
And, as Geth simply want to live without being killed, decides that E88 should cease to exist as an organization because they're doing to "lesser races" the same thing that that Quarians tried to do to them. Poor Geth taps into local WiFi point looking for who it can get in touch with, then starts browsing the net in general, finds PHO and realizes it desperately wants to go home where the world actually makes some kind of sense.
Have a non-canon PHO interlude?

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Topic: Hello!
In: Boards► ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(OriginalPoster) (Verified Cape) (Verified Insect)
Posted On Feb 24th2011:
Hello, I am Vespa. At least, that is what my friend calls me. They have been helping me learn about what happened to me. I understand you have questions, and so do I. But I'll try to answer those that I can. To start with, I am Vespa. And after my friend was badly hurt by what I'm told were bullies, I suddenly became... more. I do not like bullies.

As an aside, I am told the Nice Healer that helped the girl in green the other day is also the one who saved my friend's life. Thank you Nice Healer.

Any way, since I became More, my friend has been helping me learn more of your kind. As well as helping me figure out what I can do. When I saw some humans bullying a woman near a Knowledge Repository, I just had to step in to help. It was the right thing to do, and besides that I really don't like bullies.

Which I suppose is why I decided to intervene the other day too. The girl in green was badly hurt, and I could tell there were far too many dead already because of the metal dog. I tried to warn him off, but the metal dog just kept trying to kill the green girl. So after one last warning, I dealt with him and took Green Girl to receive help.

My friend had pointed out that healing location as where she'd been saved by the Nice Healer, so I figured that was the best place to take the green girl. I'm glad to hear she's recovering. And not sorry that the metal dog isn't.

I really really don't like bullies.

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Laotsunn (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:

Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Okay, this is getting bizarre. Now honest to god giant hornets are posting on PHO?! How does a hornet get verified?!

Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
I've got nothing...

MissMercury (Protectorate Employee)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
I would strongly recommend checking in with the PRT, Vespa. We can help you with power testing, among other things.

Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Someone needs to check on Lao, I'm worried about him.

Vespa( Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Verified Insect)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
I can do that, just need to know where to look.

Laotsunn (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:

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Not really, not "AGH!" but "Aaaaah" As in panicked scream (possibly due to looking out the window and spotting a 4 foot long Asian Giant Hornet flying around in a search pattern while carrying a cell phone.
As omake author, screams are rendered in whatever way makes sense to you. Do you think... 'Giant Hornet Resistant Safe-rooms' might be a growing market in Brockton Bay?
No, but only because based on Taylor's testing there's probably no such thing as a Giant Hornet Resistant Safe-Room. That said, I could see companies claiming to sell them.
Might you say... he's become a plot hook?
That was bad, and you should feel bad.
Bonus if TK-210 is still resting there....., yes, Typhoon seven, ringing a bell, folks?
Not even one ping?
One ping only.

(As an aside, I once wrote an entire 4500 word HP story built _entirely_ around that line.)
Neither Max nor the Geth knows how they got there. But. The Geth caught a glimpse of a lizardly face, looking down from the ceiling, above, as they came back online, so... has suspicions.
"Geth do not intentionally infiltrate."
No, but only because based on Taylor's testing there's probably no such thing as a Giant Hornet Resistant Safe-Room. That said, I could see companies claiming to sell them.
'Resistant' not 'Proof'. Just like 'bullet resistant' slows down bullets. Of course, further research is required to see about making them AGH Venom Resistant. Fortunately, it seems there are likely to be (Nazi) volunteer test subjects!
Resistant implies that said safe room can withstand something at least a little. From Taylor's testing, it's rather unlikely any construction material other then maybe several inches of high quality steel or titanium could resist being punctured by her stinger, and if a hole can be made, anyone inside is in serious trouble.
Resistant implies that said safe room can withstand something at least a little. From Taylor's testing, it's rather unlikely any construction material other then maybe several inches of high quality steel or titanium could resist being punctured by her stinger, and if a hole can be made, anyone inside is in serious trouble.
Hrm. I can't remember; did they test against two feet of concrete? I don't think they did. That would at least slow her down, which pretty much meets the definition of 'resistant'.
'Resistant' not 'Proof'. Just like 'bullet resistant' slows down bullets. Of course, further research is required to see about making them AGH Venom Resistant. Fortunately, it seems there are likely to be (Nazi) volunteer test subjects!
I keep seeing AGH, which is the base name of Taylor's form. Shouldn't it be Taylor Giant Hornet, to denote her supersized version?

Resistant implies that said safe room can withstand something at least a little. From Taylor's testing, it's rather unlikely any construction material other then maybe several inches of high quality steel or titanium could resist being punctured by her stinger, and if a hole can be made, anyone inside is in serious trouble.
Yeah, ouch. Once the stinger makes it through the material, any amount of additional penetration is useless. As long as the injection hole is clear, someone, or something, is going to have a very bad, and likely terminally short, day if she releases her venom.
I keep seeing AGH, which is the base name of Taylor's form. Shouldn't it be Taylor Giant Hornet, to denote her supersized version?
I suspect it is THE Asian Giant Hornet (AGH) - an issue is Taylor/others/reader names... So, TGH would likely be THE Giant Hornet, not 'T' for Taylor, as some might expect... Names are contextual...

