Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

29 for sister bonding, 22 for mingling, 21 for palace exploration, with 37 voters overall. It's close!
Turn 6 - Results
Plan Circle
Cost: 9,200g
Remaining Treasury: 6,882g
Expected Upkeep: 2,120g

Your diplomatic correspondences are heartening this year. Though you want to tell them about the wondrous meeting you experienced at the end of last year, you hold your quill. Instead you inquire about their present state.

Sauliā's was especially reassuring, it seems she's managed to get a handle on the various factions and calmed the violence somewhat, or at least prevented it from getting any worse. She still doesn't know who is working to destabilize the situation, but her soldiers have managed to prevent any more attacks from them. Unfortunately, each time they slip away and disappear.

Elita's correspondence arrived with an invitation. It seems she has invited you to her wedding to the scion of Landric. You remember what happened last time you went to Ahervare, but she at least seemed excited about the possibility of marrying. Apart from that her realm is doing well, news of the betrothal has quieted much of the murmurings about foreign rule...and there hasn't even been an assassination attempt in months.

Valda meanwhile was uncharacteristically verbose in her letters. Of course, they were still half the length of the others, but it's an improvement. She inquired about your response to the outbreak of violence in Hastrijan, which worried you. You don't talk to her much, but you do know she still carries resentment for the Hastrijanii victory at the Battle of the Gates. Still, you merely replied that you didn't know yet, and that you were looking for more information. Which seemed to satisfy her, for now.

Finally, the realms of Hastrijan have made some form of contact. The Crown Prince informed your delegation that this was an internal affair, and any interference on your part would be considered an act of war. However, he also seemed open to continuing trade and peace between if nothing else. The rebellious factions messages to you were more scattered, some requesting for your aid in their struggle against their kinslaying brother, while others were flatly hostile, promising you would be next once they removed the competition.

Diplomacy: The young noble girl you picked to handle your diplomatic exchanges is not so young anymore. In the three years you have been here she's grown into quite a vivacious young woman. You already know she's had to turn down several marriage offers, in no small part to the fact such an occurrence would most likely force her to leave your court. (Pick One)

A Scarlet Wedding: You have been invited to attend the wedding of your sister and her betrothed. You definitely plan to attend, just for a chance to see your sister again. Plus, you...are worried about her, and if anything goes wrong you want to be there personally. Cost: 400g, You Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Event Chain: The Scarlet Wedding takes place. *DOES NOT COST AN ACTION*


Bloody Hastrijan: The outbreak of violence in Hastrijan caught your delegation by surprise. Now they're scrambling to get a handle on the various sides to the likely civil war. You'd really like to know just who is holding the reins to your south, or at least try and not anger any of the potential holders. Cost: 650g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 75% Rewards: Increased information about the situation in Hastrijan and the current factions, chance to improve relations with them.

Rolled: 86+5 = 91 Needed: 25: Success

Alina's adventures in Hastrijan continue providing you with a wealth of information about the various factions. First there is loyalist faction under Crown Prince Kavan. Individually they are by far the largest faction, however compared though the opposition outnumbers them roughly 2 to 1 in totality. Additionally many of the forces they do control are the elite of the Hastrijani Army, though from Alina managed to gather those units though exceptionally trained have not seen combat in many years, if at all. Finally, many segments of the "loyalist" faction ironically enough not particularly loyal to Kavan. They support him because he is the rightful heir, despite the rumors of his kin-slaying nature.

The opposition is much more diverse. Many of the factions are made up of Kavan's siblings and relatives, who have managed to rally generals and troops to their cause. Foremost of them all is Baraz the Black, the former Emperor's younger brother. A fearsome general in his own right, it was he who commands the frontier units of the southlands, some of the most experienced troops in Hastrijan, hardened by constant border conflicts with the Sandlings, the scaled men of the south. Additionally, he remains famous for his defeat of the Scarlet Empire at the Battle of the Gates. Truly a fearsome man, driven to depose who he sees as the murderer of his brother, but he is outnumbered and can't bring all his forces to bear without exposing his rear.

