Villainous Ideals

How about using a digbot to get some more stuff from the labs around town?
Night_stalker said:
Who said anything about having them start mining from our base?
then we're moving something that we obviously made the size of a truck overland so it can mine from somewhere else. I'm all for using the mining bots in our schemes, but i can't figure out the logistics of doing so without getting caught and thrown in prison again.
So, let's just devote an hour or two to trying to reverse engineer the Hero thing every night before we go to sleep.

Also, I want one of three things once we get our Mania up. Mechanical Creation(Get's us a Blueprint as well), Bureacracy(Protects secret identity business), or Buisness(Makes us rich, and gives us the ability to buy Mania. This is the best skill).
luckybreak91 said:
So, let's just devote an hour or two to trying to reverse engineer the Hero thing every night before we go to sleep.

Also, I want one of three things once we get our Mania up. Mechanical Creation(Get's us a Blueprint as well), Bureacracy(Protects secret identity business), or Buisness(Makes us rich, and gives us the ability to buy Mania. This is the best skill).
I'd go for Mechanical Creation.

We need more variety.
I do want that Creation, but at the same time Business is basically our quickest path to unlimited power. At the same time, Beauracracy helps insure we don't mess up and lose our business/get thrown in jail for illegal business practices.

I'm so conflicted.:(
luckybreak91 said:
I do want that Creation, but at the same time Business is basically our quickest path to unlimited power. At the same time, Beauracracy helps insure we don't mess up and lose our business/get thrown in jail for illegal business practices.
Don't you think there other villain like that? And I don't see them taking over the world. Also, you say unlimited power. Do you really think Lost Star would have broken his quest like that? I'm pretty sure it will cost a enormous amount of money for mania, and only a small amount.
Creation. Lets go with a tiny creation. A bee. We mass produce it. Can the heroes deal with swarms of beeeeeeeeeees? They can disrupt paperwork, shut down computers, cut cords, and bee an omni present menace.
Robotninja said:
Creation. Lets go with a tiny creation. A bee. We mass produce it. Can the heroes deal with swarms of beeeeeeeeeees? They can disrupt paperwork, shut down computers, cut cords, and bee an omni present menace.
Hmm, robot bees....

Tempting, oh so tempting, plus if we can make honey, that's a legitimate business we can make money from.
Marked_One said:
Don't you think there other villain like that? And I don't see them taking over the world. Also, you say unlimited power. Do you really think Lost Star would have broken his quest like that? I'm pretty sure it will cost a enormous amount of money for mania, and only a small amount.
I am fine with Mania costing absurd amounts of money, we can make that much, but think about it like this. We just spent 15,000 dollars on Bruiserbots and we made a pretty good amount of them, but that was actually a pretty decent sized amount of our own money. With Business I'd imagine we could easily put at least 100,000 a turn into making Bruiserbots. That's enough to be a real threat.
I'm sure we can have them produce robo-honey. We are a genius, after all. Plus the chaos from swarms of robot bees being unleashed will quickly get us back up to 100.
luckybreak91 said:
I am fine with Mania costing absurd amounts of money, we can make that much, but think about it like this. We just spent 15,000 dollars on Bruiserbots and we made a pretty good amount of them, but that was actually a pretty decent sized amount of our own money. With Business I'd imagine we could easily put at least 100,000 a turn into making Bruiserbots. That's enough to be a real threat.
Until a hero with investigation skill see that something is weird and shut down your place.
Marked_One said:
Until a hero with investigation skill see that something is weird and shut down your place.
That's why Bureaucracy is important.

Business makes us a Billionaire, Bureaucracy protects our Business, and Mechanical Creation gives us more things to make with our money. We need all three of them, it's just the order that's bugging me.
[x] hire the catburgler villain to acquire the high security warehouse manifests.
[x] have the bird bots fly over the city spraying a chemical mixture to send the Mutant moles into heat, and drop some bait to draw them to the high security warehouses.
[x] place some hidden camera's to watch the high security warehouse's patrol routes. try to see if there is a pattern we can exploit.
[x] spend time each day studying the sample of hero tech we acquired
[x] work on making Flashbang launchers for all the busierbots, get help from the dumbots to speed things up.
[x] see if we can create a substance that can turn into a sticky air permeable goo on contact with the air.
[x] have the brusierbots go salavge when they aren't being upgraded.

we can create lesser blueprints, so lets see if we can make some of the minor ideas we've had (i suspect a nanomotile goo would need a mania level)
luckybreak91 said:
That's why Bureaucracy is important.

