Unifier (Worm / Minecraft)

I wonder if the wards stayed loyal or if some of them broke off...
I'm fairly certain I saw that the some parents yanked their kids out of the program after Danny launched the PR Bomba. (Tsar Bomba, just PR instead of nuclear.)

Edit: Yup, I remembered right.
as parents of Wards started pulling their children out of the program, the public became a lot less inclined to report information to the PRT unless absolutely necessary, and Piggot's funding was pared down even further.
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I'm fairly certain I saw that the some parents yanked their kids out of the program after Danny launched the PR Bomba. (Tsar Bomba, just PR instead of nuclear.)

Edit: Yup, I remembered right.

Thank you, but I was referring to wards ENE I probably should have specified, i thought that part you quoted was for the wards at large... but yeah, the PRT lost a fuck ton of PR because of piggot (if I remember correctly Danny gave her a choice of doing the right thing or getting the PRT fucked)
Okay! I just wasn't sure if the part I quoted was for all the wards or just the ENE ones.

Since it just says wards and doesn't specify I would say it's the wards at large but I wouldn't be surprised if some local wards left them... I hope they didn't join the gangs, but I think that Danny would have tried to recruit them if they left the PRT so I'm not sure that any have left... I guess we'll discover this at some point later on in the story.
Side A: In Which Armsmaster is Intimidated
Dad and I had been catching up on events for around twenty minutes when I heard sirens and Ender profanities in the distance. Soon enough Sergeant Groff arrived and saluted as he said "I have made contact with the local authorities and convinced them to come here. Unfortunately, they think I am delusional and seem intent on arresting me. I have not returned hostilities."

I nodded and said "Alright, I'll handle front-line negotiations. Arcos, you help Dad and Lisa hide the truck and get out of sight. Everyone else, go to the Embassy's battlements; weapons hot, don't shoot first."

The group I'd brought with me called out in unison "Yes Queen Hebert!" and immediately got to work on their respective tasks. Arcos quickly made a concealed garage space in the Embassy's ground floor that Danny drove the truck into, then the opening was walled up with polished Andesite. Subsequently, Danny and Lisa were quickly shuffled through the portal to Luminaria. Meanwhile, I switched to my fancy helmet, the one with an added gold circlet mounting rubies and sapphires. It was still enchanted Netherite underneath that mind you, just prettied up for when I needed to make an impression.

Either way, a few moments later three motor vehicles pulled up. Namely, an armored van full of PRT agents, along with Armsmaster and Assault on motorcycles. Idly, I performed the pre-arranged hand signals telling the soldiers on the roof to load the incendiary ammo; if this came to violence I didn't want my troops to simply be feeding Assault additional kinetic energy.

As the law-enforcement officers approached, I introduced myself "Hello. I am Queen Hebert of Luminaria. I suggest you go fetch someone from the State Department unless you want to cause a diplomatic incident, as my country is quite firmly outside your jurisdiction."

This is about when Armsmaster tried to strong-arm me like I figured he'd do, saying "You can't just throw up a building, call it a country, and expect to be taken seriously. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't arrest you and end this farce."

I grinned evilly and stared the Tinker right in the eyes as I said "How about three? First off, that building has our end of a portal leading back to Lux Primaris; it's intended to be a diplomatic office, not a micronation. Second, all the soldiers on the roof are armed with anti-Brute rifles that would make short work of even your armor, especially if they aim for the obvious weak point known as your chin. Third, I don't stay dead so a mutual kill is perfectly acceptable to me."

My already downright malicious grin widened as what I could see of Armsmaster's face went pale, and I continued "So, unless you want to get yourself killed single-handedly kicking off an outright interdimensional war, I heavily recommend that you kick this to someone whose actual job is international diplomacy."

After a few moments of awkward silence, Assault asked the first intelligent question I'd heard any of the local authorities ask, namely "Can we please see the portal, so we don't have to just take your word for it?"

I thought for a moment; this was a perfectly reasonable request. On the other hand, I could easily see how other 'reasonable requests' could be used to walk all over me if I let it happen. That's why I answered "Certainly, however I insist that all weaponry has to be left outside. Armsmaster, that would include your suit, since I really have no way of knowing what kinds of ridiculous functions you might have included in there."

Tipping my hand a bit too much? Maybe. On the other hand, I was immortal and Luminaria held basically all the cards here, so I wasn't too worried. Either way, there was some general grumbling from the group of PRT troopers and the two capes before eventually Assault and two agents came forwards, all three of them being currently unarmed.

