Unifier (Worm / Minecraft)

Side A: Reunions and Misunderstandings
As soon as I came through that portal and smelled the long-forgotten slightly-polluted salt air of Brockton Bay, I sent Sergeant Groff off to make initial official contact. The highly trained Enderman soldier saluted, then vanished in the characteristic purple flash of Enderman teleportation. Meanwhile, I and the rest of the Beach-head crew got to work constructing initial fortifications.

Seeing as undergoing the Build Enhancement process was now mandatory for citizens of Luminaria, everyone here had versions of my matter manipulation abilities and the subspace storage to go with. That said, I was still the only immortal (Totems of Undying notwithstanding); that's one of the reasons I had insisted on getting the entire Army fully enchanted Netherite armor, despite the truly ruinous expense it presented in terms of Essence and replacement Anvils. Ore duplicators ensured that the Diamond, Lapis, and Netherite itself weren't problems.

Musings aside, it only took us ten minutes to build the basic physical structure of what we'd planned to be the Embassy. We were getting the ammenities set up (including such things as the toilet and the rooftop vegetable garden) when Poson, one of the Villager guardsmen in this unit called out "Queen, a motorized vehicle is approaching the perimeter!"

I replied "Thanks for the alert. Arcos, Chev, we'll be making contact with the new arrivals."

With that, my first two friends from my time in the Cursed World followed after me as I walked out the front door of the Embassy. Flanked by a Villager on one side and an Enderman on the other, I watched as a battered old pickup truck rattled to a halt. I felt like I should be recognizing that truck, but after the twelve years I'd spent away from Brockton Bay my memories were a bit fuzzy. It only hit home whose truck that was when I saw my father get out of the driver's side door.

Pulling my helmet off, I called out "Dad!" and dashed forwards. I didn't keep my hair long any more due to problems associated with keeping three feet of hair inside my helmet, but what I did have flowed behind me anyway as I rapidly approached my remaining parent.

Mere seconds later, I pulled my father into a hug as I asked "How long was I gone? It's been twelve years on my end, but you certainly don't look all that much older."

My father answered "You've been missing for two months. I... I was so worried."

As we pulled out of the hug, I said "Well, I'm here now at least."

That's when Arcos noted "Doing the mathematics that comes out to a time gradient of seventy-two to one, meaning that we've been away from Luminaria for about a day by now."

Immediately, I panicked and told dad "See you again soon, but I have to take care of my citizens!"

With that I dashed back to the portal, leaving my flabbergasted father behind as he tried to process what I'd just said. I scooted into the shimmering curtain of shining colors and mere moments later I came out the paired Nether Quartz frame in Luminarian Portal Command. Immediately turning to the technician on portal duty while carefully averting eye contact, I asked in fluent Ender "How long have I been away? It's been ten minutes for me."

To this the Enderman in question replied "You've been away for two hours, Queen Hebert."

I thought for a moment and pointed at Rallackos, one of the guardsvillagers on duty and said "Your new assignment is to walk back and forth through the portal until the time gradient either reaches one to one, or stabilizes at a fixed value. If you're doing this for longer than two hours from your perspective you shall request to be relieved by another member of the Guard."

With that, Rallackos saluted and we both walked back through the portal to Brockton Bay. Rallackos got to pacing back and forth through the portal, while I exited the Embassy building and got to see my dad talking with Arcos and Chev, along with a blonde-haired teenager I didn't recognize.

As I caught up, I said "Good news, the time gradient has started collapsing. I've got someone measuring it so we'll know when it reaches one to one."

This is about when I turned to the teenager who looked like she was having a downright awful headache and asked "Are you alright?"

In response, the blonde snarked back "No, I've got an awful headache that just keeps getting worse."

I just shrugged and accepted the answer, before asking dad "So, mind filling me in on what happened to Brockton Bay while I was away?"

To this, my father answered "Well, several supervillains have mysteriously died of either accidents or natural causes, the Empire is a shadow of its former power, and the PRT's budget got gutted after someone aired all their dirty laundry."

I slowly nodded as I raised an eyebrow, asking "Any chance you had anything to do with that?"

My dad just grinned and answered "No comment. How'd things go on your end?"

As I took in the sights again, I answered "Well, I've discovered I'm immortal by dying repeatedly, founded a prosperous nation in a post-apocalyptic nightmare world, liberated an entire sapient species from their oppressor, headed a research project into interdimensional travel, and freed what's probably billions of deceased souls from eternal torment."

