Unifier (Worm / Minecraft)

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In which Queen Hebert The First of Luminaria opens diplomatic relations with Earth Bet.
Oof Oof Oof Oof

We Just Write

Blatantly Plural
New England
Preface: In this story, Taylor Hebert gets dropkicked into the world of Minecraft prior to the locker, gaining all the capabilities of a Survival player. That said, this is Minecraft when it's taken seriously as an actual universe, rather than Minecraft adhering totally to video game logic. As such, the world will not be cubical and boxy all over, nor will it be heavily pixelated. Villagers meanwhile are actual people who actually arm themselves to try and get through the constant nightly monster raids, rather than cowering in their homes and hoping the local Golem takes care of everything; sadly they don't have the Crafting superpowers that they'd need to fortify their villages to the point of impregnability by the next night.

That said, anything doable in vanilla Minecraft can also be done in this version, though the methods may differ somewhat to account for this being a universe that's actually being taken seriously. As an example, pistons can still be used to construct a flying machine, however they will be a source of thrust rather than just shoving the machine around in one meter steps. Similarly, Enchanting is a fair bit less random, Redstone machines can be miniaturized much more effectively, and there's nothing stopping someone with a sizable supply of Gunpowder, Iron, and Flint from making themselves a Blunderbuss.

On a story beats note, this story will be partially told in anachronic order, alternating between chapters in Brockton Bay taking place after Taylor's triumphant return, and chapters in Minecraft, showing how Taylor got that way.

It was my first school day after winter break, and against my better judgement I'd actually got some hope that Emma would stop making my life miserable, since she'd been letting up a bit before the break.

This hope was immediately dashed before I even made it to Winslow, and the reason had nothing whatsoever to do with the trio of bullies after me. No, that blame laid squarely on Uber and Leet having obstructed traffic with a rectangular frame of some black material, while also dressed up in medieval-looking armor. I stood gobsmacked as one of them pulled out a microphone and said "Residents of Brockton Bay, welcome to Uber and Leet's pig zombie defense minigame! Waves of putrid porkers will come out of that portal as soon as we light it up, and whoever takes down the most will get a prize! Ready, set, go!"

Immediately, I turned around to leave, only to be confronted with a transparent, shimmering force field keeping me and a few dozen other pedestrians contained. I heard that infuriating voice again shouting "Of course, leaving before the fun even starts is strictly prohibited."

Turning to look again, the rectangular frame was now filled with something glowy and purple, which immediately spurred a reaction best described as "ALL the NOPE!". This only intensified when shambling, rotting creatures started walking out of the portal, each wielding a golden sword in one hand.

There were screams of panic and fear for a few moments before it quickly became apparent that despite their horrific appearances, the pig-faced zombies were pretty much just wandering around aimlessly and not really bothering anyone. I figured that since the undead pigs weren't really bothering anyone and no-one wanted to take the first shot, Uber and Leet would get bored soon and shut off the force field. So I went back to walking down the street towards Winslow, figuring I might as well go back to what I was doing. Big mistake.

Turns out that Leet (or was it Uber? Hard to keep track through their armor) was none too happy about how the pig zombies weren't bothering anyone, and decided to take out his frustration on the nearest one by smacking it in the face while shouting something I didn't hear over all the guttural grunting. Immediately, every single pig zombie whirled around to face the villain, and the entire mob started charging at them, swords at the ready. Though the undead pigmen were careful not to poke me with their swords as they charged, I still got shoved to the side as they passed. I got a brief glimpse at the portal as I was pushed into it, then my entire field of view went purple.

When I could see clearly again, I was somewhere else entirely. The air was hot like there was a fire nearby, the rock was red and soft beneath my feet, and I could clearly see lavafalls in the distance, along with a ceiling to wherever I was. Then I heard a high-pitched, keening cry followed by a sound like a firey explosion and whirled to see where it came from.

