Villainous Ideals

Vanathor said:
Yes we will be! A secret identity and a ruling are NOT the same thing.
If you don't go out of your way to discover a secret identity, don't put any investigation to find it out deliberately then it's fine. Revan also cannot make any use of any secret identities he uncovers as that wouldn't be respecting it. But as long as he keeps it to that he'd be fine. Plus Regan still forgets about her anyways from the spell.
On the subjects of secret identities, Heros technically have a ruling of one. Their costumes basically are iconic things. Captain Red's is inspiring, Beatrix actually looks completely different, and Shade's impossible to identify.
Speaking of costumes, what does ours look like? I got here late enough to miss that process and I'm not exactly what we got.
[X] Take some of the guards hostages, with a bruiser bot keeping guard. Put them behind the defenses of the laboratory's defensive measures. Time to turn the lab's defenses against those who try and hit it form the outside.
[X] Take the time to loot as much as we can in the instance. However make sure to prioritize the best loot so that gets through first. On an on going basis, strap the stuff to the digger bots, and have them leave with that stuff as needed.
[X] Keep the Fox in Reserve, hidden by her illusions to stay invisible. Wait for Red to show up due to his Hostages Ruling, and when he does so, whammy him with 9 Days of Torment from invisibility. Use the confusion and the chaos to escape with as many goodies as we can manage. If Red shows up with more backup then that, just disappear as quickly as possible. Under no circumstances can Minsuh or Brilliance risk capture. If in doubt run, and use whatever means needed to escape.
[X] Take some of the guards hostages, with a bruiser bot keeping guard. Put them behind the defenses of the laboratory's defensive measures. Time to turn the lab's defenses against those who try and hit it form the outside.
[X] Take the time to loot as much as we can in the instance. However make sure to prioritize the best loot so that gets through first. On an on going basis, strap the stuff to the digger bots, and have them leave with that stuff as needed.
[X] Keep the Fox in Reserve, hidden by her illusions to stay invisible. Wait for Red to show up due to his Hostages Ruling, and when he does so, whammy him with 9 Days of Torment from invisibility. Use the confusion and the chaos to escape with as many goodies as we can manage. If Red shows up with more backup then that, just disappear as quickly as possible. Under no circumstances can Minsuh or Brilliance risk capture. If in doubt run, and use whatever means needed to escape.
How come the plans all focus on Red? Isn't Shade a problem too? Sure Brilliance has her awesome sonar thingy, but Shade could have some stealth based ruling or something to counter it...and he/she is a lot more competent than Captain Red. Perhaps not as much a direct threat, but definitely smarter I reckon.
Guys, Red isn't worth it as a minion. he's an idiot who can't use his powers properly, not worth the bother of recruiting when there are two worthwhiler heroes in the area to subvert.

also i got a design for our light power armor (or maybe this one would be medium)
Silver sun 17 said:
Guys, Red isn't worth it as a minion. he's an idiot who can't use his powers properly, not worth the bother of recruiting when there are two worthwhiler heroes in the area to subvert.
Disagree. He is the city's premiere hero for a reason, he has a very strong power, and his intelligence is a nonfactor when we start doing his thinking for him. We have plenty of cunning and ability, what we lack is a powerful enough meatshield. This satisfy's that role. And its not like we are limited to one use of Nine Days. Plus only Shade is targetable because of Beatrice's thing.
issues with that statement
  1. Beatrice is targetble. her identity protection rule does not interfere with ours, I have seen nothing that suggests going after her would strip us of our identity protection rule. unless the GM comes in and says that your right I can only see your position on this as having no real basis.
  2. he is the premiere hero because he is the most visible and the most traditional hero. his main limitation that keeps from being b rank is that he doesn't use his head. his power is all about force fields and he keeps fighting like a Flying brick, this speaks poorly to me because of his utility as a minion.
  3. meatsheilds are supposed to be replaceable like our bots are and Red isn't
  4. we already have meat shields, our bots and we can upgrade them further then we ever could Red.
Silver sun 17 said:
issues with that statement
1. Beatrice is targetable. her identity protection rule does not interfere with ours, I have seen nothing that suggests going after her would strip us of our identity protection rule. unless the GM comes in and says that you're right I can only see your position on this as having no real basis.
I disagree vehemently here. She does not go around in a costume. She walks around in civilian clothes without a mask.She uses an actual name instead of something like "captain red", and she gets away with it because of a ruling protecting her outside of that. By all accounts her secret identity is her super identity being one in the same. Thus targetting her is a bad idea, based on the evidence. Especially because her whole shtick is investigation. We target her it is just asking for trouble and for her to find us and use her every resource to put the hurt on us.
Silver sun 17 said:
He is the premiere hero because he is the most visible and the most traditional hero. his main limitation that keeps from being b rank is that he doesn't use his head. his power is all about force fields and he keeps fighting like a Flying brick, this speaks poorly to me because of his utility as a minion.
Who fucking cares how smart he is? The whole point of the mastermind powerset is that we do their thinking for them. The fact he is only held back because of a lack of creativity and not lack of potential is a feature not a bug. We can utilize his potential far greater than he can. And that is a good thing, as that means he is not clever enough to be able to find a loophole, but powerful enough for us to make use of him.
Silver sun 17 said:
meatsheilds are supposed to be replaceable like our bots are and Red isn't
we already have meat shields, our bots and we can upgrade them further then we ever could Red.
Bullshit. Meatshields are everything up and including mini-bosses and enforcers such as red. Meat Shield, being defined as anyone that can stand between us and those who would hurt us. And guess what? I would cheerfully have Red die protecting us, then him not a minion in the first place at all.

