Villainous Ideals

blackdart6 said:
the cave plan predates the digbots I think
that's right
luckybreak91 said:
So, do you guy's wanna rob the lab now?
let's get to intel gathering and hit the lab.

[x] use the Director to gather intel on the lab's new defenses
[x] the day before the raid have Minsuh place easily hidden demo charges at the cities substations and set so that the Director can set off the charges on command
[x] make some palm sized signal relays that would let Director accessed closed networks such as the security system. rig them so they go off like flash bangs when tampered with.
the raid
[x] have brilliance land on the the roof and use her sensors to sweep the building for anything our intel missed. while she does this Minsuh will attach the relays we made to every system she can reach.
-[x] once we have control of the system we will use the digbot to dig into the cafeteria or a similar space and then have our bruiserbots hunt down the guards while the dumbots begin striping the place clean.
--[x] bird bots will keep overwatch for heroes and police. when one of the heroes is spoted we pullout and have director set off the demo charges at the subsations
If the hero is red, yeah pull out but if its the bat expy we should attempt to capture, she's not very good at straight up combat either and we have some new toys that might trip her up.
The problem with Shade is that we need to bring her to directly confront us. If not, she is way stronger than us if she set an ambush.
One of these days we should come up with like, an elite bot/minion team. Most of our schemes revolve around causing trouble in area and then charging full steam ahead on something else, it's come to the point where the heroes expect us to do that. So, I say we should at some point pull a double fake out: Basically cause havoc in an important area, then charge all out with Revan himself (or a bot dressed like him) at a target that would normally interest us and then a third, elite party would move out and strike our real target which would have nothing to do with the first two.

We shouldn't do it now but sometime in the future when we've got better/more stuff/minions/bots and something valuable comes up.
One of these days we should come up with like, an elite bot/minion team. Most of our schemes revolve around causing trouble in area and then charging full steam ahead on something else, it's come to the point where the heroes expect us to do that. So, I say we should at some point pull a double fake out: Basically cause havoc in an important area, then charge all out with Revan himself (or a bot dressed like him) at a target that would normally interest us and then a third, elite party would move out and strike our real target which would have nothing to do with the first two.

We shouldn't do it now but sometime in the future when we've got better/more stuff/minions/bots and something valuable comes up.
DawnGazer said:
That's a nice thought, but considering we were literally surrounded by minions and still got ferreted away by Shade, numbers doesn't seem such an ironclad way to do things. That said:

[X] Plan Silver
Yeah, but this time we know her capabilities, plus with Fox-Lady, around, we aren't going to be ambushed that easily.
On the subject of Shade. The reason she won her encounter was she's a stealth hero. She set the environment to her liking, and then basically hit you from the ceiling. What you didn't see was that the bots tried to get to you, but she managed to basically get away. At this point they couldn't find you, and Brilliance made the command to retreat.
Mastigo said:
And Brilliance now how super-sensor abilities.

Also, guys, I just realized we don't need Beauracracy for front businesses with Minsuh around to give us control of a few random civilian minions that we can trust to be loyal.
Beauracracy doesn't protect in the same way civilians minions would. it handles the paper trail which what you suggest would not cover.
We only have three Birdbots left. It's time to manufacture some new ones along with an Eyebot swarm.

Edit: Oh Screw... since Manufacturing Lv 3 was outvoted by AI Lv 4 Birdbots are still handmade and we can't make Eyebots at all.

Nice job guys.
chriswriter90 said:
We only have three Birdbots left. It's time to manufacture some new ones along with an Eyebot swarm.

Edit: Oh Screw... since Manufacturing Lv 3 was outvoted by AI Lv 4 Birdbots are still handmade and we can't make Eyebots at all.

Nice job guys.
my plan should tip us over the 100 mark and get us Mechanical creation which will let us upgrade the fabber to make birdbots.
NexysDhyArchen said:
Can we get some idea on upcoming events or local businesses? Specifically, I'd like to know if there are any Comic-Cons or Sci-Fi conventions upcoming. Also, whether or not there is a custom armored/secure car manufacturer in the city.
Hmm, this city isn't the place for cons really. There is a local collage that has a few, but nothing of large note.

There is one area that makes armored cars.
Is there an Amazons warehouse in the city? We could rob that. Don't know where we'd put all that product, but that;s a lot of money if we could steal all the stuff there and sell it.
Lost Star said:
Hmm, this city isn't the place for cons really. There is a local collage that has a few, but nothing of large note.

There is one area that makes armored cars.
If Nexys is plotting what I think he's plotting, are their any major upcoming parades?
luckybreak91 said:
Is there an Amazons warehouse in the city? We could rob that. Don't know where we'd put all that product, but that;s a lot of money if we could steal all the stuff there and sell it.
amazon doesn't store their own warehouses. they either A. act as a middle man or B. have a different company store and ship the goods on their behalf (worked at one such warehouse that covered the northwest US)
Silver sun 17 said:
amazon doesn't store their own warehouses. they either A. act as a middle man or B. have a different company store and ship the goods on their behalf (worked at one such warehouse that covered the northwest US)
Huh, good to know.

How about we rob all the Mail boxes in town. Should get us a bit of Mania, a lot of Metal, and we might make some actual product if we are lucky and find something profitable in them. Hell, I bet you we can get a hold of a lot of people's private information that way.
Large parade next month for a local Holiday. It's basically a day long excuse to get drunk, and the only one that won't be canceled short of the city being trashed.