Unifier (Worm / Minecraft)

I hope the thread gets an update soon! I really enjoyed the book so far and can't wait for more if the author decides to write more!
Ah yes, coincidentally. Coming from a man with access to time travel judging on how... let's say efficiently, he writes his time travel fic?
Sure, coincidence.
Its a shame that Taylor did not used a lagmachine to produced a 2x1 portal with diamond block frame or the aprils fool portal
Side A: Instabilities Regarding Portals
"We have a first contact situation."

Immediately everyone in the USIRJAB conference room turned to see Timothy -- an obscure bureaucrat from the PRT -- as he entered the meeting room that both the State Department and PRT liked to pretend didn't exist.

Without missing a beat, Jeremy -- Timothy's counterpart in the State Department -- asked "Where, when, and which idiot fucked it up?"

Timothy sat down as he answered "Brockton Bay NH at roughly nine AM this morning. And it was Armsmaster who fucked it up."

Jeremy just groaned and said "Thought that overzealous gloryhound would have been drummed out of the Protectorate after the Brockton Affair. Anyway, what's the current situation?"

At this, Timothy sighed with relief, saying "That's the good news. The Luminarians kept a cool head and managed to de-escalate the standoff. They're currently waiting at the beachhead they've established around the portal for some trained diplomats to show up. The downside is that they apparently had some serious initial intel on us even before opening the portal, since they were fluent in English and used some PRT terminology. Current best guess is that they've got some serious Thinker support, but we don't know for sure."

Jeremy nodded solemnly, then asked "What are their demographics and government structure like? Any military details?"

Timothy answered "This is all preliminary, but we have reason to believe that there is at the very least a large minority of true-breeding physically divergent Parahumans within Luminaria. They average around eight and a half feet in height, are capable of teleportation, and have charcoal black skin. The remainder are either human or minimally divergent at first inspection, with the most noticeable physical differences being an enlarged nose and total baldness. As for government structure, Luminaria seems to be a monarchy ruled by its Queen, though it's still uncertain whether it's an absolute monarchy or a constitutional one of some description. What is known is that the Queen claimed to not stay dead during the standoff with Armsmaster, which would explain her presence at the event if the claim is true. As for the military, everyone was wearing full plate armor made from an unknown alloy, but were also armed with heavy caliber rifles. This indicates that their armor is at the very least effective against modern weaponry, or it wouldn't still be in use."

Jeremy just groaned in frustration as he said "Well, that's certainly a complicated mess to unpack. After a few moments, he noted "Pretty sure we won't learn more without actually going and talking to them." with that he picked up his briefcase and headed towards the door "Come on, we've got a job to do."

I found Lisa and my father in the cafeteria of the Gateway Initiative facility. Well, some of the security staff found them and due to a miscommunication apprehended them. So I actually found them being frogmarched past me in the hallway quite by accident. I groaned and told the misinformed pair of Villagers "These are my father and an acquaintance. They've got temporary authorization to be here, but right now we need to do a security check in Examination Room D. There were some irregularities with the Gate."

The pair of Netherite-armored soldiers nodded, and said "Sorry for assuming you two were trespassing. Still, you heard the Queen. Got to do a security check."

As we walked, dad asked "So, is there any particular reason for this?"

I simply nodded as we approached the examination room "Yes. Basically, when you two came through the Gate to Luminaria you slightly destabilized it, which is a phenomenon that only occurs when one portal is brought through another. Either that or when the frame is damaged, but that didn't happen."

As we entered the room, I grabbed a couple basic tunics from the storage locker and passed them to my guests, saying "Please change into these. I need to check if there are any items containing portals in your possession that could have caused the instability, and the easiest way to do that is to have you two change out of everything before sending the stuff through the Gate again."

Lisa spoke up as she held the tunic up in front of herself "Um, can we have some privacy please?"

I smiled and agreed "Yeah, alright." before quickly throwing together a couple changing booths, making sure to remember the glowstone powder stickers to light both of them. Wouldn't do having a Zombie or Creeper pop up in there unexpectedly. I turned around to see both Dad and Lisa gaping slightly, before I simply said "changing booths are ready."

A few minutes later all three of us were back in the Gate room. I was over at the control console with the technician on monitoring duty as the cart containing Dad and Lisa's stuff was pushed through, then brought back. The Enderman next to me spoke in English for their benefit "No instability detected. Whatever caused the portal instability it's not something in their possessions."

Before I could say anything more, Lisa nodded and said "Right. Guessing you'll be wanting us to go through the portal again?"

