Under the Open Sky (CWMGQ Spinoff)

I beg to differ, @LightLan

Speaking of, now we know why asking for Divinity protection was not a good idea, what with inverting existence bonii.

Would have loved the Divinity-granting attack booster, though. It would have made destroying the seal possible.

Does Team GEAR have one?
lost told kelllogo in discord that she can't do that.
Still, we do not need Wave Force to win here.
Our Panoply has gotten very good.
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Rule of Brass has Ability Negation. It negates Abilities. If you want spell negation go get Spell-Cancel like a normal person.
Right, know better now.

In no particular order:
1) Does ad-hoc spatial warping have a chance of damaging the seal? It was established as a possible way to do damage in general
2) It was said Wave Force would work, but "not in timely manner". Care to elaborate?
3) We have a vial of invisibility. Does "get out of sight and use it" work to get us away from Twisted Metal - or would something give her knowledge of our presence?
4) Same question, we are with captives/rescued?
5) Same question, we're charging up a Gate away from the location
6) Does "no teleports" cover stable portals, elsewhere spatial moves, or halting?
7) Does Quell allow us to bypass Rule of Brass, after it takes hold?

Also, I'm considering changing my plan to replace Shift with Elsewhere. Less painful, not sure if more gainful. Will casting Wave Force right after, work?

Any other suggestions on changes?
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Just a thought I had, even though it might not lead to anything: Twisted Metal gives off some machine-like vibes. Perhaps the EMP-device will actually do something to her?
Especially with the QM hinting at there being at least one other way to take her out some time earlier.
Just a thought I had, even though it might not lead to anything: Twisted Metal gives off some machine-like vibes. Perhaps the EMP-device will actually do something to her?
Especially with the QM hinting at there being at least one other way to take her out some time earlier.
Good point, actually...

Okay. Let's see.

Silver Regent - still needs to be neutralized.
Twisted Metal - might fall to EMP - and if we drop her in the water she might drown if EMP works. Second biggest threat though, can drop us in 3-4 turns at most.
Star Lancer - may interfere, but is unlikely to do so effectively. Limited to dropping our Ceaseless Warrior stacks and up to 1800 damage per turn.
Tarser - may interfere, but is unlikely to do so effectively. I intend to kill him promptly.
High Card - at a risk of collateral damage but otherwise a non-issue. Even with three recursions (0.1%) unlikely to damage us, nor is her spell powerful.

@kelllogo - can we get off the EMP before Twisted Metal starts shooting?

So. Revised plan, tbd.
1) Engage Silver Regent - Wave Force, then knockout
2) Shoot Tarser dead
3) Announce Silver Regent hostage, stall for time/demand surrender
4) Turn Refresh
5) Activate EMP, move it into one of the tunnels with Elsewhere, possibly in an alcove
6) Stall until explosion
7) If they are standing down, grab everyone. If they aren't, leave and hide.

Something like that?
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Twisted Metal - 1387*3=4161 max damage per turn
Star Lancer - 386*4=1536 max damage per turn, likelier 1152 to Twilight every turn
High Card (assuming 2 echo spell doing unified damage) - 211 damage, once every three turns.

Demon, Silver Regent - should be dropped promptly enough to not matter.

So, like that. We can afford to tank the assault from both Red-Revived for two turns at most. After that, blasting Star Lancer with Vampire grants us a 1-turn grace period to get the hell out of dodge. And assuming Twisted Metal was ramping up instead of shooting, gets us 2700 more health... So around 6000 on start of turn 3 and 10000 once we drop Star Lancer.

If turn 1 was dealing with Regent and Demon, and turn 2 was making Red-Revived stand down, Turn 3 needs us escaping with all due haste.

Or we could go to wrestle down Twisted Metal - her 3 APT is just enough to give us APT to inhuman skill stonewall her in up close and personal combat, even with Star Lancer interfering.

Once Star Lancer is dead going by numbers swiftly, in 1-2 turns, makes us high APT enough to stonewall both Twisted Metal and High Card with inhuman skill. Especially since we can also prep Quell to negate their magic...