But he is not the only faction among the rebels. There are the Twins, Roshan and Elaheh brother and sister, Roshan is the next in line for the throne after Kavan and the two of them are rarely seen without the other. Rumor has it they are lovers, a practice once common in Hastrijan that has recently fallen out of favor. They have managed to rally many disaffected nobles to their call, chafing under the new laws Kavan has put into place strengthening the Crown. But they are not the only one of Kavan's siblings to contest the succession. The Lion Emperor had a remarkably strong seed, and sired more than a dozen boys, even more in girls, a full half of whom have raised swords.

Finally, and most worryingly of all, a Bastard has surfaced, backed by the peasant's of all people. They say he leads his army of serfs and peasants barefoot and in threadbare clothing, put a peasant's revolt is no laughing matter especially in this chaotic time.

Alina reports that of the various factions, most are neutral to you, Kavan or many of the lesser heirs would likely continue their current policy if they gained the throne. However, the Twins and the Bastard have both reached out to, it seems they are not...unsympathetic to the words of the First Flame, especially if those words came with Sylltāji coin and Sylltāji swords. You recognize for the ploy it is, but still it presents and opportunity. Finally there is Baraz, his hatred for the First Flame and the Scarlet Empire are legendary, and his ascension to the Throne could signal war is on the horizon. What's worse he has swayed some of the lesser Heirs to his opinion.

Finally a curious letter arrived, unmarked, addressed to you and Alina personally. It seems that the Princess Alina befriended during her stay there is seeking to keep in touch...and perhaps do more than that. According to the letter she has grown increasingly worried about Kavan, according to her his demeanor has changed drastically in the past few years, and she fears for realm should he remain on the throne. She still seems hesitant to discuss secrets with Alina, but it is an opportunity you can exploit.

Rewards: Information about the various Faction in Hastrijan gained. New Diplomatic and Intrigue Actions unlocked.

Asya has settled into her role as your martial adviser remarkably well. Your soldiers fear and respect her in equal measures, and you feel like she is far more knowledgeable about the threats of these lands than anyone else you have. (Pick Two)

All The Queen's Horses: You have a good basis of infantry, but it still is paltry compared to what Asya says you are capable of sustaining. Let alone the sheer size of Väljad
- [X] Raise another Legion: The Scarlet Legions were the oiled machine through which the Ash Maiden conquered the continent. Built upon the base of the ancient house retinues of Eight Tribes, a Legion is a flexible fighting force of medium infantry. (Mobility 2) Skill: Green Time: 1 year Cost: 500g Upkeep: 50g

Rewards: 7th Legion: Strength 5,000/5,000 (Green) (Mobility: 2) (Upkeep: 50g)

Currently you can support a total unit strength of 69,825 (0.5% of population) of standing troops. Current Unit Strength Usage is 43,500/69,825. This cap can be increased

The Frontier: Your military presence in the Kurlaks has presented you with an opportunity. Andeszj's expedition discovered many wondrous things, but much of the terrain and fauna was far too dangerous for them to approach closely. With your soldiers you can begin pushing into that unexplored wilderness. It likely will be dangerous but who know what secrets are still there to be discovered. Cost: 600g, One Legion Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 year Rewards: Experience for 3rd Legion. Further exploration of Kurlaks. - *Double Down*

Rolled: 99,74 + 11 = 110 + *Crit Roll* 27 = 137 Needed: 40: Success

The adventures of the 3rd Legion in the Kurlaks would make a wonderful tale for future generations, that is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the reports that Asya sends to you. The results of their adventure into that untamed wilderness certainly read like something you'd expect to hear in a fairy tale than anything you'd expect in real life. Your own experiences and Andeszj's expedition had prepared you for the fantastical, but not quite for the...success they would enjoy.

The legionaries simply ran amok through the wilderness, killing or driving away many dens of monsters that could have threatened them. But it is not simply that they managed to kill them, they also managed to captured several specimens. The stories of those captures of simply absurd, one legionary managed to scale a 500 foot cliff to steal a clutch of Gryphon eggs from under the noses of their parents. Another group managed to trap an adolescent pair of the wyrms that stalk the mountains without being turned to stone. Stories like that abound, and you can tell Andeszj is practically vibrating with excitement over being able to examine live specimens of these beasts.

