Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

So, Ilona is now a wizard/queen who casually lights people on fire during diplomatic conferences, has a pet dragon, a pagan spirit advisor, a mysterious genie champion, a suit of jet black armour, and rules over a den of heresies.

Are we sure we're playing the good guy here?
I have it on good authority that Illona is personally the nicest of the four Heiress-Queens

Voting is now CLOSED.

I am currently trapped in the darkest of Hells known to Man. AKA a mall Best Buy. So update will come later.
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[X] Yourself

So, Ilona is now a wizard/queen who casually lights people on fire during diplomatic conferences, has a pet dragon, a pagan spirit advisor, a mysterious genie champion, a suit of jet black armour, and rules over a den of heresies.

Are we sure we're playing the good guy here?
We stop bandits, give money to the poor, and we have people loyal to us without any sort of coercion. If we are a bad guy, we are failing at this evil thing.
Random Event: Mysterious Observer III
Random Event: Mysterious Observer III

You rub the key in your hand, considering your options. Whichever one you pick, it's likely that you'll still be able to try again, a key is after all just a key. So that just leaves the question of what you should try first. You glance back at the piece of parchment, and the verse it contains. Now that you think about, Asya's last suggestion makes the most sense. His Fire locked away with vessels of ash.

"Got any ideas?" Speaking of Asya, you turn to her.

"Yes, actually, I want to try your suggestion."

"What, the crown or...?"

You sigh, "No, myself"

She tilts her head "Really? I'm not disputing it, but unless you happen to have a strongbox in your chest you never told me about..."

You shrug and hold up the key "I don't know, but I just have a good feeling that might be it. Any suggestions?"

She peers at it, "It is rather small, maybe your ear?" Well, nothing ventured, you cautiously raise the key to your and insert it, twisting it slightly and twitching as the cool metal touches your skin. Silence reins for several seconds as you both hold your breath. Eventually Asya breaks the silence, "How do you feel?"

You roll your eyes, "Like an idiot." with a hint of annoyance you remove the key, "Well that was a waste, any other ideas?"

"Hm, well ears are out, too small for the mouth, maybe another...ah...*ahem*...maybe-"

"what?" You ask in confusion, "just spit it out."

She sighs, "oh this is not going to go over well, but I mean it is called the lovebox for a reason." You stare at her in utter confusion before comprehension slowly begins to dawn and you blush bright crimson, "Maybe yours is loc-*eep*" She's cut off as she ducks to avoid a fireball. "Shutting up now."

"It's not going there!" You all but shout, your hand smoking from the fire.

"Got it! It was just a suggest-wait! do that agai-*eep*" Asya once again ducks to avoid a fireball, "No, not that! Move the key over your hand again." Carefully you wave the key over your hand. "There! you see that, when it moves over your brand it changes." You look closer and see it, just as the key passes over the brand the heart on the end of the key shifts and blurs in your vision, forming into a grinning skull.

"Well, that's certainly encouraging. I guess it wants me to try and put it in there."

Asya just looks at you dumbfounded, "It turns into a skull when it passes over the mark of your rule, and your first instinct is to say 'well I guess I should stab myself with the skull key'?"

"Well when you put it like that." You huff, but continue to line the edge of the key up with your brand.

"How are you still alive?"

You just shrug, "I don't think it will kill me, in fact I am certain of it" You're not certain of it. "And you know what they say, nothing ventured nothing gained. Just have faith Asya" With that you jam the key into your hand, penetrating the skin, and twist.

Both of you silently stare at the key embedded in your hand, the only sound the blood dripping from your hand as you wait for something to happen. "How do you feel Illona?"

You wince, "Like this was a horrible plan." You go to pull the key from your hand, but it suddenly cramps up. Seizing pain wracks your hand as a soft golden light begins to emerge from the wound. What's worse you can feel something in your veins burning, like you had stuck your hand in a fire. You fall to you knees clutching your hand, watching as your veins twitch and bulge with inner fire, and it starts to spread up your arm.