For my troubles, I got a view of a white flying tentacled creature the size of a weather balloon, and a ball of fire streaking towards me at distressingly fast speeds. I ducked and the fireball soared over my head, exploding behind me. The soft red rock I'd been standing on gave way, and I fell, dropping straight towards a glowing orange sea of lava. I didn't have time to process what was about to happen before I was suddenly immersed in agonizing pain.

A few seconds later, I was dead, but strangely I could still see things happening around where I was. Almost immediately I felt like there was an option to keep going, and I immediately grabbed onto that certainty like a lifeline.

The ocean of lava containing my mortal remains vanished around me, and abruptly I found myself in a completely different location. Looking around, it was clear I was in some sort of building, albeit one that had seen better days. Cobwebs were all over the place, the whole place was dusty, and looking around it was immediately clear that the door had been ripped off its hinges. There were also several bookshelves, each of which had a few books on it. I also noted that there was a torch mounted to the wall, casting light across the room. Rather incongruously with the rest of the building, it was still burning.

Immediately looking for any possible distraction from the fact that I'd just fallen in lava and died, I immediately set about investigating the bookshelves. Looking a bit closer, the faded tags at the bottom identified one of the bookshelves as being fiction, and the other two as being nonfiction. Looking closer at the nonfiction section, there were a selection of titles such as "A treatise on the construction and use of interdimensional portals", "Practical implications of the World Curse", "Known Realms of Existence", "Practical self-defense against the undead", "Basic Metallurgy", "Wilderness Survival", "Redstone Engineering for Beginners", and "Practical Enchantment and Potioncrafting".

Well, the titles themselves weren't all that weird, but their inclusion in the nonfiction section definitely took a bit for me to accept. Still, it was pretty clear I wasn't exactly in Brockton Bay any more. Frantically crushing any thoughts that this might be some sort of dying hallucination, I settled in to read.
This looks like a fantastic idea and it seems well executed, too.
This is something that I found at some point and I think that it fits this story well:
'Realistic' minecraft is going to be fun to watch
That the reason this grabbed my eye

From what I see though

not as wholesome as it should be

villagers who are actual people and fight off monster raids every night (for sure we'll meet at least one village without a golem) for one

the Nether and the End for the other
I think i know where Tinker schematics can be found.

I wonder what the PRT would classify it as it does not self replicate nore is it made of nano machines maybe as the forth endbringer?
That said, anything doable in vanilla Minecraft can also be done in this version, though the methods may differ somewhat to account for this being a universe that's actually being taken seriously.
Just vanilla? Aww.

Like, I get it; Minecraft is the game, and mods are extra, so for a crossover it makes sense to stick to the original content. It's as good a distinction as any. And, being fair, vanilla still has a ton of content to it.

But... I think, of any game, Minecraft may have the largest and most varied modding community. There's more extra content in some single Minecraft modpacks than many full games. And it just seems kind of... sad? That none of that content will be used.

I mean, at least the bits that make sense, like Immersive Engineering. Or several other techy options, like Industrialcraft, if you reduce or remove the Magic Block Syndrome: that tendency for mod authors to take very large machines and turn them into 1m cubed blocks. Buildcraft and its many addons... etcetera.
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Which version are you using? I like the idea of making Minecraft Make Sense, but including content from the Adventure or Nether updates would rebalance or change lore.

Are you going to include any of MatPat's lore theories?

For example, zombie pigmen are supposedly no longer neutral mobs in 1.15
I think you missed the video in my earlier post vanilla can come a lot closer to mods than you may think.
Not really. Redstone contraptions have been known to get pretty sophisticated, for instance creating a computer processor, or some of the more complicated "music box" setups. But none of those are going to recreate a pistol, flame/chem thrower, or railgun from Immersive Engineering, or a large steam boiler for central base power from Railcraft, or things that make use of that power, or... anything else.

Minecraft is how I learned how nuclear reactors work.
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Not really. Redstone contraptions have been known to get pretty sophisticated, for instance creating a computer processor, or some of the more complicated "music box" setups. But none of those are going to recreate a pistol, flame/chem thrower, or railgun from Immersive Engineering, or a large steam boiler for central base power from Railcraft, or things that make use of that power, or... anything else.