High skill and high APT and Omni-caster is haxx.
That... Personal opinion, but that's really dumb. Twisty was brought in specifically to fuck Summit up and you wanna sandbag?
I like my plan much better.
Faraway assumes he can get to Silver Regent without getting intercepted.
Mine makes sure the path is wide open.

[X] Plan: Take a bath
-[X] destroy the plate glass so Twisted Metal falls into the aquarium
-[X] kill starlancer with ranged attacks
-[X] if the demon is stupid enough to engage, kill it too
-[X] subdue Silver Regent and High Card
-[X] if the demon hasn't run away yet, kill it
-[X] hope Twisted Metal isn't back yet and deploy Machine Code's device
-[X] if Twisted Metal somehow got taken out, capture her too as long as the time allows
-[X] get out of there with the captives

[X] EXP Plan Get Rid of Probably Uncooperative Demon
-[X] Purchase DarkSlayer

@kelllogo are Starlancer and the demon close enough together so we can hit both with collateral damage?
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Mindcontrolled. I do not want to sandbag. I want to ensure I do not kill her off accidentally in the process of saving her if the EMP turns out to be too effective.
Okay. Kelllogo, everyone, how badly will this plan go?
While capturing her is an objective it's an optional secondary objective. I'd rather we just kill her to avoid either: her hitting us with a spell, or the demon sneaking out and raising the alarm. In addition, right now your plan to melee her and then kill Tarser is going to eat up turns, since we can't switch our Panoply configuration more than once a turn.
I thought I had Lisa do maneuvers where she used that to move the spear form one hand to the other.
Well, we'll just have to tie both her hands to her spear, then, if we want to use her as a weapon
Faraway assumes he can get to Silver Regent without getting intercepted.
We're literally right next to her, because we just hit her.
[x] Plan One by One
-[x] Panoply to Danmaku, multi-shot, spell boost, ray,
-[x] The instant the Grand Dispel fades, hit Silver Regent with another Wave Force.
-[x] While waiting for that, or immediately after, hit the fishtank to drop Twisted Metal into it.
-[x] Kill Tarser.
-[x] Switch to Omnicaster, Rain of Blows, Multi-Slash, Intercept, and go try to knock out Starlancer.
-[x] If successful in rendering Starlancer either unconscious or dead, take her spear.
--[x] While waiting, Self-Repair yourself back to full health as needed.
-[x] Use the spear to try to knock out the seal on Twisted Metal's tail, using Inhuman Skill to negate as many attacks as possible from Twisted Metal and Quell if either Twisted or HIgh Card look like they're going to cast a spell.
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Wave Force will "leak" damage through, but not in a timely manner. And Silver Regent's planning on banning that spell as soon as she can cast Rule of Brass. Horrorslayer or Collateral Damage isn't going to do much either.

Star Lancer could hurt Twisted Metal since she has Legend Existence. And Silver Regent could also hurt her if she used her Supremacy spell.

I think that's it for damaging Twisted Metal... maybe there's some other way to defeat her? She was brought in specifically to defeat you...
Right, finally at home, making changes has become easier.
Thus, first of all, this is a hora, for those who failed to notice.
Second, it is the source of the idea that maybe using the EMP bomb would drop Twisted Metal.
...Incidentally, as we have a mind-to-radio interface, this might also touch on us. Luckily, we can disable it.
Unluckily, Star Lancer can also jam communications and other similar effects, but I'm banking on her being unable to jam an entire EMP.

While capturing her is an objective it's an optional secondary objective. I'd rather we just kill her to avoid either: her hitting us with a spell, or the demon sneaking out and raising the alarm. In addition, right now your plan to melee her and then kill Tarser is going to eat up turns, since we can't switch our Panoply configuration more than once a turn.
It isn't. We have FOUR Protean slots in our Panoply.
I have specified FOUR traits for our Panoply: Multi Slash (melee - repeat damage string 3x times, and/or spread the hits to multiple targets), Crush (melee - multiply damage string by 3), Multi Shot (ranged - see Multi Slash), and Darkslayer (all-purpose, add 500% extra damage against targets with Darkness Affinity and bypass Darkness-based abilities).