The pain is indescribable, and you can feel your teeth grinding in your mouth. It's all you can do to keep from screaming out, but you still wave away Asya. Behind the agony, you can feel something, something more, it feels like the tugging that signifies your magic but only stronger. Much stronger.

As the fire spreads through your body you eventually feel it end in:

[ ] Your eyes
[ ] Your skin
[ ] You chest

A/N: Illona can be just a tad reckless at times.
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[ ] You chest "And Thus, Illona's chest grew two sizes that day"

[X] Your skin
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Interesting. Doesn't the Faith of the First Flame teach there's three major points of the soul? Tenacity, Faith, and a third one right?

If that holds true for what the key 'unlocks' then presumably the chest is faith, given the connotations of 'heart', and skin would seem to be tenacity. The question is if we try and access the point of the soul we don't have or double down on say our faith.
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Interesting. Doesn't the Faith of the First Flame teach there's three major points? Tenacity, Faith, and a third one right?

If that holds true for what the key 'unlocks' then presumably the chest is faith, given the connotations of 'heart', and skin would seem to be tenacity. The question is if we try and access the point of the soul we don't have or double down on say our faith.

Third one is Passion, which I would imagine would be the heart.

By the by, just started following this quest, combination of fast update time and excellent writing has won my approval!

Not that it means much, but so it goes.

"Skin" is a bit of a weird target though, since I have a hard time grasping what kind of enchantment would fit there aside from maybe it hardening somehow.
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Actually, wait, come to think of it.

Eyes and Skin both associate with one of our "Ancestral Features" at least (Green Eyes, Pale Skin). What messes it up is the Chest I think. Which is either a terrible joke in the making or something else.

I dislike blind votes.

Come to think of it, I'm actually a bit reluctant to pick eyes or skin now that I think about it a bit more--those are the two things that mark us as a trueborn scion, and losing those because of some other bloodline being unlocked could cause Problems politically.

On the other hand, the chest is where all of our important squishy bits go, and unleashing unthinkable power into that is rarely a healthy decision.
Third one is Passion, which I would imagine would be the heart.
Hmm. Then either that theory of the three options correlating to the soul is out, or that eyes have a certain degree of significance when it comes to faith- or that I'm just flat out misinterpreting what part of the trinity each represent.

[X] Your eyes
Because the whole theme of this letter was about knowledge, and eyes are usually associated with knowledge and wisdom. Plus the visual of having flames dancing in/behind Illona's eyes is all kinds of awesome.
Also, Illona is awesome! When she's got a hunch she'll follow it till the end! Even if it means stabbing herself in the hand!
Hmm. Then either that theory of the three options correlating to the soul is out, or that eyes have a certain degree of significance when it comes to faith- or that I'm just flat out misinterpreting what part of the trinity each represent.

[X] Your eyes
Because the whole theme of this letter was about knowledge, and eyes are usually associated with knowledge and wisdom. Plus the visual of having flames dancing in/behind Illona's eyes is all kinds of awesome.

As I said, a problem emerges if our eye color stops being that of our "Mother's", especially since this seems to have released a seal on us (Possibly whatever came from dad's bloodline?).
Also Flaming laser eyes.

As I said, a problem emerges if our eye color stops being that of our "Mother's", especially since this seems to have released a seal on us (Possibly whatever came from dad's bloodline?).
Considering how beloved and prominent a religious figure we are? And the fact our sudden manifestation of pyromancy and magic was accepted as proof of our claim to divine heritage? Unless we heavily mutate as a result of this action I'm pretty sure the conclusion is going to be we simply took another step on the path to divinity like our mother. And while that is some heretical nonsense, it's heretical nonsense we can readily suppress.

We're already somewhat heretical given the manifestation of magic we got going on, and the fact we're the only sister who's publiclay revealed that power. Rumours and claims of the Heiress Queen of Valjda producing miraculous powers and changing have been going on for over a year now. And our sisters, the only people with the religious authority to potentially gainsay us, are either too busy or close with us.
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I'll just say you might want to read through the passage in the last update again. It may or may not help. Also, remember who your grandfather is according to scripture :whistle: