Villainous Ideals Ep 2

It also increases our passive money growth, but I see your point.

[X] 1 in Business
[X] 1 in Materials
[X] 1 in Mechanical Construction

Alien Tech:
[?] FTL?
@ Lost

Out of curiosity can we get BIO-Engineering as a skill, how far can we minituarize something and are there any skill for making transportation like stealth trucks with MOAR DAKKA

Alright so for brainstorming here are my idea on the blue prints we can get but have yet to be veto by lost
[y] cloning
We may need this as a pre-req for the supposed artificial heroes, Because Anti as a Fake Hero is not Uber enough

[y] Artificial Heroes
All the shinies, but seriously imagine having Anti with Superpowers.

[y] Laser Weapons
Because we need the fire power, at least if we want to move into the A ranks

[y] Orbital Spotters
Because eyes in the sky are really dangerous for information gathering, getting encrypted information from other satelites and so on

[y] Batteries/Power Source
jwolfe>>> Power sources are another thing that the aliens could have that is better then ours.
At the moment our bots have to recharge daily. A more advanced battery or mini-generator could really help.
evillevi said:
Alright so for brainstorming here are my idea on the blue prints we can get but have yet to be veto by lost
Power sources are another thing that the aliens could have that is better then ours.

At the moment our bots have to recharge daily. A more advanced battery or mini-generator could really help.
[X] 3 into Business

[X] Walkers
[X] alien power sources
[X] alien APC

[X] upgrade all bases to medium
[X] all funds not used for base building is to go into makeing bots at this ratio 3 dumbots:2 bruiserbots:1 birdbot
Malbutorius said:
3 into business, blueprints are always useful.
You gotta do this

[x] 3 into business

for it to be counted.
bloodshifter said:
Seems like a waste really. Unless we are planning to go clean we can nab a ton from committing crimes that are worth our C-Rank in Villainy.
I don't see why we can't do both. Besides, high business means that we can casually get ridiculous amounts of money and materials to use in our plots.

More Business = More Money and Materials
More Money and Materials = More Bot's and Bases
More Bot's and Bases = More Plots
More Plots = More Money, Materials, and more Mania

So Business = More Money, Materials, and Mania
Level 4 Business just cut's out all those middle steps and let's us skip directly to more Mania.

Plus, I have this one plot I really want to do that requires high business.

Start up a construction company under one identity. Start up a banking company under another. Have the construction company make the banks. Make banks all over the world. Teleporters were inside of every bank. We rob the entire planet in a single night, making an insane amount of Money and Mania as we brag about it. Meanwhile, banking us is completely unconnected to the crime and actually makes money due to the insurance we have on every bank.

With high business we can rob the entire planet. You can't tell me that doesn't appeal to you.
bloodshifter said:
Then where are you getting Profit?

Business will lead to more Business powers that will stop the Attacks or mitigate the damage done by them. Yet at the same time can you guys Justify IC for Revan to turn to Business Tycoon 1.1 and give up making Bots and general silliness of being an Teenager? Revan is 16 turning 17 bottom line is furthest from his mind.
At business 3 I think we can easily make enough money to both make a profit and have insurance. Plus, we are still going to be running around robbing things and blowing stuff up and setting up silly challenges and obstacle courses for the city.

I don't see why we need to stop making Bot's and doing general silliness. The entire point of Business is so we can have even more bot's and do even more general silliness. We can bring our silliness to the entire world.
I can see the boons to putting points into Business but it seems less than ideal to put all our points into it.

[X] 1 in Business
[X] 1 in Materials
[X] 1 in Mechanical Construction
My personal opinion for Business is that it is ridiculously usefull at LVL 3 and 4 and only at those two Lvls.

If we don't get it now, the only time where we can realisitically get it again is when we have another 3/4 points to spend on skills, the reason being that at lower lvls, the oppurtunity cost for getting business 1 and 2 is not worth it as there are superior options at any given time.

