Villainous Ideals Ep 2

Sinsystems said:
Lost Star question is it possible for us to Jam the Alien assault teams communications?
Brilliance can do so. It makes her a target though.
bloodshifter said:

Can Director can upload an self propgating Virus?

What do we know of Alien Fire Support Ship? (Specifically Shields? Or DOOMLASER resistant armor.)
He can, just kinda requires the computers to be on.

You know the aliens have a single ship in orbit. Thats about it.
Lost Star said:
Brilliance can do so. It makes her a target though.

He can, just kinda requires the computers to be on.

You know the aliens have a single ship in orbit. Thats about it.
Alright and can we assume that the ship in orbit needs a spotter on the ground to fire?
Malcolmo said:
We'd need to be able to imitate their codes and transmission system though so it probably won't be something we can pull off right now. Still, it is an idea for the future.
Well we could intercept on of their transmissions and then just modify by switching the part with their location and the part they are aiming for
Sinsystems said:
Alright and can we assume that the ship in orbit needs a spotter on the ground to fire?
Two ways to get targeting. Either from a spotter on the ground, or from the ship if they see a target large enough. The trucks were large enough and heading directly towards the assault team, so they got hit.
Lost Star said:
Two ways to get targeting. Either from a spotter on the ground, or from the ship if they see a target large enough. The trucks were large enough and heading directly towards the assault team, so they got hit.
Got it, so as long as we don't give them a large target and they don't get a signal from a spotter they can't hit us from orbit
[X] Anti: Contact the heroes and warn them about the orbital support. Co-ordinate a combined offensive against the alien attack group with a focus on permanently disabling their vehicles. Get in close and personal (Anti, Captain Red), take potshots before quickly moving (Beatrix), or heatknife targets of opportunity from the shadows (Shade).
-[X] Brilliance: Turn on a computer so Director can upload the virus before taking a crack at that safe. She can afford to take the time now.
-[X] Director: Upload the virus once Brilliance has turned on the computers. Continue to monitor alien communications.
--[X] Get those fabricators going, we need to replenish our supply of Bruiserbots!
--[X] Send a force of Dumbots and Bruiserbots through the sewers. They probably won't get there in time, but they could still grab some loot from the aftermath.

I checked our inventory...I don't think Revan ever got around to building the Death Ray. We have a Giant Laser in one of the bases, but we haven't actually turned it into a Death Ray yet.

Don't want to make Brilliance a target just yet so she isn't using her jamming signal. Aliens might not even know that she's in the building, lets keep it that way incase they decide to blow it up for whatever reason.

This is just a preliminary plan, feel free to mess around with it.
bloodshifter said:
Worse they won't blow the building but, will krump Brillance with the walkers. Jamming knocks out pinpoint fire control.

Anyways they WANT the building, they won't blow it up.

In fact if we can try to contact Beatrix and 'borrow' her Metal/Plastic eater gun. Scrap teh everything with it Brillance will of course have to convince Beatrix to destory all research to Revan's AI tech because we think the Aliens want it on a hunch...
"While your attempts to get military grade munitions are horribly transparent, you do bring up a good point on armaments." She pulls out her anti-metal gun and tosses it to Brilliance. "There." She takes a step back. "Considering how 'brilliant' you are, that should be easy to replicate for you. The aliens use a metallic alloy. This will eat through it just like your bots."
Didn't Beatrix give us one of her Anti-metal guns when the aliens arrived? What happened to it? Also some of our loot from the aliens isn't on our inventory...not that it matters much cause we ain't going to be doing much research done until we finish Ghostbusting.

EDIT: Checked the archive and it seems that a number of our Bruiserbots got armed with the anti-metal guns. Did Brilliance keep one for herself? That would crack the safe right?
[X] Anti: Contact the heroes and warn them about the orbital support. Co-ordinate a combined offensive against the alien attack group with a focus on destorying the Troop Transport first then Walkers. Get in close and personal (Anti, Captain Red), take potshots before quickly moving (Beatrix), or heatknife targets of opportunity from the shadows (Shade).

-[X] Brilliance: Retrieve Anti's Beatrix Metal Melting gun. If Bypass isn't done use your gun shaped key to open the vault. Smash AI chips then start melting the computers, for ammo sakes use only enough to stick your hand in and start melting HDD's, should the HDD be of non metal design crush it by hand or smash it. Should that fail store as many as you can run with into a box and escape into the sewers with them.

-[X] Director: Continue to monitor alien communications. Working on Bypass.

--[X] Get those fabricators going, we need to replenish our supply of Bruiserbots!

--[X] Send a force of Dumbots and Bruiserbots through the sewers. They probably won't get there in time, but they could still grab some loot from the aftermath.

I like it, but do we have an escape route that won't get us shot at by the Orbital Gun of Doom? I guess we could use a manhole...
[X] Anti: Contact the heroes and warn them about the orbital support. Co-ordinate a combined offensive against the alien attack group with a focus on destorying the Troop Transport first then Walkers. Get in close and personal (Anti, Captain Red), take potshots before quickly moving (Beatrix), or heatknife targets of opportunity from the shadows (Shade).

-[X] Brilliance: Retrieve Anti's Beatrix Metal Melting gun. If Bypass isn't done use your gun shaped key to open the vault. Smash AI chips then start melting the computers, for ammo sakes use only enough to stick your hand in and start melting HDD's, should the HDD be of non metal design crush it by hand or smash it. Should that fail store as many as you can run with into a box and escape into the sewers with them.

-[X] Director: Continue to monitor alien communications. Working on Bypass.

--[X] Get those fabricators going, we need to replenish our supply of Bruiserbots!

--[X] Send a force of Dumbots and Bruiserbots through the sewers. They probably won't get there in time, but they could still grab some loot from the aftermath.
[X] Anti: Contact the heroes and warn them about the orbital support. Co-ordinate a combined offensive against the alien attack group with a focus on destorying the Troop Transport first then Walkers. Get in close and personal (Anti, Captain Red), take potshots before quickly moving (Beatrix), or heatknife targets of opportunity from the shadows (Shade).

-[X] Brilliance: Retrieve Anti's Beatrix Metal Melting gun. If Bypass isn't done use your gun shaped key to open the vault. Smash AI chips then start melting the computers, for ammo sakes use only enough to stick your hand in and start melting HDD's, should the HDD be of non metal design crush it by hand or smash it. Should that fail store as many as you can run with into a box and escape into the sewers with them.

-[X] Director: Continue to monitor alien communications. Working on Bypass.

--[X] Get those fabricators going, we need to replenish our supply of Bruiserbots!

--[X] Send a force of Dumbots and Bruiserbots through the sewers. They probably won't get there in time, but they could still grab some loot from the aftermath.


Looking over the smoldering wreckage of the bruiserbots inspires a mild sense of irritation. He knew he couldn't have predicted this escalation, but it still rankled that he didn't even anticipate it. The aliens had been keeping things very tidy. Rather restrained in several aspects. Now apparently, they were no longer playing.

At least the loss was simply a few memories and work. Part of what made the bruiserbots and other siblings so useful were the complete lack of what amounted to a 'self'. They were networked entities, a few bodies lost was the equivalent of getting a finger bruised or broken. Painful, but it was recoverable. Director was already working on the replacement bodies.

They weren't going to be there anytime soon though. This was going to be an issue. That orbital support in general was dangerous, and made things a lot more problematic.

He opened a line to the Heroes even as Brilliance started to fly carefully towards him. "This is Anti."

"What?" Beatrix asked almost immediately. "I heard the explosions, we were just debating if we needed to respond."

"Enemy has orbital support. Also stranded for the moment." He actually had a few eyes still on them thankfully. A few birdbots sneakily watching. "Best to hit them now. Capable of it?"

Beatrix curses. "You got an idea of how they are targeting?"

It's pretty obvious now that Anti knows their general pattern. "Spotters in orbit." He pauses and calculates. "Likely in assault force too. Advise keeping close and moving."