This is enough to drop Silver Regent (spell+attack, 2 actions), Tarser (attack, 1 action), Star Lancer (attack, 1 action - or 2 attacks if Master Skill procs), and have one or two actions to spare. Enough to drop High Card if we go minimalist route and get everyone killed before flying away very very fast and hoping Twisted Metal can't follow.

Switching Crush and Multi Slash for Spell Boost and Danmaku does this - guarantees Silver Regent's death by Wave Force, and guarantees Star Lancer's death by overkill (as is, she has less than 1/169 chances to survive Multi Shot + Darkslayer, and that only if she Twilights us before we shoot her).

Say, as far as alternate options go... How about Shifting to Silver Regent, knocking her out and taking her hostage?

[X] Plan Hostage Maker
-[X] Elsewhere to Silver Regent, Wave Force without Spell Boost, then knock her out with melee attacks (Multi Slash, Crush - 14400 damage is more than enough for a single strike), DO NOT KILL
-[X] Kill Tarser (Darkslayer, Multi Shot - 25800 damage expected) by blasting him from range
-[X] Grab Silver Regent's insensate body
-[X] Declare your allegiance to Counter Force
-[X] Call out to Twisted Metal to check fire around her allies, order everyone to stand down and detransform, promise no killing
-[X] If they obey, knock them out, gently. Set up the portal, activate the EMP, leave.
-[X] If they persist, activate the EMP and fly away at best speed. Grab High Card (knock out) and shoot Star Lancer dead on way out.

[X] EXP Plan Get Rid of Probably Uncooperative Demon
-[X] Purchase DarkSlayer
So. I have decided... LightLan maybe has a point - we need to make Twisted Metal fall down after all.

[X] Plan Hostage Maker v2
-[X] Panoply to Darkslayer, Multi Shot, Multi Slash, Crush
-[X] destroy the plate glass so Twisted Metal falls into the aquarium
--[X] Watch out for her resurfacing, AND for her staying in the water for more than twenty seconds (2 full turns). In the latter case, investigate.
-[X] using best speed, get to Silver Regent and Wave Force her without Spell Boost before the gets off Rule of Brass, then knock her out with melee attacks. DO NOT KILL.
-[X] Kill Tarser by blasting him from range, grab Silver Regent's insensate body and hold it hostage. Deflect Twisted Metal's attacks as necessary.
-[X] Declare your allegiance to Counter Force, order everyone to stand down and detransform. Use Tarser's death as an illustrative example of trying to resist. Inform you will be leaving shortly, and they are now either your captives or your targets.
--[X] If Star Lancer persists, try and shoot her hands off without killing her outright. Otherwise, knock her out.
--[X] If High Card persists, move over to her and threaten with a firm grasp on her. Be ready to knock her out, gently.
-[X] Prepare a location in one of the nearby tunnels for the EMP; use Elsewhere to deliver the package, and activate - this can and should be done as early as 2nd turn of combat. Try and make sure the explosion doesn't hit yourself, High Card and anyone who is already unconscious/surrendered to you.
--[X] If Twisted Metal still isn't on the surface, investigate. If it turns out she has dropped unconscious/surrendered, ensure she is unconscious and untransformed.
-[X] If everything is fine, tie up the loose ends. Knock out everyone who needs knocking out, gather everyone in one place, glance about for shiny things to Fuse, contact the base you are getting out, tell them about need for guards for captive magical girls as necessary. Find/make a secure location, charge up the Gate and leave. Don't take more than two minutes from start to finish.
-[X] If everything is not fine - Twisted Metal is up, awake and rampaging, for example, see about knocking out everyone but her, then grabbing her with Panoply and negating her attacks and spells with Inhuman Skill and Quell, correspondingly. Pull her over to everyone, force her to stand down, and Gate everyone away. Don't forget to call up base.
-[X] If everything is very much not fine - lots of demons are pouring in, Twisted Metal is rampaging, and Silver Regent has managed to block off your teleports - finish off Silver Regent and Star Lancer, knock out and grab High Card, and fly away while shooting every demon down - you're sure you can actually get away. Hopefully, Silver Regent's death will restore your teleportation.

