Villainous Ideals Ep 2

[x] Notify Heroes of impending alien attack (75% likelihood)
-[x] Gather forces in response range of Director base - only hard target which cannot be moved.
-[x] Act fluidly as situation changes. Prevent heroic captures by aliens. Minimize losses among robots. Defend bases.
[x] Notify Heroes of impending alien attack (75% likelihood)
-[x] Gather forces in response range of Director base - only hard target which cannot be moved.
-[x] Act fluidly as situation changes. Prevent heroic captures by aliens. Minimize losses among robots. Defend bases.

Contacting the heroes is actually a lot harder than it sounds. Anti's capable of it, but they are keeping relatively low profile. Enoguh such that it takes more than a few precious moments getting an asset capable of communication. The contact point is unsurprisingly Beatrix.

"I thought Revan washed his hands of us." Is her first comment.

Antagonistic, but not overtly so. Anti can work with this. It's nice to note that she's reasonable enough to let him speak as well. "Orders were 'The prisoner is now the Heroes' responsibility.'"

Beatrix barks out a sharp laugh. "I'm fairly certain that Revan didn't mean it like that. You are one of his AIs right? Since you have chosen a male voice, I'm guessing you are that knight one that we've been seeing in the distance."

He dislikes giving information away, but give and take is necessary. "Yes."

"Nothing else? No introduction, or even a misdirection?" Beatrix's voice is teasing at this point.

Anti ignores it and waits.

"Wow, you won't be winning any Turning tests." The Heroine continues. "Why are you calling then? This isn't a social thing."

"There is a seventy five percent chance of the aliens attacking within the next few hours." The robot states simply.

Beatrix is silent. "I'm assuming you aren't a fortune teller and that is backed by hard data. Do you know the target?"

"Unknown." A target would make planning so much easier. He's still narrowing down possibilities, but he had too little information at present.

"Tch." The woman makes a sound of frustration. "Ok, thanks for the heads up. We got our things to do then."

Anti waits a moment for anything else, and then ends the call.

The only to do now is wait. Brilliance is keeping as far back as possible while keeping out of sight, and their forces are as fluid as the situation can get. Fortunately, Anti's not particularly prone to boredom. Though he does note that several of the bots have somehow managed to download and setup a server of some strange video game. Director really needs to stop indulging them.

The attack when it comes is brutally sudden. Despite himself, Anti is a bit surprised.

Six walkers. And a new vehicle. Larger than the walkers, blocky. No obvious weapons aside from a turret atop it. Best guess is it's a personnel carrier. The aliens haven't used one of them yet, but it shares designs with other human versions.

The reason why it's being used is actually pretty obvious in retrospect. They are raiding something. Now that there is a direction involved, Director is able to pinpoint the best target. It's a lab. One of the ones dedicated to examining Revan's robots even.

Anti can't intercept it with the bots. Just not mobile enough. He can tell the Heroes are already mobilizing, but they are far faster than the bots. The ravens can probably get there. Brilliance certainly can. He can if he goes right now.

The question is should he give the order?

[X] Anti will move to assist the heroes on intercepting. Brilliance will head to lab and destory the data the aliens are likly seeking. have the birdbots carry explosives with which Brilliance is to rig any intact samples to blow when loaded onto the transport
Hmm since we can't have the main force intercept them i'd suggest a rapid assistance with what we have while we have the director move the slower forces to establish a perimeter which slowly closes in on the aliens
bloodshifter said:
We won't get their till after they hit the lab that is already stated.

Or we can screw with the teleport pad despite the defenses we can take it out in a costly raid.

The Heroes can deal with six walkers.

Loststar question does the new rule activate retroactively? I believe we have some deals with the Heroes that can fall under it.
It says we can't intercept it, not that we can't hit them while they are attacking the lab. Plus I don't like the idea of the aliens getting anything related to our AI's
bloodshifter said:
We won't get their till after they hit the lab that is already stated.

Or we can screw with the teleport pad despite the defenses we can take it out in a costly raid.

The Heroes can deal with six walkers.

Loststar question does the new rule activate retroactively? I believe we have some deals with the Heroes that can fall under it.

Subordinate. The Heroes were never subordinates. It's technically retroactive, but you've not made any oaths with others.