I simply nodded in response. As my father and Lisa walked through, the readouts pinged that same minor portal instability again. Then it clicked. Assault is a Parahuman, and he caused portal instability during a transit. My dad and Lisa were also causing portal instability, and it being an item in their possession had been ruled out. So as soon as the two of them came back, I asked "Are either of you a Parahuman by any chance?"

The room went dead silent for several moments before I noted "Not accusing you of having done anything wrong, but I need to know. You caused instability on transit, meaning you've got portals in you. Being a Parahuman and Parahumans having portals in them is just the least concerning possible explanation, though it's still cause for concern."

Slowly, my dad nodded. After a moment, he admitted "I'm a Tinker who works on unmanned drones. Have been since you disappeared."

Lisa spoke up a few seconds afterwards, rubbing her head in pain as she said "I've got a Thinker power that's supposed to help me with deduction. But apparently it's operating under some pretty heavy restrictions, because it just gave me an outright 'Access Denied' after running through a bunch of stuff. Also, Parahuman powers come from aliens."

That was a bit surprising. I asked "Aliens, really? I'd already figured they were coming from an external source based on the portals, but why aliens?"

At this, Lisa frowned as she said "The way Parahuman powers are distributed is tailored to produce large amounts of chaos, while Tinkers are hobbled to prevent them advancing their civilization as a whole. The specific setup indicates that whoever's behind things is a heavily non-human actor. That's all I got before I ran into the restricted access."

Immediately, I thought back to the whole mess with the Ender Dragon, and spoke the only word that seemed to fit the situation.

Lisa spoke up a few seconds afterwards, rubbing her head in pain as she said "I've got a Thinker power that's supposed to help me with deduction. But apparently it's operating under some pretty heavy restrictions, because it just gave me an outright 'Access Denied' after running through a bunch of stuff. Also, Parahuman powers come from aliens."

That was a bit surprising. I asked "Aliens, really? I'd already figured they were coming from an external source based on the portals, but why aliens?"

At this, Lisa frowned as she said "The way Parahuman powers are distributed is tailored to produce large amounts of chaos, while Tinkers are hobbled to prevent them advancing their civilization as a whole. The specific setup indicates that whoever's behind things is a heavily non-human actor. That's all I got before I ran into the restricted access."

Wow. Wowowow, that's some heavy fanon you're unloading there.

Still gonna read, because I like the concept, but that is nowhere near how her power works. OOOH BOI that hurts my soul, lol.
Is the threadmark ordering correct? It looks like the most recent chapter isn't the last threadmark.
I just reread this last night! It's lovely to see it continued!
good to see ya back in action
would be an interesting plot point the ender dragon and golden boy being the same race
Non-canon: If it quacks like a hell dimension
Lisa: Wait, if that portal goes to Earth Bet, then where does the other one go?

Taylor: Hell.

Danny: Wait, as in literal hell?

Taylor: Kinda? Well, you know the saying: if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck...

Lisa: So...

Taylor: It's a dimension full of fire, lava, and monsters. Used to be full of the screaming souls of the damned too, but we managed to sort that out a while back.

Lisa: Okay yeah, that's hell.

Taylor: Yup. We call it the Nether.

Danny: ...So what is that person doing poking a stick through it?

Taylor: What are you...? Dammit, Derrluc! What have I said about making s'mores using the Nether portal!? Use the lava moat like a normal person!

Lisa: ...lava moat?

Derrluc: But this way tastes so much better!

Taylor: If I have another Piglin come to me complaining about getting jabbed in the eye with a burning marshmallow, so help me...
Interesting. I actually did not expect the First Contact trained Politicians to be aware of Colins deficiencies in the social communication spectrum.
I get where the joke comes from, i'd just think that not "all of america" knows him to be inept.

other than that, yepp, portals seem to allow to scan for powers.
I wonder: Will a portal manage to detect a normal who has a pollentia but hasn't triggered yet?
Side B: Replication Studies
Now that the village had a steady supply of explosive ordnance to shoot at any uppity skeletons or flying manta rays that tried to attack during the night, I could afford to spend some time getting poked and prodded by Gossa in an attempt to replicate the enchantments that gave me my super building powers. Of course, the first step in that was identifying what those Enchantments even were.

So, I spent several hours a day getting looked over by Gossan as he repeatedly came up with more and more bizarre methods of investigating my enchantments. At one point I even let him kill and dissect me, since not much else was working and I'd just come back from it afterwards. That didn't actually help much, though it did provide an interesting anatomy lesson as I watched my corpse being taken apart while I was in ghost mode. It was after four days that Gossan finally figured out the tool he needed, doping a specially prepared lens with Lapis Lazuli so he could visually inspect my enchantments.

