Villainous Ideals Ep 2

The ghost shot was a Heroic shot actually. Glad you picked up on it. :)

[X] "You may be correct Captain Red. New information has appeared in our possession in which indicates an burial ground of Native American origins within an Invader base abandoned due to new circumstances. Beatrix, chances that Invaders have combined their DNA with Humanity's, those of the dead native americans, to create an hybrid that the Gods of Chaos or Order deemed human enough to recieve Powers? Conjecture, the Invaders wanted to to field test their own Hero unit against Heroes. Likely that if you have not responded the lab with Revan's AI research was their secondary target for the Raid."

There is silence after that statement, and the Heroes all frown. "Well, that makes things a lot less neat." Beatrix finally states.

"We can still win, but we are going to have trouble." Captain Red is certain at least.

Anti would shrug if he were able. Right now he's barely functional, even with the field repairs given by Beatrix.

"Regardless, that can wait. Are you able to recover yourself?" Beatrix asks Anti.

"Yes." The robot replies simply.

Both heroes nod and begin to make their preparations to leave. "We are going underground again. We will be in touch." Beatrix revs up her motorcycle as she speaks. "Tell Revan now's not the time for Ego."


The bruiserbots appear soon after and are able to assist Anti in returning to base. As far as damage goes, it's not a total loss, but it's close. Anti's going to need a total refurbishing.

Revan returns soon after the entire fiasco, having torn down the entire base. Unfortuantely, the Aliens have bunkered down completely. Director's managed to crack their codes again, but the results are nothing good. They Aliens are starting to do a full pull back.

The destroyer in orbit has alread moved, and the carrier ship is due in twenty four hours. At which point the local base is going to be scuttled.

There might be a plan though, if you really want to chance it. You've managed to recover a Teleporter from the abandoned base, and have enough understanding to pirate an endpoint. In effect, you can teleport to the Alien Mothership.

You aren't certain that this is a good idea though. Director states that there are a massive amount of forces inside this carrier, and it likely has a few of these Alien Heroes.

The only reason you are considering it is because Director has managed to make a significant contact. The Villian Ares would be more than happy to wreck the entire thing, and if you manage to get him in, you are pretty certain that he can survive re-entry after he totals it.

Is the risk worth it? If so, what forces shall you bring?

You've gotten

1 Teleporter

Dimensional Physics (1/4) - This particular branch of science is a strange and particularly difficult thing to learn, even for you. Knowledge of it allows strange and spectacular things to be done though.
1) Beginner - You can enable brief changes in the way the world works
2) Intermediate - You can create devices that force another dimension into existence
3) Fluent - You can do the above at range
4) Mastered - Go where you want, whenever you want. Change a locality permanently.

Blueprint - Teleporter - Requires 1 Dimensional physics. With this particular tool, you are capable of creating a device that can teleport to any other teleporter. Can be networked or paired. A single teleporter will envelop anything atop it in a dimensional field and then shift it to the destination. For a brief moment both sides will be in the same area. The teleporter will fail if the destination is too small for the object being teleported.
- 10 pounds steel. 10 Medium Batteries. 12 work hours.

As an aside, while thinking about the above, I thought of the Worm craze that's been going around. A crossover would be funny, but then I realized how overpowered Revan would be. It'd be funny in a sort of 'my setting is better' sort of way, so I decided that's it's fun to think about, not something I plan on writing.
As an aside, while thinking about the above, I thought of the Worm craze that's been going around. A crossover would be funny, but then I realized how overpowered Revan would be. It'd be funny in a sort of 'my setting is better' sort of way, so I decided that's it's fun to think about, not something I plan on writing.
It would take him about a week after getting dumped there more or less naked to get a decent base up and running and get back into the swing of things.

Maybe as a short mini-quest?
Will give a hint though. You can rig the teleporter to come back too. Ares just wants to blow up the entire ship, and will go down with it to be certain that it happens.
Lost Star said:
Will give a hint though. You can rig the teleporter to come back too. Ares just wants to blow up the entire ship, and will go down with it to be certain that it happens.
Regarding that. This version of the teleporter is like the Goa'uld transport rings in that you can only go from receiver to receiver correct?
[X] Send up Ares and the biggest bomb you can get ready. tie the detonator to Are's vital signs.
-[X] have the teleporter return to us after delivering Ares.
Silver sun 17 said:
dumbbot with a boombox loaded with Are's favorte songs and a camera transmitting back to us so we can post it on youtube?
Hmm, why not. We might be able to turn it into an awesome corny movie.

Actually, maybe 3 bots. One for the music, one for the camera, and one for the lights.
Carrnage said:
it's going to be on the alien ship. no one will mind us doing that I think (other then the aliens).
bloodshifter said:
Pretty sure he is asking for solid numbers.
13 Bird Bots
23 Dumb Bots
20 Bruisers

Not sure if we need to give what they will be looting pretty sure it will start an Mini Turn.
don't know what mix to send so I will leave that to someone else.
Lost Star said:
A Rank Heroes- Currently most Heroes B and above will have access to the space station Avalon. This station is a veritable fortress, and has been capable of repelling Alien attack fleets. The most notable area in this station is the forbidden wing. It's places in the center of the station, and can only be entered by A rank heroes. Should an emergency happen, this section will be jettisoned into orbit, and hopefully will delay any attempts to access it.

I wonder why Avalon didn't repel this Alien invasion
Oh Shit...the Aliens blew up Avalon. Think about WHAT was on Avalon besides a bunch of Heroes.
The Last Breath - This is a mystical item specifically guarded by the A rank hero Eternal at all times. It takes the form of a small box about the size of ones hand. It's a muted mix of red and black. Nothing notable is about it. Unless you try to damage it. Any attempts to damage it will fail, and the box will remain pristine at all times. Each facing of the box will diagram a place on the world if you look at it for a time, with these instructions.

"Take me to these places in the world. Set me on the ground for one day exactly, from dawn to dawn. Should you manage this, the world shall be yours in it's entirety."

If the box is not watched at all times, it will disappear and reappear next to a person most likely to fulfill it's request. To date, the box has not been destroyed, hidden, or successfully used. It is currently in the space station 'Avalon,' in the 'Forbidden Wing'.
Lady Ka'lin - Deceased - This is one of the few villains that is still on the World Ender's list. Her body is currently interred under a guard, and in the same area as The Last Breath. Ka'lin would best be described as an ancient vampire, but this is selling her capabilities short. She is completely immortal, capable of enthralling any who see her, one of the most potent sorceresses in the world, and one of the smartest people in the world as well. At her peak she held half the world in the palm of her hand, and was nearly on the brink of taking the rest.

Only the actions of Eternal, Athena, and Brikabrack were able to bring her down, and just barely at that. Her body is currently impaled by a gleaming metal spike that sparks occasionally with power. Should it be destroyed or removed, the Villain will return.
So the Aliens may have their hands on a some sort of instant win button and one of the most notorious Villains ever...