Villainous Ideals

Vanathor said:
Yes. Because Minsuh's ruling over rides any other with the spells process.
Her spell freaking kill them.

Ruling 1 changed from
1) Your spells which allow you to kill must be explained, and will be obvious to the people you use them on.
a) You may cast 9 Days of Torment on any Heroes or Villains should you get them alone.


1) The conclusion clause of 9 Days of Torment now reads that Revan must be there.
a) You may cast 9 Days of Torment on any Heroes or Villains should you get them alone.

The end result is dead from what I read, not minion.
luckybreak91 said:
He's gonna escape. It's totally gonna happen. He's a hero, he's gonna escape and we will lose Minsuh. Even if we win we tip our mind control hand.

I wanna save the Nine Days thing for a much bigger target. One that can't hide. Jormungandr.
Disagree. We don't need to keep him contained, we just need to be able to keep track of him. Which we can with Brilliance's sonar.

Then its just showing up and saying "Hi. By the way you work for me now."
Marked_One said:
Her spell freaking kill them.

Ruling 1 changed from
1) Your spells which allow you to kill must be explained, and will be obvious to the people you use them on.
a) You may cast 9 Days of Torment on any Heroes or Villains should you get them alone.


1) The conclusion clause of 9 Days of Torment now reads that Revan must be there.
a) You may cast 9 Days of Torment on any Heroes or Villains should you get them alone.

The end result is dead from what I read, not minion.
9 Days of Torment - Kill spell
- Requirement: Must be nearby the target. Target must be mundane. (Ruling nullifies the last clause conditionally)
- Effect: Victim is tormented by intense and vivid illusions of their demise for nine days. In addition, they are slowly forgotten by the world.
- Conclusion: If you encounter the target on the end of the ninth day, you have full control over them. This overrides any other powers, abilities, or rulings.
APL 123AZ said:
Jormungandr probably has a ruling that will laugh at your attempts to control it.
As long as we don't lose control of Minsuh I'm fine with that. I figure, we fail to control it then we will probably end up waking it up in the process. I never planned on trying to take control of it until we were in position to take advantage of it rampaging.
Vanathor said:
You're right. But I need to remind you that those hero are there since some time. What a annoying thing it would be if they have ally from other hero to call if something big happen. Also, Minsuh has been there for a while and is probably know. She did say she had been beaten by hero before. They know of her and her power. Even if the end changed, the rest didn't. They probably have way to deal with her.
Marked_One said:
You're right. But I need to remind you that those hero are there since some time. What a annoying thing it would be if they have ally from other hero to call if something big happen. Also, Minsuh has been there for a while and is probably know. She did say she had been beaten by hero before. They know of her and her power. Even if the end changed, the rest didn't. They probably have way to deal with her.
Look at the time span Minsuh regards her masters for. Fifty Years is a blink of eye to her. That indicates that it has been at least that long since she was beaten at the game. Probably longer. And given she has been killing people in the city for a while now with:
You believe there is another villain operating in the area. Looking over the history of the place, roughly every few weeks there is a body dumped in the outskirts. Since they are often found in stages of decomposition, it's hard to tell anything else.
That means she has at least been successful enough in the area to get away with that with nothing but our vague intuition to know that until we met her. Ergo, they know jack and shit, otherwise she would have been put down already given she is basically a serial killer.
Marked_One said:
You're right. But I need to remind you that those hero are there since some time. What a annoying thing it would be if they have ally from other hero to call if something big happen. Also, Minsuh has been there for a while and is probably know. She did say she had been beaten by hero before. They know of her and her power. Even if the end changed, the rest didn't. They probably have way to deal with her.
She didn't say when she had been beaten by heroes. In fact it was probably a long time ago, because every time she loses she is out of the game for years. Assuming some local heroes are going to know how to handle Minsuh is a pretty big leap. Not to say that it will necessarily be easy to use her to kill Captain Red, but it is certainly possible. Hell killing heroes is half the point of having Minsuh around.
Vanathor said:
Disagree. We don't need to keep him contained, we just need to be able to keep track of him. Which we can with Brilliance's sonar.

Then its just showing up and saying "Hi. By the way you work for me now."
We can't. He just has to make a token effort at having a secret identity, and we cannot go visit him. Our own ruling will prevent it. We know too little to do this. Too big a risk.
Robotninja said:
We can't. He just has to make a token effort at having a secret identity, and we cannot go visit him. Our own ruling will prevent it. We know too little to do this. Too big a risk.
He still has a "Hostage" ruling. We take advantage of that just like the first time and he will be obligated to come to us to save the damsel.

