Underneath the twisted blue moon

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The gears over the walls were ticking, as She threw the mortal soul back into...
At the computer


The gears over the walls were ticking, as She threw the mortal soul back into the flying, iridescent river that was the stream of time, and for a long time, only the sound of rushing water and the now constant groaning of the ground.

Her face turned into a frown as she smoothed over her dress, before turning around. There was a corridor, unnoticable to antone but a few, that held a spiraling staircase going down. She walked and descended it briskly, one second at its top, the next at its bottom, and she arrived in front of a golden gate, kept locked by adamantine chains. With a snap of her metallic fingers, they disappeared, letting the door open, a gust of dark wind immediately spilling out of the shadowed room.

Everything became gray and static, Her long braided hair floating as if She was walking in water. Inside the room, a dark orb with red embers was suspended, bound in chains. It was the only other thing besides Herself with colors. It began to vibrate slightly, the chains glowing golden before it settled down again, and deep, distorted voice came out of it.

You have come here again.

"I did. Fancy seeing you here, Cherry."

You are still playing along with those fools, Chronos.

"...Fair enough." Golden eyes narrowed in irritation, but otherwise, She did nothing more..

This is the name that fits you the most, traitor.

"... I suppose you could call me that. Is it that unthinkable though, considering what you've done?"

The voice stuttered. It was a laugh.

No, it fits you like a glove. Sadly, this is a time of love and passion, not mercy and logic. Besides, it's not just me you've got to worry about, right, you've felt it too.

"The Interloper." She smiled, and tilted her head. " I know of them. Though, you shouldn't worry that much. In the end, they'll probably join forces with your side. You've always been good at persuasion."

There was a lull in the air, before once more, The Orb began to speak.

Ten years before the seal breaks. Then, I will have my revenge.

Her smile became condescending now.

"Do you worst, Cherry. You'll never came close to Her wrath." Her expression blanked. "The Wanderer is approaching. Be careful, I do not want to have to deal with them too."

She then turned around and got out, the world taking its colors back as the doors closed and the chains reappeared, the scene looking like a rewinding video clip. As she got out of the corridor, a black form jumped on her, the violet-eyed black cat cuddling against her form.

"The mortal woke up later than expected." It said, purring as a finger scratched its chin.

She walked, the cat in Her arms, as Her form began to shift. her hair shortened, she became taller, and her clothes changed to adapt to her older form. The cat meowed in annoyance as it jumped out of her arms, its form shifting, to reveal a young girl clad in a dark dress with long, dark hair, her violet eyes glowing in the gloom.

"I disapprove of your course of action." She said, frowning as her black, feline tailed whipped through the air.

"And I disapprove of your choice of clothing, Chéri."

The youth huffed in indignation and turned tail disappearing in a shower of dark sparkles.

Blue eyes settled on the clock ticking on the wall.

Roots were spreading.

Shadows were billowing.

Ruin was coming.

The Deceiver was on the prowl.

She put a hand in front of her eyes.

"I need something stronger than tea before I deal with that." Was all she said, before she, too, disappeared from the place, in a flash of golden light.

October 2nd, 1978
Gwallawg Manor,Tanygrisiau, Wales.

A handsome man, with a muscled body and strong features, was sitting in a comfortable chair, reading the journal with a steaming cup of coffee on the desk he was sitting at. The first page was all about the terror and horrifying actions committed by a band of terrorists called 'death eaters'.
Flipping a page, his green green eyes were scanning the pages' contents, and he didn't even bother to snort when a mention of 'army of darkness' was made. People sure have a short memory. Or, perhaps, they made themselves forget. This silent reading contined for a time, snorts becoming sneers, sneers becoming scrowls, and scowls becoming grimaces of disgust. It was then that he decided enough idiocy was enough, rolled the newspaper and threw it in the fireplace at the opposite side of the room, his personal study, where it burst in flames.

"Useless degenerates." He muttered darkly, his hand reaching for one of the paper sheets next to him.

"Hi dad.

Things are going okay, Remus and I are still together, if you were wondering, and we are very happy! The order is on the rise, and we're needing all the help necessary *wink wink*

That should have earned a raised eyebrow from him, but only caused the appearance of disgusted resignation. His daughter only ever did what she wanted to do. She was abnormally developped since early childhood, and his money was on her being a reincarnation who actually kept their memories. Wouldn't be the first time this kind of person popped up in the family tree. That would explain why the family register signalled her as being fifteen years older. Sadly, she never mentally aged further, to his great disappointment.

Anyways, I thought about your proposition, I'll do it, I know you keep your promises. Just don't expect things to go your way once everything's over.

Oh hoh. He did not think she ever considered this. The situation with the Order must be more desperate than he first assumed. This may be a threat to his life, how interesting. He'd need to do something about his dearest daughter before she did something irreparable.

So, yeah, nothing new on my front, how about you? Anything interesting happened? Hope you're doing okay, love, Aife.

Besides the insulting shortness of the letter, he was not that annoyed. Trying to get him to spy on business partners however? Very bad form that.

He leaned back in his chair, a flicker of his finger making the footrest deploy, and he savored the comfiness of one of his projects' presents.

After he lazed around for a while, he sat up properly, put his elbows on the table, crossed his fingers and rested his head against them. There were several proposal for his daughter's hand, despire her behavior, reputation, and general rebelliousness. Besides, she just agreed to it in exchange of him funding her little vigilante group.

First was little Walburga's proposal of wedding Aife to her heir Regulus.

The Blacks owned magical Northumbria, had a library known throughout Europe for its comprensiveness and sheer volume, the amount of magical artefact they owned was staggering, they were rich and they had a strong income.

The bad point was that Regulus was the Black's only heir, and so, until Aife could give birth to two children, should something happen to him, the Gwallawg would go extinct.

Lastly, due to its great history, the Blacks had lots of enemies, and Dace was not sure Aife had it in her to survive them. Of course, she was powerful magically, but she had a certain tendancy to think herself smarter than anyone else, jst because she happened to develop faster when she was a baby.

The other proposal, and one that was more pleasing, was that one Evan Rosier, proposing that his only son, Edmure marry his Aife.

While members of one of the purest families of Britain, the Rosiers were remarkably... nremarkable, so to speak. No scandal,bo blood feud, no genius or particular failure, save that they were hit harder than anyone else by the fertility crisis surrounding the sacred 28 (save Weasley, due to their fusion with the Prewett), leaving them with only two members, father and son. The father was sadly rendered sterile due to a potions incident, so only the son was noteworthy.

One other important detail, was that both father and son were members of that little terrorist squad, and as soon as their lord outlived his usefulness, so would his minions. Since they were doomed anyways, he might as well have Aife give him a child or two, then off him before the scandal begins, which he couldn't do with the Blacks.

Contrarily to the Blacks , who owned the land, Rosier owned several ingredient producing companies. While Black domain could do so, it would take longer, but it might generate more revenue...

His lips turned up into a smirk.

And if rumors were to be believed, Regulus too joined the rank. So it was either marry her to the death eater brother of her best friend, or the death eater unknown .

Either way, he stood to win in both, with relatively low risks of failing, as long as he took the appropriate steps.

December 31st, 1978.
Malfoy Manor.

The party at the Malfoy manor was magnificent, and yet, the evening's cold wind steered his thought towards a darker path. What most people call 'The Muggleborn problem', which happens to not be what they think it is. Muggleborns currently were ripped away from their original world after they acquired that world's common sense, then released in the Magical world.

That, in itself, wouldn't be a problem, but they quickly proved that , the more time passed, the less they were inclined to respect this world's history, trampling upon its pride with statements like "Wizards are just muggles with magic" or outright refusing to learn the proper ways, deciding them to be too antiquated for them. The less was said about all that pseudo-modern neo-paganist nonsense, the better. The idiots would kill them all for sure.

No, the problem lied in the fact that they managed to convince old families to follow their lead and abandon their centuries old traditions.

One of them, sadly, being his own daughter. Her poor mother would be so ashamed. Well, no, she'd laugh uncharitably at him before offering him a drink and bragging about her latest conquest.

To add insult to injury, Albus Dumbledore, "war hero" of a war that never approached the country and that he could have nipped in the bud, mind you, named that goblin-obsessed sleep-deprived fool Cuthbert Binns as the History of magic teacher, effectively crippling every generation going through Hogwarts, despite the many offers from himself and others to take up the role, citing that the old ghost's purpose in undeath was to teach and that it would be cruel to take that from him too.

He had to entertain dear Walburga's shrieking about it for hours , while her coward of a husband ran away to discuss business with their son.

If that wasn't still enough, an extremist with delusions of grandeur, and the power to back it up had decided to take it upon itself to purge the magical world from the 'muggleborn invasion'. And the fool decided that calling himself a Dark Lord, declaring a war against the government and branding his followers were good ideas. The boy was clearly muggle raised if he thought that would work.

He blamed Dumbledore for that too.

A tinkling laugh, similar to a bell's chime, distracted him to his somber thoughts about his (one sided) rival and he looked lazily at the fairies playing among the garlands and trees, illuminating the forest with their ethereal glow. A bit further in the park, were a herd of white abraxans grazing on what he could recognize as high quality mandrake leaves. He immediately averted his eyes, the waste was hurting his potionner's soul.

He sipped on his wine, superior red, right from the Malfoy's famed cellars.

You might say what you want about the ermines, but they knew how to throw a party. Speaking of which, he saw the one who invited him to this reunion of the sacred twenty eight, the twenty eight british families who were, indubitably, from entirely pure wizarding stock from beginning to end.