However, two discoveries stand out to you. The first was a sighting of what you believe to be a creature similar to Simurgh, if not his mother. Your men only saw it high in the sky, so they could not get a good look at it nor truly gauge its size besides "massive", but according to them its cry shook the entire valley. The other discovery was far stranger, a simple door was discovered deep in the Kurlaks at the base of one of the mountains. It appeared to be made of iron, though all attempts by the 3rd Legion to break through it were met with failure. Quite a strange discovery you must say.

The expeditions were not without casualties of course. Though they were far lighter than you had expected. Almost 300 men killed or permanently crippled, double that numbered wounded or waylaid by diseases, it was a small price to pay for what you managed to gain. Especially considering they were going up against the fantastic, and largely had to figure out how to fight them on their own.

Finally, the Legion eventually reached the other side of the Kurlaks, where the caravans first entered into the passes that allowed them to pass through the mountains. They managed to make contact with one of the nomadic tribes that roam the steppe on the other side of the mountains. Well, perhaps "make contact" is the wrong term, considering they spoke a completely different tongue from those clans of the northern steppe. But you at least acknowledge each others existence.

Rewards: 3rd Legion is now "Veteran" rating. New Learning options unlocked. New Diplomacy options unlocked. New Stewardship +10 to Digging Deeply action.

Alfred is getting quite long in the years, and he has approached you to inquire that he would ideally like to retire within the next couple of years. His years of service have been a great benefit to you, and you're not sure where you would be without his knowledge, but now it seems you need to start looking for a replacement. (Pick Two)

Off the Beaten Path: With your vassals somewhat mollified, Alfred wants to examine the vast stretches of unused land that the Queen's Road cuts through. Much of it is virtually uninhabited, and it could be prime territory for founding new settlements on. Though it will likely too expensive to do much more than a cursory look for now. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Rewards: Varies depending on Roll, Potential New Stewardship Actions.

Rolled: 64+11+10 = 85 Needed: 0: Success

The survey of the area surrounding the Queen's Road goes swimmingly. Though almost completely undeveloped, the areas to the south of the Northern Steppes are very fertile. Though not to the extent of the area surrounding Vykiv and the rest of the Border Princes, especially in the south, near the coast line it features soft soil, rolling hills and the occasional small forest. Though unfortunately there are no major rivers to facilitate development, apart from that the area is ripe for settlement and eventual development.

You can only hazard a guess that the relative remoteness of the area and the constant threat of raids from the nomads to the north has kept the area fro properly developing. But with both your Mother's and now your reign those issues have begun to fade away. Already several small villages are starting to sprout along the Queen's Road. But if you could expand upon that, as well as entice new families to settle in the area you have an opportunity to prove a new frontier for expansion and growth internally.

Of course, you will likely have to be careful. Developing the land yourself will likely to prove highly expensive, but also perhaps very profitable in the long-term...the very long-term. However, giving out the land as grants is also a possibility it would likely make the noble houses of the borderlands very favorably inclined to you, but also drastically increase their status and they would largely be in charge of the development. Whatever you choose, you have an opportunity here, one that you can definitely capitalize on.

Rewards: New Stewardship Actions unlocked.

The Halls of Learning: After you completely trashed aggressively redecorated Andeszj's workshop while hatching your egg you promised you'd replace it for him. Or at least all the furniture and equipment you slagged. However he and Alfred have approached you with a far more ambitious proposal. He knows of several other individuals in the city who are interested in discovering more about the natural world, and figures many more just need the right push. Thus he has come to you with a plan for an institution to help grow and foster that desire. Cost: 1000g, Increased Upkeep Chance of Success: 60% Time: 2 years Rewards: +1 Learning Option - LOCKED IN: FINISHES THIS TURN

Rolled: 66+11+10 = 87 Needed: 40: Success

The construction of Andeszj's hall of learning finishes just as well as it began. He calls it a "University", and he tells that one day he hopes to teach students among these halls, however for now he is just content to have assembled a collection of inquisitive minds to aid him in his endless pursuit of knowledge about the world and things in it. It both serves him to have more eyes and hands on problems, as well as providing experience in subjects Andeszj isn't quite as versed in. He is quite knowledge on many subjects, but no man can be an expert on every subject.

