Villainous Ideals

Mastigo said:
As it is, we collapsed the cave ENTRANCE and added more evidence that they should look around there. So please take a look at this:
We collapsed the entrance? I was the under impression we'd leave the entrance and just block the deeper tunnels connecting to our base.
Sorry bout the double post, but how feasible would a squad of Tachikoma be? We've probably got sufficient AI and maybe enough Mech. I just get the feeling that as we go up further up in ranks, being able to Get the Hell Out of Dodge quickly is going to become very useful. Hard to be abducted by a Stealth Hero if you travel around in a parkouring, mini-Tank. Could double as artillery support is we weren't inside it too.

Also, who could say not to this widdle spydar?
If you want us to get blown up when said director rebels sure lets do that, nothing could go wrong with trusting a machine we didn't actually design...
DawnGazer said:
You know what we should do? Find some way to get the press and attention we truly deserve.

1.) Maybe make a anchorman or anchorwoman one of our minions? Not a Minion, just a regular minion. We can bribe them or coerce them or something, and when the news hits about something involving us, we can get the embellishment we deserve! None of this understated crap. Just make sure he/she doesn't try to play us by then telling us what we're telling him/her for money.
Hell, just promise them inside scoops and first dibs on any supervillain news and most of the local news people'll throw their grannies under a bus to buddy up to us.
DawnGazer said:
We don't actually know that much, and we haven't furthered any goals to spying city wide. There's only so much we can do in that regard while we've mostly kept to ourselves. That said, if we CAN do that, it'd be great.
Still, I think if we offer to call them first whenever we want to get our side of things made public, they'll be lining up around the block...
DawnGazer said:
Assuming we can provide enough for the inevitable trial period for after we first propose the idea, sure. We would also need to be careful, because if the Press lets the local heroes know, or if they simply find out, it could get difficult to do so unless we go the electronic route.

Or hell, we could give them anonymous tips that are spot on every time. If we make a convincing enough persona, they'd be more willing to trust 'him/her' then us.
Anonymous tips might work, maybe also use our Birdbots like PIs, gather embarassing info, give it to some reporters...
DawnGazer said:
Oh HERE'S a trick. If we advance observation and spying enough, we can give them embarrassing info on the HEROES. We can keep the stuff we need to know about them, and only give them the grueling stuff. Assuming the anonymous or direct link to the Press angle goes well, we can give them the same or more to REALLY make it worse. I'm sure we'd get some Mania out of the deal.
Hell, what if we contact a local newspaper or whatever, and see if they'd like a nice little robot that can spy on people...
Night_stalker said:
Anonymous tips might work, maybe also use our Birdbots like PIs, gather embarassing info, give it to some reporters...
That would only work if we could actually make them look like real birds. They're pretty conspicuous as they are now.
[x] use the Director to gather intel on the lab's new defenses
[x] the day before the raid have Minsuh place easily hidden demo charges at the cities substations and set so that the Director can set off the charges on command
[x] make some palm sized signal relays that would let Director accessed closed networks such as the security system. rig them so they go off like flash bangs when tampered with.
the raid
[x] have brilliance land on the the roof and use her sensors to sweep the building for anything our intel missed. while she does this Minsuh will attach the relays we made to every system she can reach.
-[x] once we have control of the system we will use the digbot to dig into the cafeteria or a similar space and then have our bruiserbots hunt down the guards while the dumbots begin striping the place clean.
--[x] bird bots will keep overwatch for heroes and police. when one of the heroes is spoted we pullout and have director set off the demo charges at the subsations


Brilliance touches down on the roof with a quiet thud. It's a perfect night for this. The clouds are just starting to cover sky, and it's projected to rain soon. This means the humans are going to be inside with just the various security systems to provide security.

Though those are admittedly formidable. This lab isn't the best in the world. It is however the main one in the city. It has a lot of funding in the city budget. This means that it can afford some of the better stuff.

In this case that means closed circuit cameras, motion sensors, and laser sensors. This includes a hard line direct alarm line to the police. And presumably to the local heroes. most of this information is part of public domain. This combined with Director's hacking skills, allowed Revan to basically force a minor weakness into a major one.

Brilliance's job was to track the various inhabitants, and scan for any surprises.

Extending her wings, the android began to listen. There, there, and there were the guards. A paltry six. She scanned the building and matched it to the blueprints. A quick query to Director matched them within acceptable parameters.