Evan Rosier and his son, Edmure Rosier. Member of the twenty eight, rich, old family associates, objectively good looking, a good match for his Aife. Not that the other nine smokescreens he added to the least weren't also good prospects, but he knew his daughter. The Rosier family were known for their extensive botanical ressources, like the Gwallawg were known for their potions.

The both of them also now openly supported the genocidal maniac who fashioned himself a lord.

Still, that was an immense opportunity, because the father and son would soon disappear anyways. Which would leave an heir, or heiress, (he wasn't really concerned about the child's gender if it was magically functionnal) directly under his control.

The older Rosier smirked while his oaf of a son was too busy ogling the scandalously low neckline of Aife's dress.

"Dace Gwallawg , I see you received my offer."
"That I did, sit, sit, we have much to talk about. Aife, would you please offer an old man's sincere felicitations to dear Narcissa ?"

The violet eyed blonde grimaced but a stern gaze made her obey. He was barely tolerating her dalliance with that mangy mutt of a werewolf and she kept it secret and acted as her status demanded in public. He couldn't do much about her choice in wardrobe though...
The Rosier boy followed her like a lost puppy, leaving the two men alone.

Noticing his disapproving gaze over the youth's behaviour, the elder Rosier laughed.

"Ah, youth... Not that the legendary Gwallawg vitality passed you by." He nodded at his counterpart, alluding to his obvious lack of aging. " We are most surprised you did not take another wife. Any reason for this?" He sat down with a wine glass, looking meaningfully at the blonde who was sipping from his.

"Mostly? I do not have time for a wife. Besides, I think I will be even more busy when Aife finally shows her true colors."

Rosier senior snorted, rubbing his left arm.

"True, everyone will be busy, then."

Dace raised an eyebrow, but did not correct him as his eyes followed his daughter, who was trying her best to evade the attention of the young Edmure. Besides, he was right, things would get busy.

March 20th, 1981 .
Gwallawg Manor,Tanygrisiau, Wales.

In the dying throes of winter, a little more than ten years before the turn of the millenium, two people were having tea, ignoring the bleak weather outside, instead enjoying the warmth and light the fireplace at the other side of the lavishly decorated living room. One of them, an incredibly beautiful young woman, at the beginning of her twenties, sighed, before putting her porcelain cup on the plate sitting on the rosewood coffee table, staring instead at the man in front of her. Said man had a solid looking body and strong features, strawberry blond bangs framing intelligent, electric blue eyes that were analyzing her every move as he-

The world doubled up and shivered, before righting itself.

The young woman's hand shot up, violet eyes glowing silver, and struck the teacup out of the older man's hand before he could drink from it, sending it crashing into the wall to her right. She then stilled, paled, and her body fell, as if she was a puppet whose strings were suddenly cut, to land on the ground.

The older man's eyes narrowed as he took in the scene.

It could be a feint from the girl, however, he knew for a fact that it was beyond her ability to plan something as needlessly complicated as this to try and off him.

Besides, Aife hated to be perceived as weak or harmless more than he despised cats, his wife used to tell him, so regardless of what exactly she attempted here, the least he could do for his daughter was to ensure she was properly exorcised. He leant over her, waving his wand and casting basic diagnostic spells.

Vitals were stable, no more contamination than usual, a foetus with the marks of werewolf infection -he'd have to have words with his daughter about that- signs of stress and a barely healed scar on her outer thigh where she apparently was grazed by a spell so dark he could even feel its malice a month later. He didn't quite know what was that spell, however, he recognized the personal signature of the Terrorist, which meant he'd have to spend yet another night in the library to manage to understand what it did. At this point he was fairly sure the Terrorist was making it a game between the two of them.

It really astounded him Aife wasn't quarantined yet, considering he could see small black veins around the scar.

A knocking sound came from the far side of the room, and the door slowly opened.

"My Lord, is everything alright?" A young, tan skinned woman with brown hair gathered in a bun and green eyes glittering behind gold-rimmed glasses entered the room, holding a tray of pastries in her hands, her steps light over the lacquered wood. Her eyes lowered towards the unconscious form of Aife, lingering over the black scar, before settling on her employer's face.

"My daughter isn't feeling alright. Her pregnancy seems to be a taxing one." The man answered smoothly, getting up and making said daughter levitate, her head lolling with every move, before leaving the room.

It took him a few minutes to settle her in the bed of her old bedroom, however, as he had ordered his servants to keep it cleas but identical, she shouldn't have a problem to recognize the place. Then, after coming back to his office, as he was about to sit behind his desk, the world shook again, and he had to grab the furniture not to fall face first on it, images flashing in front of his eyes faster than he could comprehend, as a small object fell in front of him.

It was as if someone had thrown him in a bag containing shards of memories, and then shook it, the jumbled and disorienting mess making his head ache and bile go up his throat.

Yet, he had the certainty all of this was, indeed true, even if he didn't understand it all himself.

He would need some time to assimilate the information for it to be useful, but the thing that was most important right now was...

Choose Two:
[] His daughter seemingly getting possessed and collapsing in front of him.
[] His daughter trying to poison him.
[] Make a quick check of the situation. People, what he owned, etc.
[] Checking his own state. Whatever this was, it certainly wasn't natural.
[] Calling Dumbledore. That mess was his to clean up.
[] Calling Rosier. That was his wife that tried to kill him.


First step to making a plan to deal with that would be getting information. First on his enemies and rivals. According to his memories, Dumbledore wasn't involved until two or three years later, but he was a strong contender by virtue of being himself, as much as Dace hated to admit. The Terrorist was still wreaking havok, he had no information on the elusive Tom Riddle, which was worrying, and Lily was still visiting her sister. Looking at it closer, though, he noted something odd, something his brained screamed was important.

Choose 1 ( Number indicates difficulty) ( Difficulty as in, how much effort Dace would need to turn the threat, into a non entity, not as in they raw destructive potential)

[] 1 : Sandy McRowe, a Squib Prostitute, was bitten and turned into a vampire. However, she came back... Odd. Even for a vampire. Speaking of madness and voices, and acting erratically. (Vampire The masquerade)
[] 2 : A patient in Saint Mungo complained about hearing and seeing an overweight, naked demon arguing with a wizened angel. (Black and White 2)
[] 3 : Old greek weapons were stolen. Apparently, a chalk white spartan did it. (God of war)
[] 4 : The deranged cultists living inside the British museum were acting more agitated than usual. ( Nasuverse)
[] 5 : House elves were rebelling, and Goblins were becoming more agressive. ( Overlord)
[] 6 : A portal opened over Hogsmeade. Right now, it was inactive. However, some people reported howling cold winds and seeing glowing red eyes. (Warcraft)
[] 7 : Whispers spoke of an isolated village being annihilated, and of dark whispers in the night ( Fable )
[] 8 : A man wearing something similar to roman armor popped out of thin air. In front of Dace's manor. He introduced himself as Talos of Atmora and looked almost pleased when nobody recognized his name.(The Elder Scrolls)
[] 9 : An insanely beautiful woman, or was it a man? Made themselves known in Ireland, for hosting parties that were as glorious as they were decadent. However, Dace's informants spoke of something sinister going on here. (Warhammer Fantasy.)

Yes, I chose this order. For reasons.

In any case, welcome to DaceQuest 2, The electric boogaloo.

For those who played or read the first instance, welcome back! ( Hopefully we'll get further than 7 turns.)

For the others, welcome! This is a ck2-type quest, crossed with Heroes of Might and magic franchise. ( yes, the one with the armies and the maps and all that. I'm a masochist like that), and you get to choose the third crossover, lucky you!

The first quest followed Dace in his quest of a stable family and... Not doing that. After finding an item of great power, he found himself playing in the big leagues and several poor choices led him to step in the limelight. Due to various external factors, the situation escalated, again, and again, until everything was on fire and Chronos had to turn back time in this place. However, some things didn't go as planned....
First Quest here : Grandpa Dace's Quest for a stable family - Crossover

Also, info sections will remain empty until chargen is over.
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Character sheet
Player character: Craidd Gwallawg
Name :Craidd Gwallawg

Age : 3 (4: Homunculus) (Turn 6) (Born Turn 3)

Adult appearence (much later) :

Stats :

Diplomacy: 12/29 + 10 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 42
Stewardship: 0 + 5 = 5
Martial: 1/13 + 12 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 32
Intrigue: 4/13 + 5 - 1 - 2 = 6
Learning: 6/21 + 5 = 11
Mysticism: 0 + 5 + 2 = 7
Willpower : 0 + 5 = 5


Chosen of Freyja:

A face of a thousand ships: +10 Di, +40 Presence, +40 to social rolls against those who can be attracted to you, +20 to social rolls against the rest.
Wrath of the North: + 10 Ma, +2 Rank up Combat, +20 Regular/magical combat. Gain the [Berserker] ability.



Kind : + 2 Di, -1 In, + 5 Empathy


Juggernaut [May not be passed down]: +12 Martial, +5 Diplomacy, +40 armed combat. +2 Combat ranks, Massively increased lifespan. Gain [Might is right] Ability.
The Great : +4 Di, +2 Ma, + 20 Presence, +10 Manipulation.
Sylph : +8 Speed, +40 Movement, +2 Ma, +10 Combat
Genius: +5 all stats, +5 all skills

Wizard: +2 My, may use magic
Wisdom from the In-between : Once a turn, may spy on anyone's action. Warning, higher tier entities may detect the intrusion.

