learn magic from somewhere, hint hint!
my heart
CHOOSE WHERE TO PUT YOUR BONUS 5000 XP TO ANY SKILL/MAGIC YOU CURRENTLY HAVE, AND 'DRAWING' SKILL UNLOCKED, how am i going to put this on the character sheet oh god
That's magic resistance, which decreases the damage taken from elemental attacks. You can't stick points in those (at the moment...)!

For now, you start off (because you're a Kitsune) with Illusion and Shapeshifting magic only. Remember that this is a starter town though, and even Players have to learn magic from somewhere, hint hint!

my heart
CHOOSE WHERE TO PUT YOUR BONUS 5000 XP TO ANY SKILL/MAGIC YOU CURRENTLY HAVE, AND 'DRAWING' SKILL UNLOCKED, how am i going to put this on the character sheet oh god
...Camellia, you just doubled the XP out the gate.
[X] Set your options:
-[X] Keep viewing other character's Level/Name/Title as ON (presuming theirs is also On); other characters can see your own.
-[X] Keep BGM OFF; may drown out quieter noises, impairing situational awareness.
-[X] Turn Friends Requests / Party Requests / Whispers ON. (If changed, cannot switch again for another month!)
-[X] Keep your XP distribution so that when you use a spell, 50% XP from using it goes to the spell, and 50% to the magic type it belongs to.

[X] Spend any of your Bonus XP on Skills/Magic? (Can only spend on Skills/Magic/Spells you currently have. 100 XP from lvl 1 to lvl 2, 200 XP to lvl 3, etc.)
-[X] Spend it all on Transformation magic.

[X] You also appear to have a bonus starting Stat point. Spend it?


[X] Explore Little Bark Town! Even these filthy peasants must have something worthy of your interest, yes?
-[X] (Explore a little, see if you find a carpenter, learn the Woodcarving skill.)
(Explore a little, see if you find a carpenter, learn the Woodcarving skill.)

Why would we learn woodcarving when we can learn how to BLAST FOES WITH ARCANE FIRE?

Also, I think it might be raining. That's the only way our tail could be so not-fluffy.
Yes, I know it was a random roll that doesn't mean anything, shut up.
Nanimani threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Tail Fluffiness Total: 4
4 4
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Path to maximisation

Since we don't get decreasing exp for skill level (but we do for real level presumably) it's therefore useful if we gain high levels in a Illusion and Magic to unlock the tier 2 skills at least (Tier 3 would be the most useful.) and then use the exp to level it up to reduce MP cost and then spam it for incredible exp gain right out the gate.

So there fore assuming we can use Camelia's 5000 BXP we can get something like.

Illusion to level 10 (6+7+8+9)
Shapeshifting to lvl 10 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9)
Total 75K Bxp

We can get presumably tier 3 (or 2.5) spells. Assuming their mp cost is less than 15 mp per minute. we can then use the other 26K BXP to reduce it to something like 7 mp per minute for each category. Changing our settings to ALL skill exp goes to the skill we can use what amounts to the increase EXP for low levels to increase the actual skill further to start spamming it like mad.
Woot! Go me! Honestly, it's really nice to have you like my art. Second place was a girl who pretended to be my friend so she could pass my art off as her own. Muah, I'm so happy right now. I'm only crying a little bit. Really.

Zen, we shall dump 4500 in illusion and 500 in transform. For illusion is just another art where one must pay great attention to detail and stuff. Just stuff. Also, I want guy!Etna. Hence the transform.
[X] Set your options:
-[X] Keep viewing other character's Level/Name/Title as ON (presuming theirs is also On); other characters can see your own.
-[X] Keep BGM OFF; may drown out quieter noises, impairing situational awareness.
-[X] Turn Friends Requests / Party Requests / Whispers ON. (If changed, cannot switch again for another month!)
-[X] Keep your XP distribution so that when you use a spell, 50% XP from using it goes to the spell, and 50% to the magic type it belongs to.

[X] Spend any of your Bonus XP on Skills/Magic? (Can only spend on Skills/Magic/Spells you currently have. 100 XP from lvl 1 to lvl 2, 200 XP to lvl 3, etc.)
-[X]4500 BXP to Shape Shifting to Lvl 10
-[X] 200 BXP to Scratch to lvl 3
-[X] Save 400 BXP
[X] You also appear to have a bonus starting Stat point. Spend it?


[X] Explore Little Bark Village! Even these filthy peasants must have something worthy of your interest, yes?
-[X]Go find someplace with magic that we can learn.

Pikachu seems to know what's up.
Path to maximisation
Erk, I don't think I was clear. What I meant was that at the moment, you could, say, cast Basic Illusion 5 times, for 50 MP, and it would get you (X) XP. However, if you level Basic Illusion until it only needs 1 MP to cast, you can then cast it 50 times for 50 MP, but it would STILL gain you (X) XP.
Muah, I'm so happy right now. I'm only crying a little bit. Really.
Don't make me hug you. You wouldn't like it if I hugged you.
Zen, we shall dump 4500 in illusion and 500 in transform. For illusion is just another art where one must pay great attention to detail and stuff. Just stuff. Also, I want guy!Etna. Hence the transform.
Adding it!
Woot! Go me! Honestly, it's really nice to have you like my art. Second place was a girl who pretended to be my friend so she could pass my art off as her own. Muah, I'm so happy right now. I'm only crying a little bit. Really.

Zen, we shall dump 4500 in illusion and 500 in transform. For illusion is just another art where one must pay great attention to detail and stuff. Just stuff. Also, I want guy!Etna. Hence the transform.