Minecraft is how I learned how nuclear reactors work.

Redstone machines can be miniaturized much more effectively, and there's nothing stopping someone with a sizable supply of Gunpowder, Iron, and Flint from making themselves a Blunderbuss.

So yeah. If it isn't in vanilla but can be done with physics plus application of Minecraft bullshit, it can be done in this 'verse. You can essentially imitate most of the non-bullshit modded technology.
Side A: What happened while Taylor was away?
Over the last two months, Danny had put together quite a power base for himself. Something changed just after getting the news of Taylor's disappearance, followed by reading the journal of the torment she'd suffered. He remembered purchasing a sizable jug of whiskey and pouring the first glass at home, then the next thing he knew he was in the basement staring at a spherical hovering drone and holding a tablet showing a feed from said drone.

Some more quick experiments quickly proved that whenever it came to making unmanned robots and systems to remotely direct them, Danny was capable of putting together devices with an utterly ludicrous level of advancement. After a few moments of thought, the term 'Tinker' drifted to the fore of Danny's mind.

From there a plan had coalesced to permanently rid Brockton Bay of the murderous would-be warlords who ran roughshod over the people and provided excuses for the authorities to act in such a corrupt manner. The resources of the Dockworkers Union would provide enough for some low-level Tinkering in an untraceable manner, and with his drones information gathering was incredibly easy; especially once he'd installed some proper stealth systems.

It only took a couple weeks to uncover Kaiser's secret identity by the simple virtue of having a stealthed micro-drone follow and observe him until he took off his armor, revealing the face of Max Anders. A few days later, a couple other drones infiltrated the different clinics across Brockton Bay, and made off with Max's medical records.

Danny then spent a few hours combing through said records, looking for any health issue he could plausibly use as an excuse for Max Anders' sudden demise. Unsurprisingly, nothing major came up, which made sense when you considered that Othala was part of the Empire. Either way, Danny wasn't going to let that stop him; if he couldn't fake a massive medical issue then he'd just need to make it look like an accident.

The next day, a set of specialized drones had suborned the controls for Max's fancy fly-by-wire car and were monitoring the passenger cabin. When Max inevitably went on a drive with no-one else in the car, Danny sent the command to the drones to take over once Max was on an open road. Mere minutes later, Max's car had slammed into a boulder at about seventy miles per hour, a 'mysterious airbag failure' adding to the crash's lethality. In the aftermath, Danny's drones scuttled off into the wilderness, buried themselves, and self destructed. There was no way whatsoever that Danny was calling those units back to base; better not to risk any possibility of being traced.

Things had proceeded relatively smoothly after the death of Kaiser fragmented the Empire, as Danny added more and more exotic infiltration capabilities to his drones and started keeping tabs on more and more people. That's how he eventually found out that one of the PRT's consultants - one Thomas Calvert - was moonlighting as a supervillain. Almost immediately Coil's actions landed him a spot on Danny's hit list, but Danny stayed his hand for just a bit, trying to analyze Coil's power to figure out if there might happen to be any unexpected curveballs should he move too soon. A week or so of observation (during which Fenja and Menja were mysteriously gassed in their sleep) was enough to determine that Coil was some sort of precog with a bunch of weird limitations. Danny simply shrugged and scheduled a time of death a couple days in advance; when the timestamp rolled around, one of the drones observing Coil in his base immediately blew his brains out with a laser before self-destructing, leaving nothing but fine ash behind.

Subsequently Tattletale, that teenage Thinker who Coil had been keeping 'employed' pretty much immediately took over what was left of Coil's operation. Immediately afterwards, she'd sought out Danny and they'd joined forces, also bringing the remaining Undersiders into the fold. Shortly thereafter, Hookwolf died of 'natural causes'.

As for the authorities who had been woefully inadequate so far, Danny sent them a little anonymous message. In the absolute strictest sense, it was blackmail: he had proof that one of their Wards had been torturing innocent people in her civilian identity for months without getting caught. They would clean house and stay out of his way as he disposed of the truly awful supervillains, or he would single-handedly obliterate all hope they had of good PR.