Special abilities:

[Berserker] :
Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue and Learning scores are sacrificed to fuel Martial and Mysticism ones.

[Might is right] :
Upon failing a diplomatic roll, may choose to force a pass through intimidation, or simply physically force them to agree.

Character traits :

Legendary ancestry : Paradigm :will help the child's to develop their Martial and Willpower-related abilities in ways unknown.
?i????t? : ?a?? F-
F??t? ??i?s: 10 (+1/year)
Pet Raven: +1 In. It is still weak and fragile right now, but it seems incredibly smart. Craidd likes it.
Bad with directions: - 2 Intrigue, -10 perception: This character has a talent in getting lost.
Affectionate : +1 Di, May become Content, Trusting, Family Person

Growth modifiers (discovered):


Diplomacy: x1.5
Learning: x2


Empathy: x1.5



Cap: 105


5 + 40 + 20 + 5 = 70


15 + 5 = 20


70 + 5 + 5 = 80



Cap: 10 (12.5)


0 + 5 = 5

Self sufficiency

0 + 20 + 5 = 10


0 + 5 = 5



Cap: 80


10 + 20 + 5 = 35


10 + 20 + 40 + 10 + 5 = 80


0 + 5 = 5





15 + 10 + 5 = 15


20 + 5 - 10 = 10


0 – 40 + 5 = -35



Cap: 25 (27,5)


0 + 5 = 5

Crafting (craft)

15 + 5 = 20

Common sense

15 + 5 = 20



Cap: 15 (17,5)

Magical Combat

0 + 20 + 5 = 15

Utility magic

0 + 5 = 5


0 + 5 = 5



Cap: 10 (12,5)

Environmental spells

0 + 5 = 5

Defensive spells

0 + 5 = 5

Offensive spells

0 + 5 = 5
Combat (80) :+10 Damage. Gain the first strike and no retaliation abilities.

Empathy (80) 2 RP gain / interaction + 1 personal action (must be social)
Regent: (due to young age) Ava Lloyd
Ava Lloyd

Age : 28 (turn 5)


Diplomacy: 15/31 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 – 1 + 2 – 1 + 2 + 3 – 1 = 34 (next LB will only raise by 2)
Stewardship: 12/13 + 6 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 32
Martial: 8 /19 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 21
Intrigue: 10 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 – 2 + 1 = 15 (1/3 to LB)
Learning: 5 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 10
Mysticism: 10 + 2 + 2 = 14


Valleys and mountains: +40% Fertility, +4 Di, +40 Presence.
Enchanting: +5 Di, +30 Presence.
Towering: +3 Di, +2 Ma, +10 Presence
Strong : +2 Ma, + 1 Di, + 10 Combat
Witch : +2 My


Midas touched : +9 St, +4 Ma, +2 In
GASL Education : +6 St

Defining Sin/Virtue:

Humble : + 2 Di, – 5 Presence
Lustful : +1 In, +5 Manipulation, +10% fertility

Character traits:

Adventurer: +1 Ma, -1 Di
Ambitious: +2 all, -5 empathy
Cynical: +1 In, -1 Di
Brave: +2 Ma, +10 Combat
Erudite : +2 Le, +5 Research
Gregarious: +2 Di, + 10 Presence
Honest: +3 Di, -2 In
Just: +2 St,+1Le, +5 Presence
Mischievous: +1 In
Stubborn: +1 St, -1 Di



Cap: 85


70 + 40 +30 +10 –5 +10 +5 = 85


70 = 70


65 – 5 = 60



Cap: 80


80 = 80

Self sufficiency

80 = 80


80 = 80



Cap: 55 (57,5)


25 = 25

Armed combat(weapon)

35 + 10 + 10 = 55


10 = 10



Cap: 35 (37,5)


35 + 5 = 35


40 = 35


20 = 20



Cap: 25


10 +5 = 15

Crafting (craft)

20 = 20

Common sense

25 = 25



Cap: 35

Magical Combat

10 = 10

Utility magic

30 = 30


30 = 30

Entrepreneurship (80): +1 Rank to Mining or gain Basic Mining
Self sufficiency (80): Allows to build a holding with a 40% cost reduction.
Accounting (80 ): +1 Rank to Estates or gain Basic Estates.
Keystone: Stewardship (80) +1 Rank Nobility or gain Basic Nobility, +10% Gold gains

Hero stats:

Level 1 : Accountant.

Many not gain experience. (yet)

Experience to next level : 0/2.000

General experience: 0
Might experience: 0
Skill experience: 0
Will experience: 0

Personal stats:
Luck: 0
Morale: 0
Damage: 10
Hitpoints: 100/100
Speed: 6
Movement: 26
Mana: 10/10 (+1/day)

10% Melee Attack
10% Ranged Attack
10 % Melee Defence
10 % Ranged Defence
0% Magic Resistance

City stats:

+10% growth
+40.150 G/T
+146 wood/T
+146 stone/T

NOBILITY - Primary Skill

Increases all creature growth in the town that recognises the hero as its governor.

Basic: +10%.

Estates - Nobility Secondary Skill

Hero produces gold each day.

Basic: 100 gold + 10% per hero level.

Mining - Nobility Secondary Skill

Hero produces resources.

Basic: 2 wood and 2 ore over a 5 day period +10% per hero level (inactive for level 1 heroes).

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Gwallawgysol Dinas :

+1,671,000 G/T
+16 Wood
+24 Stone
+8 Crystal
+12 Gems
+ 2 Native gold
+2 Elemental stone
+2 Flawless Marble
+18 Militia
+240 Golems available for recruitment


+1,000,125 G/T
+12 Mercury/T
+8 Crystal/T
+4 Gem/T

Baradwys Mynydd

+922,500 G/T

Ava (Nobility)
Keystone: Stewardship (80) +10% total gold gains.
+10% growth
+40.150 G/T
+146 wood/T
+146 stone/T

Brazier: +365 sulfur/T

Total :

+3,593,625 +10% = 3,952,987 G/T
+162 Wood
+170 Stone
+365 Sulfur
+16 Gems
+16 Crystal
+12 Mercury
+ 2 Native gold
+2 Elemental stone
+2 Flawless Marble
+18 Militia
+240 Golems available for recruitment

Current Funds: 1.117.834 G

217 Wood
373 Stone
51 Gems
15 Crystal
0 Mercury
9 Native gold
0 Elemental stone
10 Flawless Marble
Dragon Rearing book: allows to build Green Dragon nests (tier 7 rank 1 Nature units)

Pendant of life
Class: Treasure
Slot: Neck
Effect: Renders your units immune to anti-life AoE spell

Bow of elven cherrywood
Class: Treasure
Effect: Allows Hero to use ranged attacks. Gives +1 Rank to the hero's archery skill. If a hero does not have the skill, the artifact has no effect.
Slot: misc
-Part of the Bow of the Sharpshooter set.

Charm of Mana
Class: Treasure
Slot: Miscellaneous (currently in Dace Gwallawg's possession)
Effect: This charms helps you recover 1 extra mana point per day.
Part of the ]Wizard's Well] combination artifact.

Parchment of Pathfinding
Class: Treasure
Effect: Teaches the hero holding it the spell Pathfinding after a turn, provided they have the appropriate skill. ( Basic Nature Magic) Reusable.
Slot: Hand

Dragon wing Tabard
Class: Minor artifact
Slot: Back (currently in Dace Gwallawg's possession)
Description:+20 Mana, +2 Mana/battle turn
Part of the [Power of the dragon father] set

Crown of the supreme magi
Class: Minor
Slot: Head (currently in Dace Gwallawg's possession)
Effect : Worn on the head, his item increases hero's mana by +40.

Dragon eggs (green)x4

Brazier of Sulfur
Class: Minor Artifact
Slot: Misc (currently in Gregory's possession)
Effect: When carried by someone, will produce 365 sulfur per turn.
Part of the [Cornucopia] set

Nature Anchor : allows to install a Nature-type base. A magic battery of untold power. (currently set in Capital)

Chaos Anchor: allows to install a Chaos-type base. A magic battery of untold power.

The Holy grail: An artifact of immense power.

Sword of Frost
Class: Mythical
Slot: Right or left hand
Abilities: +30% attack and defense, doubles spell effectiveness and mana pool, +60 damage, Auto-casts [Prayer] and applies it to its holder and armies until the end of battle.
Description: A sword seemingly made of Ice surrounding a silver core. Prophecy has it that if it were to meet with its sister, Armageddon's Blade, on the field of battle, the world would be destroyed. History has it that it was true...

Prayer : Automatic: Specials: Magical, Water-type. (Unique to the Sword of Frost)
Effect: +40 to all allied troops attack, defence and magic resistance.
Class: Item
Effect: Increases a unit's ranged attack by 5.
Slot: Misc

Name: Elven chainmail:
Class: Item
Effect: Increases the unit's Melee and Ranged Defense by 10.
Slot: Torso
Name: Holy Water x 10
Slot: Inventory
Description: When a hero drinks it, it casts Death Ward and Bless on the recipient. When thrown at an enemy, it acts as the Holy Word spell.