You really have no idea how far out there the bots are do you? The world is roughly our equivalent in technology right now.
[x] Send Brilliance to investigate/coordinate locally.
-[x] Have robots in that area form a cordon (in case we need to intercept the alien forces)
[x] Prepare for the other shoe.
kestrel404 said:
What, you mean there's not a dozen other villains out there building super-tech toys on the same level of complexity? Or is it that the bots can remain useful even without the presence of their creator?

I suppose if Revan is really unique in the way he uses tech then a lab researching his tech might actually be of interest to the aliens and not just the trap I think it is.
in the interlude talking about hero and villain tech we get mentioned as a significant example (though not by name) because we produce bots as disposable minions.
This is me being a bit silly, but here is what I mean by how out there the bots are.

Look at the modern day robots. The best ones out there, the really expensive ones, are basically metal frames with pistons and jerking movement. They range from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and even at their best move like Frankenstein Monsters. You usually see a lot of wires and joints on them. They require being plugged in, and the best one out there, a mechanical horse substitute is quite literally a walking skeleton.

Look at Revan's dumbot. It has roughly 8-12 hours of operation before it needs to be re-powered. It's capable of independent movement, and directing itself. It has no exposed parts, and in fact can actually withstand heavy labor in areas roughly equivalent to what humans can do due to it's sealed designs. For all intents and purposes, it's a humanoid substitute. You make them as disposable minions. They are worth maybe 500$ counting labor time as $.

There are maybe 100 heroes or villains in the world that would or could do something similar. The articulated motion and construction is more common. The big thing is the AI. This is the rare point. AIs are not common period. Most Villains who use them, don't use them long for varying reasons. Heroes don't use them much either due to it basically creating a child. Most of the time they use directed intelligences, which are basically 'smart' programs.
I'd say we engage with a portion of our forces while leaving enough in reserve to handle any other attacks until we are finished here
[X] Have Brillance go to the lab taking a wi-fi modem to connect Director to scrub the lab's computer of all data concerning Revan's AI research. Brillance will proceed to destory any AI chips still inside the captured robots in the lab.
-[X] Birdbots will be loaded with explosives and throw themselves at the Troop Transport in an attempt to disable it failing that they will try to slow it.
--[X] You will take 1/2 Rocket armed bots to attack the Aliens as they raid the lab to help the Heroes fight off the Aliens. The other half are to standby as reserves.
It could be a ploy for any number of things really, which is why my vote included us keeping stuff in reserve to counter any ploy the aliens attempt
Lost Star said:
This is me being a bit silly, but here is what I mean by how out there the bots are.

Look at the modern day robots. The best ones out there, the really expensive ones, are basically metal frames with pistons and jerking movement. They range from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and even at their best move like Frankenstein Monsters. You usually see a lot of wires and joints on them. They require being plugged in, and the best one out there, a mechanical horse substitute is quite literally a walking skeleton.

Look at Revan's dumbot. It has roughly 8-12 hours of operation before it needs to be re-powered. It's capable of independent movement, and directing itself. It has no exposed parts, and in fact can actually withstand heavy labor in areas roughly equivalent to what humans can do due to it's sealed designs. For all intents and purposes, it's a humanoid substitute. You make them as disposable minions. They are worth maybe 500$ counting labor time as $.

There are maybe 100 heroes or villains in the world that would or could do something similar. The articulated motion and construction is more common. The big thing is the AI. This is the rare point. AIs are not common period. Most Villains who use them, don't use them long for varying reasons. Heroes don't use them much either due to it basically creating a child. Most of the time they use directed intelligences, which are basically 'smart' programs.
So, THAT's why Beatrix all but refuse to consider the bots sapient and is always such a bitch about it.

