Villainous Ideals

[x] Have our foxy friend cast an illusion on them, causing them to see nothing. Just an empty cave, even that foot print they saw was just a trick of the light. Not There Problem.
Silver sun 17 said:
too much trouble. time to cut bait and leave.
How is this too much trouble compared to abandoning our base exactly? Capture them, get Minush to come here when she can and then use the curse on them. I don't see how that is more trouble then giving up on an entire base. Didn't you say you had plans for it?
OK, change of plans:

1. We hold them hostage, somehow.

2. We call Minsuh to drop everything and get over there ASAP.

3. Time to test out that curse...
Imperious said:
How is this too much trouble compared to abandoning our base exactly? Capture them, get Minush to come here when she can and then use the curse on them. I don't see how that is more trouble then giving up on an entire base. Didn't you say you had plans for it?
it's too much trouble for trying to keep a base that is inherently compromised now. they likely left copies of their notes at home and people are going to retrace their footsteps.
the base is done for and no longer cost effective to maintain.
If it is to late to have Minsuh hide the evidence with illusions we could capture them, get all the required information from them and then curse or kill them. Then we can have Minsuh create an illusion of them leaving the cave and reporting that nothing was found.

We should defiantly not lose a base just because of an unwillingness to kill or curse them.
Silver sun 17 said:
it's too much trouble for trying to keep a base that is inherently compromised now. they likely left copies of their notes at home and people are going to retrace their footsteps.
the base is done for and no longer cost effective to maintain.
What notes? They just got here.
Graig said:
If it is to late to have Minsuh hide the evidence with illusions we could capture them, get all the required information from them and then curse or kill them. Then we can have Minsuh create an illusion of them leaving the cave and reporting that nothing was found.
if people forget about them they will send someone else. if they vanish someone will come looking. the base was comprised the moment they found the mole nest.
MrGazzer said:
What notes? They just got here.
how about something like: "we tracked the moles back to a cave outside of town, we'll go check it out in the morning." or something to that effect.
Silver sun 17 said:
if people forget about them they will send someone else. if they vanish someone will come looking. the base was comprised the moment they found the mole nest.
Illusions. Minush can cause city wide illusions which means that she can cover evidence here from anywhere at the city.

The biggest problem with the curse option is the period of time when those guys don't report and the curse memory effect hasn't quite sunk in yet.
Silver sun 17 said:
if people forget about them they will send someone else. if they vanish someone will come looking. the base was comprised the moment they found the mole nest.
Did you not read what I wrote? We can have Minsuh create illusions of them reporting back that nothing was found.
Hmm, how about have our bots non-lethally club them over the head then drag them to the base where our fox lady is. Have her whip up some disguises illusions to make her seem to be a nature themed villain so we can pump them for some info then release them? or torment them depending on the info.

Not sure how to get nature themed villain and bots together but if there not seen before hand we could have another (fake) villain to blame some of our odder crimes on.
Silver sun 17 said:
and if people forget they exist then their report is forgotten. if they vanish that report becomes suspect since they know we have access to illusions.
It is not at all certain that the report would be forgotten. It might just be who reported it. Also even if that is the case we can repeat the process until we find a better solution.

We even get free minions from it.
Silver sun 17 said:
killing them is counter productive. someone will come investigate their disappearance even with a fake report.
True, but if we're smart, they won't know WHERE they vanished. These aren't cops who call in every time they make a pit stop.

They're PIs. We dispose of them, scrap their car and hide the base's entrance, we'll be safe.
Night_stalker said:
Hey, I suggested a none shiny method, but nope....
It also didn't address the problem of people noticing those PI have stopped coming to report. Mind you considering that minions gotten from this will be mudane guys with no particular value then I don't really think that minions are a reason to go for this.
Imperious said:
It also didn't address the problem of people noticing those PI have stopped coming to report. Mind you considering that minions gotten from this will be mudane guys with no particular value then I don't really think that minions are a reason to go for this.
Yeah, which is why I'm saying we remove any trace of where our base is.

Yes, they'll have vanished, but they won't have leads to narrow down the area.