Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

Rewards: Köngurmöte ends inconclusively, improved relationship with the Horse Lords. Information gained on Brandt, Son of Bronn. The Boy Who Could Be Köngur.

Poor lad we've ruined him when it come's to women.

New Hero Unit Gained:
Māka; Spirit of Knowledge

Diplomacy: 9+4+3 = 16
Martial: 1-8 = 0
Stewardship: 22 = 22
Intrigue: 25-2 = 23
Piety: 17+4 = 21
Learning: 30 = 30
Spirit: These beings appear in some of the oldest known legends, beings of pure magic that life among the lands. Wild ones are helpful but often mercurial in their interests, while some become tied to specific places or concepts. Stats rolled at 1d30.

Pacifist: You shall never raise your hand in anger. -8 Martial, +4 Diplomacy, +4 Piety

Honest: You just can't keep your mouth shut. +3 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue.

Blank Slate: You take ques from those around that you trust, their strengths can become your strengths, their weaknesses yours. Heightened chance to receive traits from people who spend time with.
Rewards: Māka, Hall of Learning will finish next turn no matter what the subsequent roll is.

But Ilona is too young for a daughteru!

Consequences: Weakens spy rings in Ahervare. The trail has gone cold, further action to uncover details about the assassination attempt will have higher difficulty checks.

Fool's none will escape us!

Consequences: Merchants die in the East. Increased difficulty for the Faith to spread to the Eastern Realm

I find their lack of faith disturbing...

Rewards: The Faith begins to spread rapidly into the surrounding countryside, however the speed of its spread threatens to overwhelm your priesthood. Slightly increased chance of heresy spawning, Increased chance of sectarian conflicts in the countryside.

Deus Vult as they say!

Rewards: Obsidian Armor - Massively boosts survivability in combat, +5 combat rolls, enemy takes a -10 penalty to their combat rolls against you. Can be upgraded with new material later on.

For some reason I thought Ilona ended up with bikini armor due to the size of the egg....

Rewards: +2 Piety, Lose trait [The Gift], Gain trait [Novice Magi]: Adds 1/4 of Piety to Combat Skill. +10 to future magic training rolls.

Ilona shall be as beautiful and terrible as the dawn when the time comes!

Rewards: Creature proves too big and unruly to remain in the castle for long. Is now the castle stables. Rumors are beginning to spread. Takes training well, and has the demeanor of a puppy, a giant fire-breathing puppy with claws larger than some knives.

Dragon!son is already rebelling....*sniff* they grow up so fast.
I feel bad for the would-be Köngur.

Wait, what does our resident murder-maiden think about marriage, hmm? :oops:

Perhaps bringing the united tribes to heel is not impossible... though after the show we've made of ourselves it'd likely be our job. Half of their leaders express the readiness to follow us already. If we somehow make Köngur follow as well...

But Ilona is too young for a daughteru!
What are you talking about, it's the second kid in her relationship with the dice. The first one was a dragon.

Shame about the assassins, though. We need to fix that eventually, but we just don't have enough Intrigue actions to handle everything.
So aiding "Brandt, Son of Bronn. The Boy Who Could Be Köngur.'" to the list of Potential Husbands? I know we've decided not to worry about marriage for a while but keeping track of our choices couldn't hurt.

I would add Kavan but it's a little too soon for that considering... Actually how old is he?
So aiding "Brandt, Son of Bronn. The Boy Who Could Be Köngur.'" to the list of Potential Husbands? I know we've decided not to worry about marriage for a while but keeping track of our choices couldn't hurt.

I would add Kavan but it's a little too soon for that considering... Actually how old is he?
Isn't Kavan Emperor now that the old one is dead? He probably already has a wife.
Rewards: Köngurmöte ends inconclusively, improved relationship with the Horse Lords. Information gained on Brandt, Son of Bronn. The Boy Who Could Be Köngur.
Ignoring that The Boy Who Could Be Köngur is a very disparaging title to have... what kind of information do we have on him? It interests me how he managed to get the loyalty of the clans in his barely 20 years.