Blinking, my father said "Well, that's quite the impressive resume. That said, I hadn't been aware souls existed."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned, before I said "Right. You've never been to the Nether. You haven't seen Soul Sand, or heard it screaming in pain. I can't really fault you for that. Anyway, I guess now we just wait for someone from the US government to show up so I can start opening diplomatic relations."

Speaking of that, I hoped Sergeant Groff was having a good time making initial contact.

Groff was most emphatically not having a good time. All the people looking him in the eyes seriously ticked him off for one, though he at least could take solace in the fact that the people here didn't know any better. Finding a government building was meanwhile a bit easier said than done; even teleporting multiple times per second it was taking a significant amount of time to get anywhere with how big this city was.

After finding City Hall was the problem of finding the appropriate office to talk to. Groff looked around reading the signs for various departments, unsurprisingly finding no-one whose job was remotely related to foreign relations. After several minutes of wandering around and unintentionally intimidating several of the other people here, he gave up and got in line for a random desk.

After a little while, the Enderman in question reached the rather nervous bureaucrat and stated "I am Sergeant Groff of the Luminarian Expeditionary Corps, here to initiate diplomatic relations between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Luminaria."

The man at the desk blinked once, before stating "Sir, this is the zoning office. I don't have anything to do with international relations." reaching under his desk as he did so.

To this, Groff grunted an affirmative, before stating "I am aware of this fact. There was no desk for international relations, so I picked one at random hoping I'd eventually be directed to someone whose job it actually was. Congratulations, you're it."

The bureaucrat thought for a moment, and said "Certainly, if you'll just let me go talk to my superiors?"

Groff teleported into an open corner and out of the clerk's way. Said bureaucrat then proceeded to walk right out the door of the office. Less than a minute later several armored troopers burst into the room and shouted "Unknown Parahuman, stand down immediately!"

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I kind of want someone from the state department to be a viewpoint character reading the report of how they responded to what was essentially an ambassador.
I kinda hope she either has a lot of stored nether wart, some way to duplicate it like she can with the ores, or a way to grow it that's not on soul sand, because it's the base for literally every potion that exists in minecraft.

I kind of want someone from the state department to be a viewpoint character reading the report of how they responded to what was essentially an ambassador.

I imagine that it's a lot of face palming and muttering about how stupid the PRT is. I mean seriously, the guy is wandering around a government building not doing anything illegal and their response is to bust in and go for an arrest?
I mean, a tall guy teleports in an office and claims to be an ambassador of a place that sounds like a fantasy novel sounds more like a distraction to some big attack or something.
Sooo? How did they figure they need to antagonize him? This is honestly very strange, he has not done anything offensive or something that gould be interpreted as a dangerous action. Endermen should look like case 53's to normal ppl.
Why i there needs for security?
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Sooo? How did they figure they need to antagonize him? This is honestly very strange, he has not done anything offensive or something that gould be interpreted as a dangerous action. Endermen should look like case 53's to normal ppl.
Why i there nees for security?
Basically, they think he's delusional. Would you want a delusional heavily armed teleporter so close to your municipal government?
Look Me In The Eye (verycoolname)
Sergeant Groff: So let me get this straight: not only do your people look each other in the eye, it is even considered polite!?

Taylor: Yes, that's right.

Sergeant Groff: I think I'm gonna be sick... What is wrong with you people?

Armsmaster: That is why you're having everyone wear sunglasses? To avoid staring contests?

Sergeant Groff: ...What's a staring contest?

One hour later:

Director Piggot: Before we begin, why is your armor covered in vomit?

Armsmaster: I don't want to talk about it.
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Basically, they think he's delusional. Would you want a delusional heavily armed teleporter so close to your municipal government?

If you had a delusional heavily armed teleporter in your government building, would you safely defuse the situation by talking to them or by showing up with guns out making threats? One of those situations is a lot more likely to have the delusional teleporter start acting aggressive immediately than the other.
Groff teleported into an open corner and out of the clerk's way. He then proceeded to walk right out the door of the office. Less than a minute later several armored troopers burst into the room and shouted "Unknown Parahuman, stand down immediately!"