[X] EXP Plan Get Rid of Probably Uncooperative Demon
-[X] Purchase DarkSlayer
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[X] Plan Hostage Maker v2

they might be more willing to surrender if we've only killed a demon, and I suspect at least one of them would be willing to work for the UL once they are un-brainwashed.
@kelllogo - can we get off the EMP before Twisted Metal starts shooting?
Machine Code said a five second delay, which is going to feel like forever in this fight. You might also want to ask yourself what you would do if you say an enemy drop something and then run away from it.
@kelllogo are Starlancer and the demon close enough together so we can hit both with collateral damage?
We're literally right next to her, because we just hit her.
Summit, Star Lancer, and Silver Regent are darting around like overcaffinated hummingbirds at the moment. I'm trying for a feel of High-Speed combat. The chamber is kind of small for how fast most of them are moving.

Summit jumped back about half the chamber to open up space from Star Lancer. You can expect that you're in attack range of everyone and vise-versa unless you do something like run out of the chamber.

Poor Tarser, can't keep up...
Machine Code said a five second delay, which is going to feel like forever in this fight. You might also want to ask yourself what you would do if you say an enemy drop something and then run away from it.
5 second is, in combat time, one half of a turn... I see your point.
Though I would have been more worried about Twisted Metal shooting the thing.

For example, assuming we're the only ones who get to explicitly make actions in the next turn before it goes off, it will go like this:
Action 1 - activate the bomb, drop it somewhere with Elsewhere
Action 2 - shoot the ground from under Twisted Metal - she had very nearly shot up the room, probably
Action 3 - fly up to Silver Regent, Wave Force her - hope she didn't lock down the teleportation already
Action 4 - hit Silver Regent with Panoply - the bomb goes boom

That said, my intent wasn't quite to drop it somewhere and run from it, as of the latest plan I made.
- it was to pick one of the tunnels leading to the room (there are at least three, IIRC - the one we came in from, the molten-entrance one, and one other);
- it was to deposit the device in that tunnel, by the wall, using Elsewhere that has a very convenient 150 meters range. That's like what, five times the length of the room? How are they going to notice me slipping something where they can't see it?
- distract everyone by fighting/threatening Silver Regent's body from looking around too closely
- wait for the boom that's going off somewhere in the tunnels, definitely far away from my body
Summit, Star Lancer, and Silver Regent are darting around like overcaffinated hummingbirds at the moment. I'm trying for a feel of High-Speed combat. The chamber is kind of small for how fast most of them are moving.

Summit jumped back about half the chamber to open up space from Star Lancer. You can expect that you're in attack range of everyone and vise-versa unless you do something like run out of the chamber.