Actually, what do we know about the nomads in general? Their numbers, the military strength they can bring to bear, what do they have to offer us, etc. It was mentioned that some nomads did not bend their knee before Ash Maiden and fled further north. Were the clans to unite, what kind of political and military entity are we looking at?

Obsidian Armor - Massively boosts survivability in combat, +5 combat rolls, enemy takes a -10 penalty to their combat rolls against you.
This is not a part of the character sheet. Is this to reflect that we aren't wearing it 24/7?

Rewards: +2 Piety, Lose trait [The Gift], Gain trait [Novice Magi]: Adds 1/4 of Piety to Combat Skill. +10 to future magic training rolls.
Rewards seem to have updated, but the name has not.
The Gift: Something rare and special burns within you. You have been blessed with the stuff of legend and myth. Magic burns through your veins, weak and uncontrolled but it is there. But beware, the stories of magic are often fantastic, but also filled with evil and twisted pride. With power, comes temptation +4 Piety, +2 Diplomacy. 1/6 of Piety added to Combat stat.
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Eventually, the allotted time ran out as the sun sank below the horizon. The Köngurmöte was through, there would be no Köngur this decade. Already the clans began to disperse, and you with them, having accomplished what you set out to do.

Rewards: Köngurmöte ends inconclusively, improved relationship with the Horse Lords. Information gained on Brandt, Son of Bronn. The Boy Who Could Be Köngur.
Well, were this another quest I'd suggest a marriage. On the other hand, something's bound to come u.

When the spots finally fade from your vision, you find yourself staring into a pair of wide grey eyes. You jump backwards in surprise as you hear a child-like voice yell "Hiya!". Your eyes widen as you take in the figure in front of you. A young girl, she doesn't appear to more than eight, is currently floating in front of you, wearing a pure white dress that looks like it's made for someone at least twice her size. One of the sleeves is frantically whipping around back and forth as she waves to you. Seeing the shocked look on your face she slowly stops waving, a confused look on her face.


New Hero Unit Gained:
Māka; Spirit of Knowledge

Consequences: Weakens spy rings in Ahervare. The trail has gone cold, further action to uncover details about the assassination attempt will have higher difficulty checks.

Consequences: Merchants die in the East. Increased difficulty for the Faith to spread to the Eastern Realm

Rewards: Obsidian Armor - Massively boosts survivability in combat, +5 combat rolls, enemy takes a -10 penalty to their combat rolls against you. Can be upgraded with new material later on.
So basically this became a third Personal Action.

You take up the refinement of your magical talents, and to your surprise they end up coming easily to you. The sensations within you are almost as natural as breathing once you get used to them, and you can control them with equal ease. You feel like you have much to learn, and are still very much a novice, but these signs are encouraging. Throughout the year your power only grows, with no sign of stopping.

It is frightening and exhilarating at the same time, especially when you realize you can do more than just manipulate fire. It doesn't come as easily as fire, but the feelings are there, turning water into ice, sculpting the earth beneath your fingers. And you get this is just a taste of what you can accomplish with the powers that course through your veins.
I really hope magic isn't addictive in this setting.

Rewards: Creature proves too big and unruly to remain in the castle for long. Is now the castle stables. Rumors are beginning to spread. Takes training well, and has the demeanor of a puppy, a giant fire-breathing puppy with claws larger than some knives.
Okay, one thing to note. We have a lot of power right now in regards to the Horse Lords.

Like, unless something disastrous happens, in a decade we'll have a good chance of still being in a strong enough position to be the spoiler. So, sometime in that decade, one of three things would have to happen to change the result.

