Villainous Ideals Ep 2

Modified my vote. And also for those of you who voted earlier and to Jwolf

this may be interesting for you
Lost Star said:
I will also allow you to re-consolidate your bases and forces. Consider your budget $100,000 of material or just money. You have roughly 1,200 work hours.
PS: For those of you who don't get it, We can still build things to offset our loses or to just beef up our position in general
evillevi said:
PS: For those of you who don't get it, We can still build things to offset our loses or to just beef up our position in general
Looking at our current base layouts, it might be a good idea to expand the base in the cave system to a medium one and move some of our more irreplaceable items out there for safe keeping (like the director computer and laser).
jwolfe said:
Looking at our current base layouts, it might be a good idea to expand the base in the cave system to a medium one and move some of our more irreplaceable items out there for safe keeping (like the director computer and laser).
I'm hesitant for that. Until we get Ritualism 2/3, we need to Rely on Minsuh to keep the cave a secret since some People have already found the cave and Us inside of it.
evillevi said:
I'm hesitant for that. Until we get Ritualism 2/3, we need to Rely on Minsuh to keep the cave a secret since some People have already found the cave and Us inside of it.
Well then we either need to activate the unused medium base as a storage area or start using the hardened steel for something as we are running out of space.
jwolfe said:
Well then we either need to activate the unused medium base as a storage area or start using the hardened steel for something as we are running out of space.
I didn't notice that at all. Looking at OP for ideas

Lost Star said:
Quick Question Lost, But what do we used Hardened Steel for .

Tentative Idea for Steel Use.

Build 2 Digbots for mining for Exotic Fuel materials and 2 Fabricators should get rid of most of that Steel
You have a fair amount of alien stuff from the looting, but most of it's unusable until you pick up the supporting skills. Consider this consolidation part of the getting it into usable form.

Hardened steel is one of the materials you use for hardier things. For your Bruiserbots it upgrades them from dangerous but manageable with appropriate weapons to 'Needs Army grade munitions'.
Actuly ftl/spaceflight would be useful. With added stealth systems we could setup a base on Titan or similar.

Also Lost Star can we get Psionics?
bloodshifter said:
No it was in general so you won't need to flop back to OP.

Also Evil have you considered Revan using Thermal Energy instead of exotic elements? Or grabbing Material 3 and setting up Nuclear Reactors.
I rather want to avoid that in all honesty for the next year or so for two reasons.

First we need to rebuiild our current power plant. Second is that with our Dig bot digging for Exotic fuel materials, we don't need to spend the time to replace our power system{because we don't need to spend $ to replace the fuel}, time which can be better spent on just about anything else.
Lost Star said:
You have a fair amount of alien stuff from the looting, but most of it's unusable until you pick up the supporting skills. Consider this consolidation part of the getting it into usable form.

Hardened steel is one of the materials you use for hardier things. For your Bruiserbots it upgrades them from dangerous but manageable with appropriate weapons to 'Needs Army grade munitions'.

Alright new plan edited into my last post before this one.
bloodshifter said:
Dig Bots that could be mining for Silcon and Iron instead.

Also A single Geo Thermal Plant or Nuclear Reactor would replace every single plant we have not to mention its not even an Blueprint Project as Nuclear and Geo Thermal Power is mundane tech. Meaning Director can handle it.

I'm drafting out the creation of hundreds of Bots and I still have 400+ Hours left and 40k left over. Ho with an death lazer.
Good point. A very good point. I actually forgot that We don't need blueprints for the mundane stuff.

I think we need Lost to confirm if the details of Dig bots (who may just find that one set of materials or just mass mined anything in the way) and if we can Build those Power Stations and connect it to our base in a reasonable frame of time, because remember that building builidings is a time consuming process that requires us throwing hundreds of bots ( :) ) at in order to complete at a reasonable frame of time.