Poor Tarser, can't keep up...
I know High-speed combat and the Skilled lines close the gap a lot, but we're still the only one here with an actual movement ability (Especially since we have Inhuman Skill and... Actually, I think we are the only one here with HSC?). I'd think we'd still be able to move and act a good deal quicker than they would. Save for, like I assume happen with Twisted this round, we need to pass right by them. Or are attacking them I suppose.
Adhoc vote count started by ShadowAngelBeta on Apr 14, 2018 at 9:04 PM, finished with 59 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Hostage Maker v2
    -[X] Panoply to Darkslayer, Multi Shot, Multi Slash, Crush
    -[X] destroy the plate glass so Twisted Metal falls into the aquarium
    --[X] Watch out for her resurfacing, AND for her staying in the water for more than twenty seconds (2 full turns). In the latter case, investigate.
    -[X] using best speed, get to Silver Regent and Wave Force her without Spell Boost before the gets off Rule of Brass, then knock her out with melee attacks. DO NOT KILL.
    -[X] Kill Tarser by blasting him from range, grab Silver Regent's insensate body and hold it hostage. Deflect Twisted Metal's attacks as necessary.
    -[X] Declare your allegiance to Counter Force, order everyone to stand down and detransform. Use Tarser's death as an illustrative example of trying to resist. Inform you will be leaving shortly, and they are now either your captives or your targets.
    --[X] If Star Lancer persists, try and shoot her hands off without killing her outright. Otherwise, knock her out.
    --[X] If High Card persists, move over to her and threaten with a firm grasp on her. Be ready to knock her out, gently.
    -[X] Prepare a location in one of the nearby tunnels for the EMP; use Elsewhere to deliver the package, and activate - this can and should be done as early as 2nd turn of combat. Try and make sure the explosion doesn't hit yourself, High Card and anyone who is already unconscious/surrendered to you.
    --[X] If Twisted Metal still isn't on the surface, investigate. If it turns out she has dropped unconscious/surrendered, ensure she is unconscious and untransformed.
    -[X] If everything is fine, tie up the loose ends. Knock out everyone who needs knocking out, gather everyone in one place, glance about for shiny things to Fuse, contact the base you are getting out, tell them about need for guards for captive magical girls as necessary. Find/make a secure location, charge up the Gate and leave. Don't take more than two minutes from start to finish.
    -[X] If everything is not fine - Twisted Metal is up, awake and rampaging, for example, see about knocking out everyone but her, then grabbing her with Panoply and negating her attacks and spells with Inhuman Skill and Quell, correspondingly. Pull her over to everyone, force her to stand down, and Gate everyone away. Don't forget to call up base.
    -[X] If everything is very much not fine - lots of demons are pouring in, Twisted Metal is rampaging, and Silver Regent has managed to block off your teleports - finish off Silver Regent and Star Lancer, knock out and grab High Card, and fly away while shooting every demon down - you're sure you can actually get away. Hopefully, Silver Regent's death will restore your teleportation.
    [X] EXP Plan Get Rid of Probably Uncooperative Demon
    -[X] Purchase DarkSlayer
    [X] Battle Plan?
    [X] [EXP] EXP Plan?
    [X] Plan: Take a bath
    -[X] destroy the plate glass so Twisted Metal falls into the aquarium
    -[X] kill starlancer with ranged attacks
    -[X] subdue Silver Regent and High Card
    -[X] if the demon hasn't run away yet, kill it
    -[X] hope Twisted Metal isn't back yet and deploy Machine Code's device
    -[X] get out of there with the captives
    [X] Plan: Take a bath
    -[X] destroy the plate glass so Twisted Metal falls into the aquarium
    -[X] kill starlancer with ranged attacks
    -[X] if the demon is stupid enough to engage, kill it too
    -[X] subdue Silver Regent and High Card
    -[X] if the demon hasn't run away yet, kill it
    -[X] hope Twisted Metal isn't back yet and deploy Machine Code's device
    -[X] if Twisted Metal somehow got taken out, capture her too as long as the time allows
    -[X] get out of there with the captives
    [x] Plan One by One
    -[x] Panoply to Danmaku, multi-shot, spell boost, ray,
    -[x] The instant the Grand Dispel fades, hit Silver Regent with another Wave Force.
    -[x] While waiting for that, or immediately after, hit the fishtank to drop Twisted Metal into it.
    -[x] Kill Tarser.
    -[x] Switch to Omnicaster, Rain of Blows, Multi-Slash, Intercept, and go try to knock out Starlancer.
    -[x] If successful in rendering Starlancer either unconscious or dead, take her spear.
    --[x] While waiting, Self-Repair yourself back to full health as needed.
    -[x] Use the spear to try to knock out the seal on Twisted Metal's tail, using Inhuman Skill to negate as many attacks as possible from Twisted Metal and Quell if either Twisted or HIgh Card look like they're going to cast a spell.
The room is small enough that leaping from surface to surface is usually faster than flying. Flight isn't especially useful unless you want to hover at the highest point (and draw out Twisted's anti-air spell...).