Well except Māka it seems, who befitting her nature soaks up everything said to her like a rag and never seems to forget anything. She actually ended up proving quite a help with second half of the construction. It seemed she picked up some of Andeszj perfectionist nature, and after a quick lesson from Alfred about how to manage people she was off giving advice to the work crews. At first they didn't take her seriously...at all. To be honest neither would you, since she looks like she is a small child, with the personality to match. But it seems she has some form of innate bond with the location she is bound to, and her suggestions always turned out to be for the best. She also managed to create some form of chart detailing work-flow and an entirely new way to organize the library by herself. Of course it was finger-painted on the wall using some form of berry juice (You didn't ask where she managed to acquire that much juice, and you suspect you don't want to know), which made is rather difficult to read, but it also proved to be superior to the methods being used.

Of course, she then went onto to almost destroy the forge being built through her curiosity, but that is a tale best forgotten for all involved. Even if you still laugh at the memory of Māka's covered in soot and looking very cross with you for laughing. It's clear she still has a ways to go before you can even consider putting her in charge of anything, but she is making progress.

Rewards: Hall of Learning Finished! +1 Learning Action. Māka gains trait [Perfectionist] from Andeszj. Māka gets better at being in charge of things without them exploding. +500 upkeep.

You've grow quite attached to Lilita, she has quite a mind for schemes and plots that are honestly beyond you. Right now, she's mainly focusing on how best to gather information outside your realm, and the situations there are worrying her just as much as you. (Pick One)

Quick, Clean, Professional: Rumors and bribes are all well and good, but sometimes you just really need to sneak up on a troublesome person, drag them into a dark alley and stab them multiple times to really solve a problem. Which means you're going to need some people who are good at sneaking, stabbing and most of all very loyal to you. That last part seems like the especially important bit. Cost: 1800g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 years Rewards: Professional assassins "espionage agents" trained. +1 Intrigue Action.

Rolled: 91,66+8 = 99 Needed: 40: Success

Lilita and Asya team up to craft a hardened core of men (and a few women) to handle the...darker aspects of ruling. You don't particularly like it, but you understand the necessity of having them at least. And even you can see the eventually product of their brutal training is nothing short of spectular. Lilita calls them the Šešėliai, The Shadows. Pulled from the very best of your bodyguards, and other individuals Asya and Lilita personally vetted to form the core of the group. Asya initially wanted to recruit children and train them from a young age to do their task, but eventually it was decided that would take too long to form a reliable core.

Still, the members are personally loyal to you. Personally tutored by Asya and Lilita they are all hardened killers, equally at home in a ballroom and a back-alley. You hope you never have to utilize their skills, but even you realize that is a naive hope that, and they will likely have to be used sooner than later to shore up your existing espionage networks.

Additionally, due to their nature they work very well as skirmishers and light infantry. Though the Shadows training itself is far too intensive and costly to be used on anything approaching a military unit of sufficient size to be effective on a battlefield, a modified version of it could be used to form a corp of trackers and other ranged light infantry. To supplement the Legions and provide missile troops independent of the mounted Archers that currently form the backbone of your ranged components.

Rewards: +1 Intrigue Actions. New recruitment options. Chance to discover Intrigue-specced hero units with every intrigue action. +5 to Intrigue rolls.

The Faith has spread into the countryside, and with it came violence and turmoil. Families and communities are split between new converts and the old faiths, and that split breeds resentment and hatred. It has not yet reached a point of open violence, but it is threatening to boil over. (Pick Two)

Flames of Faith: The explosion of the First Flame into the countryside was both a boon and a curse. You are always happy to see more converts to the Faith, but an uncontrollable spread such as this can disrupt the peace. Additionally, unchecked conversions and little guidance makes a fertile ground for more...unorthodox ideas to take root, and instability can make those ideas attractive. It's a situation you look to cut off at the root. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 65% Rewards: Conversion of the countryside takes on a more orderly approach. Tensions reduced.

Rolled: 87+15 = 102 + *Crit Roll* 61 = 163 Needed: 35: Success

Once again it seems it falls to you to deal with religious tension and instability in your realm. You spend a significant amount of time travelling amongst the countryside, stopping in villages and cities to give sermons and demonstrate miracles. These stops serve several purposes, to put a stop to any nascent violence, to further embed the conversion of the populace, and to remind those that the eyes of the church see far. You preach peace and tolerance towards those yet unconverted, and even take the time to speak with and debate numerous unbelievers (though many of them experience a change of heart at your words).

