Random Event: Mysterious Observer II
You carefully break the seal of the envelope, the golden wax glowing slightly as your fingers touch it. The envelope comes undone in your hands, to reveal a folded slip of parchment. With shaking fingers you open it, only for a small golden key to tall into your hands. The teeth on it are minuscule, almost more of a pin than a key, and it's base the gold has been formed into a small heart.
Curious, you take a look at the parchment itself. In its center it contains a few scant lines of flowing text, written in a hand you find achingly familiar, but at the same time you can't place it. It looks similar to your sister's handwriting, perhaps that is it.
And the First Flame made the vessels from His ashes, sculpted in His own image, and inside them He locked away the greatest treasure of all. For those ashes contained His fire, and with them Life, and in their heads was chained knowledge.
You recognize it as a passage from the Book of Creation, detailing about how the First Flame created man. As you ponder that, you notice a second line, this one much smaller and faded near the bottom of the parchment. You almost miss it.
The crown is a heavy burden, but it wraps you well. I am so very proud of you.
You search over the parchment for lines you missed, but the rest of it is blank, lacking any further clues as to what purpose the key should serve, or its matching lock. Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, you look up to see Asy gazing down at you worriedly.
"What does it say?" You hand her the parchment while you examine the key, but she just sighs and hands it back to you. "You know I cannot read that right?"
You giggle, "I don't know why you're still too stubborn to learn to read any of the human tongues. It would make your life so much easier." Then you get slapped on the back of the head.
"Have I not already told you? I will learn to read your chicken scratch when you can properly read Aljann"
You roll you eyes "And I keep tell you it's just squiggles and you're making up whatever it's saying" you take her proffered hand up and brush the dust off of your pants. "But fine, if you really
must know-"
"I do."
"Well not really, but this is how I know it's not so vital I should notify the guards. You haven't just blurted it out yet. By your leave my Queen." She gives you an impish smile, which you reply with a playful slap of you own.
"Stop it. Now, as I was saying, it's just a verse from the Book of Creation. 1:17, you know the one. Then they said they were proud of me for wearing the crown well." You hold up the key "And this key was in there. I think the rest may be a hint as to what the key unlocks."
Asya rubs her chin, "Do you know what it could be hinting at?"
You huff, "I have no idea. I was thinking maybe something in the Library, the passage does talk about knowledge, but this is key is so small."
She peers in at the pin-like key, "Could be something really small, maybe your crown?"
You stare at her, "My crown, the crown that is a solid block of silver, that crown?"
She shrugs, "Well, if you put it like that, probably not. But maybe it's a magic key, and it unlocks something that was inside of you all alon-*ow*" You bop her on the head with the parchment, "Alright, I deserved that one. But you
are the person who just twenty minutes ago was shooting flames out her hands. And whoever our visitor was, they disappeared in the blink of an eye"
You chew you lip. This
is difficult.
Where do you look?
[ ] Library
[ ] Crown
[ ] Yourself
A/N: Looks like it's time for Illona to discover her inner Nicholas Cage and National Treasure some shit.