Bless - 2 mana
Combat - Blessing
Bless causes the target inflict maximum damage.
I foolishly left the hospital wagons, donning armor and joining the battle. There I supported the troops as well as healed them.
Death Ward - 3 mana
Combat - Blessing
The target of a Death Ward is 50% resistant to Death spells, and their Melee and Ranged Defense is increased by 50 % against Death-aligned opponents.
Our greatest and darkest enemy, the necromancers, needs our strongest defense.
Holy Word - 2 mana
Combat - Direct Life Damage to Death Units
Damage: 49 + 4 dmg/level + Spirituality
Holy Word does damage to a single Death target based on the level of the caster.
The power of Life concentrated in a single word - it's as good as a sword against those with evil souls.
3x Unicorn horns
War Unicorn horn
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Game mechanics
Influence map:

Green: Nature's bounty
Grey: Land of the dead
Purple: Defiled lands

Influence Bonuses and Maluses (Capital must have been occupied for 10 years.):

Muggle: Nothing.
Nature: +50% [Nature] Spell effects. - 50% [Order] and [Death] spell effects.
Life: +50% [Life] Spell effects. -50% [Death] and [Chaos] spell effects.
Death: +50% [Death] Spell effects. -50% [Life] and [Nature] spell effects.
Chaos: +50% [Chaos] Spell effects. -50% [Order] and [Life] spell effects.
Order: +50% [Order] Spell effects. -50% [Nature] and [Chaos] spell effects.

These do not apply to frontier territories.

Faction ability : Requires Capital territory to have been occupied at least 5 Turns (years)

Chaos wave:

Chaos is change through destruction, most fear it, but to those who can control it, unlimited power is at their fingertips.

- +10 to dungeon creature attack
- Catastrophe dice must be rolled each turn for all other factions. The effect strengthens the more land the faction controls.

Land of the dead:

Death comes for all, and for those who welcome it, safety. A cradle. A bed where all will lay to rest, even the world itself.

- -1 Morale to all living units passing through dead lands. Will spread indefinitely if left unchecked.
- Impossible to cast spells over level 1 for everyone, including death faction members.

[Babel of Perdition][Event-Limited]Defiled Lands:

We weren't granted sleep. He hungers. We weren't granted freedom. He hungers.

-Impossible to cast spells over level 1 for everyone, including death faction members
-Strange plants are growing vampires?
-50% of the mana cost of all spells is redirected somewhere. In other words, Spells cost twice as much mana to be cast.
- -2 mana each battle turn for living units. (Urie's note: does not affect regular animals?)

Nature's bounty:

Nature runs strong and wild, as it used to and should. The land remembers its rightful shape and will reject abnomalies.

- The magical ground protects owned land from both Chaos wave and Land of the dead effects. Will spread around owned territory up to one county away.
- + 10% Resources gain.

Law and Order:

Laws are the system created by people to keep the world running. With Law comes Order, and with Order, peace.

- + 50% Mental resistance.
- + 10% Growth to magical and nonliving creatures.

Live and grow:

Living is Growing, a perpetual motion of evolution and amelioration. As long as there is life, there is hope. Those who cherish those words will aim for the greatest heights.

- + 25% Growth to all creatures
- All Life faction heroes start with the ability to cast Death ward.
Luck : A stat that effects causality. For each point of luck, you get 10% of having a luck proc. Luck has multiple effects :

-On the offensive, it doubles raw damage of an attack or a few compatible spells, before resistances are counted in.
-On the defensive, it halves the damage taken pre reduction.
-On story mode, it adds +20 to all rolls it applies to. (Requires specific traits for activation.)

Morale: A stat that effects one's bravery. For each point of morale, you get 10% of having a morale proc. Morale, if it procs, has two major effects :

- Causes the character or army unit to attack twice on the same turn.
- Causes the unit to attack first regardless of the respective speed of the fighters.
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Strategic Data
Bulstrode (Leader) – Travers : Strathearn - Scotland

Greengrass – Carrow (Leader): Leicester - England
MacMillan (Leader): Argyll - Scotland

Selwyn (Leader): Ross - Scotland

Craidd (Leader): Gwynedd, Perfeddwlad, Powys, Gwent, Glamorgan, Dyfed – Wales

Level 1 Knight


Personal ability: Brotherhood: Units with the [Knight] Trait (including himself) gain +1% Defense per hero level


First strike (Combat 80+): When fighting or defending, this unit will always attack first.
No retaliation (Combat 80+): When attacking, the enemy may not defend themselves.

Personal stats:

Luck: 2
Morale: 0
Damage: 10 + 10 (Combat 80) = 20
Hitpoints: 100
Speed: 7 + 1
Movement: 23 + 1
Mana: 10 (+1/day)
Will: 12 (+1/turn)

10% Melee Attack
10% Ranged Attack
10 % Melee Defense
10 % Ranged Defense
0% Magic Resistance

Town Stats :
Army stats:

+0 Luck
+0 Morale
+1 Speed
+1 Movement
+0% Melee Attack
+0% Ranged Attack
+0% Melee defence
+0% Ranged defence

Hero Skills :

TACTICS - Primary Skill
Increases speed and movement of all friendly creatures.

Basic: +1 speed, +1 movement.

Urie Blake

Experience 6300 / 8000

Level 6 Druid

Personal ability:

Emo : Hero may not have positive morale, ever. All excess positive morale will be transferred to Luck instead.

Personal stats:

Luck : 0

Morale : 0


Hitpoints: 160

Speed: 7

Movement: 23

Mana: 10 + 200 + 50 = 260 (+ 31/day)

10% Melee attack

10% Melee defense

10% Ranged attack

10% Ranged defense

NATURE MAGIC - Primary Skill

Gives hero the ability to cast Nature Magic spells

Grandmaster: hero can cast level 5 Nature Magic spells.
Herbalism - Nature Magic Secondary Skill

Gives the hero extra spell points and increases spell point recovery.
Grandmaster: +50 spell points, +10 spell points recovered per day.
Meditation - Nature Magic Secondary Skill

Increases the effectiveness of Nature Magic spells.

Grandmaster: +100%.
Summoning - Nature Magic Secondary Skill

Hero summons creatures into his/her army every day.
Grandmaster: summons Earth, Air, Fire or Water Elementals at a rate of 50 experience points of creatures per day. Requires Expert Nature Magic.

Spell book:

Stoneskin - 2 mana
Combat - Blessing
Stoneskin increases the target's Melee and Ranged Defense by 25%.
Then the druid put two pebbles in his mouth. Was he mad? I soon found out why as his skin hardened, turning instead the same color and texture as granite.

Fortune - 3 mana
Combat - Blessing
Fortune grants the target maximum luck.
If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's never gamble with an elf. I don't know how they do it, but if you put your gold down, it's as good as gone.

Quicksand - 3 mana
Combat - Indirect Curse
Creates a patch of quicksand, the size of which is based on the caster's level. All targets require a full turn to move through 2 feet of quicksand.
I refuse to fight an enemy who has the ground itself at their command! War is about gaining strategic ground, but what do you do when the enemy changes the rules of Nature?

Necromancy Ward - 5 mana
Combat - Blessing
Necromancy Ward prevents any Raise or Animate Dead spell from working for the duration of the combat. It affects all targets on the Combat Map, including dead ones.
Our graves and tombs must be safe from the disgusting grasp of the necromancers!

Summons: 50 Exp / day.

Creatures available for summon:
Air Elementals, Water Elementals, Fire Elementals, Earth Elementals

Set to Air Elementals

Summons 730 Air Elementals per turn.
Level 3 Druid

Personal ability: Planning! Organization! Motivation! +1 luck, speed and morale to every unit in the army

Personal stats:

Luck : 1
Morale : 1
Hitpoints: 130
Speed: 7+1+1 = 9
Movement: 23+1=24
Mana: 30/30 (+3/day)

10% Melee attack
10% Melee defense
10% Ranged attack
10% Ranged defense

Army stats :
Luck : +1
Morale : +1
Speed: +2
Movement: +1

0% Melee attack
0% Melee defense
0% Ranged attack
0% Ranged defense

NATURE MAGIC - Primary Skill

Gives hero the ability to cast Nature Magic spells.

Basic: hero can cast level 1 Nature Magic spells. Gives one level 1 Nature Magic spell.

Herbalism - Nature Magic Secondary Skill

Gives the hero extra spell points and increases spell point recovery.

Basic: +10 spell points, +2 spell points recovered per day.

TACTICS - Primary Skill

Increases speed and movement of all friendly creatures.

Basic: +1 speed, +1 movement.

Spells known :

Speed - 2 mana
Combat - Blessing
Speed increases a friendly target's speed and movement by 3.
Something flashed at the edge of my vision. I turned. Nothing but trees. There it was again! Little did I know that this would continue for hours before I left the forest.

Fortune - 3 mana
Combat - Blessing
Fortune grants the target maximum luck.
If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's never gamble with an elf. I don't know how they do it, but if you put your gold down, it's as good as gone.

Quicksand - 3 mana
Combat - Indirect Curse
Creates a patch of quicksand, the size of which is based on the caster's level. All targets require a full turn to move through 2 feet of quicksand.
I refuse to fight an enemy who has the ground itself at their command! War is about gaining strategic ground, but what do you do when the enemy changes the rules of Nature?

Necromancy Ward - 5 mana
Combat - Blessing
Necromancy Ward prevents any Raise or Animate Dead spell from working for the duration of the combat. It affects all targets on the Combat Map, including dead ones.
Our graves and tombs must be safe from the disgusting grasp of the necromancers!

730x Air Elementals
Tier 1 : Air Elementals : Rank 1

Spirits of air, recently made into existence by Urie Blake to serve into the army. They are Magical creatures of Nature.


Elemental: Immune to mind, Life and Death magic.
Flying: ignores terrain.
Weak to Electicity: Takes double damage from Electic attacks and spells.

Hitpoints : 25
Mana : 0
Damage : 2
Attack : 9
Defense : 9
Ranged attack : None.
Ranged defense : 9
Speed : 7
Movement : 30
348x Militia
Tier 1 : Militia : Rank 0
Basic security units units.

A troup made of volunteers with nothing more than their wands and their determination to defend their home. The militia isn't an elite force by any means, but they receive adequate training centered about making up for their weaknesses, before working on their strengths.


Unlimited ammunition : As the unit's attack is magical, its ranged attack doesn't need ammunition.
Polyvalent: No hand-to-hand penalty.

Hitpoints : 4
Mana : 0
Damage : 2
Attack : 3
Defense : 5
Ranged attack : 5
Ranged defense : 6
Speed : 5
Movement : 18
240x Scrap golems [ 240 Available for recruitment] (300 G/U)
Tier 3 : Scrap golems : Rank 0
Mechanical units. Unprogrammed.

Machines made of scrap metal, stone fragments, fused together by magic. They're very much prototype units and as such, weaker, though faster, than one would expect golems to be, however, they have some amount of resistance and they're easy to repair. The fact they're essentially walking recycling bins does have some interesting implications though.


Mechanical : Isn't affected by any spell targeting living or undead creatures, is unaffected by morale.
Magic dampening (self) : unit takes -25% damage from spells, spell effects last 25% less time.

Hitpoints : 20
Mana : 0
Damage : 4 (5) - 10 (Grail) = 0
Attack : 5 (6)
Defense : 7 (8)
Ranged attack : 0
Ranged defense : 7 (8)
Speed : 5
Movement : 18

Mercenaries :
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Gwallawgysgol Dinas : Gwynedd : Governor : Ava Lloyd (+10% Growth)

+1,671,000 + 83.550 = 1.754.550 G/T
+16 Wood
+24 Stone
+8 Crystal
+12 Gems
+ 2 Native gold
+2 Elemental stone
+2 Flawless Marble
(Council budget:50k/T)

Happiness : 29 : People are ecstatic. +20% creature growth, +20% research produced, +5% income.
9 ( Large town) +2 (Industry) + 3 (luxuries) + 5 (Misc) + 5 (Ava : 4 year) + 4 (cheerleader : 2 years) +1 (infrastructure)

Situation :

Safety : 4 : Could make do with some more guards : +20 enemy infiltration DC
Health : 4 : Pretty good, considering the current circumstances : +20% Disease resistance.
Econ : 10 : The town is beginning to prosper.
Education : 5 : Population has access to basic education, but higher tier industries are currently out of reach.
Research : 3 : +15 (+3) to research score when researching techs.

Food reserves : 2 : May support a population of 100,000 people
Population : 100,000 people
Maximum population: 100,000

Industry slots (2/5 Slots taken):

-'Little' Montmorency : +econ, ++ health, +happiness + 10.000 G/T
A small group of potion shops and labs, able to produce relatively high quality potions, focusing mostly on medical ones. Any excess will automatically be sold to the hospital

-Farmer, Farmer and Farmer : + econ, ++ food, +happiness + 20.000 G/T
A group of farmers, specialized in alimentary production, most notably of the vegetable type.




Miscellaneous slots (5/5 slots taken)

-The Drunken Leprechaun : ++safety, +happiness, +economy +5.000 G/T
A popular tavern, serving beverages to uplift people's morale.

-Flourish and Blott's : +education, +happiness, +economy, +research +10,000 G/T
Wherever there's a city, there's Flourish and Blotts. The company everyone's looking for to satisfy their book cravings.

- Monique's Workshop of tricks : ++ econ, ++ joy, ++ research, +1,000 G/T.
Monique's workshop, where anything technology-related, from muggle televisions, to antique clocks can be built, bought and repaired.

- Secret Operations Headquarters: + 2 Rumor Mill slots, - 100.000 G/T.
The headquarters of the local spy organization.

-Recycling center: + health, ++ econ, + safety, + happiness , produces 12 Scrap golems / turn for the workforce and the garrison for free(+2)(+1)


-Basic hospital: + health

-Basic guard station: + safety

-Rosewood Institute: + Happiness ++++ Education (Elementary and Middle-school level education)

-Fountain of Youth: (Grail building)
+50% Nature-Type Population Growth. Nature faction heroes' aging process stopped past 20 years of age.
+4 Luck to all Nature faction heroes.
-10 To Undead and Technological (Muggle) related rolls and damage in all owned territories.
[Ignores base stat caps]
Each turn, one chosen hero will get a permanent boost of +1 to all of their statistics (both in Planning (Diplomacy, Stewardship, Martial, Intrigue, Learning, Mysticism) and Adventure (Attack, Defense, Ranged attack, Ranged defense, Speed, Movement) type).

Military slots (2/4 taken)

-Militia Barracks, produces Militia units (Tier 1), patrols the town automatically.50,000 G/T Upkeep. Produces 16 Militia / Turn. (+3)(+1)

-Golem assembly line: Produces up to 100 Scrap golems per turn. costs 300 g/u (100 +20+10) available



Notable places:
-Gwallawg Manor. The Gwallawg family's house, that overlooks the town
-Gwallawg's mines.
Lumber Mill. 16 Wood per turn. Building material : + econ
Crystal Mine. 8 Crystals per turn. Luxury : +1 happiness
Improved Gold Mine. 15,000 Galleons per turn. 2 Native gold per turn. Luxury : + happiness
Improved Gem Mine. 12 Gems per turn. 2 Elemental stones per turn. Luxury : + happiness
Improved Stone Quarry. 24 Stone per turn. 2 Flawless Marble per turn. Building material : + econ
Family's ancestral manor, recently renovated with expensive changes.

Gwallawg Library: The most expansive and expensive archives of the Isles.
+10 To research rolls
Information found is guaranteed to be true

Potions laboratory: It is equipped with top of the line materials, however, it is quite empty, save for (empty) vials lining the shelves.
+20 to Crafting (Potions) rolls.

Contents of the Emergency box ( Homunculus creation kit) USED
-Willingly given unicorn foal heart
-40 phoenix feathers
-60 phoenix tears
-Mud from the Euphrates, collected in the third full moon of a leap year
-3 pounds of native, unworked gold.

The instructions are also clear in that there are two more components needed :

-The day must be a solstice or equinox
-Blood from at least 2 prospective family members

Dace's Workshop : + 20 to all of Dace's research, experimental and crafting rolls, the latter only applies to non-potions related subjects.

Nesaftre : Perfeddwlad

+952,500 G/T + 47,625 G/T = 1,000,125 G/T
+12 Mercury/T
+8 Crystal/T
+3 Gem/T

Happiness : 18 : People are elated. +10% research + 10% growth + 5% income.
4 ( Medium town) + 2 (Luxuries) + 5 (Ava: 4 year) + 4 (Cheerleader: 2 years) +3 (Industry)

Situation :

Safety : 3 : Could make do with some more guards : +15 enemy infiltration DC
Health : 1 : Basic healthcare is put in place : +5% Disease resistance.
Econ : 3 : barebones of a production industry are developping
Education : 0 : No schooling set up.
Research : 1 : + 5 to research score when researching techs.

Food reserves : 3 : May support a population of 150,000 people
Population : 30,000 people
Maximum population: 50,000

Industry slots (0/4 Slots taken):

- Avaricious Jewelry stores : ++ happiness, ++ economy, ++ safety, + 10,000 G/t, -1 Gem/T

-Improved farms (industrial): + econ, +++ food, + happiness + 30.000 G/T
Farms that grow both regular and magical crops, while engineered to not impoverish the ground.



Miscellaneous slots (0/3 slots taken)





-Basic hospital: + health

-Basic guard station: + safety

Military slots (0/3 taken)





Notable places:
Mercury exploitation : +12 Mercury/turn. Reagent : + Research
Crystal mine : +8 Crystal/turn. Luxury : + happiness
Gem mine : +4 Gem/turn. Luxury : + happiness

Baradwys Mynydd : Powys

+922,500 G/T

Happiness : 13 : People are satisfied. +10% research + 10% growth.
4 ( Medium town) + 5 (Ava : 5 years) + 4 (misc)

Situation :

Safety : 1 : Could make do with some more guards : +5 enemy infiltration DC
Health : 1 : Basic healthcare is put in place : +5% Disease resistance.
Econ : 2 : Barebones of a Tourism industry are being put in place.
Education : 0 : No schooling set up.
Research : 0 : + 0 to research score when researching techs.

Food reserves : 0 : May support a population of 50,000 people
Population : 30,000 people
Maximum population: 50,000

Industry slots (0/4 Slots taken):





Miscellaneous slots (1/3 slots taken)

- Ruby Amusement park : ++++ happiness, ++ economy, + 10,000 G/t.
A dazzling amusement park in red making use of the latest technologies and a noninsignificant amount of precious decorations to give a luxurious impression to its visitors for a surprisingly low price.




-Basic hospital: + health

-Basic guard station: + safety

Military slots (0/3 taken)

- Tiger dens: Produces White Tigers : Produces 78 White tigers per turn.




Notable places:

Possible partners:
Northern Union : Stone, Lumber, Gems.

Products available for sale:

-Medical potions : Highly sought after.
Happiness : ( positive effects are cumulable, negative ones are not).