However current Business 3 and 4 are UNIQUE given that they give blueprints and mania as an inherent part of the skill. This is ridiculously usefull, especially if we get it in the early game where we would have more buildup of both by virtue of the fact that we have them for a longer period of time. Also IIRC per Word of Lost, we get a reduced amount of mania the more capable we are, so yes it is worth it to get Business 4.

Additionally we now have some 100 days of downtime, I'm certain that we would not have a better time to get Business while simultaneously setting up some shell corporations to start earning some profits.

Also I edited my vote into these so comments are welcom

First Levels for Revan
[Y] 3 into Business​
If applicaple get Minsuh to develop​
[Y] Magic 4/4​
[Y] Seduction 3/4​
Bases and Forces​
[Y]Set up two shell corporations if possible, the first being one to provide home security {cameras, motions sensors, and so on} and to start construction aid,​
---We need real people for this​
---We need the city to be in a good condition if we want to work in it​
[Y] Cloning​
[Y] Communications.​
[Y] Artificial Heroes
Mr. Magnificent said:
So I'm pretty tired and mixed up languages when I read your plan but still thought it was awesome.

Building benches all over the planet with teleporters in it and teleport people to a random bench on the planet when they sit down.
Oh man that sounds genius, we have to do that.

As to tech's I want, I'm thinking cloning and power sources.
Carrnage said:
LS does minsuh's seduction seduction apply to us?

because if it doe's we probably shouldn't get it
It doesn't by virtue of the total loyalty she has for us right now.
luckybreak91 said:
Oh man that sounds genius, we have to do that.

As to tech's I want, I'm thinking cloning and power sources.
If you have any thoughts on why you want a tech, Feel free to copy my post from here
bloodshifter said:
Blueprints and Mania Gain aren't UNIQUE to Business but, are one of the shown paths that have BOTH Lost has said that there are many alternate paths to Conquering the World considering he expects us to not win with 59 Years left lets you know that even at the Empire Builder Stage we will encounter troubles.
As of this post, I don't actually know of any skill that give Blueprints or Mania Gain as an inherent part of the skill set.

And, yes most of us aren't idiots and are fully aware that there is a nerf for Business level 4. It is still usefull though

PS: Can you actually qoute a skill that gives Blueprints or Mania, I'm surfing through thread 1 and still havent found anything yet.
evillevi said:
[y] cloning
We may need this as a pre-req for the supposed artificial heroes, Because Anti as a Fake Hero is not Uber enough

[y] Artificial Heroes
All the shinies, but seriously imagine having Anti with Superpowers.

[y] Batteries/Power Source
jwolfe>>> Power sources are another thing that the aliens could have that is better then ours.
At the moment our bots have to recharge daily. A more advanced battery or mini-generator could really help.
Would we need both cloning and artificial heroes to make heroes with powers? I would have figured that cloning would take care of that by itself. I'll just ask.

Lost Star said:
If we want to make artificial heroes what kind of tech would that be under? Do we just need cloning, do we only need artificial heroes, do we need both?
a11behringer said:
Thing is I don't want to burn three levels just for a chance to gain blueprints, and as you have said getting one or two ranks isn't worth it. I'd rather get materials so we can use the alien stuff.
The difference between plan Business and Materials/Dimensional Physics is scale, Business give us a larger scal of operations while Materials gives us a more potency at the scale we are current;y at,
I'd prefer the stable basis of the materials and D-physics/ritualism plan before we charge into global operations. If we stick our neck out too far and too fast, it'll just get cut off.
jwolfe said:
I'd prefer the stable basis of the materials and D-physics/ritualism plan before we charge into global operations. If we stick our neck out too far and too fast, it'll just get cut off.
Actually we would probably only be able to operate at a city level until we get Beuracracy. But still your point stands

For those that Want to know heres.

1 - You can create fake identities and companies that are indistinguishable from real life
2 - Your companies can launder money without getting caught, and you can create fake authorizations for the government
3 - You can hide money expenditures inside your companies and pass them off as legitimate expenses
4 - Your companies are always considered yours and cannot be associated with any villainous actions you perform.
bloodshifter said:
I wouldn't Mind seeing an.