And we can upgrade our bots better than a fairly high potential hero (C-ranked only because of his uncleverness something we can fix) that is probably B-Rank maybe higher if it was fully exploited? This is a load of crap. I have not seen a single suggestion that someone who holds a contract with Order or Chaos can be outpaced by any of the weak as shit robots we make, that can only win because of one of our Ruling and only then with numbers on there side.
You are explicitly wrong. "Beatrix actually looks completely different" She basicly shapeshifts into that form for heroing. Her secret identity is different.
Damn it Vanathor, you are going to lose us a minion. Red will ask Beatrix WTF is up, she will investigate, and find out, and then he will skip town. She's been around for a long time. There will be records.
okay, here's another thing to consider: let's do it under curcumtances we actually can control. we can capture and imprison a hero and give them a bunch of puzzles to solve with one of the puzzles having the way out concealed in it. just tell red that if he smashes his way out several thousand tons of dirt will burry him. we don't have near the control of this situation to make 9 days worth the risk.
[x] Get the laser get it on it's way to us.
[x] have the bruiserbots with flashbang launchers stay behind while the other bruiserbots pull back with the digbot and the laser.
[x] the dumbots will try to loot as much of the high valuables as they can before pulling out.
[x] Minsuh is to get to brilliance and cover them both with an illusion.
[x] If Captain red comes the bots guarding the hostages will buy time for the remainder of our forces to evacuate and the director will set off the substation charges. if one of the other two heroes set an ambush for them using the guards as bait and catch them with the restraining guns.
OK guys, we got 10 minutes to strip the lab of anything we want.

If we can't unload it in that time, leave it. We should also see about yanking as much of their files as possible, just grab their processors, we can check 'em back at base.
PRIORITIES (in order):
[X] Minsuh and brilliance safety comes first
[X] Before we bring anything in to are base we take a look for tracking devices
[X] Grab the Laser
[X] Everything else in the lab

[X] Send a Dumbbot or two careening off that-a-way carrying an armload of junk before hijacking a car to continue fleeing the scene.
[X] Minsuh: Illusion of the guards telling the heroes that the bot went that-a-way and that the lab attack was probably a decoy for some other hit Revan is running.
[X] Dispatch a bot (preferably dumbbot) from base for each gas station to go forcibly poison them again.
[X] One other bot dispatched to each water-tower to puncture them.

[X] Dig in. Secure the guards. Strip them naked so they have no more nasty toys, and send them below to be secured for later application of Minsuh's spell. Also hostages.
[X] Get the laser get it on it's way to us.
--[X] Brilliance will follow the loot and check for tracking devices.
[X] Have the bruiserbots with flashbang launchers stay behind while the other bruiserbots pull back with the digbot and the laser.
[X] The dumbots on site will try to loot as much of the high valuables as they can before pulling out.

[X] If misdirection fails: If Captain red notes the bots in the lab, the bots guarding the hostages will buy time for the remainder of our forces to evacuate and The Director will set off the substation charges. If one of the other two heroes set an ambush for them using the guards as bait and catch them with the restraining guns.
Silver sun 17 said:
in some labs i think they are keep separate.
Well, in that case, we'll be snagging some nice computer parts to be used to upgrade Brilliance or Director.

Also, let's not hang around for the local PD or heroes to arrive. OK, like I said, 10 mins to strip the place bare, after that, I want us gone.

THEN for the bank robbery, we're doing this right, by Khorne:

1. We have Birdbots and Minsuh observe the place for a few days in advance, picking out normal customer traffic, location of guards, or in Minsuh's case, sneak in to get a view of the vault's layout.

2. We call in a false alarm at one point, time how long it takes for local PD and heroes to arrive.

3. With that knowledge, we contact the local gangs, and ask if they'd be up for causing some mischief at a certain time? All they need to do is draw attention in 3 separate areas at a certain time.

4. We hit the bank, take all the money, dye bag included, and RTB.

5. Once there, us and Brilliance should do some bonding, IE, count the money, and set the dye pack aside. That'll be delivered to the local PD's doorstep with a bragging note.
Malcolmo said:
Lurker: Aren't the heroes already used to you throwing feints all over the place though? It sounds like the sort of plan they'd expect you guys to use.
But AH, here's the beauty of it.

Even if they suspect it's a feint, they HAVE to respond. I mean, we're talking gangs running rampant, causing destruction and property damage.
Malcolmo said:
Fair enough just be careful last time they had to respond as well but they still arrested you. Admittedly you could probably take advantage of this by capturing Shade if he/she trys to repeat his previous result.
True, but here's why I'm asking for at least 3 seperate events to be started.

There's only 3 heroes in the city.
Suspecting that we're up to something is one thing, actually knowing what we're up to and where they need to be is another ballgame.

If we're smart and stealthy, we can slip in, empty the bank, and leave with none the wiser 'til morning.

Of course, we should be careful about using Brilliance's ECM all the time. Sooner or later someone'll notice when a lab drops out of contact. Say one of the guards was doing a online chess game with someone else, and they notice that there's been no reply in awhile...
Malcolmo said:
Fair enough just be careful and make sure to have a backup plan in case everything goes tits up.
*Resumes lurking*
I do.

It's called break and scatter.

Also, we should probably get a 2nd thread ready, given the new limits and this one's length.