Recalling something she'd read about asian hornets, she hovered a few feet off the floor and curled her abdomen under her. It was easy to force venom out her stinger, under a lot more pressure than she'd realized was possible. Asian giant hornets were known to be able to literally spray their venom at a target, as opposed to simply stinging it, but so far she hadn't tried using it at all. A hissing sound was accompanied by a jet of liquid that went a hell of a lot further than she'd expected, spraying at least fifty feet and leaving a dark streak on the concrete.
"Jesus," she muttered, shocked. "That must have been at least a cupful." It was vastly more than needed to kill a human in seconds. Having looked it up, she'd found that the median lethal dose for asian hornet venom was a little over four milligrams per kilo of body-weight, which was actually less than that of a honeybee by a fair margin. She'd just fired off a minimum of several fluid ounces of the stuff, or thousands of times the quantity needed to kill a human-sized creature on the spot.
And that was with ordinary hornet venom, which, based on how the concrete was now bubbling and smoking this very much wasn't.