Danny... is probably not enthusiastic about becoming 'Grandad'... Whether Taylor has explained 'Queen AGH', and already fertilised eggs, and... From memory, the answer is 'Not yet'...
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Recalling something she'd read about asian hornets, she hovered a few feet off the floor and curled her abdomen under her. It was easy to force venom out her stinger, under a lot more pressure than she'd realized was possible. Asian giant hornets were known to be able to literally spray their venom at a target, as opposed to simply stinging it, but so far she hadn't tried using it at all. A hissing sound was accompanied by a jet of liquid that went a hell of a lot further than she'd expected, spraying at least fifty feet and leaving a dark streak on the concrete.

"Jesus," she muttered, shocked. "That must have been at least a cupful." It was vastly more than needed to kill a human in seconds. Having looked it up, she'd found that the median lethal dose for asian hornet venom was a little over four milligrams per kilo of body-weight, which was actually less than that of a honeybee by a fair margin. She'd just fired off a minimum of several fluid ounces of the stuff, or thousands of times the quantity needed to kill a human-sized creature on the spot.

And that was with ordinary hornet venom, which, based on how the concrete was now bubbling and smoking this very much wasn't.

Yeah, several inches of steel or titanium, at minimum. Concrete bubbles and melts into a powder... And that was with her base line venom. Hookwolf was lucky to have a body left.

Also, remember that Taylor has figured out bio-luminescence. She can now be an oversized Asian Giant Hornet that glows green.
Teenage Asian Radio-active Hornet... TARaH
The next sensational action cartoon based arcade game curtesy of Uber & L33t.
Based off of the TMNT video game from the 80's, Tarah must avoid the Footie-Clan, the Insect-Raid bosses and must traverse Brockton Bay above and below, dodging electric seaweed, disarming bombs, and hunting down the L33tno-Drome for a final showdown with Uber-redder and L33t the Conqueror!
Also, remember that Taylor has figured out bio-luminescence. She can now be an oversized Asian Giant Hornet that glows green.
Still working on 'red'... If she wanted to, she could walk into the PRT, humanoid, faintly green-glowing skin, wearing chitin, with bug eyes, antennae, wings, (prob. no stinger) and say she was 'Vespa', and this was her near-human form. And, full AGH was a lot faster in the air, among other reasons, for that form.
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Have a non-canon PHO interlude?
Resistant implies that said safe room can withstand something at least a little. From Taylor's testing, it's rather unlikely any construction material other then maybe several inches of high quality steel or titanium could resist being punctured by her stinger, and if a hole can be made, anyone inside is in serious trouble.
So if there is a tinker with a metallurgy focus, he/she is very suddenly in high demand to create something much stronger.
Laotsunn (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
I was thinking it should be more like this:
Laotsunn (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Thank you, but I'm fine.

Really fine.

In fact, I've never felt better in my life. Honest. No need to come looking to check on me...
Yeah, just Max's private gloating over new wave and 'ha ha we can be as horrible and shitty as we want and if you ever do anything about it everyone will look at you like you're the bad guy!' depressed me.
I find the best way to think of Max Anders is as an amoral capitalistic psychopath, the type that sees fines for breaking corporate laws as a cost of business. If cutting corners saves more than it would cost to pay the fine and/or insurance payout for a dead worker, then it's a "smart business decision".

Now you get to throw in taking advantage of Neo-Nazi ideology to generate an easily manipulated base, and Kaiser is born. As long as he thinks he can get away with something, or the payout is worth the risk, he'll do anything to further his goals. It isn't so much that he enjoys inflicting pain (he's not a sadist), but that he just doesn't care.
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I find the best way to think of Max Anders is as an amoral capitalist, the type that sees fines for breaking corporate laws as a cost of business. If cutting corners saves more than it would cost to pay the fine and/or insurance layout for a dead worker, then it's a "smart business decision".

Now you get to throw in taking advantage of Neo-Nazi ideology to generate an easily manipulated base, and Kaiser is born. As long as he thinks he can get away with something, or the payout is worth the risk, he'll do anything to further his goals. It isn't so much that he enjoys inflicting pain (he's not a sadist), but that he just doesn't care.

Yes. I know why he's utter slime and one of the characters I hate the most in worm. This is WHY it depressed me here, because *gestures wildly at everything*
Honestly, given that Taylor is her own martial artist, transportation, and (given that she still retains the Master classification) can even be her own sidekick...

Taylor doesn't know martial arts though, or how to drive. Thus while she is her own transportation, she can't meet the criteria of a hyper competent martial artist/driver as sidekick.