Villainous Ideals

Lost Star said:
Yep, you can.

In fact, if people don't mind, could you have this next set of actions be a setup set of actions? As in what you want established salvaged and built? There is a bit of action interrupt I have planned, and the chemical thing isn't something you can do anyway. You are a mechanist, not a biologist.
I thought we were just mad science in general?
Lost Star said:
You are, but I'm not making you capable of doing everything under the label 'science'. That's a bit boring.
Why is that boring? Pidgeon holing us with a niche, I'd argue is even worse as it limits the sorts of schemes we can come up with. The most thematic and diverse characters, both heroes and villains are those with expanded power sets. For example, see both Dr.Doom and the Hulk. One is a mystical master that is also a mechanical genius mastermind, the other is master physicist whose alter ego is HULK SMASH.
Lost Star said:
Yep, you can.

In fact, if people don't mind, could you have this next set of actions be a setup set of actions? As in what you want established salvaged and built? There is a bit of action interrupt I have planned, and the chemical thing isn't something you can do anyway. You are a mechanist, not a biologist.
I'll see what i can do.
[x] gain blueprint: medium base

[x] expand cave base to a medium base with all necessary facilties (10 brusiers, 30 dumbots, Brilliance will oversee the building of our new main base).
--[x] after completion begin work on the Director AI.
--[x] all brusierbots not set to to base building are to salvage the materials we need for the base building. buy what we can't provide through salvage
--[x] have the digbot on hand in case any digging is needed
[x] Manufacture Restraining Guns for our bruiserbots, get help from the dumbbots to make things go faster. (buy what we need but don't have)
[x] to keep minsuh from getting too bored have her plant smoke bombs in the city's storm drains and all set to go off at the same time. have our usual symbol of a raven and a touch marking the case of the smoke bombs.
[x] set up a blog for ourselves. on it we shall provide humorous riffing of the police and Heroes responses to our plots, give political commentary, post videos of Dumbot antics (that don't comprise security), mock pubic figures and post monologs about our successful plots.
[x] hire an artiest to create a design to place on our forces and paint on walls of our bases using the Raven and Torch motif.
Could we add some bots to defense/making sure no one is scouting out our bases? We kind of expanded abit and theres a good chance someone could have seen us...
our bases can't be detected unless we modify them from normal too much or do something to deliberately bring attention to them at this point.
can we not upgrade the cave base first after all Beatrix is going to track down where the super Mole's came from how about we upgrade are secret base Warehouse

[x] secret base Warehouse to a medium base with all necessary facilties (10 brusiers, 30 dumbots, Brilliance will oversee the building of our new main base).
--[x] after completion begin work on the Director AI.
--[x] all brusierbots not set to to base building are to salvage the materials we need for the base building. buy what we can't provide through salvage
--[x] have the digbot on hand in case any digging is needed
[x] Manufacture Restraining Guns for our bruiserbots, get help from the dumbbots to make things go faster. (buy what we need but don't have)
[x] to keep minsuh from getting too bored have her plant smoke bombs in the city's storm drains and all set to go off at the same time. have our usual symbol of a raven and a touch marking the case of the smoke bombs.
[x] set up a blog for ourselves. on it we shall provide humorous riffing of the police and Heroes responses to our plots, give political commentary, post videos of Dumbot antics (that don't comprise security), mock pubic figures and post monologs about our successful plots.
[x] hire an artiest to create a design to place on our forces and paint on walls of our bases using the Raven and Torch motif.
no, the warehouse base can't be expanded do to it's location and why would Beatrix bother looking at the moles source since there is NO trail leading back to us that would lead her to back tracking them to the cave base (we don't have a history of not taking credit for something like that so the fact that we arn't gloating helps, along with the fact that the mole's trail is cold by this point). also it's better to have our largest facility be outside the city so people don't dig into it by accident.

the cave is the best pick for where to put the director computer at this point until we find a better base site.
So I just got a idea for our next scheme:

1. We make a ton of cheap and disposable Birdbots, but make their exteriors resemble owls or something.

2. We have them start perching outside random windows. On the windowsills, on nearby branches. Just random windows.

3. We make sure that the occupants see them. And that they don't get to go to sleep at all that night.

4. The next night, we move the birdbots on, but the night after, they come back to the original target.
I would totally throw my full support behind any plan that results in a Mini-Cherno, even if the rest of the plan is horrible. You know my price now. Let the bidding commence.
drakean said:
I would totally throw my full support behind any plan that results in a Mini-Cherno, even if the rest of the plan is horrible. You know my price now. Let the bidding commence.
1.) Become a prostitute.
2.) Develop a drug addiction
3.) Sell Minsuh and Brilliance into slavery to pay for Drug Habit
4.) Make Mini-Cherno in a Drug Fueled haze
5.) Build and set off a Nuclear Bomb
6.) Die horribly
luckybreak91 said:
1.) Become a prostitute.
2.) Develop a drug addiction
3.) Sell Minsuh and Brilliance into slavery to pay for Drug Habit
4.) Make Mini-Cherno in a Drug Fueled haze
5.) Build and set off a Nuclear Bomb
6.) Die horribly
Terribly sorry sir, perhaps I should have clarified. I will support any serious plan that incorporates building Mini-Cherno. Not that foul joke that you attempted to hornswoggle me with.

Sorry, I just learned that hornswoggle is an actual word and I just had to use it. Hornswoggle. Hooooornswoggle. Hornsssssssswoggle. Catchy.
[X] Silver Sun's plan with one addition.
-- Have 13 Dumbots attempt to capture one of the moles for experimentation and/or domestication.

Why not keep the animal theme going? We could release all the animals in the zoo! I don't know how we'd make a profit but it would be utterly hilarious.

Also, we only have three birdbots left so we should probably make more. Unless the front page is out of date in which case the previous statement was irrelevant.
luckybreak91 said:
Are you trying to gammon me my good sir?
I assure you, no deceptive words passed my keyboard. I truly thought that hornswoggle was one of those words that people create in a moment of great passion.

Yeah, I don't feel like digging my thesaurus out to find bizarre enough words to trip you up. Consider yourself victorious in this incredibly short lived game.
Right, let me put my idea down in typing. Mini-Cherno is mini compared to Cherno. Basically Mini-Cherno would be a counterpoint to Brilliance. Brilliance is almost entirely intelligence work, small and rather fragile. Mini-Cherno would be brute force, huge and tough. Build him about half again to twice as tall as the average male, incredibly broad in the shoulders, and with one hell of a right hook. Right now the Bruiserbots are our thugs, weak muscle. Mini-Cherno would be our enforcer, our big muscle. Got it?
drakean said:
Right, let me put my idea down in typing. Mini-Cherno is mini compared to Cherno. Basically Mini-Cherno would be a counterpoint to Brilliance. Brilliance is almost entirely intelligence work, small and rather fragile. Mini-Cherno would be brute force, huge and tough. Build him about half again to twice as tall as the average male, incredibly broad in the shoulders, and with one hell of a right hook. Right now the Bruiserbots are our thugs, weak muscle. Mini-Cherno would be our enforcer, our big muscle. Got it?
I have something else planned.:D