30 +5% income
24 +10% Growth
20 +10% research
15 + 5% income
12 +10% Growth
10 +10% research
-8 25% rebellion chance
-10 50% rebellion chance
-12 75% rebellion chances
-14 rebellion next turn
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Research and Intelligence
Research : 7 (leader/2) + 45 (Learning advisor/2) +23 (cities)= +75 / Turn (passive)
Passive Research gain is enabled only if there is a Learning advisor active.

Current research :

Available research:

-Muggle :
Plastics (0/100)
Mobile tactics (100/100)Complete
-Advanced ballistics (0/125)
computers (0/100)
Automation (0/100)
Electronics (100/100)Complete
-Replaceable parts (0/125)

Salvaging (0/100)
Subduction (0/100)
Ecological studies (100/100)Complete
-Hybrids (50/125)
Blood Magic (0/100)
Spell breaking (100/100)Complete
-Intent (0/125)
Wandlore (0/100)
Taming (0/100)
Planetary studies (0/100)

-Ancient Kingdom:
Secrets of Will (0/100)
Secrets of Skill (0/100)
Secrets of Might (0/100)

Bonuses given by techs:
Spell Breaking : Spell breaker (Technology)(Upgrade to units) : + 10 to rolls (story mode) when infiltrating (or invading)magical places.

Tech trees:

Extras :

Research is conducted by investing a certain amount of research points into a technology. once that number is filled, the technology is discovered and its benefits ( secret projects, units, buildings, items, quests) become available.

Research points are obtained both passively ( half of Leader and Consort research skill + all of your cities' research) and actively ( by taking an action : Leader research + roll (+ eventual bonus))
-It is to be read from left to right.
-Multiple links mean multiple requirements, for example, to research Potion Making, you'll need to have researched salvaging and blood magic.
-Completed research will show up with a red highlight
Secret projects are massive projects that will consume both time and resources on a higher scale than your average building. Everyone can build them as long as they have access to the adequate technology, however, only the first one to build it will get the full effects of those projects. Furthermore, as the name implies, the project itself, while in constructions, is 25% harder to detect.

Anchor creation I : Done

Spy Agency :

Status : Unknown

Numbers: 13 Agents

Competency: Rookie (Trained) : + 25 to rolls.

Spell breaker (Technology)(Upgrade to units) : + 10 to rolls (story mode) when infiltrating (or invading)magical places.
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Social links :

Social links are people the leader created emotional links with, drawing on their wisdom and sometimes help. This closeness causes some effects to appear. As relationships, Social links may degrade as time passes if SL actions are not taken for too long, or as the result of actions the person disapproves of. The higher your SL rank is, the greater the rewards, but it also means a certain level of commitment is needed, as the degradation process will be faster.

0/10 RP
Most of the time, he's an idiot. But others, he's kind of scary... And smarter than he lets people think.
SL3 : Different Horizons : People have different circumstances, thoughts, feelings that make them. Learning to take that into account when interacting with them is paramount.
+10 to interacting with people. (applies to any roll involving people, not only diplomatic)
0/2 RP
Very busy! She likes cake, so she can't be bad, right?
0/8 RP
She's warm and feeds me cakes... It's nice. Her spending time with The Idiot is a problem! She's my nanny!
SL3 : Mister President : Sarah isn't just a nanny, she's a bodyguard! Ehe even tells stories to entertain me about the times whe worked with the President!
+10 to rolls when trying to escape from a situation or place.
That Man's new wife, so... My new mom? I like her a lot, she's awesome, I want her to stay. She makes that man stay too but... For cake, I'll tolerate it.
SL3 : Red Thread : Annie says that people are all connected by a net of relationships. It's all very complicated, but she simplified it! A friend of a friend is likely to be a friend too!
+1 to RP gain with people if you have at least one of their SL in your list too.

Important people:

Those are people your leader has encountered and that you ought to keep an eye on. They may become useful allies, or annoying enemies.

Kingdom's organisation :

The leader, consort and council will each have bonuses that influence the growth and success of the country. The Heir will not contribute until they reach majority, except as a council member.

The Leader's full stats and skills will be used, in case there is no advisor taking over the task ( default option)
The Council will have special options, their exact competence will be revealed upon reaching SL3
The Consort will contribute half of their skills to research, advisor actions, and will take over in case of emergency, such as regency.
Thei Heir is your back up leader. Upon reaching majority, the Heir will act either as a Hero Unit, Council member, or will take over the command, becoming a Leader.

Note: If the Consort is also a Council member, the bonus doesn't stack.

Leader : Craidd Gwallawg (Regency)
Regent : Ava Lloyd

Consort : No one

Heir : Lyra Gwallawg (half-sister)

Council :

Age 30 (Turn 4)

A diplomat who left Russia due to his disagreeing with the government. He has known philanthropic tendancies and has recently divorced with his wife.

Possible posts:
-Diplomacy (main)(current)

Actions :

[][Andrei] The cheerleader : Andrei will motivate the population of your town. (+4 happiness for 4 years (may stack))
[][Andrei] Diplomatic ties : Andrei will engage in talks with a neighboring organization (or family) of your choice and open the way for further actions. [Write-in option]
[][Andrei] From Russia Wales, with love : Andrei will engage in talks with foreign powers, ensuring they don't get funny ideas. [Write-in option] (Personal)
Age: 25 (Turn 7)

The young widowed wife of Dace Gwallawg. His disappearance seems to have irremediably broken something inside of her, however, none can say she doesn't do her job effectively. Extremely devoted to her children, adopted or not, she has... a certain idea of what exactly constitutes appropriate parenting, however.

Possible posts:

-Diplomacy (Main)(Current)


[][Anemone] The cheerleader : Anemone will motivate the population of your town. (+4 happiness for 4 years (may stack))
[][Anemone] Diplomatic ties : will engage in talks with a neighboring organization (or family) of your choice and open the way for further actions. [Write-in option]
[][Anemone] Romantia : Relationships are like dominos: perturb one, and see everything fall down. She can, and has, done worse. A few well placed words one way or another to their loved ones may just be what is needed to convince influential people... Anemone will interact with your target's family and friends, and convince them you're in the right : + 85 to next social roll with target (needs write-in target)( (Empathy + Manipulation) / 2)(personal)

[][Anemone] Scientific gambling : Anemone will consume your passive research gain. In exchange she'll have 85% Chances to discover a random technology, 10% to discover 2, 4% to discover 3 and 1% to discover 4 (minimum tech gain: 1)
[][Anemone] In the name of science! : Anemone can reduce technology point cost by 25% (Research/2)
[][Anemone] Stalk- er. Research! : Anemone knows lots of people. People from lots of walks in life, and they all have their little problems and talk to her about it. That means that she's got a bit network. +75 to target research (needs write-in target) ((Leadership + research) / 2)(personal)

[][Anemone] Forewarned is forearmed: Anemone will perform Scrying to warn you against incoming catastrophes. +1 save roll
[][Anemone] Secret mission! Anemone goes out to hunt down artifacts. Results variable.
[][Anemone] Bridesmaid's Bouquet 1 : Whenever she is not destroying every red rose in Dace's office, she has been experimenting on a lot of plants to fing out which would be the best for her wedding. The problem being that magic is whimsical at best, and the plants soon gained a life and a mind of their own... Unlocks Dryads, their related buildings, and Nature-type research.(personal)
Adalbert Pegasus:

Age: 27 (Turn 6)

A young, pretty man with silvery blond hair who is Definitely Not a Malfoy bastard. Dace and him dislike eachother. For reasons. He seems fascinated by pegasi and abraxans, which is likely why he chose his name.

Because, no matter how many times he insists he is not, he is a Malfoy. He's just in denial.

Possible posts:
-Stewardship (current)(main)
-Martial (Ava refuses to let him far from money.)


[][Adalbert] Bookkeeping for dummies : Adalbert will increase the efficiency of the finances and businesses by a margin. (Needs to be assigned to a specific business)
[][Adalbert]Booming Business : Adalbert will facilitate the birth of several businesses in one of your owned towns
[][Adalbert] Affluence : Riches call to riches, and while he denies it, he has, indeed inherited the Malfoy ability to turn what they touch into gold. +5% gold reserve per turn. (Personal)
Age 85 (Turn 5)

A grizzled, crippled old man and war veteran, who now 'counts pennies' because he 'had nothing better to do'.

Possible posts :
-Stewardship (main) (current)

Actions : Stewardship

[][Howland] Bookkeeping for dummies : Howland will increase the efficiency of the finances and businesses by a margin. (Needs to be assigned to a specific business)
[][Howland] All hands on deck : Howland will take care of a stewardship action.
[][Howland] War machine : Money makes the world, and war, go round. If you are willing to pay 4x the usual price, you can recruit double the units!

Alphonse Wilkins. (Age 25 in Turn 5)

A young Military officer who, after the fall of his government, chose to move to Wales after playing darts.

Possible posts:

-Martial (main)(current)



[][Alphonse] Supervision: Alphonse can help with the law enforcement. +10% creature generation.
[][Alphonse] Military research: Alphonse will try to see if he can improve your troops.
[][Alphonse] Greenhorns unite!: Alphonse is new. So are the troops! Therefore, it's good for the morale for them to train and suffer together! +50% training speed to troops, Alphonse gains 500 experience. (personal)



Gregory Abernathy.

Age: 17 during turn 5

Chubby, fluffy brown hair, light grey eyes, and a fluffy air around him. Doesn't look like he's able to fight his way out of a paper bag.