The only problem I see now is can we hide these Power Plants and how much power does not generate as compared to our current one.
[X]Plan Anti & Warfair (Evillevi version)
  • Material Manipulations 2/4
  • Material Manipulations 3/4
  • Material Manipulations4/4
Tech, Whichever is applicapable
  • Alien Material
  • Alien Power source
  • Alien Communication
Plans for the Break: Refer to this for a full accounting. Yellow is for things we do for that little bit of free time we have throughout the ady
  • Make Nanolathe
  • Upgrade current digbots and Bruiserbots with Hardened Steel
  • Begin Making Anti's Mononucler Blade. (That which cuts everything)
  • Upgrade all Digbots and Bruiser bots with new Miniature Power Plants and Batteries(only Batteries for the Bruisers) and start upgrading their chasis into Hardened Steel. NOTE:(I'm not sure If we can do this.)
  • Make up to 80 Dumbbots and 100 Bruiser bots, the latter with Hardened steel
  • Send Digbots out mining, refer to what information base that we can get in order to aim for materials needed for exotic fuel.
  • Chuck as many Bruiser bots as we can to make a Geothermal generator underground as undetectable as possible
  • Start making upgrades to our Com System
  • Start conversations with Director,Anti, and Brilliance about their likes, dislikes and all that jazz. They are family and shouldn't be ignored.
  • Also get them Birthday Presents, It would be early but we may not have the time or ability to get them one later.
>>>> Anti monomolecular Blade needs 50 days of straigt work in a fabricator. I honestly suggest to make use of the downtime for making the blade since it is not like we are doing anything else in this time. Also upgrading our Bots with Hardened Steel. is useful
>>>> Alien Communication seems to be superior to anything that we have, at least in terms of lag over distance. Researching it would mean better syncronisation.

Follow Up
  • I'm planning for new toys. Specifically I'm waiting for the Hero Grade Materials and blueprints.
  • We are going to have more army like buildup with this. And the best part is that we keep our annonymity if we want to while having the ability to scale up if needed. *looks at blade*
  • Even with Dimensional Physics at one. I argue that teleporters combined with Unlimited miniaturization are extremely useful
bloodshifter said:

Uh... We literally built every base we had by ourselves. The only thing we had the bots help with is carting stuff around. Digbots currently can 'dig' through Iron and below.

Geo Thermal Plant can likely be hid underground cave. As can the Nuclear Plant.
To the best of my knowledge, Lost said that anything that you can hyper competently build and that does not require your GENIUS to build can be substituted with Bots. A 2000 hour mundane building time can be completed in a day if we chuck enough bots at it.

Also modifying my vote so we Upgrade our Digbots for mining what we need for the Superhero Stuff that Material 4 give us.
luckybreak91 said:
[x] Start up an applied sciences business. Our first product's are computers and advanced prosthetic's.
Best Business anyone has ever come up with on this Quest. I should know, I read through both in three hours today
jwolfe said:
So the idea with this plan is to make us more or less independent in terms of materials other then food etc?
That is pretty much the case. To be more precise my plan is to straight up upgrade our bots so that they function more like a conventional army than small squads of Aces via the Alien Tech choices I've chosen. An alternative to that is to replace Alien Power Source with Alien Spotter to give us more Battlefield information capabilities.

As my opinions, all the theoretical plans listed in here are all going to change our mode of operations by virtue of the fact that our capabilities are all significantly different depending on the skills we have.

Anti warfair(Materials) and Exotic Varieties(Dimensional) gives a ridiculous synergy. One makes us more Lethal while the other gives us incredible utility what with unlimited Miniaturization.

Business (Business) Forces us to stay the same (comparitively) while increasing our resources to an absurd degree.

Magitech(Ritualism) and Arificial Heroes(Biology) both gives us variety and potency, at the cost of limited initial synergy and the lack of anything to jumpstart it.
bloodshifter said:
Ho? Material 4? Shit forget Nuclear Plants we'd likely be able to set up an Arc Reactor at that stage. Not to mention we'd be able to give all our bots 'Revan Material Blend #007'
For now we will certainly lack the resource for Sufficent amounts of lvl 4 materials. The digbots will be sent out regardles of power issues for the simple matter of getting around this problem
bloodshifter said:
[X]Plan Anti & Warfare (Evillevi version)

We can likely drop the Power Source for something else.

