Villainous Ideals

Vanathor said:
This is a silly attitude to take. The whole reason we changed Minsuh's Rule One was to be able to forcibly convert enemies to be our minion. Some better hero just comes by? So what. We can trick and mock them, and we are the better for it, with having a force field using enforcer to back us up.
Just because we have a hammer doesn't mean we should use it on every nail. I'd prefer the investigation hero. Unique hero only skill go.
Robotninja said:
Just because we have a hammer doesn't mean we should use it on every nail. I'd prefer the investigation hero. Unique hero only skill go.
We have not used it at all thus far. Its disingenuous to claim its our only or even our primary tool. And we cannot touch Beatrice unfortunately. Her current identity counts as her secret identity meaning we cannot touch her because of our ruling.
Silver sun 17 said:
were did you get that from? I don't remember seeing anything along those lines.
Her name is Beatrice. It was noted in one of the updates that she is not a costumed hero proper, and that she is pretty much a sup'ed up PI with an investigative skill set.
Vanathor said:
Her name is Beatrice. It was noted in one of the updates that she is not a costumed hero proper, and that she is pretty much a sup'ed up PI with an investigative skill set.
She has a rule that protects her identity. she abuses it to not have to go to the extents others go to.
Silver sun 17 said:
She has a rule that protects her identity. she abuses it to not have to go to the extents others go to.
Which is still her 'secret identity' no matter how much bullshit that is. We cannot touch her so long as we want our identity to be secure.
Robotninja said:
Invoking 9 days negates secret identity rulings, man.
I am not saying we /cant/ do it. I am just saying the moment we do Raven Firebrand's identity is subject to being able to being discovered.

This is our Ruling:

2) You have a secret identity
B) So long as you respect other secret identities, you cannot be discovered in yours

Hitting Beatrice means we can now be discovered in our secret identity, and our entire powerbase crumbles due to anyone who cares to know of our properties -such as our junkyard base legally in our name - can find them.

Not worth the consequences. Better to hit Red, and get some free muscle, then lose our secret identity.
Robotninja said:
But she wouldn't have a secret identity while under the spell. That's the genius of it.
9 Days of Torment - Kill spell
- Requirement: Must be nearby the target. Target must be mundane. (Ruling nullifies the last clause conditionally)
- Effect: Victim is tormented by intense and vivid illusions of their demise for nine days. In addition, they are slowly forgotten by the world.
- Conclusion: If you encounter the target on the end of the ninth day, you have full control over them. This overrides any other powers, abilities, or rulings.
- Counter: If the victim is not found on the last day, this spell backfires, and you are bound by the target instead.
Literally nothing here says anything about secret identities. Sure, they're being forgotten but we have no idea if that effects the ruling or not and either way the forgetting part of the spell seems to wear off unless the target is killed.
Undead-Spaceman said:
Hmm, point.

However, that's at the conclusion of the spell. If we break the ruling before it's ran it's course or if we fail, she could possibly figure out our identity.
And she is in investigative type. Meaning in those eight days our Ruling does not protect us, she can send send Captain Red into our junk yards dismantling our stuff up until he forgets who she is.
Vanathor said:
And she is in investigative type. Meaning in those eight days our Ruling does not protect us, she can send send Captain Red into our junk yards dismantling our stuff up until he forgets who she is.
Nope. While she is under the spells effect, she loses all her rulings. The moment it is first cast on her.
Robotninja said:
Nope. While she is under the spells effect, she loses all her rulings. The moment it is first cast on her.
Its not her Ruling. its OURS. She still has her Secret Identity up until the last day, and we would be violating it, making our Ruling null and our identity discoverable.

Which for an Investigative Type is just ASKING to be anally raped.
Robotninja said:
Nope. While she is under the spells effect, she loses all her rulings. The moment it is first cast on her.
Getting rid of her rulings doesn't get rid of her super powers. It gets rid of some of them but not the major ones.

Otherwise, how the hell did we upgrade Brilliance when under it's effect?
Robotninja said:
I know. But it does get rid of her secret identity ruling.
Which does not matter with leaving our identity vulnerable for us getting by Captain Red, the police, and whoever else she can beg, borrow, or bribe into coming after us when (not if, when) she learns our identity through her Investigative power set.
Vanathor said:
Which does not matter with leaving our identity vulnerable for us getting by Captain Red, the police, and whoever else she can beg, borrow, or bribe into coming after us when (not if, when) she learns our identity through her Investigative power set.
Yes it does, because we won't be violating her secret identity.
Beatrix doesn't have a costume. When she's spotted she's in civilian attire. She's blond haired and fair skinned. However, there are no known identities with her appearance, so she's likely got a 'secret identity' ruling.

So we just abduct her if we ever see her normally, possibly by leaving bait for her to investigate while we distract Red, then we bring her to our base and hit her with nine days and put her through an inane obsticle course.
[x] Get the laser get it on it's way to us.
[x] have the bruiserbots with flashbang launchers stay behind while the other bruiserbots pull back with the digbot and the laser.
[x] the dumbots will try to loot as much of the high valuables as they can before pulling out.
[x] Minsuh is to get to brilliance and cover them both with an illusion.
[x] If Captain red comes the bots guarding the hostages will buy time for the remainder of our forces to evacuate and the director will set off the substation charges. if one of the other two heroes set an ambush for them using the guards as bait and catch them with the restraining guns.

[x] Minsuh and brilliance safety comes first
[x] before we bring anything in to are base we take a look for tracking devices