Widow Null
- Location
- Hoff
More? I shudder to think what the originals must have been. Ships in The Origin have a defined 'top' and 'bottom', and the weapon turrets are almost never able to fire 'downwards'. They're absurd, and not even in the 'we slapped a tattered Jolly Rodger on a bunch of spiky metal things and called it a Space Ship' way.
I take it that G-Savior's main weakness is its plot?
To quote myself...
The movie has a surprisingly quick pace that serves it well by giving the audience no time to dwell on its faults. It lacks focus on the mobile suit aspects, which is to its detriment; they're some of the best parts of the movie. The actor's performances are not perfect but they are far better than might be expected from the movie's reputation, with only the Big Bad (played by veteran character actor Kenneth Welsh) turning in a genuinely poor performance. Everyone else is at least mediocre to okay. At least part of that is simply because he's very badly explained, switching from seemingly-reasonable to Jamitov-is-my-role-model about midway through the movie for no adequately explained reason and to little purpose. It didn't add much. We could have just had the colonel be evil on his own. ...
So is this a good movie? Not really. It's got a lot of little flaws that collectively weight it down. I've only mentioned a few, but there are others: the main character comes off as a bit of an impulsive asshole, though more likable than most. The villain is decidedly one-note and spouts cliches at odd moments; the big bad is just bland and has issues I already noted. The lighting team decided they needed to add some effects to certain scenes they never should have. The movie is arguably too fast-paced, edited down, and could have benefited greatly from another thirty minutes both to get to know the characters and to more fully integrate the mobile suits. The mobile suit concept is badly integrated into the movie and has relatively little screentime. The technology is hard to place into any timeline, much less ultra-late UC.
Is it a good Gundam movie? My answer to that, to my surprise, is yes, this is a good Gundam movie. The mecha design is good, the main characters are likable enough and manage to avoid all the usual Gundam protagonist tropes that tend to infuriate people, the details it adds to the universe are coherent to what exists and seem positive additions. Despite the paucity of mecha combat, what we do get is of a relatively high caliber. I understand why people would wish to exile it from the canon; plotwise and tonally it has only Zeta for company, and a lot of the expected Gundam tropes are either not present or played very differently. But change is not necessarily a bad thing, and in the end, I don't think this movie entirely deserves the exile from canon it's been subjected to. I'm not sure where it would fit, but it's far from the abomination in the eyes of man and Tomino it's often made out to be.
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