Villainous Ideals

Night_stalker said:
True, but if we're smart, they won't know WHERE they vanished. These aren't cops who call in every time they make a pit stop.

They're PIs. We dispose of them, scrap their car and hide the base's entrance, we'll be safe.
But they'd know they DID vanish and what they were investigating. This would make the case appear on HERO-RADAR and they'd come down on that base like a fist of an angry god.

The best thing to do is to misdirect them so they have nothing substantial to report. If we do anything suspicious, we are screwed.
Imperious said:
It also didn't address the problem of people noticing those PI have stopped coming to report. Mind you considering that minions gotten from this will be mudane guys with no particular value then I don't really think that minions are a reason to go for this.
They are detectives so they would likely have some useful talents but even untrained people would be useful in a lot of situations.

There are many uses for 100% loyal disposable minions
Graig said:
They are detectives so they would likely have some useful talents but even untrained people would be useful in a lot of situations.

There are many uses for 100% loyal disposable minions
True. When I said Particular value I meant something valuable which is specific to them. Over all going for the curse for the sake of minions in this case doesn't strike me as best since we wouldn't have to go far to get that kind of capability anyway.
Silver sun 17 said:
if we're going to get rid of the base. then why the fuck are you wanting to kill them?
Few things to point out:

1. We aren't getting rid of that base. We are simply camouflaging it so anyone following up doesn't know it's there.

2. There's no way to guarantee their silence short of keeping them captive. We bribe them, they could take the money and go tell the police. Blackmail or threats won't work, and I'd rather not have a pair of mouths sucking down food.
Guardian Box said:
But they'd know they DID vanish and what they were investigating. This would make the case appear on HERO-RADAR and they'd come down on that base like a fist of an angry god.

The best thing to do is to misdirect them so they have nothing substantial to report. If we do anything suspicious, we are screwed.
Yes, they vanished. However, there's no sign or evidence that they vanished because of a supervillain. Could be they ran afoul of a Mob burial, or a cave in.
LS said that we had 3 bruser bot in the area and nobody else. So make plan according to that. I'm also on silver Sun with this. Let use our bruiser bot to capture them with their new Equipment and strip that base clean. If 2 freaking PI can find it, hero are going to find it more easily. Take the car if you want, but no killing, it won't help us.
Imperious said:
True. When I said Particular value I meant something valuable which is specific to them. Over all going for the curse for the sake of minions in this case doesn't strike me as best since we wouldn't have to go far to get that kind of capability anyway.
Sure there is little reason to spend a lot of time getting such minions but now we get them for free. It even gives us the benefits of delaying the search for our base and it also gets us Torment.
Ganti said:
That's what our bruiser bots are for.
There are tasks for which human minions would be better.
Marked_One said:
. Take the car if you want, but no killing, it won't help us.
The curse doesn't require killing though.
Marked_One said:
If 2 freaking PI can find it, hero are going to find it more easily.
We could have Minush use illusions to hide the place and she can do that from where ever in the city. I would agree to not keep anything overly important in that particular base after this though.
Fine, if we're going to minioze them, we need to clean house then.

1. Secure our new minions. Nonlethally, then take them to a holding cell, or somewhere where we can hold them.

2. Strip the cave bare. We take out everything and move it to another lair, or even set up a new cave with the diggerbot to hold it.

3. We dispose of the cave. Collapse in the roof, make it seem like the cave collapsed.

4. Have Fox-Lady Charm our new PIs.
DawnGazer said:
Private investigators are (in theory) experts at things like this. They're nobody in terms of scale, but that's their profession. Finding shit out. Why are people acting like this is easily stumble-upon? The only reason it was in the first place was because we pushed the mutants out from what it is now our hidey hole.

I'm not voting for stripping the cave or leaving it.
because beatrix has their skill set.
I agree that the base is now compromised, but it seems foolish to just up and abandon it. After all, locating and then destroying a supervillain base- particularly when innocent hostage police officers are in danger- is the sort of thing that draws heroes like rotting meat draws flies, and since the base is written off one way or another anyway, we might as well use that as the centerpiece of a minor scheme to get more Mania. Mania in all things. So let's have some fun.

How about this?

[x] Order the investigators captured. Incapacitate them so they don't see anything.
- [x] Use hacking into their phones/radios and voice synthesizers if necessary to have them report that everything is fine and allay suspicion briefly. This will buy time.
- [x] Bring in digbot and bruiserbots to quickly form extensions to the base, which we fill with convincing mock-ups of stuff to make it look like a major location of ours- significantly larger than even our medium base actually is. Include destructible escape tunnel to elsewhere. Include prison for PIs.
- [x] Rant to captured PIs about how their tenacity in discovering our clever double ploy to hit the city with a wave of deadly mole monsters and establish a secret base from which to carry out all kinds of sinister plans has served only to ensure their own doom. Repeat as amusing.
- [x] Seal base entrances, but remotely monitor the whole area. Heroes will inevitably find and penetrate our seals after reviewing available evidence.
- [x] Fight heroes with bruiserbots. Rant remotely while fighting is ongoing, and gather some data on hero-fighting.
- [x] Rant to the heroes after our bots lose that they'll never catch us... particularly if they waste their time saving our hostages from the explosion our base is about to go through! Mwahaha!
- [x] We were never actually there, but have vehicle flee down the escape tunnel anyway just to make it look good. Then collapse the escape tunnel, blow up the base after the heroes escape in the nick of time, and kick back with a job well done.
- [x] Press release to the city the next day about how while the heroes may have destroyed our base and ruined far too much of our glorious work, they haven't seen the last of us, and we only grow stronger! They will rue the day they challenged the might of Revan!

Perhaps the plan's a bit too detailed? Well, whatever; I was having fun writing it.
I'm seriously feeling you guys are overreacting to this.

Have we actually done anything with the Cave base? Is there anything important even there? If they discover it, all they'll find is that apparently Revan caused the mole infestation or that he's building a super secret headquarters out in the woods depending on how furnished the Caves are.
[x] ambush the PIs with restraining guns
-[x] start striping the Cave base of everything useful. the digbot is to then eat everything we can't move for processing into ingots we can use.
--[x] let the PIs go after the base is striped clean
[x] ambush the PIs with restraining guns
-[x] Have Minush get information from them and have her create an illusion of them reporting that nothing was found
--[x] Have Minush use her curse to gain control of the PIs.
[x] ambush the PIs with restraining guns
-[x] start striping the Cave base of everything useful. the digbot is to then eat everything we can't move for processing into ingots we can use.
--[x] let the PIs go after the base is striped clean
"Paranoid is what they call people who imagine threats against their life. I have threats against my life."

Look, our secondary, cave base was just compromised. We need to bury our tracks, and if need be, any evidence to the contrary.