A young adult (by wizarding standards) who had the luck of being pulled out of Hogwarts before it was wiped out of the map. While he may not have officially finished his schooling, he prides himself on having done so on his own. His ability to focus on his research and general knowledge seem to prove it.

Possible posts:

-Learning (current)(main)



[][Gregory] Diplomatic ties : will engage in talks with a neighboring organization (or family) of your choice and open the way for further actions. [Write-in option]
[][Gregory] Fabricate Claim : will endeavour to obtain you rights over a territory, keeping your enemy from calling allies in a conflict over said territory.
[][Gregory] Study in Blue : Trends, charts and calculations have their uses. This way, it's easy to see how to make people like you. Gregory will send letters to the world powers and lead some PR campaigns to ensure people think you are what you want them to think you are.. ([Write-in] option between Pacifist, Defensive, Militaristic or Warmonger. -2 or +2 relationship with world powers per turn) (personal)


[][Gregory] Scientific gambling : Will consume your passive research gain. In exchange, the advisor will have 85% Chances to discover a random technology, 10% to discover 2, 4% to discover 3 and 1% to discover 4 (minimum tech gain: 1)
[][Gregory] In the name of science! : Can reduce technology cost by 45% (Research/2)
[][Gregory] It's just common sense, you know? : Safety measures, drills, and pamphlets go a long way. So do double checking, rereading, and test runs. Thanks to that, if an action fails, Gregory can re-roll that particular action. Also works for Nat1. (personal)


[][Gregory] Forewarned is forearmed: Will perform Scrying to warn you against incoming catastrophes. +1 save roll
[][Gregory] In the name of Science Magic!: Advisor can train mechanical and magical units, for a value of 55 points per turn (Utility magic + magical combat / 2)
[][Gregory] Renaissance Man: Being a bookworm means one knows the ins and outs of books. Being an inspired bookworm means one can write books. Gregory can try his hand at writing books that help people learn this or that skill and improve it. [Current training level: Untrained : 50% chances of success, quality : Basic (20% of giving +5 upon success in Diplomacy, Learning or Mysticism skills.](personal)
While usually they would act apart, after the recent incident that sent Dace in a Coma and scarred Ava almost took Sharon's life, Urie decided that they would be treated as a single unit from now on.

Possible posts:
-Mysticism (main)(current)


[][SU] Diplomatic ties : Sharon will engage in talks with a neighboring organization (or family) of your choice and open the way for further actions. Urie'll keep things from exploding and blackmail a few people.[Write-in option]
[][SU] Fabricate Claim : the terrible duo will endeavour to obtain you rights over a territory, keeping your enemy from calling allies in a conflict over said territory.
[][SU] Life sucks. So what?: Urie thinks this is a reality of Life, Sharon will not let it bring anyone down. Negates effect of negative happiness for the turn. becomes ineffective is happiness dips below +10 (Personal)


[][SU] Forewarned is forearmed: Urie will perform Scrying to warn you against incoming catastrophes. +1 save roll
[][SU] Secret mission! Sharon is sent to hunt down artifacts. Results variable.
[][SU] Death's a Mystery: Urie has a rather unique relationship in that not even Death wants him. This is something to investigate. Opens access to Death-Type research. (Personal)
Melusine Grey

Age: 70 (Turn 5)

An imposing, wizened witch who used to teach rookie aurors how not to blow up their buttocks. Being the Mysticism advisor was her idea of a retirement plan.

Possible posts:
-Mysticism (main)(current)



[][Melusine] School of life : Learning is doing. adds advisor's personal score (skills + personal bonus) to a learning-related action.
[][Melusine] In the name of science! : Can reduce technology cost by 25% (Research/2)
[][Melusine] Foot in the Grave: Melusine's morbid interests aside, she does know of several good locations to explore for some loot... (personal)


[][Melusine] Secret mission! Advisor is sent to hunt down artifacts. Results variable.
[][Melusine] In the name of Science Magic!: Advisor can train mechanical and magical units, for a value of 85 points per turn (Utility magic + magical combat / 2)
[][Melusine] Boot camp from hell: Trains magical units to fully trained in a year. (personal)
Jeremiah Avery

A pureblood accountant whose thirst for knowledge lead him to leave the familial nest. He originally joined the kingdom (?) intending to become a steward, but upon learning of his interests, Ava immediately threw money at him and told him to take care of 'That willpower thing'.

Possible posts:
-Stewardship (main)
-Willpower (current)



[][Jeremiah] All hands on deck : Jeremiah will take care of a stewardship action.
[][Jeremiah] Booming Business : Jeremiah will facilitate the birth of several businesses in an owned town.
[][Jeremiah] Magical creatures and where to find them...: To kill them and sell the parts. Jeremiah has contacts in the magical creatures market, which allows him sometime to find interesting things. (Personal)


[][Jeremiah] When there's a will, there's a way. : Jeremiah will experiment with the applications of Willpower
[][Jeremiah] I need a Hero! : The hero's guild. An elusive subject to be sure. Still, it is worthwhile to try and get whatever you can on this subject. Be it information, or items. Jeremiah will have to leave his lab and go on a trip.
[][Jeremiah] Defense is the best offense!: Jeremiah is a self-proclaimed expeert on the defensive uses of willpower, and he's willing to create a book and research more on that. (Personal)

World Powers

Purple = Void
Golden-Ish = Player territory
Red = Ministry Territory
Blue = Scottish Duarchy
[Vendetta] [Hated] [Disliked] [Wary] [Neutral] [Tentative] [Liked] [Adored] [Exalted]

Tip: the higher the number, the closer the relationship is to evolve up. SImilarly, the lower it is, the closer it is to degrade into something... Unpleasant. Have diplomats go on meetings, send gifts, have your family members (if you have those) work abroad, or have their families come to you, flex your spying muscle, or complete their tasks to upgrade those ratings!

National (Neighboring) Powers:

Scottish Duarchy (Leaders: Joseph MacMillan and Augustus Bulstrode): 6/10

Ireland (Whatever is Void's commander): 0/10

British Ministry of Magic (Leader: James Potter): 2/10
- Aife Macavey (born Gwallawg, Craidd's Sister) is a key member of their government and not on bad terms with Craidd : +2 reputation gain per year.

International Powers:

L'Iris Dorée (Leader: Oliver Lapierre): 9/10
-Sarah Lapierre (Oliver's sister) Acting as Liaison : +1 reputation gain per year.
-They are Militaristic and Absolute Monarchist .
-Their Economy is Flourishing.

L'iris Argentée (Leader: Jean-Henri Dumont): 3/10
-They are Militaristic and Democratic.
-Their Economy is Poor.

European Union (Leader: Unknown): 8/10
-They are Neutral and Democratic.
-Their economy is In Shambles.

United States of America (Leader: Unknown): 7/10
-They are Militaristic and Democratic.
-Their Economy is Good.

Northern Union (Leader: Charles Williams): 6/10
- They are Pacifists and Democratic.
- Their economy is Strong.
- Available trade goods : Wood (unlimited), Stone (Unmilited), Elemental Stone (15/Turn), Gems (Unlimited).

Jade Dragon Empire (Leader:Unknown): 1/10
-They are Warmongers and Absolute Monarchist.
-Their economy is in Shambles.

Arabian Federation (Leader: Rufus Scrimgeour): 2/10 (occupied)

Winter Republic (Leader: President Voldemort): 6/10
-They are Warmongers and Democratic.
-Their Economy is Strong.

South American Alliance (Leader: Unknown): 1/10
-They are Warmongers and Totalitarian.
-Their Economy is Poor.

Hijos Del Sol (Leader: Quetzalcoatl(?)): 2/10
-THey are Warmongers and Theocratic.
-Their Economy is Neutral.

The coloring on their atitudes indicates the degree of difficullty your country will have to get along with them. Note that your default state as of right now is a Pacifist and Oligarchic/Meritocratic state, with a Strong Economy. This may be subject to change depending on actions taken.
Alliances are pacts between two powers of equal rank.
This include a mutual defence pact (though your allies are not obligated to declare war as you do), more advantageous trade agreements, relationship bonus increase on trade depending of economic strength, and shared intelligence.
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Discord here : Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

On rewards:

I will reward omakes and drawings and fan stuff. People who choose to stockpile them must notify me, otherwise, I will use them to force passes.

On omakes, the lower admissible wordcount is 250.

Once the amount of points stockpiled reaches 100, the players get to ask for a limited wish. Or summon a surprise Medea ( highly chaotic results, may or may not end up with plantes blowing up.)

The restrictions :

-It must not affect the gods. They will be free to retaliate otherwise.
-Must try to be as precise as possible while inputting their wish. It will be up to the dice otherwise.


Lysbeth: +20 (remaining points) + 15 = 35 set to stockpile - MP used: 1
Nordlending: 0 = 0 Set to Use.
NotteBoy97: 0 = 0 Set to stockpile.
Kufufu: 8 + 8 + 72 = 88 Set to stockpile. - MP used: 1
SocsoD: 28 = 28 Set to stockpile - MP used: 7
Pawn : 0 - MP used : 2 (100 points debt)
BlueHelix: 0 = 0
Alphadelta: 8 + 16 = 24 set to stockpile
Dr Elsewhere : 0 = 0 Set to save rolls

Roll + skill + additional bonuses = result must be above 100 for it to be a pass.
The tier of the success is dependent on how many multiple of [Skill] this result is.

For example. Someone's sneaking around with dark clothing which gives a small bonus.

62 + 50 (stealth)+ 10 (clothes) = 122.