Your travels succeed spectacularly. Your sermons draw crowds of thousands, and you are sure rumors of your words reach thousands more. The burgeoning tension beneath the surface starts to deflate, both because you manage to impress upon people the virtues of love and tolerance, but also because they herald a fresh wave of conversions. If conversions were spreading quickly before, it has now surpassed that. Especially among the lower classes, who are in awe of your speaking ability, and the time you take to address the concerns of even a simple farmer.

Of course, you may have succeeded too well. Though the dreadful rumors of your divinity haven't resurfaced (Thank the Flame), you have heard some rather...preposterous rumors about yourself, and people calling you a Prophet. Nothing heretical, or ven close to it but it is something you really think you need to keep an eye on. Still, your reputation has reached even loftier heights

Rewards: Simmering violence in the countryside is deflated. New wave of rapid conversions start to spread, though more peaceful this time. Illona's reputation for piety grows ever larger.

The Hidden Library: The map you discovered detailing the lay-out of the Library contained several sections you could not find despite all your searching. Either they were destroyed at some point in the distant past, or they were hidden away, you do not know. However, you intend to find them. The discovery of a network of tunnels running through the citadel gives new credence to your search. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 75% Reward: ???

Rolled: 79+15 = 94 Needed: 25: Success

The discovery of the hidden passages in the walls of the Citadel causes you to restart your search for the missing sections of the library. The passages themselves prove to be far more extensive than you originally had imagine, an entire network of tunnels and hidden rooms behind the walls and deep below the Citadel. You do not have time to explore all of them, however you do manage to find the portions of the library that you weren't able to earlier.

These shelves and books are covered in cobwebs, and many of them are too rotted to be of any use, and the rest written in languages you have never seen before. However, you are confident you can translate them eventually, and hopefully find out what secret these books contain, and why they were hidden away in the first place. From the pictures and diagrams in the books you have looked through it seems that these sections once gained texts of a more...esoteric nature. From an age long ago when man and myth walked together upon the world.

You have turned over many of the books to Andeszj to be stored in his "University" to be studied and translated. It has also sparked your appetite, if these books were hidden away behind brick and mortar, what other secrets lie within the Citadel?

Rewards: New Learning Options, New Piety Option.

Andeszj has his hands full working on finishing his proposed establishment for learning...and also dealing with the demon you've unleashed on him. Māka has proved to boundlessly curious and frightfully intelligent, all things you'd expect of a knowledge spirit. Unfortunately her temperament...needs works. Or at least until the explosions stop. (Pick One)

The Impeccable Metal: The mysterious vein of ore discovered in the Kurlaks has prompted great interest from Andeszj, and he eagerly wants to get a look at it. Which should definitely aid in finding a way to mine it, since at this point it breaks many of the established tools used for mining. Likewise, if he can mine it, he'd also like to get a handle on its properties, to better understand what it can be used for. Cost: 650g Chance of Success: 65% Time 1 year Rewards: Information about the ??? metal, can begin mining the ??? metal

Rolled: 68+9 = 77 Needed: 35

The mysterious metal vein discovered in the Kurlaks proved troublesome. Conventional tools proved almost worthless for digging into the ore and extracting the metal. Eventually however, Andeszj manages to devise a method for extracting the other. A series of smashing weight to break up the surrounding dirt and ground, and a massive weight iron blade to attack the weak points of the metal formation once the surrounding ground has been excavated. It is a lengthy and time consuming process, but it allows him to grab a sample of the mysterious metal to test its properties.

He eventually named it Ashite, for the way it grows grey and flakes into a powder just before it melts, at a temperature far higher than iron. It is a difficult metal to work with for that reason, but it is far stronger and lighter than iron, and Andeszj reports that some of its strength comes from a curious ability to absorb forces. When hit by something, the metal will absorb the force into itself rather than moving or bending, though only a fraction of the total force. He cautions that anything made with the metal will likely be quite expensive due to these properties, requiring drastically more work than any iron or bronze piece.

He has provided the plans and advice on mining to Alfred, to better aid him in establishing mines in the area.