Of course, Piggot had called Danny's bluff, being a notorious hardass. In response, Danny had immediately fired his PR nuke, not only revealing Shadow Stalker's actions in her civilian ID, but also calling attention to the PRT's near-total inability to actually keep villains in custody and publicizing hundreds of other cases of corruption in the ranks, and that was just for Brockton Bay.

The effect was immediate and severe, as parents of Wards started pulling their children out of the program, the public became a lot less inclined to report information to the PRT unless absolutely necessary, and Piggot's funding was pared down even further.

This brings us to the present, Danny sitting in his control room watching the readouts of his various spy bots. Lisa was standing over his shoulder, asking "So Support, who's next on the list?"

To this, Danny smirked before answering "Well, now that the neo-Nazis are a mere shadow of their former power, we can afford to focus a bit on some of the other targets in town. To be more specific, I'm planning on gutting the ABB's Cape roster in one fell swoop. They've all murdered several innocent people and show no sign of stopping. Meanwhile the PRT shows no signs of wanting to engage with either Lung or Oni Lee, meaning that getting rid of them is our job."

In the LED lighting of the command center, Lisa nodded before she said "Support, Monitor 41 is showing something really interesting."

Immediately Danny changed windows to show the feed from the drone he'd designated as Monitor 41, getting a good view of one of the defunct loading areas that used to handle freight from container ships. There, beneath the gantries was a spark of shimmering white light. A half-second later, this spot suddenly expanded into a glowing rectangle like the display of an old raster television. The edges solidified into a frame of some white material, while the interior was a shimmering curtain of seemingly random colors.

A few seconds later, a group of ten people came through, all wearing shimmering grey armor plating and obviously heavily armed. Strangely, four of the people present were inhumanly tall, coming in at roughly 2.5 meters.

One of the human-sized individuals turned to one of the tall individuals while somehow averting their gaze and said something that the drone's systems quickly recovered as "Sergeant Groff, go make initial contact with the local authorities while the rest of us here secure the portal frame. Don't take offense if they look you in the eye, they don't know any better."

To this, the tall being now tagged by the drone as Sergeant Groff performed what was obviously some sort of salute as they stood to attention and put their left hand on their right shoulder, before they replied "Affirmative, Queen Taylor Hebert." and suddenly vanished in a brief flash of purple.

Then the armored figure who'd given the orders briefly turned so that the drone had a clear view of her face as she went to help with securing the area. Immediately, Danny brought up the freeze-frame of the face in question and silently gestured to Lisa.

A few moments later, Lisa nodded and said "Well, the name Taylor Hebert certainly matches. Meanwhile her face looks basically the same, though older by anywhere between five and eight years. On the other hand, I don't recall the Hebert family ever being royalty. It's a possibility, I guess?"

Immediately, Danny got up from his seat and said "Lisa, we're headed for the car."

Following after as he walked, Lisa asked "Shouldn't we really be using the hardlight telepresence units for this?"

In response, Danny answered "Some things just need to be done in person."
Cauldron Peanut Gallery (verycoolname)
Meanwhile, at Cauldron:

Alexandria: Alright, someone in Brockton Bay is messing with our poorly thought out schemes to make everything worse save humanity. We need to stop them.

Contessa: Path to finding the dude who's actually getting shit done.


Eidolon: ...Did it work?

Contessa: It did. Now, who wants to go?

Doctor Mother: You aren't going?

Contessa: Oh HELL no!

Back in Brockton Bay:

Lisa: Mister Hebert, why are you mass-producing drones designed to look like bees and spiders?

Danny: Oh you know, just in case.
Love this fic so far but I have to say I'm surprised she didn't send a couple iron golems to guard the portal entrance just in case and also that the royal guard has iron armour... While it is enchanted I would have thought royal guards would have diamond...
nothing in the chapter says they wore iron armor or used cold weapons it sounds like a higher order metal alloy and energy weapons