So she signaled Minsuh to go in. This was probably the hardest part of it. The fox had to avoid the guards and get to the nearest relay without tripping one of the alarms. The best one was in an isolated biological studies area. That required her to get over the fence and through a locked door without tripping anything. With her magic that part was trivial.

It wasn't however particularly stealthy. A guard in the wrong area would be alerted, and then they would have a whole lot of trouble. Hence Brilliance's notation of where the guards were.

It took about an hour before she could safely give the signal to Minsuh.

But after that, the fox basically walked right into the area and set the device against the relay. A few moments of fiddling, and Director had full control of the system.

That signaled the next phase. The digbot began to move. Tremors began to start on the ground, and the guards began to converse with each other over their radios. Since they were short range, Brilliance allowed them after a brief moment of consideration. Director had the place on lock-down, and jamming them would just alert them sooner.

The Digbot was many things. Strong, durable, useful, but sneaky was not one of them. Breaking into the cafeteria was loud. Not enough to cause alerts outside the lab, but inside it was enough to have all the guards sound the alert.

Which Director blocked.

Three went to check on the cafeteria. Three more went back to the central area, presumably to get better weaponry.

At which point the bruiserbots came out of the tunnel. With Brilliance directing them at this moment, and Director in full control of the secuirty systems, it really wasn't much of a challenge at this point. The guards couldn't hide, and running was a bit of problem with locked doors.

Then one of the guards broke a window to get out.

At this point Brilliance was considering intervention to stop him from running. What he did next forced her to re-evaluate. A bright red light flew up into the air.

A flare.

The guard sent up a flare. Brilliance began to calculate even as she watched it ascend. The bots hadn't had enough time to secure anything at the moment. In ten minutes they could get the laser and that's it. In thirty, they could loot the high valuables. It would take three hours to get everything.

She sent the query to the creator.

[x] Get the laser get it on it's way to us.
[x] have the bruiserbots with flashbang launchers stay behind while the other bruiserbots pull back with the digbot and the laser.
[x] the dumbots will try to loot as much of the high valuables as they can before pulling out.
[x] Minsuh is to get to brilliance and cover them both with an illusion.
[x] If Captain red comes the bots guarding the hostages will buy time for the remainder of our forces to evacuate and the director will set off the substation charges. if one of the other two heroes set an ambush for them using the guards as bait and catch them with the restraining guns.
In fact. Wait. This is opportunity. This is fucking perfect.


[X] Take some of the guards hostages, with a bruiser bot keeping guard. Put them behind the defenses of the laboratory's defensive measures. Time to turn the lab's defenses against those who try and hit it form the outside.
[X] Take the time to loot as much as we can in the instance. However make sure to prioritize the best loot so that gets through first. On an on going basis, strap the stuff to the digger bots, and have them leave with that stuff as needed.
[X] Keep the Fox in Reserve, hidden by her illusions to stay invisible. Wait for Red to show up due to his Hostages Ruling, and when he does so, whammy him with 9 Days of Torment from invisibility. Use the confusion and the chaos to escape with as many goodies as we can manage. If Red shows up with more backup then that, just disappear as quickly as possible. Under no circumstances can Minsuh or Brilliance risk capture. If in doubt run, and use whatever means needed to escape.
Silver sun 17 said:
[x] Get the laser get it on it's way to us.
[x] have the bruiserbots with flashbang launchers stay behind while the other bruiserbots pull back with the digbot and the laser.
[x] the dumbots will try to loot as much of the high valuables as they can before pulling out.
[x] Minsuh is to get to brilliance and cover them both with an illusion.
[x] If Captain red comes the bots guarding the hostages will buy time for the remainder of our forces to evacuate and the director will set off the substation charges. if one of the other two heroes set an ambush for them using the guards as bait and catch them with the restraining guns.

We can't use 9 days of torment. Revan has to be there.
Ah. I prefer keeping Red as an enemy to grind Mania off of. He's too easy to mock and trick. If we nab him, some better hero will just come by.
Robotninja said:
Ah. I prefer keeping Red as an enemy to grind Mania off of. He's too easy to mock and trick. If we nab him, some better hero will just come by.
Silver sun 17 said:
This is a silly attitude to take. The whole reason we changed Minsuh's Rule One was to be able to forcibly convert enemies to be our minion. Some better hero just comes by? So what. We can trick and mock them, and we are the better for it, with having a force field using enforcer to back us up.