Villainous Ideals

Silver sun 17 said:
[x] have the birdbots spray a chemical over the city that will cause the mutant moles and eveyone's pets to go into heat
This is just random and I'm not really seeing the point to it.
Silver sun 17 said:
[x] set up a blog for ourselves. on it we shall provide constructive criticism on the police and Heroes responses to our plots, give political commentary, post videos of Dumbot antics (that don't comprise security), mock pubic figures and post monologs about our successful plots.
Think about this for a second, is it really that good of an idea to tell everyone what the flatfoots could have done better to capture us? Now having us videotape our heists and then riffing their attempts to arrest us I can agree with but actual useful commentary is just a poor idea.
Undead-Spaceman said:
This is just random and I'm not really seeing the point to it.
Mania gathering and trying to throw them off by doing something utterly random.
Think about this for a second, is it really that good of an idea to tell everyone what the flatfoots could have done better to capture us? Now having us videotape our heists and then riffing their attempts to arrest us I can agree with but actual useful commentary is just a poor idea.
Silver sun 17 said:
that mania vote and my plan don't work together.
What? Ah, shoot! I need to pay more attention.

[x] Manufacture Restraining Guns for our bruiserbots, get help from the dumbbots to make things go faster. (buy what we need but don't have)
[x] Have the birdbots spray a chemical over the city that will cause the mutant moles and eveyone's pets to go into heat.
[x] set up a blog for ourselves. on it we shall provide humorous riffing of the police and Heroes responses to our plots, give political commentary, post videos of Dumbot antics (that don't comprise security), mock pubic figures and post monologs about our successful plots.
[x] remaining bots are to go salvaging.

[X] Mechanical Creation
Though guys I suggest to not get too excited over the possibilities of Mechanical Creation 3 since 1.If the Birdbot is any indication they will have to be made by hand and so we probably won't be able to make much of them and 2. Each one will likely take a very large amount of time if once again the birdbot is any indication.

Not to say that it doesn't have it's uses of course.
Undead-Spaceman said:
I'm pretty sure Lost Star said if we upped mechanical creation than our fabber could make birdbots.
Must have missed that then. Did he say anything about the Tiny version of bots that MC3 would unlock like their time requirements at some point?
Here are 3 possible upgrades for you that I've thought of.

Underground Base (Medium): Has a workshop, a bed, a medium storage area, and a recharge station, a power plant, and a staging area for your robots.
-Space, 1000 work hours, recharge station, power plant
*Note, you can have bots work on secret bases. Each Dumbot takes 2 hours to do 1 hour of your work. Each Bruiser-bot can take 1 hour per one hour. You can have a max of 40 bots working at a time.

Comes with

Power Plant: This is best described as a high end powerplant. Unlike the recharge station, this requires some more potent fuel, but can provide enough power to do most everything you would need. At a cost.
-100 pounds steel. 20 pounds Titanium. 100 work hours. 30 days requires 1 quart of exotic fuel.
*Note - Many higher end metals will need this device.

Lv 3 mechanical construction will give:

Eyebots: These bots are the size and shape of a hockey puck. Upon command they are capable of extending legs and walking about. Can cling to walls and deliver a shock equivalent to a standard taser. Also capable of interfacing with computer hardware. By necessity they aren't very smart, but they have the standard network protocols and can be directed by more intelligent leaders.
- .5 pounds aluminum. small battery. 10 work hours. 1 computer chip

Miniature Battery: Custom made creations essential for powering your creations. About the size of a quarter.
- .5 pound aluminum. .5 quart of industrial chemicals. 2 hours.

Miniaturized tools: Fabricator upgrade to allow it to deal with smaller items that it's usual fare.
- 1 pound steel. 10 hours.
--Birdbots. 1 pound aluminum. 1 quart industrial chemicals. 10 hours.
--Eyebots. .5 pound aluminum. .5 quart industrial chemicals. 10 hours.

Lv 1 Materials will give:

Bodysuit: Skintight material that a blend of standard polymers and conductive materials. Doesn't count as metal, but can be used to allow other, more durable parts be added and is used as a begining interface for powered armor. Very durable, and can resist standard piercing weapons.
- 2 pounds polymer materials. 5 work hours

Light Powered Armor: This is a lightweight suit specially designed for Misuh, but can be adapted for anyone. Weights about ten pounds and is made of ceramic materials. Enhances strength slightly, but is more useful as an interface with Revan's robot line. Capable of withstanding small arms fire. Is also a very good insulator, and liquid cooled so it's comfortable to wear. Has a tactile interface so it's possible to get feedback for manipulating items.
- 10 pounds ceramic materials. 16 hours.

Heavy Powered armor: Heavy Version of the previous armor. Weighs around fifty pounds and enhances strength by a factor of 2. Capable of withstanding most standard armaments. Supremely good insulator, but is rather bulky. Has a tactile interface so it's possible to get feedback for manipulating items.
- 10 pounds Ceramic, 20 pounds aluminum. 24 hours.

Brilliance Upgrade: Synthetic skin for Brilliance, and tactile sensors. Allows her to finely manipulate objects, and gives her a greater range of capabilities. Also gives her the equivalent of rank one seduction.
- 5 pounds polymer materials. 10 work hours.
Lost Star said:
If we take mechanical creation as our mania bonus, can we manufacture Birdbots & Eyebots this round?

[X] Mechanical Creation Lv 3

[X] Manufacture Restraining Guns for our bruiserbots, get help from the dumbbots to make things go faster. (buy what we need but don't have)
[X] Have the birdbots spray a chemical over the city that will cause the mutant moles and eveyone's pets to go into heat.
[X] set up a blog for ourselves. on it we shall provide humorous riffing of the police and Heroes responses to our plots, give political commentary, post videos of Dumbot antics (that don't comprise security), mock pubic figures and post monologs about our successful plots.
[X] remaining bots are to go salvaging.
Yep, you can.

In fact, if people don't mind, could you have this next set of actions be a setup set of actions? As in what you want established salvaged and built? There is a bit of action interrupt I have planned, and the chemical thing isn't something you can do anyway. You are a mechanist, not a biologist.