Rewards: Digging Deeply Action will now always be able to mine Ashite

Throughout the hectic nature and constant work of your reign, there is some time you have put aside for yourself, to pursue personal projects and other flights of fancy (Pick Two)

Simurgh: You've named your pet Simurgh, after the head of the Deevs, the First Flame's winged servants in Heaven. It has grown tremendously since you got him, and though it is mostly trained you want to spend more time with him as it grows larger. You still don't know how big it will eventually grow, but fostering a closer bond between the two of you can only Cost: 400g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Rewards: Continue to train Simurgh as he grows.

Rolled: 48 Needed: 10: Success

Simurgh, as you so named the creature that you hatched, continued to grow tremendously throughout this year. Now he is roughly the size of a pony, almost seven feet long including his tail. His training has been difficult, not because of his demeanor, the closest thing you can compare it to is a particularly intelligent dog, but because of his sheer power. He is no longer allowed in most sections of the Citadel because unless he is almost incapable of not destroying the area. Though to his credit he does appear to be apologetic about accidentally shredding a carpet or torching painting. You've had some areas of the Citadel proofed to allow him inside, but those are the exception.

You've also begun training Simurgh to fight, or at least aid you in combat. It is both exhilarating and terrifying, watching him tear through practice dummies like soft butter. Even plates of steel provide no defense against his claws, and in fact he seems to treat them more as a tasty snack than any actual impediment. You're not even entirely sure how you would fight something like Simurgh, especially if you couldn't use magic. His scales are hard, harder than almost anything you've felt, and his bite once reduced a cuirass to half a melted cuirass. Not to mention the gouts of flame he has started to shoot, or the wickedly sharp claws, or the teeth like butcher knives or the flying. Speaking of flying, you have gotten the idea of riding Simurgh as a steed, though for now he is still to small for that to be practical, and it likely will require quite a bit of training.

Rewards: Simurgh continues to grow larger, is now the size of a small pony. Have begun training it for combat, and only destroyed part of the Citadel training yards in the process.

Blood of Magi: The power in your blood still burns bright, but it is no longer the wonder it once was. Your Mother's warning is close to your heart. It is a great boon, but it can come at a price, you need to learn to control it lest it end up controlling you. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Finer control of your magic, High Roll leads to increase capability.

Rolled: 95+10 = 105 + *Crit Roll* 40 = 145 Needed: 30: Success

You set out once again to practice your magic. After the warning from your mother you want to be extra certain that the power within you does not end up consuming you. It is a tricky thing to seek the means to control power, without that turning into the search for power itself, but you seek to walk it.

The power that burns inside you is powerful, that you already know, but you were not quite aware just how powerful it actually was. But you finally have an idea, and it frightens you. But throughout all your practice you kept control, your grip on the magic within you was ironclad. You have learned new discipline for channeling it, and with that discipline has come new strength.

Now all of the elements bend to your will, though fire is still the one you are most comfortable with. When you are wielding it none except for Asya can stand against you in the sparring ring, and even Asya is showing signs of trouble keeping up with you (until she insisted you not use magic, then she soundly trounced you in seconds). If you were actually attempting to kill them, it is likely that any of the people who you sparred with would be killed before they even had a chance to muster a defense. It is a depth of power that worries you, surely the crown you wear symbolizes and even greater power over life and death, but this one is far more personal.

Finally, you feel healthier than you ever have before, it appears that as you unlocked and control more of the potential in the blood the magic is doing...something to your body. You feel stronger and more limber then you remember, you have not gotten sick in...quite a long time actually. Your skin maintains a healthy glow. You are the perfect picture of health.

Rewards: [Junior Magi] Trait replaced with [Practiced Magi]. Better control over and awareness of magic, decreased chance of negative event related to magic. ???

A/N: Welp.

29 for sister bonding, 22 for mingling, 21 for palace exploration, with 37 voters overall. It's close!

I would close the vote, but I'm too tired to work on the next segment of the event, so I will likely keep it open for any straggling votes. Also 37 votes in like 24 hours holy shit. This quest has really exceeded my wildest expectations for participation.

Thank you guys so much.
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Alina reports that of the various factions, most are neutral to you, Kavan or many of the lesser heirs would likely continue their current policy if they gained the throne. However, the Twins and the Bastard have both reached out to, it seems they are not...unsympathetic to the words of the First Flame, especially if those words came with Sylltāji coin and Sylltāji swords. You recognize for the ploy it is, but still it presents and opportunity. Finally there is Baraz, his hatred for the First Flame and the Scarlet Empire are legendary, and his ascension to the Throne could signal war is on the horizon. What's worse he has swayed some of the lesser Heirs to his opinion.