Summit still has an edge in mobility and reactions, but Silver Regent has been a Magical Girl for almost eight years and Star Lancer has good reflexes for this sort of fight. Twisted Metal has her own ideas for how to deal with you. High Card is green enough that she's getting thrown for a loop.

Even weaker-seeming Magical Girl are difficult to ignore, even for strong combatants.
That seems like it largely defeats the point of having HSC or equivalent abilities in the first place, really.
That seems like it largely defeats the point of having HSC or equivalent abilities in the first place, really.
8 years of experience = almost certainly has False HSC

Fighting in a cramped environment doesn't let Summit take full advantage of her HSC because she isn't a melee specialist and she can't instantly accelerate and decelerate her flight.

Still gives her an edge, just not as much of one as she would get otherwise.
Anyway, it seems the discussion has somewhat quieted down. Have a vote tally to compare the plans.

Edit: Also, since I'm bored, Twisted Metal's best shot with Aegis Field 20 (copied from before) 25, 30, 35, 40 - as well as theoretical bare Epic Super Mode with Armor Pierce breaking even:
Tail Cannons: 686 Base Damage, +287 dice, + 657 Enrage (3 stacks), +3000 Legendary Power (super mode) = 4630 Total Damage
TDTG:1543 Total Damage

Summit (AF 20): 1000 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +308 Reactive Field, -312 Armor Pierce, +78 Thick Armor, -3000 Hostile Legend Effect = 1926 Extra Damage
3469 TED, 1387 FED - actually a lot

Summit (AF 25): 1500 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +385 Reactive Field, -471 Armor Pierce, +117 Thick Armor, -3000 Hostile Legend Effect = 1469 Extra Damage
3012 TED, 1204 FED

Summit (AF 30): 2100 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +462 Reactive Field, -640 Armor Pierce, +160 Thick Armor, -3000 Hostile Legend Effect = 918 Extra Damage
2461 TED, 984 FED

Summit (AF 35): 2800 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +540 Reactive Field, -835 Armor Pierce, +208 Thick Armor, -3000 Hostile Legend Effect = 287 Extra Damage
1830 TED, 732 FED

Summit (AF 40): 3600 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +617 Reactive Field, -1054 Armor Pierce, +264 Thick Armor, -3000 Hostile Legend Effect = 427 Damage Reduction
1116 TED, 446 FED

Epic Super Mode: 0 Damage, No Dice, +4000 Epic Power = 4000 Total Damage
To Defy The Gods: 1000 Total Damage

Summit (AF 40): 3600 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +400 Reactive Field, -1000 Armor Pierce, +250 Thick Armor, -4000 Hostile Epic Effect = 750 Extra Damage
Summit (AF 45): 4500 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +450 Reactive Field, -1237 Armor Pierce, +339 Thick Armor, -4000 Hostile Epic Effect = 52 Damage Reduction
Summit (AF 50): 5500 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +500 Reactive Field, -1500 Armor Pierce, +375 Thick Armor, -4000 Hostile Epic Effect = 875 Damage Reduction
Summit (AF 52): +220, -55, +13 = +178 Damage Reduction