Shortly afterwards I brought the impromptu tour group through the lobby of the Embassy, then past the security chokepoint into the portal room. There, leaning against the portal frame was Rallackos. The Villager snapped to attention as I approached, saying "Queen Hebert, the time gradient stabilized at one to one after six transits. Mind if I ask why you have three people with you?"

Gesturing to the pair of PRT agents and Assault, I said "These three skeptics thought that we were lying about being from another dimension, so I'm showing them the portal before they go get the actual diplomats. On that note-" I spun to face Assault and the PRT agents before I continued "Do you actually want to see the other side of the portal, or is this enough?"

One of the PRT agents indicated that they'd rather stay on Earth Bet, thank you very much. Meanwhile Assault said "Well, I for one would be interested in seeing this Lunimaria place after hearing so much about it."

I immediately corrected him "It's Luminaria. And sure, you can go through for a few moments, but you can't leave the immediate area on the other side of the portal since we don't have customs set up yet."

With that, we both walked through the shimmering curtain of rainbows. A mere moment later (though distinctly longer than normal for a portal transit) we both emerged in Luminarian Portal Command. Admittedly it didn't look like all that much, just being a subterranean bunker done up in hazard paint and glowstone lighting with a few Ender technicians. Either way, after a few moments Assault said "Well, this is a lot more boring than I thought it would be, though it's certainly big enough to dispel all remaining doubt about that being a real portal."

Just after Assault went on his way with the rest of the PRT (and a much-grumpier-than-before Armsmaster), I skipped back through the portal to Luminarian Portal Command and asked the technician on call "Alright, what happened when I came through with Assault? The portal transition took longer than normal, and that is a major cause for concern."

Scrolling through the logs, the Enderman in question answered "Looks like we got some Portal Instability; nothing hazardous since the Gate Controller caught it almost instantly, but it's still quite bizarre. Same thing for your dad and that other person who came through earlier."

I nodded, saying "Yes, that is rather bizarre. So far the only things capable of causing Portal Instability that we've found are breaking the portal frame or shoving one portal through another. Since the Gate's frame is clearly still intact, that means Assault brought a portal with him, along with Dad and Lisa. I need to go talk to them, now."
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Better, and more immediately important question is does the portal passing through the other portal continue to function? I imagine they do since we haven't seen Lisa freaking about losing her powers yet.
Do powers stop working when going through Doormaker portals?

I don't see why Minecraft portals would be different.
I nodded, saying "Yes, that is rather bizarre. So far the only things capable of causing Portal Instability that we've found are breaking the portal frame or shoving one portal through another. Since the Gate's frame is clearly still intact, that means Assault brought a portal with him, along with Dad and Lisa. I need to go talk to them, now."
The portal in every parahuman's head.
Do powers stop working when going through Doormaker portals?

I don't see why Minecraft portals would be different.
Well, Doormaker's portals presumably only work on worlds which are included in Eden/Scion's cycle - which are all alternate Earths - in the first place. It's not been stated, but I think most people reading have been assuming the Minecraft world is not included in that.
Given that Luminaria/Minecraftia was reached through a Leet-tech created portal, it seems very likely that it's within the range of Shard connections.

Found a typo:

Just after Assault went on his way with the rest of the PRT (and a much-grumpier-than-before Armsmaster), I skipped back through the portal to Luminarian Portal Command and asked the technician on call "Alright, what happened when I cane through with Assault? The portal transition took longer than normal, and that is a major cause for concern."
Well, Doormaker's portals presumably only work on worlds which are included in Eden/Scion's cycle - which are all alternate Earths - in the first place. It's not been stated, but I think most people reading have been assuming the Minecraft world is not included in that.
Except Leet's shard was able to access Minecraft. Not a jumped-up Portal Shard, just some tinker tech.
Earth Bet is the last place I'd put a portal to, grab my family and few friends but you end up with people wanting your stuff, capes thinking that they can invade and crazier capes/authorities demanding shit they have no reason to.🤔🤔🤔🤔

That said lets see MOAR!🤗🤗🤗
Let them see it then kick their asses out of there and wait for someone from the State Department to show up.
Too many times the mundane government is moon walked over and the PRT/Protectorate just takes the authority away from them.

It would be nice that Assault loses his power in the Minecraft dimension, since powers only work on earth (?).
Sensing shard shenanigans with the portal, insightful how Tay instantly knew what happened.
Don't let the capes make any demands, give em a inch they'll try to take a light year.
Moar please!
Side B: Initial Setup
The week after I fortified Arcos' village was, in a single word, busy. That said, what exactly I was doing varied drastically based on what the most pressing matter was. Similarly, what counted as the most pressing matter varied drastically based on the current state of the village, which itself varied drastically based on what I'd spent the previous day doing to help the village get to a state where I could afford to go looking for other people.