Business makes us a Billionaire, Bureaucracy protects our Business, and Mechanical Creation gives us more things to make with our money. We need all three of them, it's just the order that's bugging me.
... You know that even if you raise it to the max, it won't happen like that. That is will take years to make a lot of money. And we're not the only one out there doing that.
Marked_One said:
... You know that even if you raise it to the max, it won't happen like that. That is will take years to make a lot of money. And we're not the only one out there doing that.
That's if we do it honestly, I was planning to cheat. We are a Super Villain after all.
Playing a legitimate businessman/super villain gives advantages that playing either alone does not. If you are successful in keeping the two sides separate (which may require some effort even with the relevant skills), you can use the supervillain side in order to take out corporate foes and engineer business opportunities, whilst using the business side to create options for supervillainry (though this can be circumstance specific).

Hey Lost Star, in the interests of varying things up a bit, can I request that you grant us a list of random public events occuring over a coming time period? It doesn't have to be jam-packed or anything, perhaps just something like 'there is a baseball game on 3 weeks from now, and a flower show two weeks after that'. Sometimes the best plans are ones reacting to or taking advantage of something, and it'd add some variety to the game, allowing us more time to work on and develop original schemes from the ground up. As it is, we're basically jumping from plan to plan, with only the absolute worst suggestions getting filtered out.
kestrel404 said:
I agree with some of your ideas, but here are some of mine:

Hatch a villianous scheme - Warehouse Raid:
-[x] hire the catburgler villain to acquire the high security warehouse manifests.
-[x] spend time each day studying the sample of hero tech we acquired
-[x] have the brusierbots go salavge when they aren't being upgraded.
-[x] Build a digger-bot. Use this to tunnel under the high security warehouse neighborhood. (Buy materials as necessary)
-[x] Upgrade 1 out of 5 bruiserbots with the flashbang launcher (any more than that is a waste)
-[x] Use our secondary Fabber to produce Dumbbots. Budget $10,000 (that should be more than 150 dumbbots)
--[x] Once all preparations are complete, have the dumbbots invade all the high security warehouses. The bruiserbots will deal with security. This should be a quick and dirty smash-and-grab, with any details we get from the catburgler going towards assigning priority targets, and otherwise grabbing at random.
--[x] Once our dumbbots have fled through the tunnels, flood them (open up the city's sewer and water lines into them) to prevent anyone from following the dumbbots - and to flood the high security warehouse district.
I'm wanting a little more prep work done.
and your bot building budget is off, that would make 11 brusierbots.
[x] hire the catburgler villain to acquire the high security warehouse manifests.
[x] have the bird bots fly over the city spraying a chemical mixture to send the Mutant moles into heat, and drop some bait to draw them to the high security warehouses.
[x] place some hidden camera's to watch the high security warehouse's patrol routes. try to see if there is a pattern we can exploit.
[x] spend time each day studying the sample of hero tech we acquired
[x] work on making Flashbang launchers for all the busierbots, get help from the dumbots to speed things up.
[x] see if we can create a substance that can turn into a sticky air permeable goo on contact with the air.
[x] have the brusierbots go salavge when they aren't being upgraded.
Hatch a villianous scheme - Warehouse Raid:
-[x] hire the catburgler villain to acquire the high security warehouse manifests.
-[x] spend time each day studying the sample of hero tech we acquired
-[x] have the brusierbots go salavge when they aren't being upgraded.
-[x] Build a digger-bot. Use this to tunnel under the high security warehouse neighborhood. (Buy materials as necessary)
--[x] Use the giant moles as a distraction to keep this from being discovered.
-[x] Upgrade 1 out of 5 bruiserbots with the flashbang launcher (any more than that is a waste)
-[x] Use our secondary Fabber to produce Dumbbots. Budget $10,000 (that should be more than 150 dumbbots)
--[x] Once all preparations are complete, have the dumbbots invade all the high security warehouses. The bruiserbots will deal with security. This should be a quick and dirty smash-and-grab, with any details we get from the catburgler going towards assigning priority targets, and otherwise grabbing at random.
--[x] Once our dumbbots have fled through the tunnels, flood them (open up the city's sewer and water lines into them) to prevent anyone from following the dumbbots - and to flood the high security warehouse district.
Mastigo said:
[x]Assume that the cave base is compromised as they track the moles back to their home
---[x]booby trap it with (very) smart bombs disguised as ultrasound emitters. Tell them not to bother if Red shows up. Hopefully he'll bring one back to a certain nosy tech hero so it can blow her up, or at least her lab.
-------[x]Right up until the moment of explosive death, the heroes can always get out of danger by simply leaving or not entering the blast radius.
Do you remembe that if we kill a hero without giving him an escape, we become free game and will be killed upon capture. You know, our rule.