"Fun. On our way." Beatrix stops the call, and Anti makes his way through the streets carefully.

The APC was still disabled, but the people inside were out of it now. The armaments were different. Sure there was the standard rifles, but there were harnesses on the suits they were wearing. Grenades of some sort he would guess, and what looks to be additional armor. A total of twelve people, and six walkers. Not the best odds, but not poor either.

Brilliance manages to alight next to Anti without being spotted, and is passed the anti-metal gun. Then she's off again. In the meantime Anti watches, and waits for the Heroes.

Beatrix opens a comm after a moment. "We are gonna come in hot. You in position?"

"Go." Anti states, and starts to move.

It's a classic pincer attack. Beatrix roars in on her bike, Captain Red right above her. The walkers start to move to intercept immediately. What appears to be the lead immediately snapping off a shot.

It impact's Red's force-field with no appreciable damage. Beatrix responds by gunning her engine, and roaring through the formation. She drops a small sphere right next to the men, and doesn't stop. To their credit, the men attempt to take cover, but the device the Hero drops doesn't wait for them. It erupts in a flurry of darts, and the men fall. Six down screaming, the cries muffled by the suits they are wearing.

Captain Red is in the center of the group at this point, his initial charge dodged by the lead walker. A big, red, target that draws almost all the fire.

Which suits Anti just fine. His hand latches onto one of the walkers, and his artificial muscles heave. The mufti-ton Walker imbalances, and Anti uses the his knowledge of the schematics to hit the precisely right point. The gun misfires, and one of the walkers next to his victim is dropped.

Captain Red has the modified cannon in his hands, and the impacts from the cannons don't seem to be even phasing him. His face is grim as his fires it off. Another walker down.

The lead walker shifts and charges. Captain Red has a brief moment to look surprised as he's knocked to the side. One of Anti's threads note that the Hero really needed to work on dealing with momentum. It's not like the cannon shots were that different than the mass of metal energy wise.

The rest of Anti's thought was dealing with the rest of the forces focusing on him. The grenades are thrown out. They are all off target. Which sets off more alarm bells than if they had been thrown at him.

Flashes and ECM immediately blanket the area, and Anti is half blinded. He compensates almost immediately, but the change in circumstances distract him for a brief moment. A walker's cannon shot impacts his body center mass. He flies through the air, and impacts a nearby building. Then the shell detonates, and he feels damage indicators light up internally.

He can't take another hit like that, he notes. His armor is cracked in several points, and he knows that there is likely a hole through his Torso. He has thirty minutes of power-time. Combat capability was at seventy percent. Despite this, he throws himself out of the building. Just in time for the next walker shots to impact it directly and bring the entire thing down.

He hears Beatrix's motorcycle roar, and a few cannon shots go off. There is shouting from the Aliens, and he sprints back into battle.

A few shots from the ones on foot go wide, and the remaining two walkers turn towards him again. They are unable to fire again in time for him to get too close. The walker immediately backpedals however, and he's not able to get a clear point of contact with the enemies still firing at him.

Then one of the walkers staggers. Shade slipping into the battle, and just as quickly slipping out. A veritable ghost that Anti just barely spots. The damage she's done is enough to cause the walker to stop moving, and this is enough for him to close into his opponent.

Then he's blindsided by a cannon shot. From the one that had been fighting Captain Red. It's a glancing hit. But with him already damaged, it's enough to destroy his combat efficiency. The walker he's fighting takes advantage of his disability to get out of the way, and turns to aim at the still circling Beatrix.

He's still operational. Barely. The ECM still on prevents his backup, and he resigns himself to losing the memories of the battle as he readies the process of wiping his memory.

The walker Captain Red was fighting almost dances into the formation again, it's dinged, but far too pristine for a fight with the tank that his Captain Red. The APC's wheels start to spin soon after as one of the Aliens finally finish the repairs. And Captain Red hovers right overhead.

