Villainous Ideals Ep 2

Avalon said:
But then, how are we going to destroy it? Or, barring that. Evict all the aliens out of our brand new spaceship?
Well, I'm thinking Ares might be able to kick most of their asses by himself.

Outside of that, invite as many hero's as possible and completely surround the area we are going to teleport the ship into with sentry turrents or people/bot's with machine guns.

If we can teleport the ship back, we have the advantage of being able to prepare the area beforehand. That's a nice advantage.
luckybreak91 said:
Well, I'm thinking Ares might be able to kick most of their asses by himself.

Outside of that, invite as many hero's as possible and completely surround the area we are going to teleport the ship into with sentry turrents or people/bot's with machine guns.

If we can teleport the ship back, we have the advantage of being able to prepare the area beforehand. That's a nice advantage.
But then we won't be able to call dibs on all that nice loot.
Avalon said:
But then we won't be able to call dibs on all that nice loot.

Unless we could build an extra teleporter.

Use one teleporter to bring the ship to the ambush spot, and then after the aliens are dead find a reason to get everyone else off the ship (I don't know, pretend theres a bomb or something) and teleport the ship full of dead aliens to our base.
Teleporter is a lot like Stargate teleporter rings. Tough not quite a limited space wise. Technically you could teleport the entire ship, but the energy costs for teleporting can be roughly considered (mass moved)^3 X (Distance moved).
Lost Star said:
Teleporter is a lot like Stargate teleporter rings. Tough not quite a limited space wise. Technically you could teleport the entire ship, but the energy costs for teleporting can be roughly considered (mass moved)^3 X (Distance moved).
Can we instead teleport things off the ship, for example the the crew?
So it looks like if we want any of the shiny goodies we'll have to send bots up there.

Destroy the life support system and crack open every airlock we can find? The bots can survive in vacuum but meatbags tend to have problem without protective equipment (which can be damaged in a fight) .
bloodshifter said:
What Lost is trying to point out is we can take advantage this to loot the ship down to its Skivvies.
So while Ares playing 'kill everyone' we have a bunch of bots up there with a bunch of sacks and crowbars collecting what they can and the GTFO.
bloodshifter said:
Also Lost I can guess that the international scene know the Invaders are splicing Human DNA to make Heroes?
More than a few people have noted that Heroic abilities are being displayed. It's a bit hard to correlate the two though since 'Ace' and 'Elite' count as a 'Hero' too, and these are just people who are really damned good at their jobs.
bloodshifter said:
Have Invaders always cared about themselves enough to offer terms of Surrender?
It's a bit complicated. Short answer is prisoners aren't often taken.

Long answer is that taking prisoners requires someone monitoring them and holding them. Heroes don't have the time. Villains don't have the inclination. Civies are the only ones that really could contain them, and they don't have the capability to deal with the tech disparity. Also, surrender implies formal terms of war and peace. That really doesn't happen in these incidents. They usually get booted off the planet, and any stragglers are loaded up in a salvaged ship and pointed in the general direction home.
You have a battery from it, not the bike.

Aliens withdraw all the time. It requires a mobility advantage or a way of disengaging, so it's not easy.
[X] Send up Ares and a bunch of bots. while Ares smashes the enemy the bots rob them blind before coming back with the teleporter. Bring all the standard looting equipment such as crowbars and stuff, as well as Acetylene Torch, and maybe even parachutes if anything is to big to fit through the teleporter. Make sure to also bring weapons to defend them self.
-[x]Have a dumbbot with a boombox loaded with Are's favorite songs and a camera transmitting back to us follow him around so we can post his actions on Youtube. With us naturally giving a giant hammy speech at the start and end of the video as well as commenting on the action.
--[x] Numbers. Send 30 dumbots and 15 bruiserbots.
[X] Send up Ares and a bunch of bots. while Ares smashes the enemy the bots rob them blind before coming back with the teleporter. Bring all the standard looting equipment such as crowbars and stuff, as well as Acetylene Torch, and maybe even parachutes if anything is to big to fit through the teleporter. Make sure to also bring weapons to defend them self.
-[x]Have a dumbbot with a boombox loaded with Are's favorite songs and a camera transmitting back to us follow him around so we can post his actions on Youtube. With us naturally giving a giant hammy speech at the start and end of the video as well as commenting on the action.
--[x] Numbers. Send 30 dumbots and 15 bruiserbots.

I like this. Not only do we trash the aliens and get as much loot and possible, we get to do commentary/MSTing on the aliens futile attempts to stop Ares.
[X] Send up Ares and a bunch of bots. while Ares smashes the enemy the bots rob them blind before coming back with the teleporter. Bring all the standard looting equipment such as crowbars and stuff, as well as Acetylene Torch, and maybe even parachutes if anything is to big to fit through the teleporter. Make sure to also bring weapons to defend them self.
-[x]Have a dumbbot with a boombox loaded with Are's favorite songs and a camera transmitting back to us follow him around so we can post his actions on Youtube. With us naturally giving a giant hammy speech at the start and end of the video.

We always have to be hammy after all
Let's not send Anti.

This is an extremely dangerous mission and I feel that we should only send what we deem replaceable. Anti is too valuable to risk on such a dangerous mission.
I added this

Numbers. Send 30 dumbots and 15 bruiserbots.

to the end of my vote. My vote already contained the whole bring weapons thing, but it didn't specify which weapons.
[X] Send up Ares and a bunch of bots. while Ares smashes the enemy the bots rob them blind before coming back with the teleporter. Bring all the standard looting equipment such as crowbars and stuff, as well as Acetylene Torch, and maybe even parachutes if anything is to big to fit through the teleporter. Make sure to also bring weapons to defend them self.
-[x]Have a dumbbot with a boombox loaded with Are's favorite songs and a camera transmitting back to us follow him around so we can post his actions on Youtube. With us naturally giving a giant hammy speech at the start and end of the video as well as commenting on the action.
--[x] Numbers. Send 30 dumbots and 15 bruiserbots.