I imagine that it's a lot of face palming and muttering about how stupid the PRT is. I mean seriously, the guy is wandering around a government building not doing anything illegal and their response is to bust in and go for an arrest?
Sooo? How did they figure they need to antagonize him? This is honestly very strange, he has not done anything offensive or something that gould be interpreted as a dangerous action. Endermen should look like case 53's to normal ppl.
Why i there nees for security?
Basically, they think he's delusional. Would you want a delusional heavily armed teleporter so close to your municipal government?

More accurately, because this is fanon PRT, and worm in general. I love it for what it is, but that's not how the canon PRT would react to a delusional Parahuman that has shown 0 signs of serious aggression.
Mate, this is great stuff.
The Enderman is just plane hilarious in a realistic way.
And Taylor is just so done with this shit, imortal and because of that so honestly blunt its superb.
If you had a delusional heavily armed teleporter in your government building, would you safely defuse the situation by talking to them or by showing up with guns out making threats? One of those situations is a lot more likely to have the delusional teleporter start acting aggressive immediately than the other.
Expecting the PRT to act reasonably is a bit delusional too.
On a more serious note, I seriously doubt that the Sergeant's body language was calm. After all, everyone was staring at the newest monster cape and looking him in the eyes. A delusional teleporter is one thing, a delusional teleporter that looks seconds away from snapping and beating the nearest person to death is another.
You know, in all the fics I've seen, I don't remember any using Sophia to imply that the PRT was using people like her to force more triggers to press gang into the PRT. Any fic like that?
Expecting the PRT to act reasonably is a bit delusional too.

I repeat, this is very heavily fanon. If this was canon, a PRT agent/one of the Protectorate would come in and, kind of condescendingly and pushily, try to get the obviously delusional Case 53 to come with them to their headquarters so that they could, again condescendingly and pushily, try to recruit them, with some lesser strong-arming (basically withholding help unless they join) and mild prodding all the while to figure out how ingrained the delusions are.
I repeat, this is very heavily fanon. If this was canon, a PRT agent/one of the Protectorate would come in and, kind of condescendingly and pushily, try to get the obviously delusional Case 53 to come with them to their headquarters so that they could, again condescendingly and pushily, try to recruit them, with some lesser strong-arming (basically withholding help unless they join) and mild prodding all the while to figure out how ingrained the delusions are.
The PRT has also had its budget and roster gutted thanks to Danny dumping all their dirty laundry out in the open where it was no longer possible to ignore.
I repeat, this is very heavily fanon. If this was canon, a PRT agent/one of the Protectorate would come in and, kind of condescendingly and pushily, try to get the obviously delusional Case 53 to come with them to their headquarters so that they could, again condescendingly and pushily, try to recruit them, with some lesser strong-arming (basically withholding help unless they join) and mild prodding all the while to figure out how ingrained the delusions are.
I'm not disagreeing with that. Although I will note that we weren't told that the PRT did anything other than burst in and yell at Groff. They didn't necessarily point weapons at him, despite whatever the panicky employees in the building had said over the phone.
For him to stand down, doesn't he have to be up in arms, taking hostages, or something along those lines? This is like those stories of cops going up to people arresting them and then charging them with resisting arrest when they ask why they're being arrested. All he's done is show up in some odd clothes and ask for direction.
For him to stand down, doesn't he have to be up in arms, taking hostages, or something along those lines? This is like those stories of cops going up to people arresting them and then charging them with resisting arrest when they ask why they're being arrested. All he's done is show up in some odd clothes and ask for direction.
It's entirely possible that they might be doing just that. 'We stopped the dangerous case 53 who was attacking City Hall' and later, after some coercion, 'We have redeemed a villain' are great announcements to get some much needed positive PR. It's incredibly underhanded, but I'm guessing that the current PRT is a bit desperate.
More accurately, because this is fanon PRT, and worm in general. I love it for what it is, but that's not how the canon PRT would react to a delusional Parahuman that has shown 0 signs of serious aggression.

Right he would have been foamed. The PRT isn't competent. Their boss said get over it when confronted with SS's crimes in canon. Your comment is the same thing I keep hearing about how Colin wouldn't do this or that.

And guess what he did this and that, as well as set up several someone's to die all to make himself look good.
The PRT is full of idiots, the man asked for someone in authority he didn't start shooting.
If he wanted to hurt someone he could have dropped one really big bomb on city hall.