Special Event: A Scarlet Wedding
When the invitation came from Elita for her wedding there was no question in your mind whether you were going or not. You were going, above all else you were worried for your sister, her time in Ahervare had changed her. You still remembered the kind older sister who would play with you in the Imperial Palace, and was your companion in your youth. And that person was still there, at least when she was writing to you, but the sheer nonchalance with which she spoke of the darker side of politics frightened you. You were not ignorant of those realities, and you'll be the first to admit that in Väljad you have been able to keep your hands...remarkably clean, and your sister had no such luxuries...but still to see the changes is worrying. And the events of two years ago still hung with you, the thought of her dying frightened you even more than her changing. So you going to the wedding, even if you have the sneaking suspicion you're heading into the viper pit of dirty politics.
The ride to Ahervare and its capital of Tournai is long and winding, taking you across the breadth of the former Scarlet Empire. It...is much as you remember it from your travels a couple of years earlier. Though you take a different route, rumors say that the elvish feuds have spilled out further north despite the Heiress-Queen's attempts to contain them, and you have no wish to get embroiled in a fight with elves on these roads. So you mostly stick to southern Runāja, where peace reigns. While political instability still infests the capital, it has not spread to the surrounding areas, though you noticed your crest earned some dirty looks in territory controlled by some Granii-aligned houses. No one hassled you though, and you, Asya and Alina spent much of the trip talking amongst yourselves.
When you reached Ahervare, that changed. Though you still managed to proceed unmolested, a palpable air of tension hung over the entire party. You almost got lost several times, and the locals proved supremely unhelpful in navigation, if you hadn't displayed a talent for reading landmarks it is likely you would have been late to the wedding. Still, the stress of the journey only abated when you managed to reach the capital. Tournai was a the jewel of the Straydor Dynasty. It's walls had stood for thousands of years, until the Ash Maiden smashed through them herself. Even now, decades later, you can see the repair patches, where the wall was rebuilt to cover the gaping hole the Maiden burst through it. Still, you could see why the city was considered the jewel, even fallen as it has you could tell it was at least twice as large as Qūr-dalan, probably larger. The streets were wide and cobbled, teeming with life and wealth.
In the center lay the Palace of Stars, once the seat of the Straydor Dynasty, now the seat of your Sister's power. From its eight spokes radiates the entire city, though you note with some small pride that The Citadel in Qūr-dalan is in fact noticeably taller. Apart from that however, there's really no comparison. The Citadel was, from what you could tell, designed as a redoubt first and foremost by some unknown warlord millennia ago, then converted to a palace later. It still bears those touches of military necessity and exotic mystery. Meanwhile the Palace of Stars makes not pretensions of functionality, its purpose was to stamp proof of the wealth and splendor of the Straydor unto the earth, and in that it succeeded.
In amongst the manicured gardens and priceless statues you are welcome by your sister, pity she did not have more time to stay and chat, but she was evidently quite busy setting the final preparations for the ceremony. She did stay long enough to be sure that the three members of your entourage were richly housed, though she was surprised when you mentioned that Asya likely would not require a room, since she would be staying in yours. It was the only way you could get her to endorse this trip, worried as she was about darker things happening here. Elita turned an interesting shade of red when you told her, though you imagine you would be quite angry too if you went to the effort of preparing a room to the extent she did and then found it was not needed. It did seem like something of an over-reaction though.
But now you have arrived in Tournai, you still have another week and a half until the wedding proper, getting her slightly ahead of schedule. Which gives you several days to do whatever you want. You are not exactly strapped for choices as it were. The city and palace itself are quite extraordinary, and you dearly would like to see more of them, to sate your curiosity if nothing else. Additionally, Elita has let you know that some of the other wedding guests have already arrived, so you could mingle with them. Or finally, you could spend time with Elita, it is the main reason you travelled her after all, though with preparation for the wedding going on, it may be difficult to get all that much time with her.
How do you spend your time? (Pick Two)
[ ] Explore the Palace
[ ] Explore the City
[ ] Mingle with the Wedding Guests
[ ] Spend time with Elita
Asya and Alina will be doing their own things, though they are likely to be accompanying you for much of the time.