So yeah. We need that much Aegis Field just to mostly break even with the effect of Existence disparity in Super Mode, but still be mostly open to actual damage of the attack... Luckily, we also have 50500 health to tank it by Aegis Field 50.
Adhoc vote count started by Faraway-R on Apr 14, 2018 at 3:20 AM, finished with 1998 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] EXP Plan Get Rid of Probably Uncooperative Demon
    -[X] Purchase DarkSlayer
    [X] Plan Hostage Maker v2
    -[X] Panoply to Darkslayer, Multi Shot, Multi Slash, Crush
    -[X] destroy the plate glass so Twisted Metal falls into the aquarium
    --[X] Watch out for her resurfacing, AND for her staying in the water for more than twenty seconds (2 full turns). In the latter case, investigate.
    -[X] using best speed, get to Silver Regent and Wave Force her without Spell Boost before the gets off Rule of Brass, then knock her out with melee attacks. DO NOT KILL.
    -[X] Kill Tarser by blasting him from range, grab Silver Regent's insensate body and hold it hostage. Deflect Twisted Metal's attacks as necessary.
    -[X] Declare your allegiance to Counter Force, order everyone to stand down and detransform. Use Tarser's death as an illustrative example of trying to resist. Inform you will be leaving shortly, and they are now either your captives or your targets.
    --[X] If Star Lancer persists, try and shoot her hands off without killing her outright. Otherwise, knock her out.
    --[X] If High Card persists, move over to her and threaten with a firm grasp on her. Be ready to knock her out, gently.
    -[X] Prepare a location in one of the nearby tunnels for the EMP; use Elsewhere to deliver the package, and activate - this can and should be done as early as 2nd turn of combat. Try and make sure the explosion doesn't hit yourself, High Card and anyone who is already unconscious/surrendered to you.
    --[X] If Twisted Metal still isn't on the surface, investigate. If it turns out she has dropped unconscious/surrendered, ensure she is unconscious and untransformed.
    -[X] If everything is fine, tie up the loose ends. Knock out everyone who needs knocking out, gather everyone in one place, glance about for shiny things to Fuse, contact the base you are getting out, tell them about need for guards for captive magical girls as necessary. Find/make a secure location, charge up the Gate and leave. Don't take more than two minutes from start to finish.
    -[X] If everything is not fine - Twisted Metal is up, awake and rampaging, for example, see about knocking out everyone but her, then grabbing her with Panoply and negating her attacks and spells with Inhuman Skill and Quell, correspondingly. Pull her over to everyone, force her to stand down, and Gate everyone away. Don't forget to call up base.
    -[X] If everything is very much not fine - lots of demons are pouring in, Twisted Metal is rampaging, and Silver Regent has managed to block off your teleports - finish off Silver Regent and Star Lancer, knock out and grab High Card, and fly away while shooting every demon down - you're sure you can actually get away. Hopefully, Silver Regent's death will restore your teleportation.
    [X] Plan: Take a bath
    -[X] destroy the plate glass so Twisted Metal falls into the aquarium
    -[X] kill starlancer with ranged attacks
    -[X] if the demon is stupid enough to engage, kill it too
    -[X] subdue Silver Regent and High Card
    -[X] if the demon hasn't run away yet, kill it
    -[X] hope Twisted Metal isn't back yet and deploy Machine Code's device
    -[X] if Twisted Metal somehow got taken out, capture her too as long as the time allows
    -[X] get out of there with the captives
    [x] Plan One by One
    -[x] Panoply to Danmaku, multi-shot, spell boost, ray,
    -[x] The instant the Grand Dispel fades, hit Silver Regent with another Wave Force.
    -[x] While waiting for that, or immediately after, hit the fishtank to drop Twisted Metal into it.
    -[x] Kill Tarser.
    -[x] Switch to Omnicaster, Rain of Blows, Multi-Slash, Intercept, and go try to knock out Starlancer.
    -[x] If successful in rendering Starlancer either unconscious or dead, take her spear.
    --[x] While waiting, Self-Repair yourself back to full health as needed.
    -[x] Use the spear to try to knock out the seal on Twisted Metal's tail, using Inhuman Skill to negate as many attacks as possible from Twisted Metal and Quell if either Twisted or HIgh Card look like they're going to cast a spell.
Last edited:
Anyway, it seems the discussion has somewhat quieted down. Have a vote tally to compare the plans.