Day one was primarily concerned with resource acquisition, as I spent about five hours digging around underground, rapidly finding large quantities of Iron, Coal, Redstone and Lapis Lazuli. I also managed to find significant quantities of a mineral that I was assured was Diamond despite having completely different properties, along with some gold. Meanwhile, the Villagers and Chev made actual use of the minerals I was mining to start re-stocking the Village's armory. That turned out to take a lot longer than when I crafted things; I just put stuff together in roughly the right configuration and I could make stuff nearly instantly. Meanwhile the people I was with had to make stuff themselves the slow way, taking hours at minimum to forge a proper sword or piece of armor.

After I was done in the mine for today, the next important question was guard schedules for tonight. Even with the defensive wall I'd built and the lights everywhere, no-one wanted to take any chances with tonight's monster raid. Ultimately, the decision was made to divide the watch into two shifts, with each watch having ten people on guard duty. That meant everyone would get at least some sleep tonight, with forty of the sixty people here not having their sleep disrupted at all unless there was some sort of emergency. I wasn't on watch tonight, as it was generally agreed that I'd already filled my guard obligations for a while what with building the defensive wall and lava moat in the first place.

Day two, I woke up to find out that during the night two of the Villagers on guard duty had been injured. When I asked what happened, I got told that a couple of skeletal archers had gotten lucky shots in; meanwhile since skeletons were mostly empty volume, the arrows that the guards were shooting back tended to go through the gaps without actually hitting anything, which meant that it took the guards far longer to score meaningful hits than the reverse. This immediately prompted me to start making a type of weapon that was fairly common back home, but this world had never seen. A few minutes later I'd managed to put together a flintlock gun that was somewhere between a blunderbuss and a man-portable cannon.

Explaining how it worked to a group of Villagers including Arcos, the injured guards, and a few children I explained "So, this is a gun. The exploding powder goes in this tube, followed by this bunch of metal pellets wrapped in cotton or wool fibers. After ramming the load to the back, another pinch of the powder goes to this pan on the side, then you pull back this striker until it clicks. Then it's basically just used like a crossbow with a whole lot more kick; the multiple pellets should do a lot to make taking down skeletons easier."

To this, one of the injured guards noted "Well, that would certainly have been great to have last night. Shame that our supplies of the blasting powder to make those guns work is so limited, though."

Smiling sadly, I said "Yeah, needing to hunt those exploding plant monsters to get more gunpowder is a major risk. That said, I'm really not sure what to do about it."

This is when one of the Villager children spoke up and asked "If the creepers have something we want and appear in dark places, why don't we make someplace dark on purpose that shoves them into a thingy that kills them and gets back the parts we actually want?"

And that's what we did for the rest of the day, figuring out the precise details of how we'd make a spawning volume for monsters. Other important details included how we'd go about shoving the monsters into the actual grinder, and the precise design of the actual grinder itself.

Ultimately, we decided that we'd use a water pumping system to literally wash the monsters in the machine into the grinder. As for the grinder itself, that turned out to be literal, as we used a large number of counter-rotating metal bars covered in hooks to rip apart monsters that landed on the grinder. A system of Hoppers and Droppers then sorted out the various monster products along with the water. Of course, simply having come up with a design didn't mean we'd actually built it.

So, that's what I spent the next two days doing, painstakingly digging out a massive subterranean volume where monsters would come into being courtesy of the world curse. Day five meanwhile was when I finally got around to installing the pumping system and the actual grinder. Mere moments later, I was in the control room with Arcos and Chev.

Operating the console, I noted "Alright, activating Monster Machine 1 now." and flicked the switch that would activate the pumping system. We all subconsciously looked up towards where the noises were, and got a view of the shattered wood and coal pieces that used to be the torches in the spawn volume coming through the grinder along with a whole lot of water.

A few moments later the flow of water cut out, and I took a look inside the chest I'd set up to collect monster products. Next to me, Arcos noted "Well, that's really weird."

Looking at the flawlessly intact lit torches inside the chest's expanded interior, I couldn't help but agree, saying "Well, at least it means we'll save on lighting for the mines."

We stayed down there until the first gunpowder produced by the machine arrived in the chest, then Chev noted "Taylor, you've been underground for three days now. There is something you need to see above ground."