It was as he was busily taking notes that I asked "So is it all one enchantment on me, or is it broken into multiple parts?"

The scholarly Villager answered "It seems that you are under five different enchantments, four of which I'm probably capable of recreating. First is the extradimensional storage; that's not too different to an Expanded Chest, so it's pretty easy to achieve. Second is your incredible proficiency at excavation and breaking scenery; a bit more difficult, but it's got some similarities to Efficiency enchantments for mining tools that I can work off of. Third is your ability to instantly move matter from your storage compartment into structurally-sound positions; If I can get the digging enhancement working I can probably replicate this too. Fourth is your instinctive instant crafting capabilities; this is almost certainly going to be the hardest to replicate since it has no similarities to any other Enchantment I've even heard of. Still, it's fairly small and simple in and of itself, so it should be relatively possible to achieve."

I nodded as I thought all of that over. Looking around the Enchanting lab as I did so, I asked "Curiously, what's the fifth Enchantment on me? I know you've said you probably can't replicate it, but I'd at least like to know what it is."

Gossan sighed, before saying "Putting it simply, it's the World Curse. Somehow you're keyed into it as a unique monster with specific rules for spawn locations and memory retention. I have no idea how it happened, but your immortality is a direct result of the same effect that produces Creepers and Skeletons each night. It's far too big for me to plausibly affect, and even if I had the insane amounts of Essence required I have no idea how I'd manipulate it to bestow immortality on another person without causing disastrous side effects."

I blinked in surprise as that registered. Then I asked "So, who should we get to be the first test subject then? For the Enchantments that can actually be replicated, not the World Curse."

Gossan thought for a few moments, before he answered "Derrluc. They're constantly getting up to mischief; maybe being put to work after getting Enchanted will remove enough of his free time to render them less annoying."

Immediately, I winced as I said "Probably a bad idea. They're likely to take being the first to get superpowers from an experimental process as encouragement."

An hour or so after that conversation, I spotted Chev blinking into the village square with twelve other downtrodden-seeming Endermen in tow. As they arrived, I respectfully averted my gaze and greeted them in Ender "Hello! I'm Taylor and welcome to our village."

The group of Endermen all made noncommittal grunts and grumbles, before the most bent over and hunched one said "We have been living a nightmare for the last month. We thought we were safe after escaping the Dragon, but night after night we have been attacked without cease, and deadly liquid has fallen from the skies at times. Is this place safe?"

I answered "Yes. We have enough excess housing space and food production for all of you, with roofs to protect from the rain. We also know how to keep the monsters from appearing, as they only emerge in dark places. This does mean getting used to sleeping in brightly lit spaces, but it is far preferable to the alternative."

The old Enderman bowed over before hauling themself back upright, and said "Thank you, Taylor. How can we repay your hospitality?"

Seeing this, I quickly crafted a cane for the elderly Ender. As I gifted it, I told them "No explicit repayment is necessary. My goal is to reclaim this world from the terrors of the night in full, and for that having more people joining the cause is repayment enough."

The Enderman accepted the cane without too much fuss, the item making it easier for them to stand up. There were a few moments of silence, before I said "Come on, I'll show you to the currently empty housing units."

I'd just helped the Endermen get settled in with a hot meal and their new beds when there was a bright flash from over near the enchantment lab. Immediately I was frightened for what might have happened to Gossan, and I outright sprinted over there in a mad dash to find out what happened. The building was still intact when I arrived, but that could have meant anything. So when I opened the door I was incredibly relieved to see Gossan was fine.

Arcos on the other hand seemed rather annoyed, as they grumbled "Do you have any idea just how awful that Lapis shake tasted? People aren't supposed to drink rocks!"

Gossan fired back "Would you have rather been painted head to toe in powdered Lapis? Because that was the alternative, and it's what I'll be needing to do for any Endermen I enchant this way."

Arcos immediately answered "Yes, yes I very much would have preferred that!"

This is when I decided to step in, asking "So Arcos, how are your new Enchantments working?"

In response, Arcos just rolled his eyes as they said "That part's working fine. It's just the process of getting them that sucked, and I'm worried that the Lapis shake might have effected my child."

I blinked with surprise as Gossan and I asked simultaneously "You're pregnant?"

Arcos simply nodded in confirmation.
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got to love explosive science/magic still she might have mentioned she was expecting a child before the experiment