Finally a curious letter arrived, unmarked, addressed to you and Alina personally. It seems that the Princess Alina befriended during her stay there is seeking to keep in touch...and perhaps do more than that. According to the letter she has grown increasingly worried about Kavan, according to her his demeanor has changed drastically in the past few years, and she fears for realm should he remain on the throne. She still seems hesitant to discuss secrets with Alina, but it is an opportunity you can exploit.

Rewards: Information about the various Faction in Hastrijan gained. New Diplomatic and Intrigue Actions unlocked.
Hmm, I think following up on Alina's princess may work for the best, we have a personal connection there.

Baraz is a hazard, but sponsoring the Twins and the Bastard would be a trap that can cause the other factions to unite behind Baraz in a crisis.
However, two discoveries stand out to you. The first was a sighting of what you believe to be a creature similar to Simurgh, if not his mother. Your men only saw it high in the sky, so they could not get a good look at it nor truly gauge its size besides "massive", but according to them its cry shook the entire valley.
Holy momma dragon.

The other discovery was far stranger, a simple door was discovered deep in the Kurlaks at the base of one of the mountains. It appeared to be made of iron, though all attempts by the 3rd Legion to break through it were met with failure. Quite a strange discovery you must say.
Huh. Interesting. Maybe the key would help.

The stories of those captures of simply absurd, one legionary managed to scale a 500 foot cliff to steal a clutch of Gryphon eggs from under the noses of their parents.
...more babies!

Another group managed to trap an adolescent pair of the wyrms that stalk the mountains without being turned to stone. Stories like that abound, and you can tell Andeszj is practically vibrating with excitement over being able to examine live specimens of these beasts.
Of course, you will likely have to be careful. Developing the land yourself will likely to prove highly expensive, but also perhaps very profitable in the long-term...the very long-term. However, giving out the land as grants is also a possibility it would likely make the noble houses of the borderlands very favorably inclined to you, but also drastically increase their status and they would largely be in charge of the development. Whatever you choose, you have an opportunity here, one that you can definitely capitalize on.
I think personal development would be best. It's expensive, but we're relatively flush with cash, and keeping the power in our hands is powerful as hell
Rewards: Simmering violence in the countryside is deflated. New wave of rapid conversions start to spread, though more peaceful this time. Illona's reputation for piety grows ever larger.
Lona continues being in bed with the dice I see....
Rewards: [Junior Magi] Trait replaced with [Practiced Magi]. Better control over and awareness of magic, decreased chance of negative event related to magic. ???

Finally, you feel healthier than you ever have before, it appears that as you unlocked and control more of the potential in the blood the magic is doing...something to your body. You feel stronger and more limber then you remember, you have not gotten sick in...quite a long time actually. Your skin maintains a healthy glow. You are the perfect picture of health.
Huh, interesting.
Rewards: [Junior Magi] Trait replaced with [Practiced Magi]. Better control over and awareness of magic, decreased chance of negative event related to magic. ???
Practiced Magi: You have begun to control and tame the power that burns within you. Capable of altering the world around with a thought, it has only grown stronger the more you have used it, and shows no sign of weakening. +4 Piety, +2 Diplomacy. 1/2 of Piety added to Combat stat.
God Hastrijan is a mess, their is no way we can let Baraz win if we don't want a war and it is implied something is messing with Kavan's head which we can't let happen. so hopefully following up with the princess will let us fix that so we don't have to do any thing drastic.
The opposition is much more diverse. Many of the factions are made up of Kavan's siblings and relatives, who have managed to rally generals and troops to your cause.
A typo. We are not that involved with Hastrijan.
The other discovery was far stranger, a simple door was discovered deep in the Kurlaks at the base of one of the mountains. It appeared to be made of iron, though all attempts by the 3rd Legion to break through it were met with failure.
We have found the doors to Moria. We should definitely dig deeply and greedily next turn.
Almost 300 hundred men killed or permanently crippled, double that numbered wounded or waylaid by diseases, it was a small price to pay for what you managed to gain.
Well, if we got 300 hundred men killed, we'd likely not have an army left, much less the 3rd Legion.
Asya initially wanted to recruit children and train them from a young age to do their task, but eventually it was decided that would take too long to form a reliable core.
Child commandos. Asya has the best ideas, as always. DOO EET.
These shelves and books are covered in cobwebs, and many of them are too rotted to be of any use, and the rest written in languages you have never seen before.
But Māka might have. It'd probably be our next learning action.