To set up for our eventual Empire.
Personally I'd prefer

3 to Dimensional Physics since at level 4 you get time travel

Psychology - All of these require a visual and audio component.
1 - Simple misdirection. You can have the general populace follow commands that they have no objection to.
2 - Brute Force. You can input specific commands to be triggered. "Do this when this happens" requires at least 10 minutes of exposure
3 - General Mind control. You can have people follow your every command. Subjects are best described as zombified when doing this. Requires about 30 minutes of exposure.
4 - Expert Mind control. You can have people act against their very nature for a time. This one can last from days to almost a year. It will wear off though, and the subject is likely going to be pissed.
1 - You can create fake identities and companies that are indistinguishable from real life
2 - Your companies can launder money without getting caught, and you can create fake authorizations for the government
3 - You can hide money expenditures inside your companies and pass them off as legitimate expenses
4 - Your companies are always considered yours and cannot be associated with any villainous actions you perform.
Stealth - Doesn't work if people see you while you are hiding.
1 - You can hide in any darkened areas and be confident that no one can see you. You must remain still while hiding.
2 - You can move in darkened areas and not be seen
3 - So long as you have cover, you can remain hidden. You no longer need darkened areas. Though it makes it easier
4 - You can hide in a room with no cover and no darkness.
1 - One can imitate a doctor with this level of expertise
2 - Can create artificial lifeforms imitating anything in real life
3 - You are capable of molding and crafting living organisms on your own
4 - Nothing is beyond you, you can resurrect the dead, create monstrous creatures, or create a plague capable of ending
jwolfe said:
Where did you get the listing for those skills?

And if/when we start taking business, taking lvl 1 Bureaucracy should be able to keep the supervillian ID separate from the businessman.
From Trawling thread 1
bloodshifter said:
There ARE Heroes that stop Time Travelers. Also we still grow old and Die. 49 Years IS 49 Years.
Who said we would time travel ourselves? As it stands Time Manipulation is ridiculous in that our best assets are immune to long term time manipulation to various degree. For example we could speed up our manufacturing abilities by speeding up time near our fabricators or what have you.
bloodshifter said:
At higher levels of Villainy we won't need to wait for that as we'd literally have legions of bots anyways.
Point, But again our robots are largely immune to time manipulation as is Minsuh, At a high enough level of DP, we can combine it with unlimited miniaturization in order to do odd things like speed up Anti while he is fighting or dumb bots robbing a bank. I find it hard to believe that the heroes would be able to find and stop a robbery with our bots going at multiple times normal speed.

We can also make our basses larger than it is currently and make smaller bases more effective.
evillevi said:
Point, But again our robots are largely immune to time manipulation as is Minsuh, At a high enough level of DP, we can combine it with unlimited miniaturization in order to do odd things like speed up Anti while he is fighting or dumb bots robbing a bank. I find it hard to believe that the heroes would be able to find and stop a robbery with our bots going at multiple times normal speed.

We can also make our basses larger than it is currently and make smaller bases more effective.
The question is if we suddenly start pulling massive stunts like that will the local heroes call in outside support in order to rein us in?
jwolfe said:
The question is if we suddenly start pulling massive stunts like that will the local heroes call in outside support in order to rein us in?
No they won't.

This is largely due to an earlier Lost Star post*, that flat out says that it will require something drastic like killing heroes before outsiders are called in. Furthermore there needs to be a chain of evidence(which would usually be pretty obvious for anything on this scale) that shows who they need to target.

*The ruling may have changed by now.
Lost Star said:
Nope. It's going to take a doozy to hit Rank B. Right now you've done a LOT of chaos, but it's been pretty localized on the city, reversible, and rather limited in scope.

C Rank villains are villains that are can't quite threaten an entire city at once. They are the personal villains. The ones that A rank heroes regard as a day job.

B Rank dudes are those that can conceivably threaten the entire city at once, or have such personal power that they need specialized opponents. These guys require a fair amount of Hero attention.

A Rankers are those that can be nation wide threats if they want to be, or can stomp casually over things that would threaten normal people. Immediate response to all Heroes.
Edit, Refer to my skill post on the newly found Biology skill