More disjointed madness...
My heart still racing from the grisly scene I had witnessed, I looked around frantically, fearing that with every turn of my head...that...THING...would be dangling before my eyes...staring balefully at's near motionless lips whispering it's terrible, loving's icy grip reaching out to encircle my throat...

But, my eyes revealed only Misato's apartment. However, there was I examined my surroundings properly.

And then it had hit me...

I was in Shinji's bed.

Meanwhile, Shinji was fast my bed.
but some interesting developments.
My musings were temporarily interrupted when Misato ordered me to wake up Shinji, who, in violation of our synchronization training had not awakened at even close to the same time as me.

I had moved immediately to comply with Misato's order, but as I looked down, I stopped in my tracks, pondering...

I smile softly in the darkness of Shinji's room at the memory...

I had taken a moment that morning to just watch him sleep. He looked so...peaceful.
Huh. Shinji hasn't hit the point of nightmares himself.
While awake, the boy was either a nervous wreck, or gloomily moping about. It was rare to see him truly happy. Or at least, it was rare for me.

Though I would never admit it to him, I always felt a little flicker of warmth inside when I saw him looking genuinely happy, even if it was from a distance. That smile of his...

In his sleep, he had looked...well, not happy, necessarily...but contented, and at peace...

Sadly, I had to break that peace eventually...

I was genuinely disappointed to have to ruin that moment. After be near him when he slept...

Upon his awakening, Shinji seemed even more nervous around me than usual.
No shit.
If he can have a moment of peace like that now...after what happened...

After what I did...


Maybe...I owe him that much

But I know you! If you wait, you'll lose your nerve...and then you'll go back to the way you always are...and then he'll never know...

Maybe that's better, ultimately.

'Don't fight it Asuka...this is how it's always been. This is how it will always be. It's better this way. For him as well. You'll always be alone in the don't fight it anymore...'

Even if I did apologize...the next time I hurt him this way, it'll just be that much worse. Better just to walk away now, and never look back...and let him hate me, so that nothing I can or could do will hurt him again.
Gendo knows how you feel and approves. Better to leave a loved one alone than to risk hurting them, right?
I'm scared that if she even tries to apologize, she'll only end up driving the knife in deeper.
Huh. Shinji hasn't hit the point of nightmares himself.

In a sense. Basically, his talk with Kaji was way more helpful than anyone, including Kaji himself, realizes.

Not only did he give Shinji a much needed pep talk and the sincere compassion that Misato has such difficulty in displaying doing so, he provided Shinji with a big brother/father figure that Shinji's been lacking all his life. Tonight, he served that role more in about one hour than he did in his entire time in canon.

Granted, this is NOT the end of Shinji's distress on the matter. But it's been staved off for the present time.

Could also be that his conscious mind underwent so much strain that his subconscious mind is allowing him to sleep dreamlessly in order to allow better sort of the same way that people go into shock or faint at the sight or sound of something that their mind can't handle.
More disjointed madness...

Did you mean the events of the story itself (Asuka's flashback to the night of September 10th and the nightmare she had that night)? I certainly meant for it to be a disturbing scene, with particular emphasis on the Uncanny Valley invoked by Kyoko's whispering, laughing, but otherwise completely stationary (not even swinging on the rope) corpse.

Or was it too sloppily written? I was kind of afraid it would be, so I can understand if that's what you mean.
Did you mean the events of the story itself (Asuka's flashback to the night of September 10th and the nightmare she had that night)? I certainly meant for it to be a disturbing scene, with particular emphasis on the Uncanny Valley invoked by Kyoko's whispering, laughing, but otherwise completely stationary (not even swinging on the rope) corpse.

Or was it too sloppily written? I was kind of afraid it would be, so I can understand if that's what you mean.
Let me put it in a way that hopefully summarizes the good and the bad: You've accurately written someone with a very insane mind, and Asuka's train of thought follows that.
The sloppiness is a part of the character, that Asuka can entirely withdraw into the warped perceptions of her own mind, that she can have these massive arguments with herself yet only have a few seconds pass IRT.

I believe this might be a thing of 'working too well'.
I'm going to be the lone dissenting voice here and say that you've written Asuka as too crazy to be believable. I mean, I know she has to be far crazier than canon for this story to even happen, but her internal arguments as you present them don't come off as someone who can't reconcile their feelings with who they believe themselves to be, but instead as the ramblings of someone possessed by a demon made out of spite.
I'm going to be the lone dissenting voice here and say that you've written Asuka as too crazy to be believable. I mean, I know she has to be far crazier than canon for this story to even happen, but her internal arguments as you present them don't come off as someone who can't reconcile their feelings with who they believe themselves to be, but instead as the ramblings of someone possessed by a demon made out of spite.
The Asuka ghost from RE-TAKE fits that possession thing pretty well, doesn't she?
Let me put it in a way that hopefully summarizes the good and the bad: You've accurately written someone with a very insane mind, and Asuka's train of thought follows that.
The sloppiness is a part of the character, that Asuka can entirely withdraw into the warped perceptions of her own mind, that she can have these massive arguments with herself yet only have a few seconds pass IRT.