[X] Anti will move to assist the heroes on intercepting. Brilliance will head to lab and destory the data the aliens are likely seeking. have the birdbots carry explosives with which Brilliance is to rig any intact samples to blow when loaded onto the transpor.
[X] Have Brillance go to the lab taking a wi-fi modem to connect Director to scrub the lab's computer of all data concerning Revan's AI research. Brillance will proceed to destory any AI chips still inside the captured robots in the lab.
-[X] Birdbots will be loaded with explosives and throw themselves at the Troop Transport in an attempt to disable it failing that they will try to slow it.
--[X] You will take 1/2 Rocket armed bots to attack the Aliens as they raid the lab to help the Heroes fight off the Aliens. The other half are to standby as reserves.
[X] Have Brillance go to the lab taking a wi-fi modem to connect Director to scrub the lab's computer of all data concerning Revan's AI research. Brillance will proceed to destory any AI chips still inside the captured robots in the lab.
-[X] Birdbots will be loaded with explosives and throw themselves at the Troop Transport in an attempt to disable it failing that they will try to slow it.
--[X] You will take 1/2 Rocket armed bots to attack the Aliens as they raid the lab to help the Heroes fight off the Aliens. The other half are to standby as reserves.
[X] Have Brillance go to the lab taking a wi-fi modem to connect Director to scrub the lab's computer of all data concerning Revan's AI research. Brillance will proceed to destory any AI chips still inside the captured robots in the lab.
-[X] Birdbots will be loaded with explosives and throw themselves at the Troop Transport in an attempt to disable it failing that they will try to slow it.
--[X] You will take 1/2 Rocket armed bots to attack the Aliens as they raid the lab to help the Heroes fight off the Aliens. The other half are to standby as reserves.

To an outside observer, Anti is simply deactivated. There are no real indications of activity or life of any sort. Part of the bonus for being a robot is simply the lack of need for a lot of things that would be considered essential for humans. He never considered himself superior though. Four hours. That's about how long he could run at peak ability. After that, he had to recharge.

Brilliance was a trifle bit more energy efficient. Though she had to be sparing about her jammer. She was optimized for flight, and could have roughly twenty hours of continuous activity. Hence why she was outside scouting and was capable of putting on a burst of speed to hit the lab.

Anti went through his power up protocols as he monitored his sister. The suddenness of it would have startled any onlookers. One moment he was still, and the next he was in motion. Smooth and unhurried even at this time. Time might have been of the essence, but mistakes were higher time wasters.

Brilliance hit the lab soon after his forces were on their way. They can't intercept. They can most certainly hit the aliens after they hit the lab. Not optimal, but hopefully possible.

At the lab, there are issues. The computers are powered down. Brilliance can power them up, but it would take precious time. Making a snap decision, she searches for the chips. And is stymied again. The vault itself is locked with a non-electronic lock. She lacks the tools to remove it.

Director looks up ways to circumvent it even as Anti's forces take a few trucks and begin to move. It's hardly efficient, but it will work.

Meanwhile, the birdbots are given simple explosives. According to Anti's calculations, they won't be able to disable the troop carrier easily. Maybe if they hit the wheels, but the angle is going to be bad, and the explosives aren't really that potent.

Distractions are good anyway. Anti continues to plot as the rest of his forces continue.

"Transmission recorded from alien ship in orbit." Director states as Anti continues. "Unable to decipher. Recommended action? Transmission from alien assault team."

Anti would frown if he could. "Monitor radio traffic." Were they spotted? "Civilian traffic?"

"Minimal." Is Directors response.

The birdbots begin their attack runs. The walkers ignore them, but the APC swivels it's turret to shoot. Several bots are brought down. More are able to move closer. There are a lot of birbots. They jam themselves into the wheeling, disregarding their safety. The explosions are small unfortunately. It's just barely enough to cause the APC to grind to a halt, though the loss of birdbots is regrettable. (-40 Birdbots)

This gives Anti and his group enough time to catch up. The Heroes are likely still on the way, and a quick transmission from Director states that they should hit the lab when you do.

Anti takes the extra time to get out of the truck they are using. He's going to go on foot for the rest of it, he wants to be ready in case he can spot an opening before the main body gets there.

"Transmission from ship. Transmission from Assault team." Director again states.

Anti would curse if he could. They have spotted his team likely. He needs to redo the assault plan.

The bright bolt from the sky catches even him off guard. His thoughts go into overdrive, and he moves. There are two explosions as the trucks go up in flames. The third one misses him, though it likely would have killed him had he been organic. The shrapnel dings his armor slightly, but damage is minimal.

"They have orbital support." He transmits flatly. The Bruiserbots are gone. (-20 Bruiserbots)

bloodshifter said:
The APC is down for how long?

How much longer will diggers take to reach da lab?

The Lab Computers are booting yes?

Any sewers near Anti he can dive into?

Eta of...
Lock bypass
Digger bots
You don't know.

Diggers cannot reach the lab in a reasonable time frame.

Brilliance didn't bother. She would have to locate each computer in the building. She could hit the ones nearby her, but she doesn't know how much time she has.

Anti can simply avoid open areas and move fast at the moment.

Heroes can go in when they feel it's good. They are in the general area now.