1) We die/lose power. He might try to aid this along, to note.
2) We manage to undermine him so much that we get it. Unlikely in the extreme, but possible.
3) He cuts us a really fucking good goddamn deal, like sells his soul to us, and so we graciously 'allow' him to have his silly horse-barbarian title. :V

Option four of course is that we like the status quo too much, and so we continue to do this every decade that we're still in power.
Firstly, I'd like to put forth a name suggestion.

[x] Simurgh
(it may require some alteration from @Crilltic to fit into the desired format of the native language of the MC here, I see a bunch of variants ranging from Saēna to Sīmir that all seem more or less valid)

The Simurgh is a benevolent winged creature (kind of like a mix of a really big dog and a bird, it lives for an astounding time and is very smart) in Iranian mythology, and it has a lot of associations with mediating between the Earth and the Heavens, fertility, and with purifying the world, good fortune, and healing. All the business we want to have, or continue having. It was one of many royal symbols of the Sassanids and other Persian dynasties, and it even kept its good name throughout the conquest of Iran... even today in the Islamic Republic, there is a proposal to have it become the medical symbol of that country. Furthermore, the name is apparently derived from some old version of Persian for 'raptor', so it would even make sense for the main character to come up with the term considering how some variant of Persian appears to be the source for most of the words and names we see that aren't translated here. Plus, it's relatively quick to pronounce at two syllables.

I'll prepare another post on the other matters in some time.
Okay, so the diplomatic front worked out better than I was expecting! I don't know what sort of boost that gave us exactly since the post that keeps track of those relationships isn't quite updated yet, but given that the southern tribes went and actually lined up behind us rather than one of their own I think that our policy of strategically setting people on fire ended up paying off. I'd still like to spend a diplomatic option on solidifying our relations with the northern nomads yet more, though... we should try to minimize as much as possible the potentially dangerous fronts that face us. The west is fine for now, assuming no rebellions take off and get too popular... the southland is in turmoil, but they've projected north before and they'll do it again when the son consolidates his reign. We can only assume that the east is hostile due to banning their religion, not to mention that we officially claim territory way beyond the Kurlaks that they likely actually occupy. And on the north, we have restive nomads hoping to unite the steppes. Out of all these, the north has the most hope because we've already claimed the allegiance of about half the tribes and intimidate the rest... if we can make that a solid working relationship and convince Brandt to unite with us, we not only secure the entire northern front (and likely extend it to the oceans, too) but also gain powerful, experienced warriors well-suited to our native terrain to be used against the others. So I think it's in our best interests to charm the nomads a bit more, and maybe figure out a bit more of his traits? A marriage would be a fantastic way to unite the steppes with our realm, and the guy does seem a bit brave to stand his ground when we so intimidated him what with the setting his people on fire and all.

In the martial sense, I'd just keep raising some Horse Archer goodness for now and probably jump on any other enticing offer that pops up if there's something special. I'd like to have at least two of them to each man on the Flame Guard.

For stewardship I want to fortify our land a bit more to give our relatively squishy legions some proper defenses to work with, and also populate the frontier regions so that we have more advance warning of when people are moving against us as well as better supply bases near to our borders. I think it'll be very important to take the Off the Beaten Path option... before we extend the road, we ought to do some surveying to see if there's anything nice that we want to extend it to, right? We don't want to build a superhighway in the desert and miss oases and the like with it, it'll be inefficient and expensive to connect later not to mention the added difficulty to constructing it in the first place. Fortifying the capital is also good, I just hope that we don't mess it up to the point that that's a great investment... there's more potential to expanding south and east, though less immediate military benefit. I think we can afford to bring our focus to the depopulated south and eastern regions for the moment, though... the southland is still a mess and we have some mountain fortifications in the east, so there's some time to spare still.

Our intrigue continues to be our weak link, but maybe we should send our person out east? Just to check and see what's in that realm. Or we could double-down and search for the sister's murderer, I don't particularly care. Our intrigue choices seem to just give us more trouble than they're worth, in all honesty.