And that would require him to know our ruling. Which he does not.
Vanathor said:
He still has a "Hostage" ruling. We take advantage of that just like the first time and he will be obligated to come to us to save the damsel.

And that would require him to know our ruling. Which he does not.
We don't know if he is compeled to do so or simply is rewarded. Also, don't assume stuff like that when making plans.
Robotninja said:
We don't know if he is compeled to do so or simply is rewarded. Also, don't assume stuff like that when making plans.
Rulings given the phrasing of them are both. Look at both Minsuh and Raven's stat sheets for evidence.

Its probably something like

1.) If a damsel is taken hostage, you must try and rescue her.
2.) You gain Valor (or whatever his level up currency is) for doing so.
Honestly if we want to get rid of Captain Red we should arm our robots and then take a bunch of hostages. Then when he shows up the robots attack with intent to kill. IIRC our robots are designed to have a visual weak spot correct? So that covers the chance to escape on his end, and he could always fly off and leave the hostages behind for a second way out. This is something we should keep in reserve until it is time to completely conquer the city or move beyond it though, because it will definitely draw attention.
Are we really ready to step up our game? It has even been a year since we started and I don't want to enter major league until we are ready.
Marked_One said:
Are we really ready to step up our game? It has even been a year since we started and I don't want to enter major league until we are ready.
Not this instant, but once we have at least a couple hundred Bruiser Bots and several bases I believe we can at least aim for B-rank. Start recruiting more powerful minions, for our big pushes to propel ourselves to A-Rank.
Marked_One said:
Are we really ready to step up our game? It has even been a year since we started and I don't want to enter major league until we are ready.
Not yet. We need more robots, preferably maxed out robotics so we can make tiny spies and large scale combat mechs, and hopefully a unique combat robot or minion. At the very least we can hopefully get two out of those three then we should be able to stop screwing toying around with the city and cause some serious damage.
Mastigo said:
I'm still confused as to why the hell we changed it so that REVAN had to be there. You know, the guy with the ruling that says that he loses any personal combat. For that matter, is Revan even immune to the forgetting effect?
Because it lets us use Nine Days without having to reveal its conditions to its victims. And Revan just needs to be able to say hi to win, not fight. That is different.

Also, the forgetting effect is completely undone at the end of the 9th day, so people probably WOULD remember that Red had gone missing afterwards.
Incorrect. This only occurs if the spell ends in failure. If it succeeds, then they remain forgotten.
uju32 said:
This Quest is the equivalent of those old 70s comics, where the villain and hero play by rules, and there are no permanent personal consequences for shenanigans.

It's not meant to be too serious, and when people keep coming up with plans like trap and kill, or elaborate torture schemes, it breaks my immersion and makes me foam at the mouth.
Which is why I try to only read the updates.
Nice writing by the way LS.
Actually no:

Lost Star said:
Also if it seems silver age, it's probably because you are playing it as such. I've given you no bonuses for killing, but I haven't prevented it either. There are other villains in the setting who are darker.

The quest plays however we choose to. It can be like a 70s comic or it can not be if we choose otherwise from what I understand.
On rulings. There are central rulings and rulings that override them. Thats about all it goes to. The ones that override others are usually for immunitites.

The rulings that override others are for central tenats of the character. Minsuh torments things. That's her shtick. Combine that with the tales of spirits and besting them, you get the nine days spell.

You are a mastermind. You have minions. Thus your minions can occasionally beat heros.
[X] Take the deal.

[X] Deploy all of our bruiserbots to the caves.
-- [X] Show them whose boss. Dive them away from our base or wipe them out.
---[x] "Minsuh, your in charge of the campaign while i handle things in the city."
----------[x]"try to herd them into the city"
[x] have the fabber build bruiser bots (budget: $15,000)
[x] build another fabber
[x] design a shoulder mounted Flashbang RPG launcher for the Bruiserbots.
[x] Brilliance talk


"Hahaha!" A mansized fox with nine tails cackles. There is no other word for it. All nine tails of hers weave around her and the moles run for their little lives. "FLEE FLEE!!"

Behind her, the bruiserbots hide. There is terrifying, and then there is whatever the fox is doing.