I believe this might be a thing of 'working too well'.

I'm going to be the lone dissenting voice here and say that you've written Asuka as too crazy to be believable. I mean, I know she has to be far crazier than canon for this story to even happen, but her internal arguments as you present them don't come off as someone who can't reconcile their feelings with who they believe themselves to be, but instead as the ramblings of someone possessed by a demon made out of spite.

Huh...well, I wasn't aiming for 'insane' as much as I was 'conflicted'. Though...I guess it's possible that in my eagerness to make the internal dialogue colorful, I made it...well, too colorful maybe.

Also, I've probably inserted my own tendency to overthink, over analyze, and at the same time, divert from a topic if I don't press myself to stay focused.

I will say though, Asuka is driven by a certain spitefulness in canon...and it is a demon of sorts. Her personal demon if you will. That spitefulness/demon was directed inwardly towards herself, and sabotaging any possibility of happiness (because, as we know, her self loathing made her feel like she didn't deserve to be happy) just as much (and probably more than) it was directed outward towards the people around her.

Also, as far as the 'insanity' goes...if it's the conflicting 'voices' that give that impression, I should point out that the 'voices' in question are NOT auditory hallucinations...rather they are Asuka's 'pride' and conscience. Her true self struggling to break free and her 'façade holding the protective mask in place'.

Asuka's heated internal arguments were meant to refer the war between these two forces of her personality. Shinji reciprocating the kiss made one inner-self manifestation stronger than it ever was in canon, but still locked in combat with Asuka's 'fear of being exposed'.

Perhaps it doesn't help that I wrote this almost entirely by channeling raw emotion rather than logic/rationality. Naturally, a story like this is meant to be more emotional than logical...but perhaps leaning too heavily on the former while largely (though unintentionally) forsaking the latter has had some detrimental effects on Asuka's portrayal...certainly at least in how the reader perceives her.

Though, I do stand by the possibility that Asuka might have violently rejected Shinji as I had her do...

But I have considered the possibility that she might have chosen not to be THAT harsh.

Still, I'm not ashamed of what I've written so far...though I do want to be fair and concede to criticisms that make fair points.

I do apologize if this whole response comes across as rambling...I've honestly never been good at handling criticism or responding to it (my desire to defend my work is strongly juxtaposed with my fear of being disliked or this case, I fear being seen as unreasonable, irrational, and unwilling to admit mistakes if I've made them).

In short, I'm happy with my story, though I want to admit mistakes and be honest without sounding like I'm trashing my own work.

The Asuka ghost from RE-TAKE fits that possession thing pretty well, doesn't she?

Actually, he's drawn that same comparison before.
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As someone who has struggled with literal inner demons, I can say that you've done a great job portraying this conflict. You find yourself screaming back and forth in your own head, never quite sure which voice is the "real" you. Despite what you logically know, you are unable to fully believe those precious and beautiful truths. It's a fight that simply cannot be won alone. Asuka desperately needs someone to help her, now more so than ever.
One trick I use when sharing my struggles with others, is to shut my eyes as I'm talking. It creates an illusion that I am only talking to myself, and removes the pressure of being the center of awkward attention. Asuka might benefit from this next time she tries to apologize.
I do apologize if this whole response comes across as rambling...I've honestly never been good at handling criticism or responding to it (my desire to defend my work is strongly juxtaposed with my fear of being disliked or this case, I fear being seen as unreasonable, irrational, and unwilling to admit mistakes if I've made them).
Frankly, I don't see it as rambling, but more as you laying out your reasoning for someone not coming to the conclusion you meant people to come to. And as long as it's only a scant few people asking for clarification, you're probably doing everything right.

As for criticism, that's not what we are trying to to; we all are only trying to critique your work (as in reviewing), to tell you what might need brushing up.
As for criticism, that's not what we are trying to to; we all are only trying to critique your work (as in reviewing), to tell you what might need brushing up.

Oh yes, I do understand that. :)

Still, because this is such a personal work to me, a negative review can be hard to hear, and simultaneously makes me want to defend myself...while at the same time, doubting every step I take and have taken.

I hope I don't sound too childish for admitting that...but it is the honest truth of how I feel.

That said though, I'm mature enough to understand in my heart that no one here means any harm, and that I should embrace constructive critiquing.