The Alien Spotter/detector will probably allow us to upgrade Brilliance for Muahahah lvls of Information Abilities. But I'd still prefer the powersource as teh Bruiser bots will be the brunt of our forces
bloodshifter said:
Lost mind putting up costs for.
Done. Market prices for Tungsten make it expensive. Damn. The other two are me just ballparking it.

Also, digbots can eat nearly anything and break it down. It's not very granular though, so they can't really get trace materials, and anything higher than steel would require them being rebuilt with higher temp tolerances.
Heck with it this should work.

[X]Plan Anti & Warfair (Evillevi version)
But keep the power source tech no matter what. Between our studies of the power source and our knowledge of Mechanical Creation, Material Manipulations and Dimensional Physics we may be able to make some sort of super power plant that doesn't really on exotic materials to run.
For example some sort of SCIENCE! based fusion plant that we just need to feed plain old dirt and water into.
Lost Star said:
Done. Market prices for Tungsten make it expensive. Damn. The other two are me just ballparking it.

Also, digbots can eat nearly anything and break it down. It's not very granular though, so they can't really get trace materials, and anything higher than steel would require them being rebuilt with higher temp tolerances.

I thought the Dig bots just chomped and eject the dirt somewhere else on something and then take it home for further processing. I mean..., their digbots not Dig and Process bots.

EDIT: We are gonna refit the Dig Bots with teleporters at any rate which should be doable with our MAterial 4 and Power Source build we are currently working on

At any rate Lost, What are your WORD OF LOST for the Nuclear or Geothermal power plant Blood was proposing*.

Replace our current Exotic fuel Plant for a mundane Nuclear/geothermal Power Plant. I worry since we may not be able to hide it properly and that I have no idea how much more or less the mundane version will produce
evillevi said:

I thought the Dig bots just chomped on something and then take it home for further processing. I mean..., their digbots not Dig and Process bots.

At any rate Lost, What are your WORD OF LOST for the Nuclear or Geothermal power plant Blood was proposing*.

Replace our current Exotic fuel Plant for a mundane Nuclear/geothermal Power Plant. I worry since we may not be able to hide it properly and that I have no idea how much more or less the mundane version will produce
We could modify the Dig bots with teleporters that send the collected metals to appropriate locations to be smelted
Your exotic fuel plant is supremely efficient and compact. Not as good on output. You want a Nuclear plant, you could build one, but it's just going to have a massive footprint. Though it would be able to power your bases without issues. The Geothermal plant is roughly the same, though the footprint is smaller.

Digbots were based on moles. :) They 'eat' things. From the description "They are also currently capable of 'eating' steel, which they melt down and expel in ingot form."
bloodshifter said:
Make it an Alternate Energy Company owned By Civ ID Revan if your worried by it.
Dangerous without Bureucracy
Sinsystems said:
We could modify the Dig bots with teleporters that send the collected metals to appropriate locations to be smelted
You ninja'ed me while I was at the edit screen. The teleporter Idea can work and was thought off earlier since we have Unlimimted miniaturization, Better Power Source and teleporters already on hand
Lost Star said:
Your exotic fuel plant is supremely efficient and compact. Not as good on output. You want a Nuclear plant, you could build one, but it's just going to have a massive footprint. Though it would be able to power your bases without issues. The Geothermal plant is roughly the same, though the footprint is smaller.

Digbots were based on moles. :) They 'eat' things. From the description "They are also currently capable of 'eating' steel, which they melt down and expel in ingot form."
Can we also modify the Dig bots, We currently want to fit teleporters on them to send to us for processing. I believe we have everything we need to accomplish this for the most part
bloodshifter said:
So expand the Cave Base and plop in the Geo Thermal Plant?
Bad idea unless you are comfortable with the fact that at least two people (the PIs that found you in the cave) are aware that you were scouting it some time back