I wonder if there's an Arch-Magi trait where we'll be able to add full piety to combat rolls...
Higher level magic traits do exist (of course they just become much harder to get after a certain point, much like weapons training). In fact various traits exist for every stat that can add a portion of that stat to your combat skill, (though a couple of them boost martial instead).
So... what kind of magic is possible for Illona currently? Is it something that only works on a small personal scale?

Can she, say, blow wind in the sails during the sea calm? Freeze water in front of her so she could pass over ice? Summon rain? Summon up a storm? Summon fire hot enough to melt Ashite?

Are there any records of the Magi in the setting that she would be familiar with? Mother said many men wielded that power, so I assume some tales of them remain.
Well, if we got 300 hundred men killed, we'd likely not have an army left, much less the 3rd Legion.

I wonder if there's an Arch-Magi trait where we'll be able to add full piety to combat rolls...

Well 300 men dead isn´t much of a legion.
Here the 3rd legion status
- 3rd Väljadi Legion: Strength 4,700/5,000 (Veteran) (Mobility: 2) (Upkeep: 350g) (ASSIGNED)

I also very very happy about the magic trait and i think we just got a longer livespan :rofl:
Crilltic said:
Finally, you feel healthier than you ever have before, it appears that as you unlocked and control more of the potential in the blood the magic is doing...something to your body. You feel stronger and more limber then you remember, you have not gotten sick in...quite a long time actually. Your skin maintains a healthy glow. You are the perfect picture of health.
Well 300 men dead isn´t much of a legion.

I also very very happy about the magic trait and i think we just got a longer livespan :rofl:

300 may not be a lot of losses but 300 Hundred (30,000) is quite a bit of losses :p.

And damn do I hope so on that Lifespan thing. (Maybe it'll even convince all the voters trying to get Illona hitched asap to calm down a bit and wait until she actually meets someone she wants to marry first. :p)
300 may not be a lot of losses but 300 Hundred (30,000) is quite a bit of losses :p.

And damn do I hope so on that Lifespan thing. (Maybe it'll even convince all the voters trying to get Illona hitched asap to calm down a bit and wait until she actually meets someone she wants to marry first. :p)
At this rate she's going to have dozens of children while still having only an academic knowledge of romance. :V
D-Did we just discover Vibranium?!

Blood of Magi: The power in your blood still burns bright, but it is no longer the wonder it once was. Your Mother's warning is close to your heart. It is a great boon, but it can come at a price, you need to learn to control it lest it end up controlling you. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Finer control of your magic, High Roll leads to increase capability.

Rolled: 95+10 = 105 + *Crit Roll* 40 = 145 Needed: 30: SuccessRewards: [Junior Magi] Trait replaced with [Practiced Magi]. Better control over and awareness of magic, decreased chance of

I was about to make a Frozen joke...but then I realized we've gone full Avatar and all I can say is energy bending when?
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Higher level magic traits do exist (of course they just become much harder to get after a certain point, much like weapons training). In fact various traits exist for every stat that can add a portion of that stat to your combat skill, (though a couple of them boost martial instead).

Hmm, how does that work? I had an idea on my own for my Quest that, say, there are traits that let you add (part of) Diplomacy to Martial for 'rally the troops' and 'convince people to use your plan' rolls, or Stewardship to Martial for 'logistics' son, and etc...but. Hrm.

Oh! Intrigue could maybe be added to combat skill?

Just trying to imagine what this all would look like.
[x] Explore the Palace
[x] Mingle with the Wedding Guests

This quest is so awesome I just had to stop lurking and sign up to participate.
Actually without magic we are competent enough with a score of 17 now, 19 with the boost from eye. And wow those rolls!!! No failures and several crits. But just one shy of an intrigue crit, though at least we gained a +5 to intrigue rolls there.