In response, I said "Certainly, I'll see you topside in a few moments." before I started climbing the staircase we'd installed to get between the surface and the control room for Monster Machine 1. Well, strictly speaking I'd dug the shaft in a form that was traversable, then the Villagers had added actual steps. Arcos followed me up the stairs, while Chev simply teleported.

A few moments later, I arrived on the surface and was greeted by Gossa; the village's combination doctor, priest, and resident expert on weird topics. The purple-robed Villager said "Hello Taylor. While you were digging around, we managed to get an enchanting lab set up, meaning that now we can augment our equipment beyond what it was previously capable of."

Following the Villager in question, I asked "That sounds neat, mind giving me some examples of Enchantments?"

In response, Gossa answered as we walked "Generally speaking, an Enchantment takes something an item is already capable of and amplifies it in some way. Armor that protects from harm better than normal, a pickaxe that multiplies the resources gained by mining each piece of ore, or even just making an item wear out much more slowly than normal would all be examples of Enchantments. Of course, Enchanting requires Essence to actually impart the effect, and also a coating of powdered Lapis Lazuli to actually make the Enchantment stick."

This is about when we arrived at the newly constructed add-on to the village Library, and I got my first good look at what an enchanting lab looked like. In the center of the room was a low table of Obsidian rimmed with Diamonds. One end was clearly intended as a work surface, while the other had an open book floating a few inches over the table. Other equipment included a rack of tools I'd never seen before, along with several bookshelves covered in books. Said bookshelf was explicitly labeled "BLANK BOOKS FOR ENCHANTMENT PUSH FACTOR, DO NOT REMOVE (THAT MEANS YOU DERRLUC)"

After a few moments of looking around, I asked Gossa "So, what are those tools over there anyway?"

In response, Gossa answered "Well, it'll take a bit to explain, but I'll gladly go over all of them." The first thing he grabbed was a handle attached to a blue orb, presenting it as he said "So, this is an Enchantment Detector. It's the simplest tool here, and as the name implies will detect Enchantments by lighting up when any part of it contacts an Enchanted item."

Looking at the item, I asked "Can I please use it? I'm curious if the ever-burning torches I've been churning out count as Enchanted."

Gossa shrugged and said "I already checked and the answer's yes, but you can certainly take a look for yourself."

With that, they handed the Detector to me. The instant it touched my hand, the orb immediately lit up blue. Both Gossa and myself looked at the orb and I noted "So, I guess I'm Enchanted then?"

Hesitantly, Gossa noted "Yes, that would indeed seem to be the case, which makes sense given that you've already said your species can't normally build and dig so rapidly, among other things."

This sparked an idea, and I asked Gossa "So, if my matter manipulation powers are due to me being Enchanted, do you think it would be possible to duplicate the Enchantments on someone else? Things could go a lot faster if I weren't the only one able to manipulate matter so effectively."

Gossa rubbed their chin for a few moments, saying "I'll need to analyze the Enchantments you're under in a lot more detail before I'll be remotely willing to even try, but I see no reason why it would be outright impossible."
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a the good old mob grinders always fun building those for getting those pesky resources
interesting idea for sharing powers with the sane people of mc world
wonder what her first interaction with a witch will be
I don't know if anyone asked is herobion here if so is he a enemy if not a boyfriend/ king or just a protective older brother would be good
Well TayTay is industrious is seems. Every other player would still be stuck in exploring and fortifying their first livable cave but Taylor is already grinding Black Powder for a Musket she invented.
Well TayTay is industrious is seems. Every other player would still be stuck in exploring and fortifying their first livable cave but Taylor is already grinding Black Powder for a Musket she invented.
Well, the only technical challenges in gunsmithing is a gun that can bear the loads put on it and the gunpowder itself with gunpowder being difficult to re-invent without any prior chemistry knowledge. Creepers solve that by having their own internal production of gunpowder. And the other challenge? A musket is literally a tube with a single opening at one end with a small hole for the igniter perpendicular to the length of the tube.
Oh frankly i didn't even see this as a challange for her.
This is her escalation working on half mast right now she is barely engaged by the "problems" she has...
It is supposed to be a vacation for her if I remember right.. So these" challanges" are just to have her adrenaline junky self not bored and engaged just enough to not go stir-crazy.

Edit: I am derp, ignore this.
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It is supposed to be a vacation for her if I remember right.. So these" challanges" are just to have her adrenaline junky self not bored and engaged just enough to not go stir-crazy.
Point of order: Taylor isn't even supposed to be there technically. She's only in Minecraft due to Leet's power generating some collateral damage during the latest attempt to kill their host.