The speaker of the lead walker blares to life. "I will make a deal." It points to Anti. "We leave this, you let us leave."

Captain Red looks at Anti and back at the walker. He doesn't even hesitate. "Deal."

The forces immediately load up their people and move away. It takes a total of five minutes, if that, and through it Anti tries to process if it's worth it. He would speak if he were able, but the damage is enough that he's already losing power his main thought processes.

"Oh you are both godamned idiots." Beatrix's voice comes from the side, and Anti tries to turn. "Red, these bots of Revan don't feel pain, and so long as you have the chip intact, the are fine."

Anti feels the Heroine touch him, and he jerks. Capture is far from optimal. He's ready to wipe now, but he hesitates as Beatrix continues.

"And you." She snarls out as he feels her root around in his insides. Not near the chip. Near the power supply? "I don't care how goddamned invincible you are, don't play 'lets tank anti-tank shots'."

The surge of power catches Anti off guard, and he's finally able to move himself somewhat. A battery and a few lines are connected to his frame. He would blink if he were able. She used her motorcycle battery?

"Don't know everything about his damned bots, but that should hold you till you limp back." Beatrix mutters before raising her voice. "Red, how'd you not trash your dancing partner?"

"Either an Ace pilot, or an Alien Hero." He states. "I'm leaning towards the latter, that walker moved too well for an Ace, and that shot at the end was damned near impossible."

"That can happen?" The Heroine looks a bit stunned.

Captain Red shrugs. "Apparently?"

[X] "If Human DNA was inserted into an alien pilot, it might allow for the alien to form a pact. This was a test run for the product of such a project."
2 Walkers down, equipment for loot wise. Also Anti didnt go for dropping the APC because it's a heavy armor target. The only one that could take it down is Captain Red, and he was occupied almost immediately.
bloodshifter said:
Still at least we can Confirm that we got played. Err and now we need to explain to the Heroes on why a Revan Research Lab was hit... Fun.
Why would that be a problem? Clearly they wanted some of his tech but couldn't find any of his actual labs so they hit a facility that happened to have some of his stuff in it.
You can assume that your bots are networked together and unless otherwise stated will know what the others know. The connection between Revan and his home is shoddy as hell, but enough to get basic information. Consider it one to no bars cell phone reception wise :)
[X] "You may be correct Captain Red. New information has appeared our possession in which a number of humans have been killed within an abandoned Invader base. Beatrix, chances that Invaders have combined their DNA with Humanity's to create an hybrid that the Gods of Chaos or Order deemed human enough to recieve Powers? Conjecture, the Invaders wanted to to field test their own Hero unit against Heroes. Likely that if you have not responded the lab with Revan's AI research was their secondary target for the Raid."
[X] "You may be correct Captain Red. New information has appeared our possession in which a number of humans have been killed within an abandoned Invader base. Beatrix, chances that Invaders have combined their DNA with Humanity's to create an hybrid that the Gods of Chaos or Order deemed human enough to recieve Powers? Conjecture, the Invaders wanted to to field test their own Hero unit against Heroes. Likely that if you have not responded the lab with Revan's AI research was their secondary target for the Raid."
Weren't the ghost at the abandoned base native Americans though? As in 'killed about a century or two ago'?

Or does Anti not know that?
bloodshifter said:
No they are recent kills unless I'm reading it wrong. They are spirits of the kidnapped Civvies the Aliens have been working on for plot reasons.
As you get closer you see figures on the walls. Indistinct, wavery things. It's a lot like looking at a reflection in the water. You get closer, and make out leather clothing. A few feathers here and there. And bows. Which doesn't register as a problem to you until the arrows are already in flight.
Doesn't look that recent to me.
But why would they use the DNA of a bunch of long-dead Indians rather than fresh material from all the people running around? I can totally buy them mixing in some human DNA but there are better places to get it from.

I think it's just a coincidence that there's an alien base over an Indian burial ground. The fact that it's abandoned suggest to me that the aliens plopped it down and promptly had the crap haunted out of them, causing them to leave.