Edit: Also, since I'm bored, Twisted Metal's best shot with Aegis Field 20 (copied from before) 25, 30, 35, 40 - as well as theoretical bare Epic Super Mode with Armor Pierce breaking even:
Tail Cannons: 686 Base Damage, +287 dice, + 657 Enrage (3 stacks), +3000 Legendary Power (super mode) = 4630 Total Damage
TDTG:1543 Total Damage

Summit (AF 20): 1000 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +308 Reactive Field, -312 Armor Pierce, +78 Thick Armor, -3000 Hostile Legend Effect = 1926 Extra Damage
3469 TED, 1387 FED - actually a lot

Summit (AF 25): 1500 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +385 Reactive Field, -471 Armor Pierce, +117 Thick Armor, -3000 Hostile Legend Effect = 1469 Extra Damage
3012 TED, 1204 FED

Summit (AF 30): 2100 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +462 Reactive Field, -640 Armor Pierce, +160 Thick Armor, -3000 Hostile Legend Effect = 918 Extra Damage
2461 TED, 984 FED

Summit (AF 35): 2800 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +540 Reactive Field, -835 Armor Pierce, +208 Thick Armor, -3000 Hostile Legend Effect = 287 Extra Damage
1830 TED, 732 FED

Summit (AF 40): 3600 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +617 Reactive Field, -1054 Armor Pierce, +264 Thick Armor, -3000 Hostile Legend Effect = 427 Damage Reduction
1116 TED, 446 FED

Epic Super Mode: 0 Damage, No Dice, +4000 Epic Power = 4000 Total Damage
To Defy The Gods: 1000 Total Damage

Summit (AF 40): 3600 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +400 Reactive Field, -1000 Armor Pierce, +250 Thick Armor, -4000 Hostile Epic Effect = 750 Extra Damage
Summit (AF 45): 4500 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +450 Reactive Field, -1237 Armor Pierce, +339 Thick Armor, -4000 Hostile Epic Effect = 52 Damage Reduction
Summit (AF 50): 5500 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, +500 Reactive Field, -1500 Armor Pierce, +375 Thick Armor, -4000 Hostile Epic Effect = 875 Damage Reduction
Summit (AF 52): +220, -55, +13 = +178 Damage Reduction

So yeah. We need that much Aegis Field just to mostly break even with the effect of Existence disparity in Super Mode, but still be mostly open to actual damage of the attack... Luckily, we also have 50500 health to tank it by Aegis Field 50.
You fucked up your math actuallly. Twisted Metal only gets +300 Legendary Power buff. Not +3000. The corrected math for our current situation is below.
Tail Cannons: 686 Base Damage, +287 dice, + 657 Enrage (3 stacks), +300 Legendary Power= 1930 Damage
To Defy the Gods: 1930 Damage / 3 = 644 Total Damage

Summit: 1000 Base Resilience, +1 Magic Modifier, +128 Reactive Field, -282 Armor Pierce, +70 Thick Armor, -300 Hostile Legend Effect = 917 Damage Reduction

Plink! Attack ineffective!

For reference, here is what her spell would look like, with and without the Anti-Air ability proccing.

Launch Fighters: 340 Base Damage, No Dice, +68 Full Auto, +68 Full Auto, +68 Full Auto, +68 Full Auto, +68 Full Auto, +657 Enraged (3 stacks) = 1337 Damage
To Defy the Gods: 1337 Damage / 3 = 446 Total Damage

Summit: 1000 Base Resilience, +1 Magic Modifier, +89 Reactive Field, = 1090 Damage Reduction

Plink! Attack ineffective!


Launch Fighters: 340 Base Damage, No Dice, +68 Full Auto, +68 Full Auto, +68 Full Auto, +68 Full Auto, +68 Full Auto, +657 Enraged (3 stacks), x 6 Anti-Air= 8022 Damage
To Defy the Gods: 8022 Damage / 3 = 2674 Total Damage

Summit: 1000 Base Resilience, +1 Magic Modifier, +534 Reactive Field, = 1535 Damage Reduction

1139 End Damage
Ceaseless Warrior: 60% Damage Reduction
456 Final End Damage

Summits Health: 14500 - 456 = 13994
Yeah, I think we can safely ignore Twisted Metal's offensive abilities. It's her durability that makes her a problem.

[X] Plan: Take a bath
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