Really unfortunate with the faith options, I'd hoped that we wouldn't be spreading in this sort of way. We ought to take any choice we can that provides more structure to it, especially since I imagine whatever's in that book is going to start spreading eventually and we don't want people to be swayed by it. I guess our uncertainty about the east was at least removed in part, since now they're certainly now hostile to our faith and through it, likely us.

The learning spirit is a nice benefit. It has 30 learning, so if we make that one the boss it might be able to pull off three actions per turn? Incredible stuff. We might want to have it hang around the steward to pick up the languid trait, it's the only one that seems to significantly add to learning and it'd be at most of the way to 40, which would be bananas. All the actual options in the learning section are decent, I don't really care that much about which ones we'd pick out of them but I think that the weapons one would be probably one of the better options along with the mystery metal one. Anything to give us an "edge" over the competition, haha...

For personal actions, definitely looking into marriage is one I'd like to do. Maybe it might give more info on the would-be king? At least, I'd like more info on what the fallout of that may be. Some in our kingdom may be less than enthused with us getting hitched with a viking horselord... but my word, think of the thighs he'll have! All that horsing around has gotta be good for something.
I meant to include this in the update, but getting 30 stats in a subject provides a different bonus than an extra action. Instead You reroll all rolls you get that are 1-9 in that action slot. Unfortunately for Māka, apart from the raw stats, temperamentally she's not quite...ready to be an adviser.
I meant to include this in the update, but getting 30 stats in a subject provides a different bonus than an extra action. Instead You reroll all rolls you get that are 1-9 in that action slot. Unfortunately for Māka, apart from the raw stats, temperamentally she's not quite...ready to be an adviser.
I'm guessing that would be a Personal action then. With a Learning action to perhaps learn more about these spirits?
I meant to include this in the update, but getting 30 stats in a subject provides a different bonus than an extra action. Instead You reroll all rolls you get that are 1-9 in that action slot. Unfortunately for Māka, apart from the raw stats, temperamentally she's not quite...ready to be an adviser.
Ah okay, that all makes sense. Best to have her hang out with the Vecais family for a while, I think... they're the only ones with traits that boost learning (Sharp and Languid, though I doubt that Sharp is something you can pick up from just being around someone), and she might just pick up something in their respective fields. She's already sharp in those ones naturally, spending time around those who have their talent more from experience may be for the best to add on to her skill.

Though, it may not be best to learn about intrigue from Lilita considering the generally mediocre job that she's done...
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[x] Simurgh

Anyway next round we'll want to double-down on building a network of spy-assassins. Other areas of emphasis would be getting the countryside under control and cementing relations with the southern horse nomads.
Religion in the Kingdom:
Religious Make-up of Qūr-dalan.
- 65% Sylltāji
- 16% Amalist
- 9% Northern Pantheons
- 2% The Sand Pantheons
- 6% Vasinu
- 4% Miscellaneous other faiths
I find it interesting that the Vasinu faith has remained constant at 6%. I don't think we're going to convert these guys any time soon.
[x] Simurgh

Okay, one thing to note. We have a lot of power right now in regards to the Horse Lords.

Like, unless something disastrous happens, in a decade we'll have a good chance of still being in a strong enough position to be the spoiler. So, sometime in that decade, one of three things would have to happen to change the result.

1) We die/lose power. He might try to aid this along, to note.
2) We manage to undermine him so much that we get it. Unlikely in the extreme, but possible.
3) He cuts us a really fucking good goddamn deal, like sells his soul to us, and so we graciously 'allow' him to have his silly horse-barbarian title. :V

Option four of course is that we like the status quo too much, and so we continue to do this every decade that we're still in power.
5) We marry him, he submits to us.
[x] Simurgh

Anyway next round we'll want to double-down on building a network of spy-assassins. Other areas of emphasis would be getting the countryside under control and cementing relations with the southern horse nomads.
That reminds me.

@Crilltic Next turn, do we have to use a Double-Down on the Halls of Learning again since it's a 2 year action?