And I do. At the end of the day, I appreciate everyone's willingness to speak their minds. :)
See I can't agree with that viewpoint because if Asuka would violently reject Shinji if he kissed her, none of her actions in-series make any sense. Especially with how many times she tries to reach out to him only to halfass it and screw up because she needed to leave herself an escape hatch. Hell, Shinji not reacting to her continual attempts to engage him was explicitly brought up as her main beef with him in the Arael fight. To have her violently reject Shinji after he did literally everything she wanted is so completely at odds with her actions that it's almost comical. (Part of the reason I kept going back to the posesssion angle is that oh-so convienient hallucination she suddenly had to kick this whole thing off)

This kind of intense self-loathing you write (Very well, mind) only really came to a head in-series once it was made abundantly clear to Asuka that no-one cared about her and that she was a failure at piloting.

In short: your Asuka makes sense as a post-Zeruel Asuka, but not before that.
In short: your Asuka makes sense as a post-Zeruel Asuka, but not before that.
I would argue that those issues were buried underneath the surface for a long time, only coming to light at the end. Plus there is no telling what Asuka would have done in cannon had Shinji responded. This is, admittedly, a worse-case scenario, but for the purpose of storytelling, it works fine. Also, as I mentioned above, Asuka's internal dialogue matches with real-life (read: my own) struggles with self-esteem and fear of rejection. I fine this whole story quite plausible.
It is very plausible, although you could make here and there the argument, that it's overreacting.
Nevertheless I hope this fic continues till the end.
See I can't agree with that viewpoint because if Asuka would violently reject Shinji if he kissed her, none of her actions in-series make any sense. Especially with how many times she tries to reach out to him only to halfass it and screw up because she needed to leave herself an escape hatch. Hell, Shinji not reacting to her continual attempts to engage him was explicitly brought up as her main beef with him in the Arael fight. To have her violently reject Shinji after he did literally everything she wanted is so completely at odds with her actions that it's almost comical. (Part of the reason I kept going back to the posesssion angle is that oh-so convienient hallucination she suddenly had to kick this whole thing off)

This kind of intense self-loathing you write (Very well, mind) only really came to a head in-series once it was made abundantly clear to Asuka that no-one cared about her and that she was a failure at piloting.

In short: your Asuka makes sense as a post-Zeruel Asuka, but not before that.
I think a big part of it is that this Asuka seems a lot more subconscious about her attraction to Shinji than she seemed in canon. She's giving out hints and half assed attempts to reach out for reasons she can't fully explain to herself because she's so thoroughly determined to like Kaji that she's largely in denial about her attraction to Shinji (in this fic, canon's a different story). When Shinji actually does respond properly the fear and panic set in. Fear because she honestly believes she's worthless and that somewhere down the line he's going to find that out and she can't help imagining that. Panic because she honestly wasn't expecting him to actually step up and she doesn't know how to handle that. Fear and panic are potent forces that are very good at making people do incredibly stupid things, and nothing is scarier or more panic inducing than things changing for the better.

All that said, I see where you're coming from. This story is definitely a very pessimistic take on what could happen and kinda exaggerates Shinji and Asuka in particulars problems.
I wish Kaji told her just where he found Shinji

I actually meant to comment on this awhile back. It's funny you mentioned that...I actually had originally written the scene that way. Kaji answered truthfully, and Asuka was genuinely horrified by the answer. But, I decided to push back the reveal somewhat, and it's lead to a retooling of Chapters 4 (only a few edits) through 6.

No worries though...she's going to find out soon enough. And when she does, it will have a more profound effect than it would have originally.

I know this sounds bad, but is Rei going to be coming into focus soon?

Come Chapter 6 :)

And now for a progress report. 'Veering Left' has now reached (sans final editing and the retooling I mentioned earlier) over 75,000 words completed. Chapter 6 (again, sans final editing and retooling) is nearly complete as well. Only one POV left to write (thank goodness)!

Then work begins on Chapter 7...something I've been itching to get my hands on for awhile now (Chapter 6 mutated into a real beast on me, and I've grown to despise working on it, hence why my progress hasn't been as rapid as I'd initially hoped).

Well anyways...I hope to have the rough draft of Chapter 6 completed by Monday (hopefully no later than Tuesday), then work will immediately begin on Chapter 7.
Take your time mate.
Any good story is worth the wait.

Hey, that's a good rhyme!
Maybe that's the big plot-twist?
Not likely.
As I've said, Asuka's mental dialogue is similar to my own experiences. It's not pretty, but it isn't something you call an exorcist for. Family and friends yes, maybe even a prayer circle, but not something Stephen King would come up with.
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