Not only this is a success, as it is over 100, but since 122 is more than two ( but under three) times 50 (the stealth skill number), therefore, it counts as a tier 2 success.

Success tiers

Tier 1 (100): Pass
Tier 2 (2x): Tier 2 success: +5 skill
Tier 3 (3x): Tier 3 success: +1 Base Stat OR, if cap reached, +1 towards limit breaking it.
Tier 4 (4x): Tier 4 success: Automatic limit break
Tiers above his number simply loop back into the 2-3-4 order. Limited to 8x success.

In addition to extra effects, Nat100 doubles tier success, regardless of tier limit.
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Not decided on anything yet, but leaning towards [] Make a quick check of the situation. People, what he owned, etc., just to make absolutely sure we secure the grail that got brought back.
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Dace has HBS and will die in 10 years. We need to get started on it right away.
[X] Checking his own state. Whatever this was, it certainly wasn't natural.
[X] Make a quick check of the situation. People, what he owned, etc.

Easiest mode because we'll need every advantage we can get.
[X] 1 : Sandy McRowe, a Squib Prostitute, was bitten and turned into a vampire. However, she came back... Odd. Even for a vampire. Speaking of madness and voices, and acting erratically. (Vampire The masquerade)
[X] His daughter seemingly getting possessed and collapsing in front of him.
[X] His daughter trying to poison him.
[X] 7 : Whispers spoke of an isolated village being annihilated, and of dark whispers in the night ( Fable )
Nice to get started finally, @LordPenguin

Now then!

First order of business is disinheriting Alfie and removing that drain on resources, so she can't suborn it for herself. It's also the start to some legitimate privacy so we can raise up a proper heir without her interference, while also getting started on the threat vector that arose which butterflied away her original mistake.

Finally, I've wanted Fable. Because I want to work with Reaver Industries dammit.
Finally, I've wanted Fable. Because I want to work with Reaver Industries dammit.

Might be a while then, considering that's in Fable 3, and the text seems to indicate Fable 1 (Reminds me of Oakvale more than anything).


That said...

[X] His daughter seemingly getting possessed and collapsing in front of him.
[X] Make a quick check of the situation. People, what he owned, etc.

[X] 7 : Whispers spoke of an isolated village being annihilated, and of dark whispers in the night ( Fable )

Getting the situation checked out ASAP seems to be priority number one, check up on the stuff that Dace has, as well as his daughter.

Let's see where this goes.
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Dace has HBS and will die in 10 years. We need to get started on it right away.
[] Checking his own state. Whatever this was, it certainly wasn't natural.
[] Make a quick check of the situation. People, what he owned, etc.

Easiest mode because we'll need every advantage we can get.
[] 1 : Sandy McRowe, a Squib Prostitute, was bitten and turned into a vampire. However, she came back... Odd. Even for a vampire. Speaking of madness and voices, and acting erratically. (Vampire The masquerade)
Yeah no.

There's no need for handholding. I saw the absolute mess you lot made of the last quest, and there's no need for any handholding when you play an Intrigue faction like an Intrigue faction rather than a half-baked martial one.

No offense, but-

Welcome to easier mode and followed.
The reason for this?

It's because this is a different ballgame now. A new round. New players. New strategies, new plans, and a whole different kettle of fish. I don't need handholding, and if I have to drag all of you kicking and screaming into an actual win...Then that's what I'm going to have to do. To describe my emotions upon seeing the absolute tragedy of the quest up until the point where it ended as merely frustration is to accomplish a true miracle of understatement.

I only regret that this stuff wasn't brought to my attention sooner, because I certainly would have never let things get that far to begin with.

Thus, they will not now. That is my very serious promise, @LordPenguin
[X] His daughter seemingly getting possessed and collapsing in front of him.
[X] Make a quick check of the situation. People, what he owned, etc.
[X] 7 : Whispers spoke of an isolated village being annihilated, and of dark whispers in the night ( Fable )

While both daughter options are valuable for different reasons, figuring out this situation as soon as possible seems more important currently.

Checking the situation of the people, resources, and items Dace has will be useful to make sure that the grail is secured, which likely takes precedence to organizing thoughts and making sure that we remember things properly just due to the item being really dangerous.

For Dumbledore + Rosier, Dumbledore likely isn't against us right now so information about him isn't immediately relevant and we seem more likely to help Riddle than oppose him on a glance, so again it isn't as pressing as the current situation due to us not likely being a target.

And Fable is just a fun setting honestly.
I disagree with the belief that we need to do an immediate Sit-rep, because frankly speaking we don't need to check on our current holdings with any real urgency.

All that does is serve as a way of affirming confirmation bias and a point for comparison with the previous Quests resources in exchange for ignoring the far more valuable thing that the previous Quest did right from the outset, which was cutting off Aife from the family with that sole opportunity of overextension.

Do you think its a coincidence that LordPenguin chose that singular instant to butterfly things?

The reason why is because giving Dace sole control over his own faction from the start was the key to all of his future successes from the outset in the previous iteration of the quest. We can confirm our holdings later.

We can't screw over Aife at the most opportune moment possible again.

Eject the THOT.

Crush the Isekai Menace.

Attain control over the family completely, and we can let her be the problem of Dumbledore and the various terrorists. We simply aren't going to get a better chance to disown her than this, thus, if you have any sense of self preservation you must take that option. She's a principle threat vector for throwing off our game not just through her own inherent knowledge as an Isekai, her own stupidly powerful charm magics, but also something else is fucking with the timeline through her. She is an existential threat to our ability to leverage metaknowledge for maximum gains, and as a part of the household will be in a prime position to steal the Holy Grail for herself along with any our resources we gain for ourselves!

Get rid of her!
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[] His daughter seemingly getting possessed and collapsing in front of him.
Identifying the butterflies we made going back.​
[] His daughter trying to poison him.
Disinherit Aife, do things without her knowing/screwing up.​
[] Make a quick check of the situation. People, what he owned, etc.
Getting a list of what we've got, and probably find our glitched in grail.​
[] Checking his own state. Whatever this was, it certainly wasn't natural.
Sorting out his memories, and probably finding that we have 10 years to find a cure to HBS.​
[] Calling Dumbledore. That mess was his to clean up.
Blackmailing the Order of the Phoenix.​
[] Calling Rosier. That was his wife that tried to kill him.
Blackmailing the Death Eaters.​

Aife is too much of a threat to doing things well to keep her around, and knowing that we'll die without a cure is the most important things right now.

[X] His daughter trying to poison him.
[X] Checking his own state. Whatever this was, it certainly wasn't natural.

[X] 7 : Whispers spoke of an isolated village being annihilated, and of dark whispers in the night ( Fable )
Fable seems fun. Not, the first overlord summoning Cth'ulhu to destroy Atlantis fun, but still fun.
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If you leave rot to infest it doesnt matter how big the tree gets.

It's fucked either way. Same principle applies here. You remove threat vectors first and Dace has ten years to confirm whether or not he's about to die.

For crying out loud. I don't want to see people who berated the original players of this quest where they thought they couldn't see them mess up one of the few things that they did right.

More than most, I have the right to call you lot out on that hubris.
[X] 5 : House elves were rebelling, and Goblins were becoming more agressive. ( Overlord)
[X] His daughter seemingly getting possessed and collapsing in front of him.
[X] His daughter trying to poison him.
[X] His daughter seemingly getting possessed and collapsing in front of him.
[X] His daughter trying to poison him.
[X] 7 : Whispers spoke of an isolated village being annihilated, and of dark

Shocking I know! Me? Voting for Fable?
Has the world gone mad?

But Seriously I've been looking forward to this for to long and I will be beyond despair if Fable isnt chosen.
Please be kind....
I disagree with the belief that we need to do an immediate Sit-rep, because frankly speaking we don't need to check on our current holdings with any real urgency.

All that does is serve as a way of affirming confirmation bias and a point for comparison with the previous Quests resources in exchange for ignoring the far more valuable thing that the previous Quest did right from the outset, which was cutting off Aife from the family with that sole opportunity of overextension.

Do you think its a coincidence that LordPenguin chose that singular instant to butterfly things?

The reason why is because giving Dace sole control over his own faction from the start was the key to all of his future successes from the outset in the previous iteration of the quest. We can confirm our holdings later.

We can't screw over Aife at the most opportune moment possible again.

Eject the THOT.

Crush the Isekai Menace.

Attain control over the family completely, and we can let her be the problem of Dumbledore and the various terrorists. We simply aren't going to get a better chance to disown her than this, thus, if you have any sense of self preservation you must take that option. She's a principle threat vector for throwing off our game not just through her own inherent knowledge as an Isekai, her own stupidly powerful charm magics, but also something else is fucking with the timeline through her. She is an existential threat to our ability to leverage metaknowledge for maximum gains, and as a part of the household will be in a prime position to steal the Holy Grail for herself along with any our resources we gain for ourselves!

Get rid of her!

Okay, fuck essays then. I guess I'll have to make the time to actually read the original thread rather than get a few highlights.

I was under the impression that while the initial relationship was strained, things didn't start outright antagonistic and that this incident was basically the tipping point. With the treatment of her in the last thread after this incident basically pushing her to be fully against us, if for an understandable reason.

With that in mind, disinheriting her is much more valuable than I initially thought, and while the grail is still important, checking on the possession still takes precedence here.

[X] His daughter seemingly getting possessed and collapsing in front of him.
[X] His daughter trying to poison him.
[X] 7 : Whispers spoke of an isolated village being annihilated, and of dark whispers in the night ( Fable )