Apparently sending a fox to deal with a bunch of moles leads to interesting results. Normal foxes like to eat the things. It's not particularly surprising that Minsuh likes to do something similar. In this case with the order to herd them into the city, she's having some fun...

By terrifying them all into running.

That it's doing something similar to the bruiserbots isn't particularly concerning. She's got this all under control.

"MAGGOTS, I will rend your skin from your bones, crush the bones and then make your soul scream in agony!! Scream for me you little peons SCREAM!"

This is followed by the entire colony of moles running out of the caves. A good thousand dog sized moles at that. Minsuh continues to cackle maniacally as she chases them out, nipping at their heels the entire way.

The bruiserbots look at each-other as a sudden silence descends on the cave. One of them moves out and looks deeper into the cave. Then it shrugs to the rest. They all shrug as well, and start setting up the base.


The piece of Hero tech is interesting you think. It looks to be a restraining gun of some sort. You recognize the compacted rope inside it, and there is a propellant as well. It's not particularly complicated by your standards, but it is a Heroic device. There are certain tells that show it's been built as such. The way the ropes are coiled, the propellant, and the composition of the restraints.

This could easily restrain one of your bruiserbots for a time. Against anything less strong they would likely have to wiggle out, or be cut loose. The tensile strength of the rope is roughly a thousand pounds. All together it's a useful device, if not particularly your current style of things. You can likely study and adapt it to your needs with some work. (Requires 50 points)

That examination done, you start work on your other projects. You have to get the recharge station up and running for the new base, get another fabricator going, start up a new bit of hardware for your bruserbots, and do some repairs on Brilliance.

Brilliance is first. She's the most delicate, and probably the quickest project.

You have to pull off her wings though. It's not a pleasent thing to look at when you do so, since it looks her back has been flayed. There is no pain of course, and it's fairly easy project wise, but it still doesn't look right.

"Looks like your wing attachments are holding steady." You speak with her conversationally. "The connectors show some signs of strain, but it's nothing that would hinder your flight. I'm correcting it now."

"Thank you creator." Brilliance replies back simply.

"Got the feathers already fixed, so it's just going to be a matter of sealing you back up now." You step back and go for the welder. "Anything to report status wise? You aren't really suited for dealing with mutant moles, so you are likely bored."

"Nothing to report." The android states. "I listen. I do not get bored."

"If you say so." You start the welding process to seal up her back. "If you like, I can design other bodies for you. Your current one is a bit specialized."

"No thank you." There is some sort of emotion in there, but you can't interpret it. "I like flying."

You chuckle a bit. "Of course."


"A state of emergency has been declared over an infestation of unnaturally sized moles in the city. These creatures are highly territorial, and capable of burrowing through the concrete. Damage over the city is considered in the thousands, and is still accumulating. People are advised to watch their step while the city animal control works on exterminating the threat.

Animal rights activists are already starting to protest the treatment. Several have had to be treated after they got too close to the moles."


Mania +50
Torment +40
+15 Bruiserbots

Lesser blueprint

Flash-bang Shoulder Launcher. (Bruiserbot upgrade) - Creates a loud explosion of sound and light at a targeted point. This particular version has three shots before it has to be reloaded.
-2 pounds steel. 1 pound gunpowder. 4 work hours.


Digbot - A robot the size of a small car. Can best be described in configuration as a Bulette from dungeons and dragons. Slow and lumbering, this creature is a veritable tank. They are capable of burrowing and building tunnels through concrete at the hardest. Not for use in combat so much as a way of expanding space. They are also currently capable of 'eating' steel, which they melt down and expel in ingot form.
-500 pounds steel. 1 Massive battery. 4 computer chips. 150 work hours.

Massive Batteries: Custom made creations essential for powering your creations.
-20 quart of industrial chemicals. 1 pound of steel. 5 hour.
If we are close to 100 mania I would like to bring up the LQ-84 thing I suggested a few pages back. If we can get it anywhere close to what it did in the games we might just have something better than the Bruisers.

Edit: The trick though would be how to make its armament. Perhaps we should wait until we can make the Chainsaw and knives. Up to yall.
Hmm, we need some more mania....

Sure would be a shame if one of our diggerbots "accidentally" started undermining various buildings around town, wouldn't it?
Night_stalker said:
Hmm, we need some more mania....

Sure would be a shame if one of our diggerbots "accidentally" started undermining various buildings around town, wouldn't it?
they'd leave tunnels that could be followed back to our base if i understand how they work correctly.