There's largely no point in doing that (outside of just maxing out illusion as fast as possible In which case just ignore the rest). I mean you're bumping it up to lvl 11 (500/1100) which means there's 500 exp that's not doing much. until we level it up which may not do much in all honesty since there's no guarantee that lvl 12 will give us anything.


I think I need to not be in try to exploit game mechanics to lvl up faster mode. Be right back after snack
Erk, I don't think I was clear. What I meant was that at the moment, you could, say, cast Basic Illusion 5 times, for 50 MP, and it would get you (X) XP. However, if you level Basic Illusion until it only needs 1 MP to cast, you can then cast it 50 times for 50 MP, but it would STILL gain you (X) XP.

Don't make me hug you. You wouldn't like it if I hugged you.

Adding it!
So functionally it's a matter of MP used?
[X] Set your options:
-[X] Keep viewing other character's Level/Name/Title as ON (presuming theirs is also On); other characters can see your own.
-[X] Keep BGM OFF; may drown out quieter noises, impairing situational awareness.
-[X] Turn Friends Requests / Party Requests / Whispers ON. (If changed, cannot switch again for another month!)
-[X] Keep your XP distribution so that when you use a spell, 50% XP from using it goes to the spell, and 50% to the magic type it belongs to.

[X] Spend any of your Bonus XP on Skills/Magic? (Can only spend on Skills/Magic/Spells you currently have. 100 XP from lvl 1 to lvl 2, 200 XP to lvl 3, etc.)
-[X] Spend 2100 XP on Shapeshift. Lets get the Kitsune power rolling, we already have Illusion
-[X] Bank 3000 XP for when we get access to offensive magic.
[X] You also appear to have a bonus starting Stat point. Spend it?
-[X] Spend the point on LUK.

[X] Explore Little Bark Town! Even these filthy peasants must have something worthy of your interest, yes?
-[X] Practice Illusions and Shapeshift, lets grind those levels.
-[X] Test our offensive abilaties on any training dummies we find. (Starting town should have some.)
-[X] Search out trainers, focus on magic trainers.
-[X] Take any quests that don't have a time limit or penalty for failing them. It's not like it'd hurt.
--[X] Prioritize quests that give magic. Take all of them. Do all of them. Get all of the magic.
So functionally it's a matter of MP used?
Casting a particular spell will always give you X amount of XP for it, even if you decrease the cost of the MP to use it. So casting Minor Change (Lvl 5) will give you the same amount of XP as Minor Change (Lvl 1), but you'll be able to do it a lot more cheaply, so you can spam it more often.

So for example, change XP distribution to levelling up only individual spells. Level up one spell to only cost 1 MP to cast. Then change distribution to only level up the magic type, and not the spell itself. Now, every time you spam that 1 MP spell, you're levelling up the magic type instead of the spell.
Voters, you know what we must do.
Etna has no idea what PMMM is! I was willing to let MagAd go pure crack and take that form by 'coincidence', but there'll be no creating illusions of Kyuubey in this one! :anger: I'll fight you.
Zen threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Tail Fluffiness dammit Total: 14
14 14
Guys, we might want to change the XP distribution to be magic leveling, it would give us better spells faster, then we can switch it back.
Guys, we might want to change the XP distribution to be magic leveling, it would give us better spells faster, then we can switch it back.
Actually the idea is to get to Lvl 10 (since lvl 15 is out) and then upgrade the skill to have minimal cost then switch it to Illusion and Shapeshifting to level it up. All lower spells are ignored.
Casting a particular spell will always give you X amount of XP for it, even if you decrease the cost of the MP to use it. So casting Minor Change (Lvl 5) will give you the same amount of XP as Minor Change (Lvl 1), but you'll be able to do it a lot more cheaply, so you can spam it more often.

So for example, change XP distribution to levelling up only individual spells. Level up one spell to only cost 1 MP to cast. Then change distribution to only level up the magic type, and not the spell itself. Now, every time you spam that 1 MP spell, you're levelling up the magic type instead of the spell.

Etna has no idea what PMMM is! I was willing to let MagAd go pure crack and take that form by 'coincidence', but there'll be no creating illusions of Kyuubey in this one! :anger: I'll fight you.
I think I got it right the first time around. You just midunderstood (or I miswrote) and set this whole thing of

My first impression is that

At Real Lvl 1

And Fire Ball lvl 1: MP 50
Fire Ball lvl 20: MP 1

would give the same xp for each cast so that the total exp of Fire Ball lvl 20 is higher since for 100MP you can cast it more times than Fire Ball lvl 1
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All right for those of you who didn't follow here's the plan to maximise skill exp gain

  • Use BXP to lvl shapeshifting to lvl 10
  • Use extra xp from Camelia to increase the lvl 10 spells so we can cast more
  • change setting so each Skill XP goes into the spell to reduce cost
  • When at a suitably low MP cost per cast change setting to all skill exp goes to skill (Illusion and shape shifting)
  • Sit back and enjoy lvl 15 skills within the first few days
yes that's what i meant i can't help being stupid :sad:

Oh, and because you've hit lvl 11 in Illusion, btw, you've gained a Title, 'Novice Illusionist'. I'll default equip it for next update, and it gives a teeeny increase to XP earned from Illusion spells. It's kind of crappy, but it's only a level 10 title, so ha!
yes that's what i meant i can't help being stupid :sad:

Oh, and because you've hit lvl 11 in Illusion, btw, you've gained a Title, 'Novice Illusionist'. I'll default equip it for next update, and it gives a teeeny increase to XP earned from Illusion spells. It's kind of crappy, but it's only a level 10 title, so ha!
Can we cast an Interface Illusion to change the title?